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Everything posted by Alaylyne

  1. And now I kill everybody with a monster post. Auri, that looks awesome! :D Welcome GrueMaster, we have not met :3 Mythic - pure awesome. No more words are needed.
  2. Sefris has been in the forest since the dream seance with Rhaine, keeping to herself. Most of the time is was just sitting on a huge rock she had found on a clearing of a sort, as quiet as death. Her thoughts were not one of Rhaine's past, though, but of something much more terrifying to her. Even though her body was still and her face lifeless, the red eyes gave away how she really felt - utterly shocked and scared. The Doomguide's own painful past brought to life some images from her own, crushing the fey'ri's chest like a mountain and making it harder to breathe. The sorceress was not used to these feelings, for she had built a wall around anything painful for her past that could harm her in the future. And yet her mental barrier shattered like glass once she let herself relax. Red eyes still glared at some distant, imaginary point with a look that could surely kill within a second. They were as distant as a town on the other side of the world, hollow - empty. As seconds passed, Sefris' demonic features slowly began to show, firstly sharp scales all over her body, her pupils narrowed a bit more, completely looking as one of a cat now, claws as dark as night replaced her nails subtly and wings arose from her back as a flame burning with hatred, wild and uncontrollable. The woman twitched as a sound flew to her sharp ears, something moving nearby. She jumped on her feet and grabbed her spear quickly, ready to kill anything that moves. As Sefris was opening her mouth to yell at someone - something - that was no doubt sneaking behind her back, a man with his hands held up high stepped out of the bush, his black eyes glaring at Sefris as if he was laughing at something that was only known to him. The man was usual in every way one would look at him - black hair and dark brown eyes, dressed as a peasant and with no weapons. He let his hands fall down once he thought he had managed to convince the woman he had no weapons, leaning on a tree across the sorceress. "I 'ave a message for ya." the man spoke, much to the fey'ri's own surprise. The woman was taken aback - who on earth would know where she was? And who, by the Nine Hells, would send her a message? "Then talk fast before I grow tired of you and rip off your throat as a way of amusing myself." the half-demoness said bitterly, clearly angry she was found as such a desolated place. She was supposed to be alone here. "I was told ya are fiery," the man continued calmly, glancing at the woman before him, "but not dis much. Jus' some old geezer sayin' he sends his greetings. Erm....White Leopard, aye?" Little did the peasant know how suicidal the simple job of bringing a message to a woman would be - thought the amount of money he was given was suspiciously high. In a blink of a second Sefris' claws were at the man's throat, pinning him roughly at the tree behind him. The man tried to fight her off, but the woman was surprisingly strong for someone as petite as her, not letting him move even for an inch. "Where is he?" her voice was silent, but the look she gave to the man almost made him wet his pants. "Aye..I don't know nuthin'! He gave me the moneh and disappe'red! I swear!" the peasant yelled in panic, squeaking at the feeling of Sefris' claws digging into his skin and drawing blood. "WHERE...IS HE?!" the woman yelled, but the man only whined and continued to struggle with no success. The sorceress showed her four sharp fangs, bringing them dangerously close to the man. "He mentioned a ball! Dat's all, I swear! Mercy! Me-" he cried, but Sefris' fangs cut of the rest of his sentence, biting off a piece of his throat as the man's blood spout out, covering Sefris in dark red liquid. He was still alive and the fey'ri extended her claws to the size of a dagger - for her alter self ability allowed her to change her form to any humanoid approximately her size, but she rarely used it to its full potentional - stabbed the man right in his heart, ripping it out in the process. The poor peasant was looking at his heart for a few seconds, trying to say something through his throat that was in pieces, but he could muster no sound, life abandoning him shortly after. Sefris' head was lowered, her look locked on the ground for a while, letting the man from her tight grasp fall on the ground. The sorceress pulled out a handkerchief from her robes, wiping the most of her face of dark blood that was covering her - a few drops still stayed on her mouth and fangs. Not altering her appearance, she started walking back to the inn, her mind thinking only about one thing. The ball. She arrived to the inn shortly after and went to the room she had left her belongings in, not looking at anyone and nobody dared to question her due to blood on her robes. The fey'ri made her way to the room, pulled out her outfit and placed it on the bed as she went to take a bath. Few minutes later, she was already dressing up the beautiful red dress from before, black gloves, black heels with high heels and a necklace made of onyx. Her long, black hair was tied up in an elegant up-do, ornated with black accessorizes. Her black claws additionally stressed red-black combination, along with her huge wings and red eyes. She did not altered her appearance back to her "normal" self, but rather stayed herself. Scales all over her body reflected when faced with direct light and her two pairs of fangs could be seen only when she was smiling. Sefris, now looking like a noblewoman, stepped out of her room and walked out of the inn, on her way to the ball. She had no particular wish to attend it before, but now there was nothing that could stop her. As the fey'ri arrived to the place the ball was at, she wished not to deal with the guards, so the sorceress casted an invisibility spell - one of the rare that weren't meant for destroying and blowing up stuff - and simply flew over the walls in the courtyard. The fey'ri made her way to the main room, her heels echoing as she walked and many looks drawn to her "costume". Even though her appearance would most certainly make any man unable to pull his eyes away from her, nobody dared to approach her because of the look in her eyes. As beautiful and unique as they were, they were giving away her desire to kill.
  3. ooooooh, the ball! :dance: Awesome, I can't wait for it to start! I'm reading all the posts and will have Sef jump in as soon as it starts :3
  4. Just a little update from me: since I've got a really lousy connection here, I'll just leave Sef in the forest until the ball, so you need not wait for me. We're going to another town tomorrow, so everything should be fine then. Also, mythic shall handle Sef if I'm not online for a while. See ya :thumbsup:
  5. Sefris jumped a bit at the sudden voice which she knew all too well. Catching Ravenna's figure for just a second, the fey'ri watched the carriage until it disappeared from her sight. "Indeed..." she muttered to the air before continuing her way. Xaos meowed in question, looking up at her mistress. She was curious about the woman, for she felt like she had met her before. The sorceress looked down at her familiar for a second. "And acquaintance of mine. You met her raven." The fey'ri said shortly, arriving to the gate. She payed no attention to the guards' questions, quietly marching out and into the forest. She soon could not be seen and her familiar's steps could not be heard among the trees.
  6. Sefris shook her head, slowly sitting up and looking around. It was the second time somebody else's memories where inside of her head, leaving her a bit dizzy. And she thought fighting demons was meant literally...getting up on her feet, Sefris made her way upstairs without a single word to the others and looked at Xaos, indicating for her to follow he with a low hiss. The cat got up from Aedan's table and walked with her mistress outside, past Caladus and deeper into the town, towards the gate that lead to the forest.
  7. Sefris hesitated for a second, but finally lay down on one of the free places and put the lavender on her head, no matter how silly she might have looked like. She slowly drank the elixir and looked up, waiting for this to start. The fey'ri wondered what will they see. A bunch of demons? King of Shadows himself? Same as for the fallens, she did her homework about Rhaine. Turned out she was quite a hero back in Neverwinter. The half-demoness couldn't understand why would anyone abandon a life like that. After what Rhaine had done, she could have lived like a queen, not moving a finger the whole day. Instead, she chose this? Seemed like a waste of a perfectly big fortune for her. Sefris abandoned those kinds of thoughts and closed her eyes, waiting for something to happen.
  8. Fighting demons, eh? "Well, count me in!" she called after Caladus, looking at Aedan before getting up. "You're not joining? Such a shame. Excuse me, but I am pretty sure some demons need to be set on fire. Xaos, stay here." she said to the familiar before going to the basement, Xaos looking at her with tilted head. Soon the cat turned its attention to the fallen sitting at the table, meowing once at him. Sefris walked into the basement when Xallistine mentioned drinking some elixir to Caladus, looking curiously at the sight before her. "Somebody mentioned fighting demons?" she was so itching to have a fight that even this would do.
  9. Well done, Naktis! you got the reference! Eeeeeek, like Loki's Fenrir? :wub:
  10. Sefris was about to reply to Aedan when Xallistine mentioned something about attending something. Wait, was it the...dream thingy? She thought she could recall them mentioning it before. The fey'ri looked over at Rhaine, her brow raised in question. "What's going on?" Xaos raised her head as soon as her mistress stopped petting her, her ears raised in case something attacked, but no such thing came. Instead, the familiar watched the woman on the ground, her wings reminding the cat of the wings that belonged to that raven from before.
  11. Sefris hmmed quietly, petting the sleeping cat on the table. Xaos meowed quietly at the mentioning of birds, purring at Sefris' petting. "Did they poop too many times on you?" she asked, shrugging.
  12. Another vote for monster post :biggrin:
  13. The fey'ri chuckled. "Well, you're not doing a very good job with it, then." she replied and crossed her legs as she took another sip of her wine. The sorceress left her empty glass on the counter and joined Aedan at his table. Xaos was lying on Aedan's table, assured by her mistress' word that the man isn't a threat. The cat's tail would move every once in a while in some random direction, the cat itself resting. She welcomed Sefris with a soft purr, not paying attention to them otherwise. "And no, the bird is from an...acquaintance of mine. Why are you asking?"
  14. Moving on sounds fine, I am sure we all can't wait for the ball to start :) Though Sef wouldn't really care, she is - as you can see - in a good mood so she might join for entertaintment :facepalm: :laugh:
  15. Sefris was strangely silent for a change, spinning her half-empty glass of wine with her index finger. Since her back was turned to the main part of the inn - including Aedan - she could feel that odd feeling like something was standing behind her. Turning and leaning her back on the bar, she raised an eyebrow at the Fallen with the ever-present smirk. "Something on your mind? You seem intent on staring at me. I do hope you're not trying to undress me mentally." she said to the fallen, smiling at the last part. Somehow world seemed...funnier...now. Xaos had gotten up from the counter and looked at the man across the inn at the same time as her mistress. The familiar could feel someone staring at her mistress and she didn't like it. Swiftly jumping down, the black cat made her way around the tables and chairs to the fallen's table, jumping up and staring at the man. No sound or anything - just staring. "Now, now, Xaos," the fey'ri started seeing the cat's behaviour, "no need to do that. He's the one with a brain around here." Xaos seemed to relax a bit, but her green eyes were still locked on the gray ones.
  16. Sefris shook her head and returned to her seat, Xaos following her step and jumping up on the counter with a curious meow. She couldn't shake off the memories from her mind. She knew who they belonged to - she was debating on the meaning of the. What is it that Ravenna wants? To scare her? Sefris to join her? The fey'ri knew the witch was powerful, but this - this was an entirely different league. A mere human lived a few centuries because of her magic and she was only getting stronger with years, her youth never fading. Her eyes wondered to white tips that ornated her hair, a hint of wish for revenge rising. On the other hand...if the witch was to share her power with the sorceress.... Sefris smirked, taking another sip of her wine as a spark of something malicious appeared in her eyes.
  17. The black cat that was in Sefris' lap just a second ago was already on its paws, heading for the raven that cawed at her mistress. Sefris raised her eyebrow in question, following her familiar. Xaos tried to jump to grab the raven, but Sefris grabbed the cat before it had a chance to do so. "No, Xaos. Wait." The cat looked up at her mistress and meowed silently, her tail moving left to right. The fey'ri stepped closer to the raven, drawn by her unusual eyes. Green? Ravens weren't supposed to have colored eyes...they were supposed to have black eyes. Since the bird wasn't moving, Sefris took another step towards it, standing still as she watched the raven. It was unusual how calm it was, despite having a cat and a half-demon right in front of it. The sorceress couldn't look away from the bird's strange eyes, feeling that this raven shouldn't be here. Isn't natural - should it even be? Sefris frowned a bit, leaning a bit towards the bird to see if it's going to fly away. Nothing. Sefris wanted to ask the raven, say something when the bird looked up at the fey'ri, its pupils widening before images suddenly started floating inside of the sorceress' mind. More than images - memories, events, killings, voices, sorcery, dark magic. Sefris widened her eyes and gasped at the sudden interruption, standing still as she watched the memories inside of her own head that were not hers. It was over as soon as it began, leaving Sefris with half-opened mouth to wonder in silence as the raven cawed once more at the sorceress before flying away.
  18. Daaaw, show already over? Too bad she missed the stumbling-into-inn-blood-dripping-everywhere part. That must have been the most entertaining part of the night. Turning her back on Nawen and the little circle around her, Sefris took a sip of her wine, looking somewhere in the distance. A black creature was sneaking around the inn, its paws moving without making any sound. Unnoticed by anyone, it finally sneaked over to Sefris and jumped up, curling up in her lap. The fey'ri instinctively looked down, grinning as she saw the black cat. "There you are, Xaos. I was beginning to worry you got lost." the familiar purred, its green eyes looking up at its mistress.
  19. Sefris chuckled at Aedan's reply, starting to walk to the inn. For all she cared, if that death of the other drow made Caladus feel pain, she might as well welcome it. The male drow has been nothing but a throne in her eye since the day one and she would be glad to be rid of him. The fey'ri was beginning to doubt this little circus and wonder about power. That woman, Ravenna, she had it. With that little trick of hers, she could live forever. The finding her target wouldn't be a problem. Even with her lifespawn of nearly 1000 years - minus 150 -, she was going to die one day. If not fighting, then from old age, while he will continue to run around, alive for as long as he wishes to. Even though Sefris was more than angry, her face was normal, her walk natural - only a closer look at her eyes could give her away. But in this poorly lit surroundings, she had no fear of being discovered. Opening the inn's door, she made her way to the bar and ordered a glass of wine, turning to the center of the tavern to watch the show.
  20. The fey'ri scoffed at the sudden commotion, slowly letting her wings retreat in her back. Nothing from flying tonight. It was not that she cared for the drow - Shar forbid - but she wanted to stick around for the show. "Would you fancy a drink back at the inn?" she asked the fallen next to her with a grin. "I think I shall watch the show."
  21. Sefris raised her eyebrow at the running drow. 'Keep her safe'? What did the dog think, that they were going to attack the Doomguide? The fey'ri might be arrogant and sometimes rash, she was not stupid. She wouldn't attack Rhaine. The birdies, on the other hands...Her red eyes glanced at Tyra and Shaori for a moment - she could easily burn their wings. That just might be fun if they give her a reason to.
  22. Sefris scoffed at Rhaine. "I was not informed that joining this circus is like joining an order, with rules and things like that. I am here to fight for you, and you have not yet found yourself in need of me, since we're wasting time on shopping, balls and things like that."
  23. Sefris rolled her eyes with a sigh of annoyance, looking at the Doomguide. She noticed that a whole army now joined them, but that really didn't concern her. "As he said, talk. I've got more important things than standing in a alley." The fey'ri's wings were faintly moving, stretching muscles in them. She should really fly more often - Sefris couldn't allow to stay grounded for a while if she doesn't use them for a while. You never know when you might need a quick escape.
  24. wait what, who's leaving? Daaaaw, and I was looking forward to Ysmillr and Sef picking up fights :')
  25. Sefris raised an eyebrow at Caladus, clearly nor impressed nor scared. "You keep threatening, drow, but yet again you don't ever do anything." she said with a raised head, looking down at the elf before her. Her net sentence was quiet, but it was more than sharp, words dripping like poison off of her lips. "You're boring me, barking dog. You better go back to the rest of the circus, and leave the night to the creatures of the dark. I might go for a flight." she shrugged, her wings making the way out of her skin as the fey'ri stood still in the dark ally. Oh come on, give her a reason to attack; she thought as she watched him walk away. There's nothing she'd like more than to finally shut up that trice-cursed dog...
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