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Everything posted by Alaylyne

  1. No, I meant LeoXaladin's question about romancing the characters from the games. :teehee: ....oh, right. You know my brain doesn't work well in the middle of the day :facepalm:
  2. Not at all, I am completely fine with RP-ing Isabela. If someone wanted to RP Alistair or someone else like that, I'd have a problem with that.
  3. Depends on the character. :thumbsup: As Naktis said, depends on which character you mean, though I can't say I support this idea very much because the whole point of these RPs is to have as little connection to the characters from DA games as possible and to create your own character. DAO - Having a relationship with Morrigan or Alistair would be ridiculous, since Alistair is the king and Morrigan vanished - plus, she isn't really the type to have relationships. To have a past relationship with Zevran is alright with me, considering the number of his past lovers - same goes for Leliana, considering her past. Oghren - ....Not really sure about this one. Sten and Shale - no xD Wynne - you'd have to be reaaaally old. Like, ancient. Bann Teagan, Eamon, Isolde - even if you had a relationship with someone as important as Bann Teagan it makes no sense for you to be running around with a band of mage-supporters in Free Marches. The latter two are married and again, considering they're in Fereldan, it makes no sense. Minor characters allowed (excluding templars and Irrving) DAA/DAII - Bethany/Carver - they're both with the grey wardens, on the run or dead - Anders - Strictly no. Perhaps only mentioned as some former lover of his back in the Circle, but then you'd have to be a Circle mage from Fereldan . - I don't think that a relationship with any of the companions is a good idea. But why don't you tell me which character you had in mind to stop this monster post from growing?
  4. Sefris touched the tip of her canine with her tongue for a second, grinning as her fangs reflected as white pearls in the night light. "How most pleasing." the fey'ri continued to purr in the fallen's ear, throwing a quick grin in Ravenna's direction. Het hand slided from Aedan's shoulder and ran down his torso while a smirk played on her lips. "I am quite sure you will... enjoy," she returned the red glance, looking at the lifeless silver eyes that she had found a refreshing change from all those lively sparkles and other annoying things, "both the company and killing. Treasure...danger...dark tunnels..." She chuckled again, her laugh sounding more like a cat's purr. "I am sure lady Ravenna would like to have a word with us both sooner or later."
  5. "The one and only." the half-demoness smiled and took a sip of the wine. "You have heard of him, then, I take it? And the reputation it precedes him?" There was a short pause in which the sorceress put her goblet down, laughed and again took a step closer to the fallen. "Surely you do not intend on staying with these.... adventurers, do you?" she was whispering in his ear again, words as sweet as honey while her red lips shone in the moonlight. Long, black claws of Sefris' right hand slowly made their way to Aedan's shoulder, passing his forearm and upper arm on the way there. "We could have so much more fun..."
  6. Nice :thumbsup: Oh gods, Alaila's reaction if she hears him talking to himself... XD And yay, more mages! :dance:
  7. Yay! We'll be happy to have you! :laugh: We sure are ^-^
  8. Sefris took a step closer to Aedan, whispering in his ear so nobody could hear her. "A woman has just arrived. Blonde hair, golden dress, green eyes. Hard to miss." the half-demoness smirked at the witch when she had seen her smile, turning the fallen's head towards the witch. "I got an interesting offer from her just recently and decided it's time for me to...change my allegiance." the sorceress pulled away, casually taking another goblet of wine. Hopefully the fallen won't stay with the circus - he had so much potential.
  9. Alaila was looking at the mage before her, debating whether to take out her pipe or not. No, better to save what little camomile she had left - after all, the mage wasn't sure how long will she be forced to stay in this town. "Hmmmm..." the Warden said that she was here to help, but which side? The templars or the mages? And besides, weren't Warden forbidden from getting themselves and their order involved in political matters such as this war that is currently rampaging? The elf wasn't sure how to feel about the Dalish Warden sitting at the other table, but the mage seemed harmless. Or at least a very good actor. She might consider trusting him in the future, but the Dalish still seemed suspicious to her, despite the woman being her own race. Tis a strange thing to feel more comfortable around a shemlen than around one of her own. Thomas' hand was left hanging in the air, for the elf did not take it. There was the awkward silence again, but Alaila seemed perfectly comfortable with it. "You will have to excuse me if I do not give my name away so freely, but suspicion's what kept me alive all these years." she replied neutrally, looking at the mage. "I am about to leave the town, for it seems my business here is done." She had to leave as soon as possible because she certainly won't find her mother if the Templars catch her. Words that left the elf's mouth were somewhat more sharper when the mage asked about her reason for staying. She couldn't help it, but every question felt like poking in her privacy, and it made her feel uncomfortable.
  10. Alaila's face was emotionless as before, only a subtle hint of a smile visible on her face. There was the long pause again before she answered. A mage comedian. I thought those normally died young. The man, of course, knew what she meant, but Alaila payed no attention to it. "Weisshaupt?" the elf asked, her brows slightly raised in question. "Is she a Grey Warden, then?" her glance wandered again to the Dalish elf, studying her a bit more carefully now. It does not happen everyday that you meet a possible Grey Warden, not to mention a Dalish Grey Warden on top of that. Their presence here was even more intriguing now, especially the Grey Warden's. For a short moment, Alaila thought she could feel something...odd, to say at least around them, but the feeling soon disappeared. It left her feeling uncomfortable, though, but there wasn't really anything she could do.
  11. Sefris chuckled, her claw on index finger gently scrapping her skin on the upper torso, right above her breast. She looked around, searching for someone. The night ought to turn interesting once the two of them meet. Turning to Aedan again, she subconsciously licked her fangs, tasting the last of blood she had left in her mouth. "I ought to teach you a thing of two. There is also someone I'd like you to meet, if I did get the impression of you that I hope I did."
  12. Alaila was calmly smoking her camomile - for she despised tobacco because of its stench - when that white-haired man approached her. Good thing she exhaled just a second before or she would have been choking right now. The elf was silent for a long time, enough to make the man feel awkward that he was simply standing there while she finishes and finally extinguishes her pipe. The red-haired elf was a, some may call her that way, cool-blooded person. Never panicking, always cool and sober-minded. The reason she always waited for so long before replying even to as simply questions with yes/no answers was that she thought everything over a couple of times. Often was she called slow or even stupid because of that, but she was simply careful, trying to foresee all the possible outcomes and take the best route. The man was obviously friendly towards her, and a mage, and as he could feel her, she could feel him, as well. The woman wasn't, on the other hand. A strange pair they made. But then again, being a mage would explain the man's white hair. At least partially. An accident in the Fade, perhaps? That's the usual story if the strange hair color wasn't natural, but the mage clearly wasn't an albino. "It is strange to see a Dalish in the town, especially in the company of....such as yourself." the elf finally replied, taking off her hood as a sign of non-hostility. She glanced at the Dalish woman again before starting her next sentence. Her voice was oddly calm considering that a random stranger, not to mention a shemlen, approached her. Well, he was a mage, but still. Alaila's eyes lingered on Illadriel's Vallaslin, however. "I rarely see a Vallaslin of the god of Vengeance on a Dalish." she added a bit quieter, but still loud enough for Thomas to hear her. "And you two make an unusual couple. Makes me think you are not from the town." And if they manage to arrive to the town at this state, surely they would know of a way out. One would never come somewhere unless he knows a way out. Or perhaps they are more ignorant than they appear? The mage, perhaps. The Dalish, she highly doubted.
  13. A small, petite figure was sitting in the corner of the famous Hanged Man inn, hood over her long, ginger hair, but not completely over her face - wouldn't want to be suspicious. She has been in the town for a while, but the elf still felt out of place, despite Kirkwall being her birth place. Her search was going nowhere - she still had no leads. The mage sighed, thinking of the same options for the 100th time. Not many groups of thugs or smugglers stayed whole and operating after the start of the war and someone must have got her out of town. Or perhaps nobody noticed a single elf escaping the alienage during all that chaos? One thing was certain - her mother wasn't here and Alaila shouldn't stay here for long, either. She feared what might happen if the Templars found her, now more than ever. The mage needed a way out of here and it wasn't going to be easy. Alaila was about to light her pipe when an odd pair walked in - a Dalish woman and a...white-haired man? She recognized the woman as a Dalish right away because of the Vallaslin, representing the God of Vengeance. She couldn't remember the name, though. The elf tried to listen to the pair, but she was too far away. So she lit her pipe and inhaled, her eyes not leaving the Dalish woman and the white-haired shemlen.
  14. You could be a demon only in the Fade (a place where all people - except dwarves - go when they dream - only mages are fully aware there) because to be in the "real" world, you'd need a body, that is, you'd have to become an abomination (most often mages fall prey to demons because of their powers). Also, you'd most likely be immediately slain by anyone who finds out about your true nature. If it's okay with Naktis, I think we could allow one abomination like Kitty, who was only about living and experiencing the world of mortals, not killing and bringing chaos. Of course, you could have short-term OC abominations who would later be slain. There sure are supposed to be a lot of them, since mages are fighting templars and turning to blood magic, thus often getting possessed. Correct me if I'm wrong, Naktis.
  15. I am so making a mage because I am addictive to spell-casters and being a mage in a mage-templar war ought to be beyond interesting :laugh: Name: Alalia Talelwa Race: Elf Gender: Female Age: 27 Class: Mage/Shapeshifter Occupation: Apostate Specialization: none Place of Origin: Kirkwall Alienage Appearance: Alalia stands 5'5" (165 cm) tall, her most eye-catching feature being her long ginger hair, who oppose narrow dark blue eyes. She looks at least few years older than she really is because she doesn't really care about her appearance, more concerned about her safety and survival. However, she cannot, by any standard, be called unattractive, even though she has very little self-confidence and tries to hide her face and ears most of the time. As any elf, Alalia has a pettite body and is physically weak, which she makes up with strong willpower and occasional cunningness. Other than her wavy ginger hair and a beauty mark below her right corner of upper lip, Alalia could be easily confused with almost every other elf. Armor/Clothing:This elf can be most often found wearing simple, commoner clothes, making her look like any other elf. She often wears a simple cape with a hood. Weapon: wooden staff and a dagger she keeps on her belt. Personality: Alalia, as her name states, is not talkative. The mage is as passive as it gets, preferring to stay in the background and speak only when she decides to. By no means is she attention-grabbing, occasionally offering her advice to friends once she feels comfortable enough around them. Neutral by nature, Alalia will not help someone if it includes endangering herself, staying alive being her top priority. History: Alalia was born in Kirkwall Alienage and lived there for a couple of years with her mother who refused to join Alalia's father. She never knew much about her father, only that he was a Dalish and that she wasn't with him because her mother didn't want to "live like a savage, eating raw rabbits for dinner". Life in Alienage never really attracted Alalia and she eventually grew curious of the "free elves", as some of the other elves from the alienage called them, dreaming of a day her father would take her away from the rude shemlen city. The day came - but not the way Alalia imagined it. Her talent for magic showed when she was 6, worrying her mother to death and causing her to bring a rash decision of sending her to Alalia's father. Some of the local thugs smuggled the young mage - for a price, of course - out of Kirkwall and instead of bringing her to the Dalish, left her in the wilds. Fortunately for the little girl, Dalish did found her after a few days, scared and starving out in the cold. It was not the same clan Alalia's father was from - for they have gone far from the wilds surrounding Kirkwall -, but she was happy nevertheless. Growing up as a Dalish, she learned how to change her shape into a wolf, a bear, a hawk, and to control her magic. Alalia later left the Dalish to visit her mother, finding Kirwall in ruins, her mother missing and herself in a middle of a war between the Templars and her own kind.
  16. Sefris only chuckled, taking a step right of the Fallen to reach for another glass of wine. "That is the trait of a real troublemaker. You do not /see/ me doing it. The point is not to get caught, no?" the fey'ri's pointy white teeth flashed for a second as she had smiled before taking a sip of the wine. "Hmmm...good wine." she murmured for herself, setting the goblet down as she leaned on the table. "These formal happenings are quite boring, wouldn't you agree?"
  17. The fey'ri made a nonspecific sound that sounded like a scoff, looking at the man that was still sleeping, despite the laughter that could be heard every now and then once the passerbys noticed his little "accident". "And here I thought you had something more...devilish" she stressed the word with her full, red lips, holding a hand on her hip, "On your mind. And here I stand disappointed." the sorceress imitated a heavy sigh, mischievousness shining in her eyes. "Not that you can do much with those do-gooders on your back." There was something in her mind, something like an inner joke known only to the half-demoness that obviously amused her greatly. Soon...
  18. Leek. O.O eeeeew...


  19. Told ya. Super speeeeed!
  20. XDDD

    Haha, I was faster! :'D

  21. Welcome back aboard, AnotherAverageName :3
  22. The fey'ri rubbed her temple, staring at her empty goblet of wine. "Somebody's been messing with my head..." she said a bit quieter, taking a deep breath. She should be fine in a while, as long as she avoids chasing the white man. "So, bored already? Or have you found a way of entertaining yourself?" she asked the Fallen, trying to look as normal as possible.
  23. Sefris started looking around again, her up do slowly starting to fall apart, but she didn't notice it. The fey'ri bit her lips in frustration, but blood that she found on them wasn't hers, but from that man she had killed back in the woods. She wiped it with her hand, paying no attention to it as she turned to Aedan again. "The man in white. He was right beside you! Where did he go?" the sorceress demanded to know, refusing to believe it was all but an illusion. Has someone poisoned her and caused these illusions? When? She barely drank anything since- the man. His blood, it must have been in his blood! He knew she was going to kill him and exactly the way she will do it. The fey'ri pulled out few hairs in frustration, glaring at anyone who dared to come closer than 10 feet to her. "That son of a *censored*..." she muttered angrily, talking more to herself than to the fallen. Raising her hand up to her forehead, the sorceress was surprised to find herself burning. Not literally, of course, but her body was not used to a temperature this high. "I need something to drink..." the half-demoness muttered, grabbing the nearest glass of wine and drinking it in a single breath.
  24. Sefris had kept herself away from the rest of the group, her eyes frantically searching for a figure in white. The sorceress had not noticed that her breath was quick and her face more red than normal, pupils narrowing to a completely thin line. She could see him every now and then, but he disappeared every time she was about to reach him. Was he even here in the first place, she wondered? The man was like a ghost both in his appearance and abilities. A master of illusions, skin pale as snow, hair even more white and eyes with colorless irises. That was the man that haunted her every dream, torturing her until she started to throw things at an invisible foe that was never there. The fey'ri was standing in the middle of the ballroom, spinning around in her search and not caring that she was obstructing people who were dancing. A white figure caught her attention, walking over to the opposite side of the room. Sefris raced to catch him, much to displeasure of the people who were in her way, but he disappeared again when Sefris was about to grab his room, making her bump into someone. The sorceress slowly got back on her feet, looking at Aedan she had bumped into. "Where did he go? Did you see him?" she quickly asked the fallen, looking around. The white figure was nowhere to be seen, but Sefris' cheeks were still burning - she looked as she had a fever.
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