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Everything posted by jroin
Sometimes it kinda looks as if people become less creative with passwords, use your head. Even though, practically, every password site tells you "do NOT use a password based on your name!!!" it can still be done. My personal experience is that these passwords are easier to remember and still works great as long as you have a two (or more) syllable name or a name with a "special" meaning or "special" phonetics (ou, oo, ie). ex. 1: My name is Troutman so i may make a password; TroutMan! which is WEAK!!! (+/- a week to crack) Of course I'm no idiot so I start to play with numbers >:D (T=20, R=18 OU=(15+21)36, T=20)+mAn! all the sudden the "new" password, 20183620mAn! becomes a tad more secure. (+/- 34 thousand years). Though sins I plan to live till we know world peace, I'll probably need something more secure, something that'll lasts till infinity. So I add a "special" word, something that only makes sense to me, the name of god "Jroin" the new password, Jroin20183620mAn!, even though it does not lasts till infinity it's still good for 93 TRILLION YEARS. ex. 2: My name is Zwaardsmit (yes, its dutch => swordsmith) screw you Mr. Troutman I'm going for the "dutch approach" 0==|====>Smit, only 47 MILLION YEARS!? I will not be outdone by you Mr. Fishman, I am Dutch, damn it, I eat fish or breakfast, dinner, supper and in between, raw even. "add the name of god", ja, right Mr. blowhard, I'll add the name of heaven in an as close to traditional spelling as possible (0==|====>Smit)+(Tuveanthe) my new password, Tuveanthe0==|====>Smit, lasts 32 SEPTILLION YEARS!! But just to add insult to injury I'll add that I am number1 and that makes, Tuveanthe0==|====>Smit#1, last 297 OCTILLION YEARS!!! Mr. Troutman: I am humbled by the nr. 1 sword smith from heaven. Mr. Zwaardsmit: thank you Fishgod, now fetch me a herring, I'm hungry. Sorry for this little play, but it had to be done. Sincerely yours, Jroin
Oké, I've reset the body data paths to what they should be and tested around a bit. My custom race, werewolf, character changes normally and the vampiric one feeds as expected. The only problems I still have are the DB quest (gourmet) and adding NPCs to the world, their facial textures are all wrong. any help would be appreciated.
If you mean that you don't know where to place the Texture or Mesh files, they go into: "...\skyrim\Data\Textures" and "...\skyrim\Data\Meshes" if these directories don't exist, make them. If you mean that the Texture and Mash directories are missing from the ZIP, ask the producer of the MOD.
Trouble with Custom Body Textures on Custom Races.
jroin replied to Xeniferos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
well, you didn't do much except ask for help..., when I then looked at the Body-data Paths (in one of my race mods) for reverence and examples, it struck me that all three paths were set to: "Actors\Character\Character Assets\skeleton.nif" this is the male skeleton even-though the gender was the Female and it was also set for the Behavior Graph and the Body texture, this seams to happen on random -
I have finally found the problem, apparently the CK creates a WRONG "Body-data path" for Skeleton, Behavior graph and Body texture. it sets these paths to: Actors\Character\Character Assets\skeleton.nif or to the Female version, the wrong way around (male to fem. and fem to male).
Trouble with Custom Body Textures on Custom Races.
jroin replied to Xeniferos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
it sounds like one of those two textures (the tattooed one) is used as a "overlay" or mask but I never saw such a option anywhere. try looking in the tattoo mod esp too find-out where it goes. on the bright side, looking in to your problem actually help me out with an bug I encountered with my own race-mods. the CK randomly set all the body-data paths to Actors\Character\Character Assets\skeleton.nif (this does NOT work). -
You did understand that I meant COPY - PAST, right?? so you get a esp file that's called "copy------.esp"
You could make (3) copies of the ESP. (example: C1 => "armor of incredible woopass.esp", C2 => "armor of unbelievable ownage.esp" and C3 => "The überleed armor.esp") then you open these esp's and remove the not needed armors (don't forget to save them afterwards though).
Trouble with Custom Body Textures on Custom Races.
jroin replied to Xeniferos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I think you have reassign the "Skeleton", "Body Texture" and "Meshes" as you create your CK race. The skeleton and B.-Texture data can both be found in the "Body data" tab of the CK race menu. Actors\Character\Character Assets\skeleton.nif Actors\Character\UpperBodyHumanMale.egt override, the above, with your target Skeleton and Texture. the mashes however have to be added as "naked body-part" that you'll then link to your Custom race. -
I think you should read this: Creating a Playable Race - The right way
Hey mates, I'm not really sure if it was mentioned before, but there seems to be a random bug that "Freezes" custom races. I'm working on a couple of race mods that add 3 playable Races, I've made all these race in exactly the same way but when I tried them at the Character creation point (of the game) the female gender of one race was "frozen", I couldn't move the head nor could I change any of the features like Skin color, Skin texture, scares or any physical traits like nose length or eye width. I have checked in the CK if I could find something wrong or odd with either the race or just the females, I can't find anything. Now this problem also occurs with 2 other race mods I started, even thou they worked fine at the beginning, and the only thing I altered, after testing, was their Powers and Abilities. Does anyone know of this problem and (perhaps) of a way to "Unfreeze" the frozen races/genders??? thanks in advance.
ESP files not showing up in data files of Skyrim launcher
jroin replied to R3Q's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Did you "Install" the mods in the correct folder??? SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data. That's where it's supposed to go. -
I'm not using the "Sounds of Skyrim" mod but I am have in similar "Freezes" as you're describing, it started with me when I Installed the AMD Catalyst 12.6 as prompted by Steam. Q: Why did I install the Catalyst?? A: Strobe flashing. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple solution: "Alt+Tab" to windows and back. Game killer solution: Install the AMD Catalyst. other possible solution: turn off the AA (anti aliasing). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How to get rid of that :devil: Catalyst? A: ??????????
Important: if you are running "Steam subscribed mods" than wait till synchronization is finished otherwise you can't click the "Data files" button. Question, are you running any kind of "mod manager"? If so, try activating the mod trough that or removing the MM. If you're not using a MM then you might what to re-install Skyrim or consider to use one. (You can find MM's here on the Nexus (Don't ask me which is best though, I don't use them)).
Right, when you press "Play" in the Steam lounger you'll get the "Skyrim lounger" that reads: Play Options Data files Tech support Exit You need to click "Data files" to get to the data file selection screen, then find the mod you want to activate and check the check-box in front. Important: if you are running "Steam subscribed mods" than wait till synchronization is finished otherwise you can't click the "Data files" button. I know it sounds to simple and obvious, but it are often the simple things people tend to forget. P.S. Do NOT Bump your threads, it against the rules. :mad: Be glad i'm no moderator.
Not really so..., there are multiple mytologies that portray Elf or Elf kind in various ways. Gemanic mytology talk about Ljòssálfar and Svartálfar (Light-Elfs and (black) Dark-Elfs). Light-Elfs are discribed as angellic TALL beings that can even change their size at will and are good hearted (even though slightly arogant, to humans). Dark-Elfs on the other hand are in some sources a GROUP of beings; Dwarfs, Gnomes, Trolls, Goblins and such (as long as they are ugly (uglier than a human and or misshapen), and in other sources they are a race/species by their own right, they are meen and greedy. They even hail from differend "relms" Light-Elfs => Ljòssálfheimr (Lightelf(home)relm) and Dark-Elfs => Svartálfheim (Darkelf(home)relm), if the Dwarfs are not counted as Dark-Elfs, Dwarfs => Nidavellir. (whatever the case Dark-elfs always live underground and are, in compearison to Humans, short. Even though the Dark-elfs are meen they do fight on the side of the Light-elfs and Aser (gods) during Ragnarök, thought this might rever to the Dwarfs, as I said sources differ. Also the Kelts spoke of the Daoine sídhe who lived in Tír na nÓg and their ancestors the Tuatha Dé Danann who conquored Ireland. The Tuatha Dé Danann were not ,by Kelts, seen as elfs though but as a people that could do things Humans could not. they were made into elfs mostly by Christians I live in the east of the Neatherlands, Twenthe, we still tell tales about "Witte Wievn" no this does NOT mean White Women (that is something those West Dutch citydwellers think), it means Witty Women, or well, Wise Women. They are either the spirrits of the ancient Wise Women of the old tribes, or Elfs and are as tall as a "Normal" person. (do ceep in mind that Dutch people are rather tall (I'm 1.96m 'bout 6' 6" and I'm 'bout averige in comperison to people I know). About their demenor I'd say that they are nor good nor evil. This is Neather-Saxon and Freesian volklore though. (Neather-Saxons and Freesians live in North and East Neatherland, North Germany and South Denmark) So you now see that, if anything, Tolkien was not so far off after all. Oh ya.., I almost forgot, I do agree with you on the rest though.
Perhaps I fell back on "official" lore a bit to much, I'll try to leave Lore out of the equation. The physicall differences have been "butchered" in an atempt to keep the game as simple as possible while using discspace and cpu power to make the world itself nicer and/or prittier to look at. Yes this resulted in, for example, the beast races only being different in their head mesh.., In ES 3 they had a compleat uniqu skeliton and annimation-set, sadly these were the things that were placed on the chopping block together whit an entire magic school and a whole bunch of items. In the case of weapons, every weapon practicaly came with its own weapon class; Short swords = daggers and short swords, Long swords = Long swords, 2handed swords = 2handed swords, and so on. Also every weapon had 3 attack annimations (no "power" attack though). Also Bethesda, more or less, neglected to place a limmit on the abbillities, all races can get all abbilities (in vanilla) on 100, this means that a compleated character always is the same. ( a realey mosterously stong high elf or a realy smart orc) All of these points are the couse of the 'Sameness' of all the races in Oblivion. I tend to view this as a anoiance and a point (for Bethesda) to improve on in a future version, ES 5(??), if that will ever get made.
I compleatly disagree with you both, on both the nothions that there are no difference in the cutures or languages or even the "races" themselfs. Have you ever played ES 3 "Morrowind"? it plays in a (small) region of Morrowind, the home lands of the Dun-Mer. If you have you would notice that most, if not all your, claims only apply to ES 4 "Oblivion" which plays in Cyrodiil, I don't think that that is a shortcoming of Bethesda's creativaty but a choise or compromise they had to do du to Oblivion's really high rate of eyecandy's. the first point I'll make is that Cyrodiil is the capitol province of the Impereal empire and Morrowind is taken (captured) land of the Dun-Mer (like the Romans did in North Africa and Europe). This ofcourse is the primal reson for the culturall 'sameness' of al the races in cyrodiil they handle Impereal cuture first and their "own" second if at all. In ES 3 you could clearly see the difference between the Dun-Mer city's and the Imperial ones, mostly in architecture. you could also notise the idea of a "raceial" and culture language in sertain words and greetings, like "N'war", "Sira" and so on, and the Dun-Mer' fondness of "out-landers". I do have to (more or less) agree with the LACK of "racial" difference becouse the main differences are in lore only. "True" human races: Imperial, Redguard and Nede (nord) "Other" human races: Brethon (are, according to lore, Half elfs: Brethon = (Ald-Mer + Nede = Man-Mer) + anny human (most likely Nords)) "Treu" elf races: Ald-Mer, Ayleid, Chi-Mer, Dwe-Mer, Orsi-Mer (orc), Alt-Mer, Dun-Mer and Bos-Mer "Other" elf races: Man-Mer (Nedic or Nordic for half-elf) Beast(people) races: Argonian and Khajiit Akaviri: are a group of races and NOT just one. I, personaly, would have done it a little different but with the same outcome. 1st: Pick a race; (Human, Elf (Mer) or Beast) 2nd: Pick a CULTURE; Nord (for example) 3rth: Have fun with the game. But for real details I'll give you this: Races of The Elder Scrolls
Oké I've tryed this and it works perfectly. TNX m8
Hey m8s I was in a nostalgic mood and installed Morrowind on my new pc. Evrything looks off becouse I have a Widescreen monitor. The standard sceen settings in Morrowing do NOT support widescreens, does anyone know of a mod or any other way to change this??? thanks in advance
perhaps you need to up-date your CS..., just a guess. Do post if you succeed or not.., if not, with more details. I, for one, don't even have a clu of what armor you'r talking about. good luck
You could do that yourself with the Construktion Set. I recon that this armor is allready in a other mod??? - You open the MOD with the CS and make coppys of the armor or armor parts and give them a unique ide. - You remove the script from the "new" armor. - You add the "new" armor to a unique container and put that in the marketdistrict, or a fender (the best devence for example). Just give it a try, it's easyer than you think. :thumbsup:
Isn't someone all ready doing something like that..., I think it was Sephirot not sure though. He did add alot of anymation stuff. I could be wrong though, I've been away for a while.
Well.., give it a go, m8.., if you have anny problems just ask..., I'll do my best to help. I'll PM you on the rest.., to keep the tread as clean as possible.
Ya.., I noticed.., I ectually did get a lot of advice when I asked for some help with a race mod I'm working on..., nontheless the offer to help you with the eye textures still stand..., though you could do that yourself, (eyes are the easiest to do) you'd need Gimp or photoshop.., and a plug-in so you can export and inport DDS files. Well Arjen Anthony Lucassen (AKA Ayreon) has played in seferral wold wide bands.., and the Ayreon projects that he does he allways wrights everything by himself (music and lyrics) then he recors demos that he then sends to the people that he would like to have sing on that ..., uhhh.., caracter or voice (for lak of a better word) On what.., The mod.., or.., music??? You seem to be in dire need of both..., haha (just kidding) :P I liked Blind guardian together with Iced Earth..., (BG + IE = Demons and Wizards)