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About rhowington

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  1. Does this hold the same for total views? Like, why would a mod be viewed two hundred thousand times with only eleven thousand unique downloads?
  2. Personally, I think this thread has run it's course.
  3. Go back to a save before you made your first followers. Something about the three you made may be causing a problem with the save. Make sure to activate the esps.
  4. I call UNP a fantasy female body type. Using CBBE and body slide I make my girls more realistic. I don't use skimpy armor so UNP may be more well suited for such.
  5. My best suggestion is go to Steam-Games-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim right click and select Properties-select Local Files from the tabs and click on Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Run and it will download any missing skyrim items. That should replace any files you are missing.
  6. 1366 vertical 768 horizontal is usually a laptop size and should not give any problems. From the screencap it seems you are running Skyrim in a window.
  7. Even using LOOT a mod that doesn't play nice with others won't be spotted. You need to look at any mods you downloaded when the problem started and isolate them one at a time until you find the one/ones causing the problem.
  8. These two tutorials should help: Making a Custom Follower and Deck16 and Anduniel
  9. Did you install a/some new mods and this began? Have you tried using just vanilla armor? There are many reasons this could happen and all of them are mod related. One mod may not play nice with another or your load order may be off a little. Experimenting with your mods is going to be the easiest way to find the problem. Try searching the forums. Sometimes no one will respond because the question has been asked and answered several times before. Good luck.
  10. Here is a little advice, take it for what it is worth. When using the technical preview or the upcoming consumer preview, you should always load the preview to dual boot or run virtually. Loading the technical preview over win 7 is just asking for trouble. Drivers aren't optimized, the release isn't complete and ever changing, and most assuredly programs are not going to work.
  11. Start Skyrim without using SKSE first to regenerate your Skyrim and SkyrimPrefs inis. then make any changes for your enb. Verify your cache on Steam.
  12. Disable all mods and see if it will start. Skyrim works better with Win 8.0/8.1 than any other operating system. I use SKSE to launch and have about 150 mods plus an ENB.
  13. 'Followers' is a newer category and most of the mods in 'Companions-Other' should be placed there. However, it seems, so many modders are used to placing their mods into 'Companions-Other' there will always be redundant. The simple answer is, both are the same, just different. :wallbash:
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