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Everything posted by calfurius

  1. Hey I've been playing Skyrim on the PC for about three years now. The other day ago I was watching some Oblivion lets plays and it got me all nostalgic about the time I played Oblivion during my MIddle School years. So I bought it for the PC and now i'm wondering what type of mods I should install! Now I have a bit of modding experience, i've been downloading mods for Skyrim and even with 250+ mods installed regularly I know enough about TES5EDIT, Load Order, LOOT, NMM etc, in order to keep my mods stable and compatible with each other. What i'm looking is for some really great Oblivion mods and overhauls that can give me a nice breath of fresh air for a person who has played hundreds of hours of Oblivion on the Xbox 360 when they were a kid. I don't have a kickass gaming computer. I have laptop with an AMD Radeon 512MB graphics card and an AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD graphics. That means that any amazing mods that while looking great, murders performance, isn't an option for me. So if you guys know of any great mods to recommend me, PLEASE let me know. Also any advice or tips you can share to me about using Oblivion's modding tools like it's download manager and Wyre Bash would also be greatly appreciated!
  2. I think may be a case of different strokes for different folks, but I could not get into Fallout. I've played a bit of it, and it's nice and all, but I just can'y help but think "Skyrim is more fun then this", when i'm playing the game lol. I don't know I just feel like Skyrim's world is more interesting and epic. The wasteland look gets old pretty quickly, it still has the oblivion era "zoom in to talk to NPCs and the whole world stops around you", and I really don't like the animations or character models that much. I don't know, maybe i'll go back and download a few mods and play on hardcore mode, maybe then i'll have more fun or something.
  3. Well first off make sure you make a bashed patch to make sure everything works well. Second, the mod works fine with those other mods. Some enemies will have the same loot as vanilla enemies, but others have unique loot only to them. Immersive Armors and Heavy Armor shouldn't really affect Immersive creatures that much unless one of immersive creatures monsters uses the same leveled lists that those mods edit.
  4. I like the idea that Ysgrammar was so mighty that an axe most men would need two hands to wield, he only needed one.
  5. That's a nice backstory! I like the irony of Argonians selling a Dunmer as a slave. It's such poetic justice that I can imagine it probably did happen.
  6. Albecious Varro. Albecious was born in the Imperial City a few years after The Great War. Life was hard in the Imperial City and riots often broke out due to the shortage of food and resentment to the emperor and the Thalmor for the White Gold Concordat. One day the Thalmor had executed a family for worshiping Talos. Among the members of the family was a boy no more then nine winters old. This resulted in a massive riot in the city and Albecious and his mother were caught in the middle of it. When the guards came to crack down on the riot, people began panicking and trampling over each other. Albecious and his mother became split up and while he was able to get to safety, his mother was not as fortunate. She was trampled by the crowd running from the guards and violence within the city and she soon died shortly of her wounds before a healer could save her. The death of his mother devastated him. He began hanging around the wrong crowd of people and getting into trouble breaking into people's homes and pick pocketing coinpurses. One day a guard caught him inside somebody's shop. The guard was just about to introduce Albecious to the unfriendly end of his club when his father, Marcus, soon appeared and told him that was his son and he would deal with him and the guard reluctantly handed him to his father. When they got back home his father wasn't angry at his son, he was disappointed. He told him about how he understood his pain and how they both missed their mother, but that they would have to do their best without her. He said that even if the world is cruel and unfair, that they must remain good people. Albecious' father often gave him talks and speeches similar to this, but he would ignore him and his words. Marcus soon decided that the city was far to dangerous and to much of a corrupting influence on his son. He had heard that Chorrol was in need of more blacksmiths and carpenters for reconstruction of the city to repair the damage by the Great War, so he packed up their belongings and have them move there. But during the carriage ride his father saw a small group of bandits attacking a well dressed man on the road and whose guards were on the verge of being killed. Now it would of been easy for his father to whip the horses on the carriage and get away from the bandits, but Marcus was a man who always leaped to the defense of others. So Marcus stopped the horses, got out of the carriage, and took out a warhammer he had placed in the back. Albecious was terrified and grabbed at his father's shirt pleading with him that they should just leave. But Marcus only smiled and his words to his son was this "A good man doesn't let others get hurt" and he rushed to the defense of the man and the guards. Marcus was plowed through the bandits managing to kill them all. But not before one got a good thrust into him. His father fell to the ground bleeding and Albecious ran to him. Marcus gasped his last words to his son, telling him to be strong and be the good person he knew he was. The nobleman was actually the commissioner to the reconstruction of Chorrol. Feeling an obligation to raise the son of the man who saved his life, the commissioner took Albecious in and raised him during his childhood years. Albecious decided that he wanted to be a guard so that he could protect others. Albecious became one of Chorrol's most loyal and dedicated guard's and his good judgement and dedication to the safety others earned him a very well liked reputation. His loyalty however would come into question when an Thalmor Diplomat that was visiting the city began harassing a citizen in the town. A milk-maiden had accidentally spilled a bucket of milk on the Thalmor's fine robes. The Thalmor was enraged and was about to burn her alive. The other guards were uncomfortable, but were just going to look away. But not Albecious. He charged at the Thalmor and knocked him down, making his fire spell just narrowly miss it's targets. Albecious took out his dagger and pressed it to the man's throat, telling him that if he attacks the people in his city again, he would kill him himself. Albecious' actions had dire consequences. The Thalmor demanded that The Count arrest him, and pressured to uphold diplomatic ties with the Thalmor, the count relented and had Albecious arrested. The Thalmor then had evidence planted in Albecious' home that made it seem like Albecious was a Talos worshipper. Albecious was to soon be executed. But on the night before his execution, a group of citizens from the town snuck into his jail cell and let him out (even the jailer himself was in on the plot). They gave him supplies and a horse and told him to escape. Albecious rode north all the way to The Pale Pass into Skyrim. As soon as he thought he had finally escaped his captors, he ran straight into an Imperial ambush. That's how the story begins.
  7. Impossible. There are certain situations where even hitting a bandit can sometimes my considered an assault on your record (you won't get a bounty for it though). Skyrim is just buggy like that in general.
  8. Actually a huge chunk (probably a majority) of the Elder Scrolls games are bought on consoles. But Bethesda does understand that modding does add a lot of value to their games. That's why they create tools for people to mod their games and that's why allow a place for people to download mods (AKA Steam Workshop). Why don't they upload a TES5EDIT cleaned version for the game? Probably because they are done with Skyrim now. They did one last patch and moved on to another project. You could also ask why they don't upload the Unofficial Skyrim patches to the main Skyrim installation as well. It's probably because they were made by a third party.
  9. eeeeh, I like the idea of a TES movie telling a new story, just not that story. It sounds like a story i've heard countless times. Natives being attacked by a larger military force after a McGuffin. Also it would better if it was told before the events of Skyrim, not after. I'm thinking a movie about the Great War would be a good one. It probably would have to be trilogy or two movies though, I doubt one movie can properly tell the entire story. That or they could make a movie about something completely new from the lore.
  10. Seems pretty solid, glad to see your making progress.
  11. No thanks. If somebody wants a TES game online, they can play TESO. That's why that game was made in the first place. I believe the main franchise should stay Singleplayer.
  12. There is no Skyrim Redone MCM menu at all. I'm pretty sure you made a mistake. Also it does prices like that on purpose to balance out the fact that it's extremely easy to make a s#*! ton of gold in Vanilla. But if that really bothers you so much, download a mod called Trade and Barter and set the values however you want.
  13. Hmm I'm not sure about imaginator, I heard it causes issues for some people. I'd recommend just using Pure Weathers and/or Ultimate Lighting Overhaul instead.
  14. Did you make sure you set EnableCompression=False? Because I heard setting it true causes those exact issues for some people.
  15. Deselecting ESP's and then trying to go into that same saved game will only cause more troubles. Try uninstalling all of your mods. Now make a NEW saved game. Don't go to your old one, MAKE a brand new character. If you don't CTD, slowly install a few mods at the time until you find a culprit. If your new character works fine with the mods you have installed, then your old saved game is borked and un-salvageable. I would recommend using the Saved Game script cleaner tool, but for some reason moderators have hidden the file.
  16. I gotta be honest with you, a lot of quest mods will be to EASY. Not to hard. In Requiem NPCs are difficult thanks to perks. In order to give NPCs from quest mods perks, you have to make a compatibility patch for them. Without this patch, then the enemies will be extremely easy. I know a number of mods by Thirteen Oranges that doesn't work well with Requiem because enemies that were supposed to be difficult die very easily. If I was you, I wouldn't download a quest mod unless it's stated to be compatible with Requiem (via patch).
  17. Jarls and High Kings/Queens are decided by the rules of succession. If there is no legitimate line to the throne, the Moot decides who becomes High King. Now old nordic laws may have allowed somebody to challenge the High King/Queen ('ll just call them High Rulers) but those have certainly fell out of practice when Tiber Septim created the third empire.
  18. Here's the thing here. IF the Thalmor win everybody but them loses. Tiber Septim may have been a conqueror, but he wasn't trying to commit genocide against all non-humans. If the Thalmor unmake time, they are essentially "killing" people. Their just doing it a weird fashion. It's almost the same as going back in time to kill your grandfather to stop you from existing.
  19. No..that's not how video game scaling works. Whiterun is actually a huge city with tens of thousands of people inside. But due to the development limitations (both engine wise and the sheer amuont of work it would take) it's scaled down. So the NPCs you meet interact with are part of Whiterun yes, but in the game's "reality" there is a whole bunch of people there. The scaling won't apply to gold. There is no need to scale down the gold for Skyrim. So it stays at it's usual scale. It really isn't a hard concept to understand. Do you seriously believe that all of Skyrim is only made up of a few hundred NPCs? Do you seriously believe that an entire province is THAT small? Because Skyrim is supposed to be the size of a medium-sized country remember? To get back on topic..a million septims would probably buy you a furnished castle or a fleet of ships. Perhaps it could finance a small army.
  20. I've edited my post and added a screenshot to show you what i'm talking about. They aren't standing in their usual camping spot, they're standing like right ouside the Whiterun gate. They'll just stand there indefinitely until I do the resetai command. I have no idea what could be causing this.
  21. Solitude, my favorite race are the Imperials and I feel that place is the closest to imperial culture in Skyrim.
  22. I'm still having this issue, does anybody have any tips or suggestions?
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