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Everything posted by ZeroAndOne

  1. Been a problem since FO4 launch. The post Oldrim && Pre-SkyrimSE engine, SDK, and .exe all doesn't allow the more traditional concepts established in the older games of TES & Fallout for Bethesda's products. We were specifically working with the cameras inside the game. In order to better understand that area I was interested if anyone has found a way to decrease the time before the screensaver starts, which is otherwise known as the Vanity Camera. Nothing in the .esm/.esp for that, the config .ini commands from Vanilla Skyrim (Oldrim) no longer work, and as mentioned neither do the old .esm/.esp ways of manipulating this duration of pause on player action to initiate the Vanity Camera. The increment or speed of the camera's rotate is adjustable from the config .ini which is advisable to avoid any virtual reality sickness or motion sickness, very much like Skyrim. You certainly can see the advantages of a slow spinning camera usage for the various activities in the game, though we seem to lack very much information or control of that camera. Also there is another problem of the message that reminds us we are in a settlement & if the player character is in a position to wait. A never ending prompt to press T to wait. We're on PC, don't need reminding what the application can do & this also goes against the tradition of older Bethesda games where we just don't need to ever see that. FO4 is broken in this way & it just about makes it impossible to ever sit in the game from a very annoying prompt & reminder about that we are in a settlement, yes, we know that, indeed, thanks, goodbye. Thanks for the help.
  2. Windows Vista anyone, anyone, anyone... Windows Seven anyone, anyone, anyone... Win7 = Vista + Huge Patch Something like that. Folder permissions & Steam library folder set to read only? (after having modded it about 100 esp/esm or so) The game's timescale can cause some super wonky stuff. Then threading this across multicores in the old engine would freeze. Game start up, if it's clean & set all right one at a time MCM like with a lot of testing. Yeah, you could run into freezing in 2018 & this search is top of the list on the net for the issue. This post lacked a diagnostic tree with a end result. I'm sure someone knows why Oldrim freezes, but until then it's a process of elimination one at a time. It gets desperate we'll even be running some compatibility mode for vista SP's & actually it might have a admin flag on it, might want to remove that while I'm testing it for freezing due to folder permissions & read only status. Which figures, that it would be a windows problem that caused Oldrim to be a little problematic. It's still Creation Engine though, pretty nice engine, just sayin. I'll let you know if I find anything else.
  3. It would be a script that's part of a quest that is constantly referencing if the player activated a list of doors && the companion's location. Though you could try setting the form or reference for the actor so they can not use doors, however you would also have to disable companion teleporting. Also one could put a OnActivate script on all doors to interior cells which cancels out & refers to dialog with the actor that they can not go inside, which uses result script & quest to automatically then force the player through the door. I don't think anyone would have made anything like any of that, but don't let me discourage you from trying. I'm sure it's possible, and might even be useful in certain situations. It doesn't really fair all that well in a proof of concept stage of development. You know, because the player can tell companions to wait & so long as the player doesn't fast travel, the vanilla game will keep those companions at that location. Then the argument against being something like, if this companion can't or shouldn't go inside interior cells in the game, then why is this a good companion? You understand right? This companion shouldn't go indoors which means this actor shouldn't be a companion. A logic & reason problem which occurs in the real world while sitting in front of a computer terminal before beginning work on a potential project. Though you could also make a post in the CK SDK board & mod request board to find more skill or interest in the possibility. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=3485,3500 @ The Bottom
  4. I don't understand what you are trying to do. I know sometimes groups are not assigned very well to CBBE/CBBEBodies groups, but it's fairly rare. Usually it's pretty cut & dry thinking. Though, you know, if it's just an edit of the mesh for your personal use, just use outfit studio to edit it. See if you can find a YouTube video that describes what it is that you are wanting to do, then go learn how to do it.
  5. Seems like a decent video. I haven't seen the whole thing yet. Though, I suspect that watching a playlist of Honest Game Trailers would be better for my mental health. https://youtu.be/SXry5Sm1q3M
  6. I didn't like the side effects from Jack's Disable quick loot, so instead we went with DEF_UI to disable that quick search feature box, then drop hud framework & the DEF_UI patch, & then drop iHUD on it. Should work, no idea, it's a theory & test. The effect is that I never actually see search container, at all, I have to know that this is searchable or not, this is a dead body, it has stuff in it. Different view for sure, subtle. Whatever authenticity is there, is certainly detached from that, by way of a implied necessity for functionality. Which in this case seems to have subtracted a particular attention to the scene & thereby the artistic authenticity of the moment while in-game in that particular situation. I hope it works out.
  7. Jack's Disable Quick Loot @ NexusMods Look at this, this fella Jack said "Hell no, we won't go!" I mean, yeah I feel like s***, everything sucks, but I'm starting to get the feeling that a authentic Fallout would also mean taking away a whole bunch of crap. Montky had some cool stuff to say above, don't ferget to read.
  8. Go FO4 Nexus Forums Main Board At the bottom is the Creation board, if yeh wanted to learn about GECK stuff. Also there is Creation Kit Main Page Papyrus which isn't the homepage, but Papyrus is a little more filled in than the rest of the stuff, as it's a wiki. Anyway, question is probably better off asked there. I'd guess it's very similar to creating an Automatron, a bunch of parts that are attached together. The game does this already with some gear depending on the player level & there are mods that exploit that specifically. However, for the potential use implied in your question I would think you would be much more better off taking advantage of the highly developed mods which accomplish this very same thing often in much more of a comprehensive form. To start, lots of weapon mods are going to inject weapons into leveled lists, which puts the weapons into the hands of your actors. Also long, long, development cycle on mods like Super Mutant Overhaul, Raider Overhaul, Minutemen Overhaul, and Institute Overhaul. That's just the ones I know about, quite popular, well developed, fun, and all of em are made by people that liked playing the game. Hell, now that I mention it, there are mods that make Pipe weapons just as dangerous as prewar weapons, & mods that make institute weapons just as dangerous as energy weapons. Something like that. Hope it helps.
  9. I was just curious. What do you think makes FO4 a authentic Fallout experience?
  10. Spot The Vol Light! Yes or No, does the above image contain Volumetric Lighting (It might be called Cliometric lighting) Idk, yes or no man? Yes or No, does the above image contain Volumetric Lighting? There are several things that caused this & a determining factor. Is one of those because of Volumetric Lighting? Place your bets. Does this contain Volumetric Lighting? Let me borrow a dollar, come on man, I'll give it back, I swear. Does the above image contain Volumetric Lighting? Pardon me sir/mam/mrx, do you think this image contains Volumetric Lighting? Does this image contain the toughest Super Mutants ever made? Yes! It's why the gun is out, cause it needs to be out! XD How about Volumetric Lighting huh? You think, maybe, perhaps. ^^ ^^ A little fancy to go with the Super Mutant Overhaul? How about this song? Does it contain Volumetric Lighting? How about this one. Does the image contain Volumetric Lighting? Is this what Volumetric Lighting looks like? Come on, I know you want to answer. Whoa, that was weird, the internet/web was glitching. Anyway, it's pretty simple. Volumetric Lighing & God Rays are basically the same thing. Only difference is the God Rays in FO4 are the really huge rays & it maps & gets blocked out by anything in it's way. Like looking up at the sun while standing under a tree. The God Ray is going to map to the tree & the beams go all over. I don't know if it actually maps, but it acts that way if you look at one. I've seen 2 & noticed it since Fallout 4 launched. 3 if you count the one in V111. Seriously, noticed them 3 times. Now the jaggies that it creates from conflicting with AA, noticed those all the time, hence why most people disabled them. Volumetric Lighting in FO4 is the same thing as God Rays, it's just toned way down, because God Rays are overkill time 1,000. It's meant to be a spectacular sight & it is. So like VL makes the lighting appear as though it's a volume from the sun to the player for example, now that's a volume, instead of just a lightbulb, which is where the VFX comes in I'd bet, but I noticed it about as many times as I noticed God Rays. It's pretty cool. Just search engine the net/web for "Volumetric Lighting" fun to read about. Now, since we are on the topic of extremely silly things. Your draw distance sliders are silly. Go ahead turn the all down, and then turn one of them up about 25% & look for the point where that content type culls (disappears) then run towards it & look at the point at which it's rendered again. Because the most fun we can have with FO4 is huge massive battles & also downtown (which is quite performance intensive just being downtown). If you have everything set to the very minimum level that is playable, as an example GTAV shadows are only good for so far, unlike FO4 which are not as high performance. It's really silly. We can absolutely tank this game with dropped frames, stuttering, i/o lag, microstutering, flashing, ect. It's very easily avoided on PC's that are slower than the new XBO/PS4, you know 5-6 year old PC's, it's all about the same though. With that in mind, at least some of the time you will want to turn one off & the other on, or both on, or all detail way past ultra. It's adjustable & Volumetric Lighting & God Ray is a huge factor in determining if the type of render you want is going to have a playable performance & level of detail. So I would suggest going to Nexus Mods FO4 & downloading the Configurator (there's one for all the Bethesda games) FO4's configurator has a button to enable Volumetric Lighting & a button to enable God Ray, then there is a quality setting for both. Then like mentioned above there are BAT files to run a ultra ray which much better performance with the only drawback being a small loss in quality which actually looks pretty awesome in/of itself. Though keep in mind if you run a mod that is changing the weather, you'll need a 1024 max particle (same is true for a VFX mod) but going higher than 1024 can glitch out these game engines. Shadows are super easy, just set it to a 4096 map @ 2560 distance & 1280 LOD. This way you have a 4096 shadow map that goes about halfway up the hill to Vault 111 & the 2560 is now the normal crappy shadows. I'm still testing it, but it seems to work well with city blocks. Now it will cull & render in as the player moves, but that's the point. The player quickly moved into a new city block for one reason or another. Yeah I saw the shadow render in, I was more worried about the tons of creatures & raiders that were chasing me. I needed the game to run max detail as fast as possible to be able to either watch huge battles or participate in them. I film that to in realtime with Bandicam. This is with a very old & cheap computer, but it's set up to run FO4 fast which took work & testing. Only recently I switched between max detail performance to 3 times higher than ultra with a -1 mipmap (-LOD bias doesn't work on FO4 which uses a texture streamer & framerate controler built into Fallout4.exe) I couldn't tell the difference in 1080p, because it's more than likely all 4k display stuff. Makes you want to buy a 4.3 display huh or a old CRT display for instant response (just don't fry your eyeballs with low framerates) Anyway, also I couldn't tell the difference by increasing the draw distance sliders beyond 25% which was much higher than I need to actually play the game. Oblivion set the standard, FO3 was 4 times the distance, and Skyrim/FO4 went beyond that, which is why 25% is such a far distance. It's a Skyrim grid too, which seems a good bit larger than the old FO3 grid, most of the time I don't even notice the distant LOD (which is helpful) even if I make myself look nothing really effects it more than at what distance did you look at it. It seems to somewhat change with config, but not really. If anyone ends up looking at distant LOD & being at least somewhat close to it, then it will look terrible. Then if we are far away from distant LOD, it looks fantastic even as vanilla distant LOD. But you should know, looking at or loading too much of the wasteland can ruin it, because it appears to be so close to our current position. I considered ruining this install by jumping up to a 25 grid, just to load the game & go to bed & sleep all night as it loads in (I'd need more RAM! LOL) But then I remembered that this will ruin the perspective & the game, then all the settings/config in the world didn't really change what this place looked like. I'm sure it would look cool if I tried it, but it's much better to reduce all that & have super high performance instead. Then dump 500+ mods on it & HD textures, but I'll say it again "FO4 will take some work to get it to look great & run well".
  11. VFX, Particle effects. Guess it means Virtual FX, but hell, maybe I'm wrong & they're teaching all these 3D artists audio FX. You were rude. So I left.
  12. Uh, 1handeddraw, Just guessing. Look it up with xEdit in idle animations?
  13. No idea, you could look at it with xEdit to check your work, see if that material is applied on the form or reference.
  14. Well some of it is the decal size being way to large, the game kind of glitches out, so smaller decals are better. You should install it again with different options & get the 3-4 or so blood mods, which are all basically updating EBT, search blood & gore & look & read at everything. Also this board you would only ask questions like this if you were planing on remaking that mod. It's a board dealing with the SDK & other tools or process used to create mods, not to fix broken ones or deal with EndUser issues. Mod Troubleshooting & Tech Support is where you find answers to that stuff.
  15. I just ask them. But then again, if you made your own, people would be asking you, instead of the other way around. On that side, just give it away if nobody is paying you to make it. That's what Oblivion was like, yes take it, do what you want with it, thanks. Real nice way to live. Cool post.
  16. Yeah, it's just like, really boring that we can't scan what is underground. Mass graves for example for loot. Unrefined uranium ore. 2 mile deep deposits of crude oil. Harvesting devices to gather material types. The long trip to scan for whatever particular material or element which is needed. That excavation in the beginning of the new Bladerunner DVD seems to have taken an effect on my creative side in regard to Fallout & Skyrim.
  17. What! Jesus that sounds terrible. What the heck did you do. Never had that problem & I've done some particularly crazy things in FO4. I think maybe you caused this with your preference for mods & the result of which caused a side effect of breaking the game. However, a deeper problem is that you became so upset that it occurred. That's not good man. Things in the world are annoying as hell. Dealing that is part of being human. I would suggest a more mature amount of patience & understanding. You have broke the game definitely. I know for sure that other people whom make content for the game would very much like to see this problem you have no doubt created. Please flim it with Bandicam & show us a quick video of it. 480p/720p/1080p 28 FPS is fine to display the issue. Thanks
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