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Regular Play with Creation Kit
ZeroAndOne replied to pixelbender's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Naw man. The Creation GECK. LOL The SDK is a good one. We get it from the Bethesda.net launcher. That keeps it updated, and installs it to the correct location. First time you run the SDK it asks if we want to unpack the scripts, which is handy. After that point it's benign. If you don't use it, then it does nothing. The game is the same. It might help to explain .ESL which is the newer version of .ESM/.ESP If a mod isn't to large it can be converted to a .ESL with the SDK, if there are no errors, then it can load along side the game, similar to a .dll where the .ESM/.ESP is traditional loading & limited to a total number of 254, we can run 255 max, but it's harder to work with. Publishing or Converting to .ESL is a easy way to put the mod outside that limitation box for the total amount. Skyrim can be really fun with far less than 254 .ESM/.ESP but FO4 on the other hand requires around 600 mods to be fun. That's just the nature of the beast. So it's helpful to use Merge Plugins to circumvent that 254 limit. I'm sure there are Skyrim players that try to get 600 mods going in a stable game, because Merge Plugins actually comes from the Skyrim Community. .ESL is just as good though. All the mods from Creation Club come as .ESL short of any error in converting to that file type. I use both actually, but if all else fails use the old ways. The SDK has to have the config.ini edited to allow the loading of multiple masters, which becomes required at some point. There is the Fallout4.esm & following DLC.esm as the official game. Launch it load one or all of the masters. Do your work. Then hit the save button periodically incase the power goes out if it's a long project. Each time you load up the mod you are creating, it gets set to the active file. This means it's actively being edited. All the changes are saved inside that file. Where as if you load up your mod with it not set to active, you would have created a plug in for your file. The original mod has yesterdays work, and when you save ,it's going to save today's work in a different file. Hence, the setting of your current work to be the active file. Other than that, don't forget the official Wiki, I use the Papyrus Tutorial as the homepage to get to any information in the Wiki. Nexus has a Wiki too, come to think of it. Then if you didn't know, Steam is able to make backup install discs for any of these games, in various patch versions for games. What kind of work do you want to try to do? CreationKit.ini @ Fallout directory (where the Fallout4.exe is) allow multi master loads in red at the bottom of the general section, it's a text document, doesn't have to be red, I just did that so you could find it in the spoiler.- 9 replies
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SCRIPT: how to get actor's name without F4SE?
ZeroAndOne replied to g2mXagent's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
I was a script kiddie on Obscript, it's what we had before Papyrus. In those days it was all Editor Id or Reference Id if it had a custom name in the reference. So like like say it's Codsworth, go in the world, find the reference for Codsworth. That's the version of the Editor Id that is placed in the world. Like the player. 00000007 is the Editor Id or Form Id that is the player. Place that form into the world and it becomes 00000014 which is the player reference. If it helps, it's a reference to the form, like a form that has to be filled out, if it helps you remember. The player reference doesn't exist until the game starts, if that blows your mind. Come on, think about it. We don't exist unless we start the game. It's a old joke. NATE & NORA are both in Vault 111 as potential 00000014 player references, but which actually exists! LOL I can't wait to mess with the head of a Ai program. Any Fookin Way... If a actor's name is information that is typed into the Editor Id or Form Id. Well, that's just information that is on the Form. It's not actor value/data all that stuff is built into the game or SDK from programing. It's the whole purpose of the form. And you know what Mr. Smith in the Matrix says about 'Purpose'? Ouuu, spooky Y2K music plays. LOL So the .exe knows that when it comes time to display something to the player, it's the name, or the in-game name. You wouldn't call upon a N99 10mm pistol to find out the name. It's just something that was built into the SDK/Game. A better question might be why do you want to call up an actor's name. I don't know, there were not many details. However, in the old days. These references that were going to be called upon by a script had a custom name that was put on the reference. Codsworth is the actor name, but go to that placed reference in the world, double click it, it probably has a custom Editor Id name, which like the player (although the player doesn't exist yet, cause we're in the SDK, game hasn't started) 0000007 Player Editor Id Form Id && 00000014 Reference Id. If it existed, go to that 00000014 to double click the placed reference in the SDK and at the top is a spot to fill out a Editor Id. Let's just say it's Codsworth, he's the player now. You go Codsworth, good for you for taking the initiative. You know that this actor's name is Codsworth, so you fill out the Reference Editor Id box, with the same name. Codsworth. Call that on a script all you want, and it would return as that. It's not a good idea. Because usually this stuff is named Codsworth001 or like CodsworthMQ1. It's all hidden, behind the scenes, smoke & mirrors. Editor Ids & Named Reference Editor Ids all have custom names, and to serve a custom purpose. This way the names won't overlap. Are you calling upon Codsworth in the wasteland or Codsworth as the actor existed in Pre-War, two different times, two different worlds. Throw in a long game, DLC, and tons of mods pretty soon the names overlap, then the script is calling up something which has multiple versions. The the poop starts to break. It's just theoretical. There are listings of every console command in the game if you want to try your luck on finding a command that returns the in-game name for something. You could look at other scripters libraries, I hear that helps. All the vanilla scripts. Then also there is a section of the official Wiki for the SDK (the creation GECK, ha hah!) which deals with Papyrus specifically, though I would suggest to not try to avoid F4SE, as it's used by everyone. I use Papyrus Tutorial Page as my homepage actually, but the wiki has many uses. Let's look at some scripts, Hoo Ray! Scriptname vaultExitElevatorSCRIPT extends ObjectReference {Handle the RESPEC options and then the one-time elevator on the interior-side. Separate trigger for exterior animations.} IMAGESPACEMODIFIER PROPERTY VaultExitISFX AUTO OBJECTREFERENCE PROPERTY elevator AUTO ARMOR PROPERTY FXVault111ExitIdleLookUpInElevatorArmor AUTO IDLE PROPERTY elevatorLook AUTO FLOAT PROPERTY blindWait AUTO FLOAT PROPERTY elevatorWait AUTO FLOAT PROPERTY animWait AUTO BOOL DOONCE=TRUE QUEST PROPERTY MQ102 Auto Message Property CharGenFinalChangesMenu Auto int ButtonPressed = 0 Quest Property DialogueVault111 Auto ObjectReference Property RespecMoveMarker Auto Idle Property ElevatorFaceCamera Auto Idle Property ElevatorBodyCamera Auto Int MovedPlayer = 0 InputEnableLayer Property RespecEnableLayer Auto Hidden ObjectReference Property RespecLightingEnableMarker Auto OBJECTREFERENCE Property V111EnableRaiseElevatorTriggerEnableMarker Auto Keyword Property AnimFaceArchetypePlayer Auto Const {Store Player Face Archetype. We need to switch player to Neutral while in the menu.} ObjectReference Property V111ExitLightingEnableMarker Auto Const EVENT ONTRIGGERENTER(OBJECTREFERENCE obj) IF(obj == game.getPlayer() && DOONCE) DOONCE = FALSE ;update QT (MQ102 as MQ03QuestScript).ReSpecDone=1 ;WJS - Disable Pipboy Controls (MQ102 as MQ03QuestScript).DisablePipboy() RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("SPECIALMenu") RegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("LooksMenu") RegisterForLooksMenuEvent() ;disable controls RespecEnableLayer = InputEnableLayer.Create() RespecEnableLayer.DisablePlayerControls(abCamSwitch = True) ;disable exit vault lighting V111ExitLightingEnableMarker.Disable() ; pop character menu DialogueVault111.SetStage(98) Utility.Wait(1.0) ShowCharacterMenus() ENDIF ENDEVENT Function ShowCharacterMenus() Actor PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer() ButtonPressed = CharGenFinalChangesMenu.Show() If ButtonPressed == 0 Game.ShowSPECIALMenu() ElseIf ButtonPressed == 1 Game.FadeOutGame(True, True, 0.0, 1.0, True) ;make sure player has CharGen Skeleton for editing PlayerREF.SetHasCharGenSkeleton() ;make sure player face is neutral PlayerREF.ChangeAnimFaceArchetype(None) ;enable lighting RespecLightingEnableMarker.Enable() Utility.Wait(2.0) If MovedPlayer == 0 MovedPlayer == 1 PlayerREF.Moveto(RespecMoveMarker) EndIf Game.ForceThirdPerson() Utility.Wait(1.0) PlayerREF.PlayIdle(ElevatorFaceCamera) Utility.Wait(3.0) Game.FadeOutGame(False, True, 0.0, 1.0) Game.ShowRaceMenu(uimode = 1) ElseIf ButtonPressed == 2 UnRegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("SPECIALMenu") UnRegisterForMenuOpenCloseEvent("LooksMenu") MenusDone() ENDIF EndFunction Function MenusDone() Actor PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer() RespecLightingEnableMarker.Disable() ;Game.RequestSave() Game.ForceFirstPerson() ; Vault tec message DialogueVault111.SetStage(100) ; start the elevator elevator.PlayAnimation("stage3") ;utility.wait(blindWait) ; play the blind FX ;VaultExitISFX.apply(1) ;emergency lights in the vault turn off (MQ102 as MQ03QuestScript).ResetVaultLights() ;turn on a trigger that's used to allow the player to use the elevator again V111EnableRaiseElevatorTriggerEnableMarker.Enable() ;clear out cached facegen data PlayerREF.SetHasCharGenSkeleton(False) ;set player face back PlayerREF.ChangeAnimFaceArchetype(AnimFaceArchetypePlayer) ;Game.PrecacheCharGenClear() Utility.wait(5.0) Game.FadeOutGame(true, true, 0.5, 1.0, true) EndFunction ;when menus close, re-pop the main menu Event OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(string asMenuName, bool abOpening) if (asMenuName == "SpecialMenu") && (abOpening == False) ShowCharacterMenus() ElseIf (asMenuName == "LooksMenu") && (abOpening == False) ShowCharacterMenus() EndIf EndEvent ;handle player transitioning between body and face Event OnLooksMenuEvent(int aiFlavor) ;player edits body If aiFlavor == 10 Game.GetPlayer().PlayIdle(ElevatorBodyCamera) ;player edits face ElseIf aiFlavor == 11 Game.GetPlayer().PlayIdle(ElevatorFaceCamera) EndIf EndEvent Function DeleteMyInputLayer() RespecEnableLayer = none Self.Disable() EndFunction -
You'll have to be more precise. Combat Uniform ??? You mean the military outfit you just re-textured? Retex, Reskin, Ect... What I did for this is open xEdit (FO4Edit) then load it up, when it's done loading, right click the left window where all the .esm .esp .esl are, Apply filter, remove all the crap you left in there from the last filter, set it by name "combat" Record Signature armor, then it will run and grab anything armor with the word combat in it, because I can't tell what you are talking about Combat Uniform. Then we wait for it to finish... Yeah, that ish doesn't exist. A mod you have renamed it. There's nothing in the DLC either. So you should get xEdit(FO4Edit) Load it up, go into armor in Fallout4.esm, then the columns, Once you are inside armor click the top of the collum in the left window for name, instead of the default which is Form Id, this will arrange it in A-Z find the Vanilla armor that was changed, probably the military outfit or there's another outfit, idk maybe show a picture of the outfit to us, so we know what you are talking about? Either way, load up the whole load order with FO4Edit & find the outfit, see which mod is changing it, either get rid of that mod, or change that final entry (the one that loads last) change it to whatever you want. If it's just a Reskin then that's just inside the textures folder in your games directory, i.e. Fallout/Data/Textures I encourage you to start reading how to mod this game so you'll stop sounding like a teenage girl that can't figure out her smart phone. Heh heh, You should learn more, seriously, you have the ability to put anything in these games, and your stuck using other peoples stuff. No No NO, make your own stuff. ^^ Uhhh Huhh. That's right. Work/Play That's how it is. Best Of Luck, 0&1
Jesus man, you think these button down, oxford cloth, office workers come home to play the bad arse mercenary let's chuck babies at the wall, let's set the babies on fire, then chuck them at the wall, weekend warrior with inferiority complexes are going to understand Papyrus? Specially someone that can't load one into the game? F4SE is probably required, because it's like the first thing we install, because it gives a custom launcher, which patches in those Script Extender commands, this is for every Beth game basically. That .exe launches the game, which makes it incredibly useful besides it's obvious benefits. Hitting a button & having the game launch, one button, it's priceless. Papyrus isn't used unless that script is attached to something inside the game world, a reference in the game world, a quest that is enabled "Start Game Enabled" that either is or is not limited to a one time run. If you just write a script with nothing to put it on, the game won't know it's there. I guess you could edit existing scripts, then they should load, but on the basic level you have to have that part in order to run a Papyrus script, the attachment to something in the game. It should load automatically, if you broke that, you done F***ed up. Try setting folder security options, maybe windows or your antivirus is blocking it. At any rate, Creation GECK Papyrus. Keep talking about it on the other forum that's for this kind of thing, go find some Papyrus writers/libraries/examples. Get a mod that uses a custom script, see if it works in the game, if that doesn't even work, your game is broken, start over, BACKUP everything, Steam BACKUP the install disc via Backup & Restore games, clean it all out, clean the registry, start over. Orrrrrrrrrrr keep talking to those in your original post or make another in that forum. I don't know what to tell you man, I'm a script kiddie.
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Old Guns Quest not starting on modded game
ZeroAndOne replied to Username0815's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Well, being that Bethesda broke the game like 600 times since launch & we had to start a new game to fix it, I'd consider BACKUP copies of everything pretty much. Even then just get a clean save game, an .json the character's face in from Looks Menu, heck you can move the character through vastly different load orders that way, and enjoy the stability of using a BACKUP savegame which was created without mods just before or after taking the elevator up from Vault 111. It's a bootstrap from the Skyrim era. You're recreating the same character. Then cheat it back to roughly the same character. Do the quests again to have fun, cause it's a sandbox game, not a quest game. That's the worst case scenario. If you can't roll back the savegame to a point where it was clean, or you adjust your timescale to be 5, 6, or 8. I like using a 5 timescale because I know it's 4 times slower than Vanilla, but that is definitely when these timescale issues begin to happen. If that didn't glitch out the quest, then it's related to the play of that quest, it's gone bad, glitched, corrupted, in the save game. You're better off avoiding this behavior which is causing that. Your answer pretty much is debug testing, get a new game or different character savegame that's already out of the vault, cheat it back, do the quest, see what glitches it. Could be one of your mods doesn't work well with that quest, so go to that mod's page, and look for other users that had the problem or if there are bug reports, can you contact the original author. But I mean, I wouldn't worry about keeping a continuous play of FO4, it can break quite often, I usually just re-roll the same character unless that character died. I've still got NORA from 2015, and in the game it's 2293. Six years later after I ran around exploring for 2+ years in free-roam independent faction only ever doing about 4 quests into the game. Because Boobs, That's Why. -
Yeah, man. So take the Josie body for example because it has a (outfit) slider set for generic outfits in batch build. Preview it & adjust the sliders for that generic outfit one, make adjustments then save it. Change the outfit to another & adjust the sliders on a different outfit, save it. Continue doing this to find the sweet spot. Do it over time. As an example NORA here, was adjusted from Josie body which is drastically different from vanilla. The breasts & hips were edited, and it still needs more editing. Because the outfits need to appear as if everything is still the vanilla body. If it's a custom body, or for example taking advantage of Custom Player Body/Head, set that up later. The clothing can be custom clothing, an can have a different slider set than the generic outfit. But as seen in the picture it was edited to make the vanilla outfits look normal. The hips are still way to big, all butt, hips, an tits. That's not going to work with vanilla outfits & armor. Set CBBE up to appear as the vanilla body does in how Bodyslide morphs the shape, make sure your game outfits are not horribly morphed way beyond the normal range because it's trying to fit vanilla meshes to a custom body, fit the custom clothing to the clothing body, then start out with the vanilla outfits fit to not be horribly incorrect, by having a middle ground between your ideal body & the vanilla body. There are many ways to do that. But here it's smaller breasts which are not pushed together or with cleavage which have a bit a gravity on them, and then adding belly fat, while trying to reduce the sexually objectified butt & hips.
So like, if the weapon has other combonations, that's all in the Object Template. But I typically view this in FO4 Edit, it's easy to see which is what, and if like, delete all that useless crap. Kind of the way Leveled List is crap. LL is done via Papyrus script now, and it's pretty easy to do that. The reason why is because every other stoopid person on the side walk as they walk to catch a train into let's make a mod town, all of them touch the Leveled List, and all of them lack the understanding or perception that this is what is used to balance the game over levels 1 to 256, mainly in what equipment the other actors have. So right there, 254 mods, Leveled Lists are always broken, hence the Papyrus Script that injects it instead. You still need the standard version of the weapon that has the mod. But I mean, if your object modification or weapon edit was any good you would want to put that directly into the game on the actors you wanted to have it. As a example I noticed these actors weapons sucked & they were weak, lame, squishy wastelanders. Find that actor, ditch the streamline pipeline industry speed standard of setting inventories of actors via a single generic list which changes as the player levels up. If you are going to gear out Actors, then don't beat around the bush. Go into those actor's inventories & set it up to be standalone (so it doesn't touch anything else in the game) as a example a different generic spawn that is a marker that places your actor in the world, which also has the correct inventory of gear appropriate for what it is you are trying to do. I mean, s***, unless you are trying to equip your weapon to everyone in the game. That happens enough already, and to be honest I usually go in there & disable the start enabled quest that injects weapons into my LL because THOSE WEAPONS ARE HORRIBLY UNBALANCING A GAME THAT'S ALREADY HORRIBLY UNBALANCED! LOL yeah. If it's a mod for release to other users, then do it right, don't upload some weak stuff just because you got the urge to become a modder. 1. Make the Ai for the actor, fighting style, this is combat style, the Ai for the bot, make it custom, it's easy. 2. Set the weapons by range engage distance, tactically. Long, Medium, and Short range weapons which are all locked to the Ai's ability to use it by distance settings inside the weapons. Then make another for either Melee range or Unarmed, then make a noted separation between your two created combat styles so that one will charge & melee, an teh other will unarmed. 3. Make the Ai use bullets, ammo, you know that stuff we have to find or make to shoot stuff with. This way also besides switching between weapons which have greater accuracy by the distance at which it's used. The actor will also run out of ammo & calculate Ai search radius for a better weapon and/or ammo as it's making it's flight of fight calculation. 4. Make duplicate actors to set up in this way. Link it to the already created face templates to save time, but your custom content is contained inside custom actors. Place those in the world. Start with combat testing in a quarantined environment. Then place the actors in places where it's needed. For example, Navmesh the roofs, put them up there, add in ladders/stairs so the actor can run down to the ground, or hide in a garbage can up there. 5. Dress the actors in clothing or armor according to their status in the Wasteland. No Waste Rats With Mini Guns & Power Armor. Speaking of Power Armor, set those up with vast amounts of health on the PA, so it won't explode instantly as it does in the vanilla game. 6. Continue developing whatever it is that you wanted to do with a Leveled List. I wouldn't do it with Leveled List, because the vanilla ones are not that good, doesn't factor into what we actually need or want as gamers, so maybe this helps, I don't know. You have to learn what it is you want to make, then learn how. Watch the videos, if you can't figure it out, try reading about it? Go to the official Creation SDK Wiki, look at the Wiki here, ask on forums here or Bethesda.net? I don't know what to tell you. To answer your question, you need a entry inside the leveled list that points to your specific version of the weapon. I'm not sure you can even do that with the Creation Geck, even then, I wouldn't do it like that, I would find the Leveled List, then type in the FormId for the WEAP form, that's the weapon. You would go into the game & player.additem 0000000 1 to see if the game adds this weapon in random configurations, if it does that, then just add the Form ID number to the leveled list, set the level, see if it's calculated for each one or for all in the list. Spawn a bunch of those actors & kill them however you like, with game play or via console command. Look for the content you added. I'm just guessing. Are there lists for specific configurations of weapons, for example a list of weapons for Raiders which increasingly mod the weapon, or is it random. Does the weapon have a legendary version, is that in the template. Go ask in the Creation GECK Forum.
Do, Whaaaaaa? That's just that particular place in the game. It does that I think. This is like TAA +FXAA +ENB. Don't usually see any of that, but then again I would just ignore it if I did. The opening scene, it does that though I think. You might want to get Fallout 4 Configuration Tool - By Bilago though, makes it better. OP's Original 4k reduced to 1080p @ 300PPI from 120PPI (to keep the 4K part ???) Yeah, the lighting there sucks. That's why. Go view stuff like this outside the Pre-War opening gig. Thanks for the pictures.
I think what you need is to batch build the CBBE armors to your body type. Well, the vanilla female body type, except for some few & far between changes on the old body diamond selection. I like picking a body first. Josie works okay, the hips & boobs are too much though. It can be difficult to find a proper setting so that vanilla outfits still look good. So you would have to adjust the sliders & save that on a few outfits until you get a basic outfit set. This is different than a nude or particular outfit, it's generic & usually works well with outfits, hence the name. Josie has one of those, but it requires some pretty intensive work with the sliders to get it into the comfort zone, unless you just prefer the modder's sliders, which usually are made to do that. Anyway, you need those CBBE vanilla armors, I think it comes with body slider or as the old CBBE enhancer. Pick body, Pick slider set, pick groups, then batch build them all at once. Go watch YouTube on how to use CBBE & Bodyslide. Ahhhh, s***, Something like that. What you have is the vanilla body & outfit, but you've installed the CBBE skin textures. I'm guessing.
Black Screen CTD On Launch -- Ult. FO4 Mod Comp.
ZeroAndOne replied to 7vincent7black7's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Yeah man/lady, uh, Mr X "Yeah Mr X" Lady, Man. What the f***! Ladyman. Ouuuuu He's so pretty, so pretty, so pretty, witty, and gayyyyyyyy. It's a pitty, I feel so s**ty. S***, I don't know the rest of the song. You know what I think about you laptopers, I think you'll all catch yer d***s on fire. ROFL Ha Hah! I'm just kidding. Yeah man, FO4 runs okay on a 60 series. You just have to disable the stoopid light rays (volumetric & godray) set some custom shadows for either high performance or high detailed walks. Texture reduction too, from ultra textures to high. Then just use a ENB instead. Nvidia needs a custom configuration for FO4, for sure. Oh yeah, s*** I forgot. Crash upon launch means you have a missing required master file. That or the file being used as a master is loading after a file that uses it as a master. Also in some conditions & patches of teh game, having deleted items will cause that crash upon launch. What I usually do is... Try loading it up with xEdit, it usually says if there is a missing file, good way to check the load order. ------------------------OR-------------------- 1. Disable one half of the load order, say it's 100 mods, disable 50 mods. 2. Launch The Game. 3. If it still crashes then it's located in the first 50 mods, if it doesn't crash it's located in the last 50 mods. 4. Keep doing that, cutting it in half until you know about 5 or so mods it has to be. 5. Disable those 5 mods until you know which one. 6. Fix the problem. Something like that. It has a process. Here man, I'm really liking this shadow set up for running around. -
Weird Rendering Bug in Nuka-World DLC
ZeroAndOne replied to Oppumium's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I'm really liking these shadow settings for a high performance PC shadows set up. Though sometimes I set it much higher & just walk around. What you saw was Pre-Vis/Combined "Culling" Render & Cull. What isn't needed is culled (made to disappear). Now why that is happening right there where you were? It probably shouldn't do that. Could be you have a old save game & it got broken somehow. Roll back to a early save in that set & see if it still happens. It could be you have a mod that is changing that area & they didn't do a good job of setting up or leaving Pre-Vis/Combined alone. Like if you had a mod that places something there, but another mod did too. Then one of the mod's Pre-Vis/Combined was conflicting with the other. Most of that is set up for Consoles though. PC doesn't mind as much if small parts of the Pre-Vis are disabled or don't exist. How hard is it to get to that place & you could get other people to test it on their PC? -
If it was me. I would delete it. Then start the tutorial again. You might could fix what you did wrong, but you can also drive yourself crazy trying to fix something that isn't there or you can't find. Looking for a needle in a haystack. If you make something once, that's one thing. If you make the same thing 10 different times, and 10 different ways hopefully. Then you have an idea how to best make something. The practice of making it is what you need to be able to make a better version of it. Now I'm just guessing. You want a dialog for a doctor, but someone said don't use the one already in the game? Drumlin Doc comes to mind. It's just putting a doctor at the Drumlin Dinner, but it's very simple. I'm not sure what it is you are trying to make. You don't want to drive yourself crazy. I know that. If something isn't going well, I usually delete it, and move on. I would say relax. If you were wanting to spend time dedicated to creating specific piece, then relax & do that.
You might have meant for this to go in Fallout 4 Creation Kit and Modders ??? I'm not really sure, but it seems like WEAP might have a base model or no base model. Some modder made weapons when called on pull a random version of the weapon. I think this has to do with if the WEAP has a default or standard. I prefer standard models. Like a Automatron Protectron. When we craft a Automatron, it defaults to the standard model, this is the Protectron NPC. The pieces that make up that, like the arms. Have mod parts that add onto that base. If I wanted it to always spawn as a fully built Police Protectron, then it's just putting those mod forms onto the base Actor. Weapons are the same way, but its Combonations. I prefer to use xEdit. Creation GECK is faster for some specific things. xEdit we just have to not click/wait/click on certain boxes that will call up all existing FormIds. These mods or parts of weapons contain many of the weapon characteristics, bunch of that is via Keywords. FO4edit (xEdit) Combonations Creation GECK Object Template Inside WEAP FormId ???
Hard To Find PA HUD Gauges Colored (Classic Mod)
ZeroAndOne posted a topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
This mod was hard to find over the last couple of years. There was someone's nephew that really liked it, but we couldn't find it. So I came to leave a marker of where & what it was. Now it would be different & mix into a couple of other mods to make that look spectacular. I'll see if I can produce a working set, but I'm pretty sure the old classic PA HUD gauges mod is https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8289 -
It's kind of hard to do that actually. It's been hard the last 8 years to do that specifically. Variation. First it's not sexual or the objectification of the female sex. Just that, inside the digital reality things have to be a bit exaggerated for it to feel or appear, as our perception in the analog reality (the real world). So factor that into your mental notes along with how & why the digital reality can have negative side effects from prolonged exposure. To maintain or be free, one needs to realize many things. To do this properly you would need to search terms like Variation, varied, or whatever pulls up what you are looking for. You know, the base relation. So it pulls up more in the search. What pulls up the item you are interested in. Here it's found in the Mod Categories under "Overhauls" burh, grumble, try to make a clean load order based on a foundation of something which can be difficult. That way you can get it working first, then dump the rest on it. Unique NPCs
This came out of one of PC gamer's online articles, I couldn't find it (forgot the name too). But basically it centered around attaining a smoother framerate for Witcher 3 I think. It never really worked that well for FO4, although nothing really worked all that well for FO4 except for buying a very expensive video card or turning all the settings/config way down. :sad: The article used Riva Tunner Statistics Server from Guru3D.com then mainly Witcher 3 for the test, but it hypothesized that framerate could be controlled in other similar games. I've run FO4 in various configurations, but it's never run all that well. So I kept messing with it. Ha hah! This last configuration was super smooth compared to the many other ways. This test theory config was a 4 core Sandy Bridge intel i5, that's the really old now, i5 2500, it's not even Ivy Bridge, it's embarrassing actually, it's 4.017 - 4.223 GHz, you know crashing the O/S & applications as much as possible. But locked core, so it's a bus overclock, though this makes it pretty cheap to play FO4, should be tons of Sandy Bridge i5's around. It was run with Subtle ENB & FO4's TAA +FXAA & locked to 4096 VRAM to match the video card in order to keep the game out of much slower virtual ram. This was a 960 GTX video card. I used a 1 (high) settings for textures & 4096 Shadow texture map, 16384 Shadow Draw, 8192 Shadow DIR, and 2048 Shadow LOD. Volumetric/GodRay was disabled, to use the shadows. Vanilla texture streaming distances & vanilla textures (non - HD DLC) a few hundred mods running, bunch of quests, around 40+ hours into the game. I wanted to stress test it which is where the insanely huge shadow upgrade came in. Normally I don't run anything all that fancy, in fact I do fine with a 2048 S-map @ 2048 S-Draw, 2048 S-DIR, and 128 S-LOD. Using a high setting for textures, low shadow, and Vanilla streaming distance all help the game to run larger chaotic battle scenes, as a trade off. I couldn't tell the difference with these turned down or off. Volumetric lighting (Crepuscular) & GodRay disabled, because there isn't much difference, but it all serves to lower the performance requirement. Riva Tunner Statistics Server v7.1.0.15378 was used & set a framelimit of 30 FPS. To do that iPresentInterval = 0 to turn Vsync off inside FO4 & Vsync turned off in the video card & frame limit inside ENB local disabled, then triple buffering turned off (from the article) to get the correct buffer amount. Then this time we also set iFPSClamp = 30 (no idea if it still works). I don't even remember what iFPSClamp did back in the FO3/FNV/SKY era. But I remember it centered around the physics & it was before we had much control at all how Vsync was or was not applied. But who cares, cause it worked. The industry standard is 30, so I started there, but it could work up to 40-50 FPS as a setting depending on how it performs. The stress test started in Sanctuary & had the character sprint (thanks to 500+ action points) all the way down past Diamond City & the other actors were fighting the whole time nearly especially downtown, which is when we dropped 700 clutter items to test the physics (to see if physics applied smoothly in large groups, or if the iFPSClamp got them to flash forward). The insane shadows dropped 5 frames per second once I got downtown. But until that point there was only a 1 frame drop when the game was loading in more textures/poly. More importantly, the stutter & micro stutter were gone. The animations were smooth while using a non-vanilla framerate controller (which is excellent). It's just a theory, for PS4/XBO speed PC gaming rigs.
We used to could invite more than one person to conversations which take place inside the Private Message system. "I Forgot How To Do That!" Well, or it was removed because like nobody has time for that. It can be useful with international friends at least somewhat making content for these games. So I was thinking it might be a good time to ask. It can be difficult to manage if it's two separate conversations, and to be honest I can become quite lost in it. So I was curious as what the policy was for small amounts of people in conversation (2-3) relating to artistry stuff & creativity fuel, which interestingly enough, is basically just real life conversations & art pictures. Hah, I really had no idea that in the end we just want to talk & interact with people. Anyway, if you have any idea how to address a PM to 2-3 members where those invited can participate if they like, it would be much appreciated. Thanks 0&1
If I did that I would have just sold it to Creation Club instead. It's too messy to build these games right now. Instead I suggest the standard method of ESL for creation club & mods that are published as ESL. With the focus being on the ESM & ESP which relies on the community testing of the last 2-3 years proper. Old school build utilizing Merge Plugins to reduce 600 ESM & ESP into at least below 254 total ESM & ESP. That or the choice to rely upon what & how you have played FO4 up to this point, that process, namely because we know it works. ESL is designed to work with all the other content, however, that's impossible. The amount of work should be minimal to achieve a stable build of 500-600 mods for FO4 (because it's kind of a PC game missing 500-600 things.) Also, because of the pattern that developed with the many other Bethesda games we mod, that over time, they became harder to build a fresh & new set of mods which resulted in stable builds. Professionally, the streamlined process you developed to play that game requires a backup copy, because it will be too difficult to make it again in the future. I don't convert to ESL because I don't have to do that if I can already merge 600 mods into 254 so that it will load. The focus is getting that 1-600 amount to be a stable game in testing, see, this requires testing play (which sucks). If you have a particular technical question, I'm not sure that those people come in here to mod talk, it's more of a open forum, but there might not be anyone in here ever that is creating ESL, much less converting ESM/ESP to ESL. Sorry about that, but it is encouraging you to not perform unnecessary work if you don't have to. Quick, Fast, Easy, and You're a gamer man, don't forget to move around so you can play many different games, don't get stuck, take a vacation today on golden wings.
Mod Idea: No More Broken Locks
ZeroAndOne replied to Shadyfan4500's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Nah, man. It's simple. Way simple. Everyone hates all that stuff that made Oblivion really great. Well, they hate it now. What you are talking about is like the fans that are deep enough in the games to see the reality of what is there for them. Pretty much everybody else is just here to eat something, they chomp it down, and quickly move on to the next thing to eat. This is why the lockpick mechanic inside FO3/FNV/FO4 pales in comparison to even vanilla Oldrim. FO3/FNV/FO4 lockpick has a sweet spot that is so drastically wide, we could pick the lock with anything. It's like parking a car in a empty warehouse. These sweet spots are inside game settings inside the .esm for the game. You can numerically reduce that. There was a mod not long ago that put a visual graphic of the numerical sweet spot. It's just like oh, wow. It was so wide & yet you needed a bobby pin with a sniper scope on it. It's besides the point. Perks! I'm not sure, but I thought there were locksmith perks that do that & give another attempt. Though, plenty of mods will blow the lock open or provide other ways to open it. I'm not saying fundamentally changing this part of the game is a good idea or not, because I wouldn't know. I only know how it's put into practice. Then again, it could be that you have become used to the simulation giving you a large amount of possibilities which are just not available in real life. The cutting torch animations from FO3's DLC the Pitt come to mind, cut that busted lock open. The theory that design wise it might not be necessary to attempt to change hard coded in the .exe, making it irrelevant that we lack the ability to change the hard coded data this way in the older games. It's really saying to me that hey, we're going to go into a design phase & look at the possibilities instead of what this or that developer wants to happen. All hypothetical in a tree of options & ideas to explore for what works best, though don't forget it would require a good amount of testing & gameplay testing to see the advantages of how & why it should be such as it is, in the best way we found. Mah, check out this one -----> https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6666821-post-fnvskyfo4sse-non-violent-solutions-to-interactive-entertainment-may-2018/ -
Well, back in the FO3 era pretty much all NPC weapons were set to 10% condition or something. The way to nerf the NPCs so that the game doesn't actually ever end up hurting the player. You know, Big Boss Theory & the Hero Complex. Leveled lists control the inventory of the NPCs & inside those have the weapons with low condition. One side of the fence just raised the damage on all weapons until it was ridiculous. The other side edited the poor condition out of the lists that were in the NPC inventory which caused the problem. That's only vanilla weapons though. Replacing all the weapons has to be the third side of a two sided fence, and I have to be honest "I'm beginning to wonder". If it helps I typically believe that it's best to set a 1:1 ratio of player damage vs NPC damage. Then adjust DPS by the numbers of the combatants. 1.0 vs 1.0 when it's 1 vs 3 is 3x damage. Also more recently we began looking at the accuracy of shots fired either by bow or gun when it's the NPC doing the shooting. I know there were times it was a very high & very quick accuracy, which on the 1:1 or 1 vs 3 means instant player death, the primary problem when competing against the computer, because it's quicker at that sort of thing. Also I tend to favor a set of weapons for the player only, and then a completely different set of hidden weapons the NPC uses, which allows a much tighter balance to be set, then drop the deathitem as the same weapon only for the player/companion/misc, a duplicate that gets dropped & maybe some actor picks it up instead of the lame hidden weapon. Idk. I'll have to read more. Also, fairly cool. Is the weapon distance settings which tells the combat Ai at what distance an actor can or can not use a particular weapon. If the actor had 3 different weapons which had set this limitation so that as the actor moved up to the player to attack then the actor would switch thru weapons just the same way that the player does in long/med/short/melee/unarmed ranges. Thus bolstering the fight or flight parts of the Ai because of search/attack/charge/flee/flank/ect parts of the Ai & the general desire to make the Ai behave erratically at times to provide a different type of difficultly. It's fairly comprehensive work to do these types of things. Same reason none of the actors use ammo, because it's less work to just make them arcade, but the computer can do math quite fast. Hundreds of counts of ammo per frame I would guess, cause it's small potatoes. It's built into the .exe to do that. It's just a guess, but yeah. Fairly bolstered toward having young people play the game as an arcade simulation, instead of the lean toward simulation we tend to enjoy more. I couldn't think of anything else to say, sorry.
Proof of concept prototype: Test Complete Design: Deliver water instead of Moonshine, because we all know what we've been doing with our spare time in the wasteland. Location 001: Goodsprings Source Replaced water valve from pump & windmill well source with another activator that runs a script. Scn zzzWaterValve731 Begin OnActivate player.additem WaterPurified 4 rewardxp 4 end Math: 60/4 =15 E key presses for 60 water (an estimated amount of the yellowish barrels inside the crates @ location002) Also replaced a tank nearby to be a container instead of a static. The North Well? Has a ring to it doesn't it. Location 002: Old Mormon Fort (Freeside) Faction: Followers of the Apocalypse Replaced huge crate of small yellowish barrels with a container instead of a static (there are many here) then it was also right behind a still that another player added from Alcohol Still. Scn zzzWaterDeliveredFM731 Begin OnActivate if player.getitemcount WaterPurified >= 60 player.removeitem WaterPurified 60 WaterDelivery001.additem WaterPurified 60 rewardxp 60 player.additem 000000f 1200 player.rewardkarma 1 else showmessage zzzHeyf*#@Face731 endif end WaterDelivery001 is the added unique editor ID for this specific reference that is calling the script above (it's a huge container of yellowish barrels) Simple enough for the test. If the player has 60 purified waters, then it chucks them out of player inventory into the huge crate of barrels (just need to figure out how much the whole thing can hold, and how to periodically remove some of them). Player recieves 1200 caps (probably too much, didn't consider the calculated barter on 20 caps per water) But then again, each bottlecap is a grant of one bottle of water, so maybe it should be 60 caps, because someone had to take all those caps off the bottles to put it into the jugs, urgh, the conversion rate on bottled water for bottle caps is askew! Anyway, it ends with a reward karma for that oh so good feeling of that stupid message that pops up "you've earned good karma" Else... show a message if the player doesn't have 60 bottles of water, who would have that much, so crazy, get the net & throw this person in the hospital immediately, that's too much water! Now, Bethesda would just limit that to one time & destroy the chance to do it again. Suggests a quest control & polish. Nascar Moonshine, thanks to XRE cars. You know, the long drive with a jugs of water. I haven't played that part yet to see how much fun it would be to make the long run delivery for an item of barter. Then it begs the suggestion to make a point of where these caps came from, which faction, which city, payed for the water on behalf of the Followers of the Apocalypse here with their fancy lab coats. You see the idea, have a message show to explain where this large amount of caps came from, but yeah it is kind of begging for limitation to avoid it's exploitation. This came from 2009 - 2013 where we were attempting to discover what non-violent activities could be created as modders to prove the western world isn't exactly focused primarily on death & destruction for entertainment purposes. We're not ready to start having dinner with NPC's yet, but many similar activities related to Fallout have been heavily tested/used. Just a thought man. "The movie the martian, when he's typing slowly to Earth on live TV, He types ( . )( . ) Boobs!" Yesh, go look it up, they were too afraid to show the internet 1337 talk from Mars. Whoa, that's totally unrelated. Sorry. The attached file isn't cleaned, it's a working file. Doc mitchs chem lab script is in there, a script to make moonshine, deleted dust in goodsprings, and some settings I was using. If you wanted to run the test, cut that out with FNV edit or beg me to cut it out for you. Yeah, that's right. Beggggggggg me to do it. LOL See you later. I feel like running water. ah Ha!
You desperately need to read the mod description page for place anywhere.
It's a desktop background that was cut out of a 5,000 pixel width art asset from the FX show "Archer" which was hidden on the web behind a password. Like a game between the internet & what was seen on the show. They kept using the password "Guest" and imparted some of the elements of the character in the process, such as locked archives with passwords of Choke Me converted into Hex, surveillance of toilets. I kept the images because it was fun, & 5,000 pixels is a huge amount of art. The picture is the office for Archer's intelligence agency the desks & where one of the characters got shot. Helps me focus on working, because going there is like going to the office, only it's a much better office than one in the real world, because it's the office of video game modding. What you were talking about here is probably centered around two mods. First Pipe Weapons Plus which balances them to the pre-war weapons numerically by caliber. The other is a mod that balances institute weapons to laser weapons. Faction overhawls cover the rest as far as the toughness & gear of the spawns. Replace the Ai. Remove cell borders on encounter zones & set max level of generic spawns to 126 with xEdit or 255 with the CK/CS/GECK & go into Endgame though there are a few other mods which would be really nice to add to this. Since you were talking about it. It would be fun to make your own set of mods with the idea of making FO4 endgame fun to play. I'm sure you can figure out a heuristic way to do that. You know, it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to work. I'm off to play Sims4, Star Wars The Old Republic, and Eve Online at least until I fix the broken radios in my current build of Fallout 4 & install the next component of that particular ultimate build of Fallout IV. SSE broke, so I can't play it, have to fix it or replace it by reverting back to Oldrim so I can enjoy it as I usually do. I got a real hankering to gather my characters from these games & GTAV online characters to see where I can take those as far as this game or that. Good Luck Man, look me up sometime, it was fun talking on Nexus with yous.
But this post is sooooooooooooo long. LOL Good night everyone. :-D
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