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The Bluejay

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Everything posted by The Bluejay

  1. You evidently haven't tried reading the readme, since you put all the files in (AFAIK, you only need the .dlls and the .exe) So I'd recommend reading that through first, and making sure you've done everything it says.
  2. Nothing at all? Wow, the problem's worse than I thought.
  3. Um. Well, I guess there was that Sexlivion thing? So there's precedent... sort of.
  4. Well, it's slowly turning to caps. There is still hope! That said, I got no idea what's going on here. Could anybody translate? As far as I can tell, some unfortunate has had a dragon spawn in the sidequest "The Mind of Madness" where your character is teleported into the mind of Pelagius. The quest ordinarily involves some light puzzle solving for Sheogorath/Pelagius, but you're only allowed to use the staff Wabbajack to do so - all your items are removed, and all spells disabled. Obviously, having a dragon spawn here makes things trickier. If you can't Wabbajack the dragon (Can you Wabbajack dragons?) then the only solution would be, as someone said earlier, open up the console, click on the dragon and type "kill"
  5. Alternatively, if that still doesn't work, download the mod manually, as per normal, then open up the Nexus Mod Manager and click the button which says "Add mod from file" (mods tab, first button on the left) The simply locate the file you downloaded, add it and activate it.
  6. Interesting idea, but practically more or less impossible. There's an awful lot of dialogue and characters, and not too many voice actors with professional grade recording equipment in the community.
  7. Only trouble with that analogy is that Steam / DRM / alternate forms of protection don't work in the first place. :whistling: It's a useless token gesture, so yes they might as well just hand out the keys because all they're doing is pissing off legitimate users. Steam does nothing to stop piracy. It's not a solution at all. It's fluff. Keys also not prevent car theft, so why do we have them? If someone wants to steal a car keys aren't needed. Judging by the large amount of friends who acquired Skyrim with a conspicuous lack of money being exchanged (who then proceded to laugh themselves silly while Steam broke the game I paid for, whilst they sat back and played how they wanted, when they wanted with all the patches and mods they wanted) the keys are so ineffective, easily copied or just faked with a hairpin, they might as well not exist. Although thinking about it, the key analogy doesn't work at all.
  8. Read the whatjemecallit - Terms of Service? For Steamworks. Clearly states that Valve can choose to make mods paid. Secondly, did you read Robin's newpost a while ago when this first broke? He asked for clarification about the matter and received something like "Our focus will be on providing free content" Which clarifies absolutely nothing. Further calls for clarification have been met with an increasingly familiar wall of silence, so it seems pretty likely that paid mods are A: Inevitable and B: going to cause a PR disaster for Bethesda, hence the stalling tactics. It probably won't be all that bad. Coming from the Sims custom content community (which has been grappling with official exchanges and pay site since the word go) I'm happy to predict that the Nexus will be fine, and that Steamworks will turn into a chaos of poorly thought out and poorly created mods which are severely limited in scope to boot - I can't see a script or graphics extender project being welcomed by Valve, considering past conduct. Pirates may or may not get in on the action - Over in the Sims community, Pescado is infamous as a maverick coder, jerk and pirate and has more or less gained complete legitimacy in the community, despite being associated with Pay Sites Must Be Destroyed, which effectively steals pay-content from pay sites, especially TSR, a site which literally almost everyone hates. Then again, there's a flimsy EULA justification for the anti-pay movement, so I'm not sure if that could ever take off over here. Just my "two cents" I suppose. I certainly shan't be using Steamworks.
  9. We know very little about it so far, but it seems that: - The Construction Kit will be linked to the Steamworks service, which may or may not entail being connected to Steam at the time and may or may not mean anything you create is automatically uploaded to Steamworks once finished. - The CK will "bundle" mods for you and all mods from Steamworks will be "automatically installed" which some interpret to mean there will be a standardised file type. - There will almost certainly be paid mods alongside free mods, which can only end well. - Most importantly, "You’ll still be able to upload/share/access Skyrim mods on fan-created mod sites." And in terms of raw speculation, I can't see Valve being pro-script extender, considering the whole "forcing-a-patch-on-you-to-encrypt-the-exe" thing.
  10. Now what exactly is *that* supposed to mean? It means the Omegataco is trolling. On topic, this is just another reason for me to hate Steam and another stick to hit the Valve fanboys with.
  11. Just pointing out that it would have to be a remake, not a conversion - taking assets from one game and putting them in another is not only illegal but also frowned upon by Bethesda, and thus also by the Nexus.
  12. It does look really good - somehow, the desert landscape and pine trees seem to work quite well!
  13. Might be a shot in the dark, but maybe you could look at some of the mods which rexture the snow to look better? Logically, the files they change are the ones you need to change
  14. Just thought I'd link to this in case you haven't seen it already, since it seems relevent
  15. I've heard from several places that this update ignored that setting - the update was forced through even if people had opted out of auto-update. There is something up with those people only for some reason. I've heard that too. But pretty much everyone I've seen do it including my friends on Steam who did it around 5min ago, it shows v1.1 under the menu ingame now and Steam doesn't even try to bother updating it. That Steam option SHOULD stop it from updating and if it continues to update, then obviously Steam Support needs to be contacted for tech help with the Steam client. Could be that Steam realised that forcing gamebreaking DRM on people may not have been the best move? Also, I might have been reading your post wrong, but 1.1 was the release day patch - this 'update' shouldn't have done anything other than encrypting the .exe. Are yo sure you're not looking at the release day patch? The release day patch was either v1.0 or below v1.1.21.0. I am running v1.1.21.0 which is the patch they released right after launch, very soon. As far as I know that is the newer release day patch since they never patched it since except for today. Today it is v1.2. Even when I first installed the game on release (got it via mail in hand) I had to patch it, so I know I'm not running the original, but the quickie they threw into Steam, soon after release. Regardless if its the original or not, speaking generally, it works with those two patches, which is good for a lot of people. My mistake, thanks for correcting me!
  16. All the other old articles got nuked. I saw a few go down. I'm not sure why they were taken down. Maybe Bethesda or Steam are trying to cover up how much damage they caused. I think it's just Valve - this sort of thing smacks of them. En plus, Todd Howard stated that Skyrim on Steam wouldn't use an encrypted .exe, so it seems unlikely that this is anything other than Valve being corporate about DRM
  17. I've heard from several places that this update ignored that setting - the update was forced through even if people had opted out of auto-update. There is something up with those people only for some reason. I've heard that too. But pretty much everyone I've seen do it including my friends on Steam who did it around 5min ago, it shows v1.1 under the menu ingame now and Steam doesn't even try to bother updating it. That Steam option SHOULD stop it from updating and if it continues to update, then obviously Steam Support needs to be contacted for tech help with the Steam client. Could be that Steam realised that forcing gamebreaking DRM on people may not have been the best move? Also, I might have been reading your post wrong, but 1.1 was the release day patch - this 'update' shouldn't have done anything other than encrypting the .exe. Are yo sure you're not looking at the release day patch?
  18. AFAIK, you could only do this before the update. Valve decided that you can only use your game through Steam, it seems. See, this is why I never use Steam if I can help it.
  19. I've heard from several places that this update ignored that setting - the update was forced through even if people had opted out of auto-update.
  20. I'm really sorry but Anne Boleyn was the Tudor (16th Century) second wife of the English King Henry VIII, who was eventually executed by her husband because she didn't give birth to sons and had absolutely nothing to do with the 18th Century French Revolution. You probably mean Marie Antoinette /nerding
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