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Everything posted by Ulfric1

  1. Thanks for clearing that up for me! I'm glad I don't have to write any scripts for this.
  2. So its not a mod or a bug...it happened on the console too. I arrived to Alva battling Movarth just in time to hear some interesting dialogue I missed before: Alva: "You've ruined everything!"(As she attacks Movarth and his minion, I missed some parts so there may be more to this dialogue, she wasn't hostile toward me) Movarth: "No one double crosses me!"(he says this during the battle, this is after he's fled to his chambers, likely scripted since its happened in so many of my games so consistently) And then the battle finishes, and Alva just walks away. No attacking.
  3. Alright, thanks I prefer to be safe and have it working, so I'll export the facegens. I heard that it always changes back to 0, no matter what it was set to in CK. Well... I've never noticed it, so don't take my word for it, you can check if you has tesedit I'll try it out...I could be wrong on that.
  4. Well said. I don't agree that the UI could make any game "horrible." I've never had a problem with the ui, on console or on the PC, although I do use and enjoy SkyUI. For mods, there's SPERG which provides some exciting changes to the perk system, while for more realistic animals I reccomend Realistic animals and predators(I believe thats what it was called, it's on the Nexus as well).
  5. Alright, thanks I prefer to be safe and have it working, so I'll export the facegens. I heard that it always changes back to 0, no matter what it was set to in CK.
  6. There's nothing replaced as of yet, the files Skyrim uses are in sepearate archives, but they are replaced by the "loose" files ingame when Skyrim runs. All you need to do is delete the scripts folder and reinstall the mod in ModOrganizer. You can leave the SKSE.exe file in the Skyrim folder though. Its just neater that way, and if you want to have a clean version of Skyrim, without SKSE, to fall back on this method lets you do that too.
  7. Mhm. If you feel like it you can even set-up different "profiles" with MO, to play with different mods in different saves without having to touch any of your mods manually. Thats probably one of my favorite things about MO. Strictly, its not a mod no, but SKSE is set-up in your Skyrim folder like a mod: it replaces .pex(scripts) files used by the base game, which is why I like to have it installed through MO rather than set-up in my game folder.
  8. Easy, but you'd have to reinstall SkyUI, SKSE, and water for best results. With MO, you wouldn't need NMM because it comes with an installer for mods though.
  9. A safe bet is to have a save in a "safe" location(an interior cell like a house that isn't touched by the mod). This will also serve as a clean save, that hasn't been touched by mods yet. For mods in general, mods with scripts have the biggest impact on your game and can cause a lot of trouble. Graphics mods are safe. I recommend using ModOrganizer for your game, because it lets you mod your game without worrying about messing up your Skyrim folder. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1334/?
  10. So I have a few more questions concerning something I'm working on. First, I've heard that vanilla NPCs don't keep the weight set for them in the CK unless they have a change made to their weight while in game. My question, is this true for custom NPCs, and is there a way to fix this without scripting? Secondly, this is related to the first question, do I need to save facegen data for every generic NPC I make or is this just for NPCs imported from the game? And last, but not least…hm…actually I don't have another question. LOL Forget I brought it up. :sleep:
  11. I use the bandit start mod so I do something like this in my games already. It sets all bandit factions as friendly, but doesn't add any sort of house so this is a pretty nifty idea. :laugh: One nitpick though, I always pictured a bandit camp at Helgen.
  12. Well, first rename the file you're replacing them with and put it in the same folder the original would be in in vanilla Skyrim(haven't touched the guard armors personally, so you'll have to look this up). If the originals are handled like I think they are, you can use the same model for all armors, and then replace the vanilla textures with the ones from your armor, renaming them to match the original textures. No CK use is required for this.
  13. The best place for a topic like this is on the mod's page. If you wanted to do this yourself though, all you need to do is fire up the CK, load this mod, and change the armor values to match Elven armor.
  14. For the darkening effect, just use a free program like GIMP, and play around with it until you get it looking the way you want. Then name it deer_dark.dds and save it as a DDS(you'll need to install a plugin to do this, google GIMP DDS or look around the GIMP website). You'd then need to open the model in a graphics program like Nifskope, change the main texture to the new one, and change the model's name to something like deer_dark.nif. If you want it to look good, you'll also want to change the _msn(normal map).
  15. I find the ADEC body has a ton of skimpy armor: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5390/? -it has support for TBBP(bouncing butt and breasts I believe) -has great textures and all skimpy armor -on the downside, it doesn't let you customize the model, but there are a lot of great textures available If you want TBBP support, you'll need this also: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16712/? edit: The author has links to a lot of great resources for his body on his page also. :laugh:
  16. One word a sentence isn't that bad. lol :laugh: The voice acting is good, but I think there's some kind of echo effect from your mic that's showing up in your video.
  17. Trial and error...deactivate all of your mods and reactivate them a few at a time, each time loading your game and quitting. Once the bug reappears, you'll know which is the culprit. The only other way is to find out what your mods edit, and check them manually for conflicts or if you're lucky, the mod author(s) might have a list of conflicting mods.
  18. Heh. I loved this game! I played it when I was 10-11, and it scared the hell out of me at the time. :laugh: Looking forward to seeing more of this! :laugh:
  19. Well, first I'd clean those dirty esp and esms with TESVEdit(including the official esms). It could be one of the immersive mods causing you problems. "Dance of Death" could be affecting it as well, but I'm unfamiliar with that one.
  20. http://upkasthope.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/derp2.jpg Or I could just choose the "copied data morph race." lol Can't believe I missed that.
  21. if (GetinWorldspace "Skyrim") could work. You'd also need to check for the different cities.
  22. Ok thanks and i have a custom sound file for the preaching audio. So is it possible to copy and paste and whiterun preacher and just replace the audio? Yep. Find the dialogue, click duplicate, and change the conditions(remove the voice type requirement and add a getisID"CustomPreacherID"==1). I believe there is also an AI package involved, Heimskr has it so look in his list of packages for what you want.
  23. I changed the editor IDs because I made new races.
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