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Everything posted by Pronam

  1. hit me up with that old man's text. I was on a holiday and phone, no way I saved that url -_-
  2. Check the lock on the gate of the thalmor embassy in CK, that one does exactly what you want ;).
  3. There are interiors and exteriors because of the load, there would be a huge amount of objects per cell if all homes could be accessed directly. It'd cripple quite a lot of systems or maybe any as the game engine itself can't handle it. Compare it to the videos where people spawn thousands of objects like cheese wheels. That's the effect. Of course that doesn't mean you could do it anyway, but I recommend doing it just in a limited manner :). Any single large building like the ones you mentioned are actually a big undertaking already.
  4. I can't really share your point, it seems like you're complaining it's an MMO and that it's not made by bgs. It's quite clear it is as...it is, so what? It's not an official title by bethesda game studio but by zenimax online. It's going to more lore friendly than a spin off and no it's not skyrim/oblivion/morrowind online. Duh :rolleyes:, it is impossible anyway in terms of having both a good single as mmo experience. It's better of them to move more towards an MMO and separating themselves from the traditional tes-gameplay genre than to stick copy pasting and reaching a limited audience and with those people complaining it's not a Skyrim online game. A MMO audience is totally different from one that plays single player games, the ES MMO tries a shot at combining it a bit... but it stays a MMO and not a traditional tes game. I wouldn't even try TESO if that was the case, I'd just play the single player game instead. If you're disappointed it's not a skyrim/oblivion/morrowind online, it's probably time to step out of that dream. They aren't going to make that, probably never. The community tries it with each TES game, but so far they've never truly succeeded either and even if... they always have the chance of being closed down by bethesda. Call me bold, but it is just the way it goes :wink:.
  5. Only mark board as read sets a cookie and interestingly enough if you delete that cookie it won't effect the outcome and it will show things marked as read even if you close your browser.
  6. Wait till the next update of this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18797
  7. Happy Birthday, saw it pop up at another forum :P.
  8. http://burnedcase.com/files/images/upload/nexuscolours.jpg
  9. Nope, it's not allowed to upload assets you don't have permission to. I doubt anyone could get that.
  10. People born yesterday were dabbed jubilee babies, you'd be a jubilee b-d(ay)? :P
  11. As hector said, steam is required to activate the game. There's a few reasons why you could get a disk instead: - You don't want to download the game via steam, because you don't have any fast internet. You have to follow this procedure then however - Aesthetics, a box version looks prettier and you get a manual, map and depending on the version some extras as well. However, that's just about it. The thing is that you need steam anyway to run this game legally. I was wary of digital services like steam as well, until one of my discs died and steam made it a load easier. Steam in general has the perk it has sales from time to time that are better than in stores. Your local store might still offer it cheaper however. Still.. once you activated the disc version of skyrim in steam it works exactly the same as the steam version. There's really no downside to both, so choose whatever you like. I'd say go for the cheapest version ;D
  12. Been playing it as well, I'm not sure where I am yet on the map..still finding out. I'm trying to find some friends on the map but I've been unable to trace them so far. I've not fired a single shot yet and have been sneaking past zombies...walking along the coast and through the woods. Arma2 combined operations mod yep.
  13. There's this community at the moment. Their admin webbstre has been on nexus a few times around with the fun regarding gmod. They have close to 800 files for torchlight 1. Dark0ne posted about torchlight 2 in this topic.
  14. It worked the 5th time -.-. Thanks for all the help, I'm in your debt. :)
  15. Could you elaborate on that? You want to use multiple markers on it so a NPC can sit in different positions on the same chair? And which game, skyrim? It'd be better then just assign 1 active marker/entry point to be enabled in the game editor (not nifskope), which is done at standard. If you have multiple enabled at a time, the game assumes more people can sit on the same model like if it were bench. If you want differences on an exact same single placed chair placed in the game then you could swap them by script for variety.
  16. Nexus Network button update please :D ? Also, awesomeness. Morrowind will get some extra attention out of it.
  17. Yeah that 12.3 went rather silently and so did its details. Nope! AA can be activated without any issue now in 12.3 :).
  18. Hm, it could be the video card/drivers. I can remember having CTDs with some custom models because of some driver. Others reported the same. Once a newer got out or if you went back to an older it was fixed. It might be worth a shot. For this model I cannot get a CTD however.
  19. well they got scared alright: http://blog.bioware.com/2012/03/21/4108/
  20. Sometimes I think they added multiplayer so you can't whine it's ending gameplay. "You want to play after the end? Play multiplayer!" If they do it right the DLC will just be more explanatory, if they indeed 'fix' the end the DLC should be for free...not paid. As it should've been in the game from the start then.
  21. There's lots of speculation like this for example.
  22. Well as bukkit joined the MC devs, they better hurry up :armscrossed: .
  23. You should always be careful with what you say, wherever you are. You do it offline, so why not online. It's not a standard function build into the software and it's one of those things smaller communities tend to do that either like to install dozens of plugins or just have a general suffering of paranoia.
  24. You can only use the .nif model importer and reconstruct whiterun yourself per model. There is no way to automatise it. There's no quick 'n easy way. Everything is made like this to make it easy for themselves and modders to use their toolset.
  25. The amount of files that have been added is fairly equal. Both nexus and Workshop had around 2000 files added since CK got released. No decrease here.... Take in mind that it takes some time for people to get used to the new editor. Something simple took me several minutes in the past, takes me hours to figure out properly now (scripting).
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