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Everything posted by Alaylyne

  1. Baldur, that's so beautiful :smile: ...and I can totally imagine Aedan like a Victorian metalhead, Naktis XD my browser is going wild, couldn't open spoilers for a few hours >__>
  2. Sefris eventually returns to the stable after a ride just as Tyra came, lookng at the Avariel with a neutral face. Another bird? Great. Just...great. Why doesn't the birdy invites the whole family to join them? That would be marvelous. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she steadies her stallion, waiting for the others to exit the stable and continue with their journey. "Are we finally continuing the journey or do we need to wait for some more family members?" she asks sharply, looking at everyone.
  3. :wub: Thanks, guys. Good to be back ^^ AnotherAverageName, really? XD
  4. Sefris had left the table as soon as Ysmillr refused to reply, clearly sending the agreement to the Nine Hells she crawled from. Her mother, that is. Nevermind. She wasn't going to make a deal without knowing what is it that the Illithid wants, that much was clear. She's had enough of those. She took a seat at a table on the other side of the inn and pulled out the same papers and maps as in the previous inn, continuing her tracking, reading everything for the thousandth time, careful not to miss something. There must be something, anything, that she hadn't noticed. Something that would hint at where the trail goes after Waterdeep. The fey'ri spent the next few hours with her maps and papers, her thoughts wandering all over Faerun, every possible region and country, but finding nothing. Somewhere after the midnight she raised her eyes, remembering something. Rising of the Dark was close. Shar's holy day, or Feast of the Moon, as other know it as. She sighed, going back to her papers. Too bad she was going to miss the blood sacrifice. That was always fun to watch. But the Church of Shar was secluded, divided into small groups and she didn't think she would meet others. Around an hour later, she fell asleep, waking at the dawn. She carefully checked if all her papers were here and put them back in the bag before having a light breakfast and going to the stables where the others were waiting. Without greeting anyone, she saddled her black stallion and decided to go for a slow ride outside of the settlement as she waited the others to gather, lost in her thoughts.
  5. Aaaaa, finally! The repairman fixed it and, I'm not even going to go in details, but he was laughing his ass off. Dad messed up something with the assemblage of second phone, so the connection would break every time someone lifted the phone. I'm going to tease him to the end of his life for this. Anyway, the important thing is that I'm back and - well, that's it. I'm back :biggrin:
  6. Guys, I am having problema, thought I should warn you. I don't know when I will be able to come online, hopefully in a few days top >.< Update: The central is trying to resolve the problem with connection, but it seems like I can catch the signal for a few minutes before it goes dead again, so just wanted to say that I'll try to post as much as I can until this is fixed and if I go dead for a few days and you need to move on, I give Sefris to Mythic, but don't hold the RP because of me, I'll catch up :sweat:
  7. Who's squabbling? she asked, looking at the Illithid again. That would require me to actually care. The fey'ri shrugged, putting her glass on the table and leaning back in her chair, thinking about the newcomer's suggestion. And just what does that 'little something' include? Gold? Snacks? Magic items? she smirked darkly at him, but it seemed more threatening despite its original purpose. I'm afraid I do not part easily from beautiful things, especially jewels. When dealing with anyone, she prefers not to leave unknown terms in an agreement, no matter how obvious they might seem. It will just come back and bite you in your ass. When both sides make clear what is it that they want, only then she will consider making a deal. Rushing into things will just get you burned - better to think it through, consider all pros and cons and then - and only then - make a decision.
  8. Sefris rolled her eyes. Greaaaat, just what she needs. Another mongrel in her head. Like that trice-damned drow wasn't enough... It's half-demoness, squid head. She added a bit sharply, glaring at Ysmillr. And I think I'll have all the fried squids I want, you can't tell me what to eat. I am sure our dear Doomguide has nothing against it, since it is considered human food. You appetite, on the other hand, she will not approve of. a faint smirk played on her lips, her dislike of the newcomer growing with every moment. He can threaten her as much as he wants, she isn't afraid of some fish, no matter his abilities. Which he isn't allowed to use on them, she was sure. Threaten, threaten away. You aren't the only one with special abilities around here. she said dismissively, not looking at Ysmillr as she took another sip of her drink. Stupid sea food.
  9. Sefris look at Ysmillr when she had heard his voice in her head. It was a bit strange at first, for she had never had a telepatic conversation. She glanced at Aedan for a second before replying to the newcomer. I suppose some would call us such for finding certain satisfaction in things the rest of the group considers "evil". She said with a light shrug, taking a sip of her wine. Idiots. The fey'ri rolled her eyes, looking at Ysmillr with light curiosity. Why do you ask? I find myself in this little circus because I lacked excitement, danger and adventure in my life and I was told this circus provides it all. So far I didn't get to burn or kill anything nor anyone. she said the last part bitterly, still looking at Ysmillr. That wasn't the only reason, but it was the only one she will reveal. Yes, definitely having fried squids for dinner.
  10. "Show me yours, I'll show you mine?" Sefris asked with a smirk, looking at the squid head that had joined them. Oh, she could have some fried squids for dinner, that sounded..deliciously evil. "Well, it's no wonder it came here, considering the rest of the mindless group of circus monkeys." they fey'ri shrugged, glancing at Ysmillr as if waiting for him to say something at last. "Any music wish or are you just going to stare at us while we talk?" she asked with a hint of annoyance, raising a brow at the newcomer.
  11. "I am always for the one for games." she grinned and ordered some wine for herself, offering some to the Fallen. " So you are something like a fallen angel, right? I know all those crazy Celestia people have wings, but yet I see no such thing on you. Is it supposed to have a symbolic meaning, cutting off a Fallen's wings or removing them or whatever is it that they do with you?" she asked aftet a second or two of thinking, leaning her head on her arm whose elbow was resting against the table.
  12. It's Sef. She has a hidden meaning behind everything she does. "It's always the power and I will always take it when available - or not, makes the road of reaching it more amusing. On the other side, there are boredom, that wish for dangerous and exciting things..." she chuckled shortly and looked away for a second. "I am pretty much easily bored, so I always search for new things to occupy me - dangerous, powerful, exciting, unusual...those are the kinds of things that I feel drawn to."
  13. Sefris smirked, red eyes looking at silver ones almost daringly, but mostly with playfulness and amusement. "I guess you could. I have agreed to tag along with them for some time." she replied softly with the ever-present-smirk that lingered when she talked to him, looking at the man across of her. She was very intrigued, for she had never met a Fallen before. But she'll play 20 questions for now, let him get the information he wishes to possess. Then it will be her turn. This just might turn to be both interesting and fun.
  14. Sefris took a seat across Aedan, leaning back as well as she set her bag beside her and crossed her legs. "Is it wrong to call them such? Look at all the companions our Doomguide has: two drows, two squidheads, a nymph, a dwarven spirit, an avariel, two eladrins - one to be specific, the other is a only a half-eladrin, I think - two elves, a halfling, me and now there's you." she moved wild locks of her hair from her face, her gaze catching the white tips for a tiny moment. "I consider that one hell of a circus." she shrugged, looking at the Fallen before her. "Demons, angels, birds, elves...we pretty much cover it all. Was there anything specific you wanted to know about some of our members?"
  15. Sefris followed Aedan's example, giving the reins of her stallion to the man with a nasty glare that made the young man tremble a bit - it was becoming more of a habit than a necessity. She stretched her arms up as she walked into the tavern, looking around with a slight hint of boredom. Why did they always stay at the most boring and smallest filthy excuses for inns, she did not know. Perhaps they were trying to keep a low profile? She did not know not care, walking over to the Fallen's table. Bloody red irises with cat-like pupils met the lifeless ones, showing no fear nor caution as it might be the case with the rest of the group and the big majority of those who Aedan met before. "Mind if I join you? I'm afraid that the circus will try to influence me with their unbearable attitude if I stick with them for far too long." she asked with a faint smile, hand resting on her hip as she held her bag with the other, spear still on her back.
  16. Sefris was riding behind Rhaine, as always, looking around the village as they passed. She looked back at Nawen with an eyebrow raised in a annoyed manner. "Because I do not care enough to remember your name. And feel free to refer to me with the name of my race once you learn what I really am, little drow. Empty words mean nothing to me unless you know their meaning." she said to Nawen with a dismissive wave of her hand, her back once again facing her. "And for gods' sake, drow, do we really need to have another talk about respecting, that is not respecting, people who have not yet proved themselves worthy of respect?" she asked Caladus with a sigh, slowly getting irritated with both Drows. Idiots.
  17. Sefris chuckles at Aedan's remark to Saerileth, raising her eyes to the sky. It mattered not to her was it day, night, dusk or complete darkness. Thanks to her half-demonic heritage and draconic adaptations, she can see in both poorly lit places and in complete darkness. "Seems it's getting dark." she smirked smugly. "Hands up. Who can see in the dark? I'm guessing the Drows....squid heads, perhaps?"
  18. Sefris smirked to Aedan. Oh, they will get along just fine. "Come on, Rhaine. You allowed two squid heads and even me to join you," she started, avoiding to mention her true nature because the Doomguide already knew it, "but the handsome one there has to answer questions? What is this, an interview? Or did you only recently become this wary when it comes to outsiders. I think I remember you or that Drow druid pet of yours or whoever saying that you should judge people by their actions, not race?"
  19. Sefris smirked, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "Actually, I think it's ten. No other reason why her mother would be with her." she replied to Aedan and shrugged, leaning her head on the palm of her hand that was leaning against the stallion's back. "A fallen, so what? Big deal." she rolled her eyes at Rhaine, completely relaxed and visibly amused. "Can I keep him? He makes me laugh."
  20. "...do not need to eat, breathe or sleep..." Now that is just plainly awesome. Seriously. Awesome.
  21. Sefris raised an eyebrow at Saerileth, wondering what the hell is a Fallen. It did sound a bit familiar, but the definition escaped her. She leans a bit towards Aedan on her stallion, clearly amused. "A Fallen? And...just what have you fallen from?" she asks with a smirk. "Such a poorly chosen name. Allows people to make such terrible jokes that aren't even funny." Considering the size and variety of their circus, Sefris had nothing against the newcomer, nor him joining them if that was his wish. She would have someone to torture the others with! That sounded awesome.
  22. Sefris smirked at the man's answer. "Finally someone who has a brain and sees the world as it is." she put her spear on her back, looking down at Aedan with amusement. "Name's Sefris, a pleasure to meet you." Oh, she will get along just fine with him, she could already see it. "And I was beginning to think I'm the only one left on this world who doesn't enjoy scaring, killing and simply making people miserable." she added a bit quieter, but loud enough for the newcomer to hear her. "So what is it that you desire, then? To see us? We are a circus of a sort, so I wouldn't be surprised. To ask something? To kill us?" she chuckled at the last one, clearly thinking they are all more than a match for the newcomer. "To join us?" She eyed the man, trying to decipher if he was fit for a fight. He sure looked like he could handle himself in a fight - not to mention the big sword he was carrying. He was kind of handsome, though not quite as beautiful as she was, she thought and flipped a lock of her hair. "Let's hear it, then."
  23. Sefris turned as she heard Nawen talking to someone and because someone said 'dragon'. Well, if it was a Red dragon, it might have been a relative of hers, she thought with a light smirk and looked at the newcomer, turning her black stallion to him. "And why are you still here, then? Shouldn't you be hiding with the women and children or whatever is left of this pitiful place?" she asked coldly, examining the man that clearly gave out the message not to underestimate any of them, especially not her. Her spear was still in her hand, but the blade was facing the ground. Stuck-up, what can I say? Something was...off about him. She kind of actually welcomed his lifeless eyes as a difference from those "warm" and "cheerful" and "they-make-me-want-to-puke" eyes of the rest of the group. Her blood-coloured, cat-like eyes had no problem seeing in the early dusk, so she made sure to try to notice anything strange about the man. What is he is the right question, she thought to herself, waiting for the man's answer.
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