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Everything posted by Deleted49413338User

  1. Man, I'm working on retexturing Green Far Harbor Lod to match retextured pines and the pine LOD meshes are Sooo bad. Like.. wtf Bethesda? Sry, general Mod talk. I have no one to talk to.. Writing it down helps me cope. haha
  2. Thanks. I tend to not often use CK. It is not the most user friendly if you are new to it. But always interested in learning new things
  3. Is it always ok to reduce Normals and Speculars by half the Diffuse size or can this sometimes give problems? Also, Does reducing N and S textures size give any performance inrease or is it purely for end product file size reduction? I am guessing Normals at lease would help performance? I am generally talking about 2048 diffuse textures.
  4. I thought CK only read Loose texture files? I had textures in BA2 and everything was just red excamaition marks in the render window. I unpacked the BA2 into Textures folder in Data and it read them.. But I use Mod Organiser and CK launches through that so I think a lot of pathing is different when using MO2
  5. I was looking at the many plugins Horizon adds to see which ones were simple enough to combine and free up Esp slots.. I noticed this error in the HomeMaker patch. All master files are loaded so idk what is missing here. Surely it is not supposed to be like this? https://imgur.com/gTc7XZE Posting on Horizon page will probably go unnoticed.. or its already been answered somewhere in the 15000+ comments. its a lot to search through.
  6. I install Horizon after finishing Main Quest. It seems to work fine but it gives you a huge load of XP on installation, depending on you level. For Balance its probably best from the start but I wanted to get thru the main quest with no mods and make a save from there to use for modding, coz I hate when my game breaks from too many mods and I gotta go thru the main quest again. Pretty sure we have all done it. But you learn as you go.
  7. A user sent me this image. I have seen this issue before but can't remember the reason or a fix. For me, The issue doesn't happen so I am guessing it has to do with ini settings? Basically the Level 2 flat LOD does not fade and transform into a normal tree and you can walk right up to it. Anyone know of a reason or fix please <3 example of issue https://imgur.com/9aW2kO3
  8. I figured out it is records in the image space tab. Increasing the eye adjustment speed seems to remove the motion blur and replacing LUTs with vanilla seems to help too. I'm sure its not the authors intended experience to remove them but while the VW LUT's are in place, there seems to be a noise type static that is present on a lot of things, its not worth the trade off imo. Still looks very good without it. I kept the dawn and dusk LUTs for the pink tinted skys but replaced the rest with vanilla. Star no longer blur heavily at night either now.
  9. I read a lot about cleaning ITM. On this current install, I haven't bothered yet. What are the actual benefits? I know basically, it is files that are not necessary to have, but what really are the benefits of removing them? I also don't do it lately because I make a lot of edits and patches to mods myself. Often I find a bunch of records and copy them into a patch esp. And I have the intention of using these records but have not yet changed them, They are just there because I don't want to hunt for them or forget about them. But.. I guess I could easily disable stuff like that before running the clean. I heard the way it works now in Xedit is it will clean all active plugins, not just what you select? Also for Parrotheada1a, I only have game on HDD and only 6gb of Vram game runs fine for me.
  10. I have always liked True Storms but it doesn't add anything to clear weather types. I recently tried out Vivid weathers again but it seems to create a bunch of issues with things, even though some of the weathers look fantastic. I was using the default setting and a heavy fog weather began, then what I assume is the same precipitation type used in the snow weather begun? I don't know why a fog weather would need snow.. unless it was in fact snow. If it was that is just weird coz 3 seconds before it was sunny, then after it goes to pouring rain etc.. it just feel like too many weather types each with about a 3 -5 minute cycle. This is a minor issue I guess as I can edit the Climate records myself. The author warns not to change timescale, so that's a negative for me, and also warns it is not a safe mod to uninstall mid game, So I just been testing it on a save I have. I guess in general though you should not uninstall mods mid play unless they are simply a texture and nothing more. I have noticed a lot of flickering light effects during night when lights are on. I use ENB but currently most the setting are default. LODs for trees that I made look very different lighting wise to how they do in Vanilla game ( that's more of a conflict I guess) Some are practically glowing. This is particularly frustrating because it took me a long time of trial and error to get them looking decent with the vanilla lighting and weather system. Motion blur is set to be off in my ini files but seems to be re-introduced with Vivid Weathers, even though it has no ini file. The mod that adds a galaxy band to the night sky for example looks terrible. Do you guys think it is one of the better Weather mods or do you avoid it? And, Is there any known reason or fix for the motion blur and flickering lights? I would like to keep using it or at least some sort of lighter version of it that doen't add all these visual effects and filters or whatever they are. Ps My FPS is locked to 58fps so flickering lights are not caused by fast fps.
  11. @ajs52698. Lol... That actually sound pretty much the opposite of easy. With all the tools we have for modding Bethesda games, there is not as much need to know or understand scripting for a lot of modders. I have very low level education and really struggle to understand scripting, though I have tried a few times to learn. I think often people here come from a background where they learnt basic script language at school, use it in their work frequently or have some sort of background with it other than gaming applications. It seems a fairly common assumption that we all know how to write script. I could understand that on different modding forums that have no tools for modding and require cracking the encrypted files to even get to them, but this is Bethesda. I can just drag and drop and I've created a mod basically.
  12. I cant seen to apply a custom hair to an npc. I have the Last of Us mod Ellie follower but the static non-moving face is too much for me. I gave the clothing to Nat, along with a scarf coz I couldn't get neck seam right. But hair? idk.. I am using Nat Companion with Power Armor mod. It has a custom Child companion race that has default head parts for male and female. I tried first to change the default hair there to my custom hair mesh. Then tried to add the head part to the actual NPC's list of head parts. Finally, I even made it as an armor/hat that took up both hair slots and added it to the custom outfit I had made for Nat. In each case she just has a bald head. I have copied bone weights from a vanilla ponytail hairstyle and moved the unweighted Ellie hair into the same position as vanilla hair before doing so. In nifskope the bone data spheres look like they are in the right place. Also added the hair head part to the formlist of child head parts the Nat mod uses (it adds two new vanilla hair styles as far as I can see, previously for adult npcs only)
  13. skyrim used to have the cart that took you to key locations, but it also had ride-able horses. I have not yet played skyrim with mods btw. I think there was something like a cart sort of travel station you can build with Horizon, but I don't think it had any animations? Probably the one I used the most was the APC.
  14. or horizon. Some mods don't let you scrap stuff because you need them to craft other things, or make them more valuable to sell. Imagine how valuable prewar cigs would be? Its ridiculous there are any left at all after 200 years, but that's bethesda for you. pre war Alcohol too would be valuable but moonshine would be common..and pre war beer would be turned bad way before 200 years, another dumb addition..
  15. So I have been trying to do something 'Green' with the forest grass texture/mesh. its the one with the terrible dried maple leaves and twigs sticking up. I can retexture it but yet to find a good texture for the twigs that fits well. I tried adding vine trishapes to the mesh but in game they don't show up. Is grass also part of precombined mesh? I didn't think it was since a lot of grass mods can add custom meshes. In game, all I see is the twigs and the vine textures I added to the flat leaves section but the vines trishapes don't show at all? Anyone know what I might be doing wrong? https://imgur.com/hOS980X
  16. I found that my ini was set to imaxgrasstypespertexture=2 So that is most likely reason... I have MO and ini is stored in there not using the ones stored in documents I think.
  17. Since starting to use Vivid Weathers I noticed that in the background Lod, most noticable on Trees from Green mods that there is a heavy application of Noise (kinda moving static) I never noticed this before Vivid Weathers. VW doesn't seem to have its own ini file and there is no Noise texture in the files so idk what is causing it? Do the scripts somehow change things? It is a really nice mod but its just this one thing bugging me and I can't unsee it once noticed. I tried the TAA foliage Noise ini twaks and it didn't make much difference, helped a bit but made blur while moving far worse. Also tried disabling Anti Aliasing but that looks very bad unless completely stationary... But it does remove the LOD noise so It must be something to do with AA and how Vivid Weathers applies it?
  18. This is one of the worst textures in game for grass. if you use a green mod. an older version of Boston Natural Surroundings tried to retexture it and I just atempted my own version but the issue is the twig sections, If you change them to some sort of plant, they are very dark. I tried to add vines but it looked no good as the frequency and pattern of this grass Needs to be an actual flower or grass stalk. The dead twigs look terrible. Maybe this is one for Luxor? I know I could not use it in the Landscape grasses but I like to maintain variety. The leaf parts are easy to retexture but Its the twigs that I am not sure how to make brighter? You can see the small vine leaves on the floor parts of the mesh and they are plenty bright enough. I wanna try again with flowers or some grass type texture but need to know what to edit in mesh to get it bright without making the ground are overly bright. https://imgur.com/K6DECO7 Alternatively if someone knows a mod that has a good ForestGrass_d.dds texture in it I'm happy to use that instead.
  19. Look at a nif file that is a static object about the same size as the one you wanna make. After exporting your obj as a nif file from Outfitstudio, open it and select the BsSubtrishape. You should see sub records under the Trishape. You need to delete the once called Skin Instance. Right click it and choose Block> Remove Branch. Once you done that you should be able to Select the trishape and copy Branch, then paste that into The nif that has the similar static item. Finally Remove branch of the original static mesh. https://imgur.com/9WcDOxP
  20. Lol, yes I see that he says "idk" I feel like its a valid question whether the mod author likes it or not. To follow the "wip" thread is just too much to read thru and is mostly not even related to progress. I went to Antistar's youtube channel and there is I think 6? videos of working weapons. I would assume each weapon once it is finished and animated would deserve a video so basically with the scope of ambiton, I would say this mod is about 5- 10 years away from being released? I watched some videos and see that receivers in conditions deal different damage. The naming of the receiver conditions is kinda bad imo (Awful - Excellent?) And then barrels etc change accuracy. So its basically the same systems as the vanilla game, which is fine I guess but was hoping for jamming with conditions rather than just damage reduction. But I know that requires a lot of clever scripting and so far, no one seems to have really got it 100% working.
  21. Looks menu? wtf? Isn't that character based? sry idk.. Looks like the Show Markers ini that you can select in Bethini to me?? I have no idea coz I dont use Looks menus and all those vanity driven weird mods.. soz
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