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Everything posted by ZeroAndOne

  1. Try slowing down. Be accurate & systematic. Focus on providing small amounts of quality that spread across the game. Tweek the game config to increase the detail if you need more. Good Luck.
  2. Um, to use that part of the mod you would need to read that mod's description page which details how, the mod I believe is a F4SE plug in, so it loads into the game via that F4SE folder in the data folder. Wait for it ... .... Wait for it ... "YOU GENIUS!" LOL just kidding you know, friends are fairly mean to each other in fun, you know that thing we typically do as gamers & forgetting the internet would stop working if we were always nice to each other instead of being down right rotten awful to one another, which if you ask me is much more honest than being nice at all. Meh. I've never used place anywhere for anything other than the ability to have a bit more control of the placeable items inside the settlement menu. The mod does indeed have many features, but it's main use as being required is to make it less work to build stuff in the settlements. If you want to move everything in the game then it actually requires other mods & that does break the game, hence why we don't do that & instead resort to console commands to move the items which are located outside of settlements,but don't qualify to be made into a settlement via a actual comprehensive mod to do so in that specific area. Before all this, many players used console commands to move items around outside of settlements or inside too, to make very precise & detail builds of gamespace, and there is no real drawback to that way, it's only the disabling of preloading assets in cells/worldspace which creates the issue which breaks the game, I believe turning the entire game into a settlement requires the disabling of preloading, which it is useful to disable some preloading and doesn't break the game by turning off the rest of the preloading, you can look into it if you want, but I suspect you should read the mod's description page again to find out why your keys are not activating, I think it only does that if you are in Build mode if that by chance happens to be the cause. Good Luck & have fun.
  3. I disagree. The best Fallout 4 will ever look is inside the Vanilla assets. The HD DLC & what was mentioned already, that whole mindset is only applicable to expensive IPS-P displays in 4k. Standard gaming 1080p while being a 7 year old benchmark now to maintain high framerates & thus taking advantage of FO4's ability to run much higher amounts of chaotic battle & complex scenes. The vanilla assets are oversized 4 times larger than the last generation standard. To accomplish this Fallout4.exe includes a framerate controller which is combined with a advanced texture streamer which both are set to take advantage of a more advanced .BA2 archive where the render engine can grab only a mipmap size of a texture instead of before where the whole texture had to go into loading/unloading and thus i/o lag, stutter, and low framerates. By default this is set to XBO/PS4 standards which the standard 1080p PC gaming benchmark for Skyrim/Battlefield at the time on PC was basically a 4 core CPU & 4Gb of video card ram. Which means FO4 can be run on a computer built out of spare parts or free parts that were salvage/scrap. Heck when the game launched many built computers for $300 to specifically run FO4, and a standard PC gaming rig of the 7th year benchmark of standard power is many times faster than that. The trick with that is to exploit that we have the ability to double the distance at which textures upgrade/degrade to different sized mipmaps, and in that one can reduce all textures that are beyond the immediate area of the player while increasing the size of the textures drastically in the immediate area of the player. Though the actual render of FO4 is incorrect. To correct the render one must use a ENB & either Vogue ENB or Subtle ENB to now render the game as advertised instead of washed out white on everything, incorrect color, and many other problems. Clarity in the scene whatever it might be at the time is only ever achieved by setting configs to the actual specifications of a gaming PC & then relying on the two ENBs presets that were made to correct the obvious issues in difference between what was advertised, and what we got. The most popular ENB presets were the ones that tackled correcting this issue. We've since moved on into exploring various other renders of the game, but it was essential at first to display the game as it was displayed in advertisements & the hype train. Even on super fast SATA III SSD the application will suffer i/o lag & there's ways to fix that, meaning that in many cases the End User can set all the settings to the lowest & still stutter from I/O depends on how good the system moves large chunks of data around, and more importantly it depends on how well the assets are optimized, which the best would be the mods that do that to the vanilla assets or using the vanilla assets itself, because the mod authors don't typically carry a standard gaming PC, they usually have expensive computers, making this worse are the significantly high performance requirements for running the base vanilla game in & out of the downtown area or other areas which have a high performance requirement & the fact that we move in these areas quite rapidly at times. Let's just forget the battle of 100 actors there for the time being. The best clarity since launch has been the renders near the launch date using ENB & increased streaming with FXAA dumped on top of it, a ENB trick to just dump FXAA on top of stuff. Here it's like the game's TAA + ENB AA +FXAA so you can see how many come to think of it as superfluous. The increased vanilla texture streaming distance allows us to use a lower AF setting & some other settings that are lower or even turned off, because at some point performance becomes more important than anything else when attempting to run a clarity based render. These vanilla assets are good, but some of them need to be replaced with a mod which increases the detail in that one specific item & one would have to find that. As seen here is lighting adjustment which is paired with the ENB preset (though not as apparent in the image) it's still using the removal of fake lighting & custom lights to produce the clarity which has almost nothing to do with the image render in comparison. Mostly here it's the removal of dirt/filth decals + the lighting + the video card settings for quality + the ENB + the increased texture streaming distance on the vanilla composite textures + a mod to place chains on the PA hoist. Mostly the content added is placing a notable amount of production value in most of the scenes, but not every scene cause it would kill the framerate. Oldrim (Original Skyrim) Without the HD DLC, but using Negative LOD bias instead to grab larger texture sizes than a 360/PS3 & without a ENB to essentially do the same thing, for comparison reasons. Also worth noting the best part of this image is that it's not using texture & model mods or tweeks to get the game to look good, it's that this crazy tribal lady is about to run into that city behind her as the warning bells ring & the whole city wants to kill her because the mods we use set the player to be in a enemy faction of mostly everyone. It's got nothing to do with how it looks if it's incredibly fun. Then we already know that photo-realistic clarity isn't fun to play, games need to be a little bit blurry or in a grey area between surreal & real look or the players (that's you too) will refuse to play the game because that type of clarity ruins the game & we prefer to play something else instead, which is probably where introducing a bit of positive LOD bias into a Negative LOD bias to balance that out into a more detailed PC game, but not so detailed as we refuse to play it because it's not enjoyable to play. Same as the first FO4 pic, but much later after the Nukaworld update, many things changed. Thus the move from Vogue ENB to Subtle ENB to focus on only providing the hype train version of clarity & to get there meant burning up the 3 year old 4 generation old video cards attempting to run a max render of FO4 because parts tended to overheat when error & glitching occurred. Better cooling & a 25% increase in speed with a new ENB trying to do the same thing using pretty much vanilla assets & the tweeks & settings for the game to render quality with a lighting weather climate mod matched in a set of mods which can effect one or the other between different mods, so the balance of having a set for this type of thing. Designed to be used together. Yet declining the HD DLC & using only vanilla assets or the optimized version of those. Vanilla, same as the one above. Green House Mod, Scrap Everything Mod, and the rest is vanilla besides the other stuff I mentioned before. Though not detail based, production value based, a house unfinished because that would happen, tired of building this stupid house, walk by it or get drunk there at night. But it's not detail or clarity related at all. Mostly vanilla actually. Blue gauges, glass effect, opaque PA HUD. Vanilla with a Bodyslide outfit? Vanilla Piper + eyes + teeth & texture streaming beyond the fence gate inside probably. Reminds me of the hypothesis that only a few specific enhancing mods are required to increase clarity and/or production value in the scene. It could be possible, but would be something that would have to be found & tested which would take extra time beyond just setting up a basic high detailed chaos build. Most of that is pixels per inch anyway, you know has little to nothing to do with the assets or render, the display being used is it true color, is it a IPS panel, is it 1080p or 4k, what is the pixel pitch (pixel per inch) that would be way more important than almost anything else. Vanilla mostly. That might be the answer. Take note of what could be improved using the clarity rendering & then go get that reskin for it. You know, or fix the clipping on the leg for this no bra strap feather dress CBBE & Josie body. Whole picture is vanilla cept for the super cereal Buff Out chem IMOD effect, which reminds me. "MUST HAVE MOOOR BUFFOUT, RAHHHHRRR!" Even the minigun is vanilla & using damage buff perks/chems & tactics against early Super Mutant Overhaul level difficulty in tankyness, & with busted weapon no less, though there's a bunch of vanilla buffs for that & tactics, I believe the PA is using Damage Threshold like FNV & bunches of Legendary mods, which just barely made the player survivable against increased spawns & super mutant overhaul pretty much all attempting to go 1:1 ratio though 1 vs 3-12 or so. We use the same set up now just different, there's endless warfare used to toggle an additional amount, standardized weapon damage, and a overhaul for each faction. Pretty much. Though with a importance placed on mods that provide fun & the Merge Plugins process to use 600 mods or more to accomplish that, not much of that is reskins for 1080p. Though now that you mention it I will pay attention to which small parts I can replace with reskins which can provide a small amount of increased clarity.
  4. Ladies & Gentlemen, presenting the addictive drug of Meme in FO4 @ https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15655 Definitely the best mod I've downloaded recently which was hard to find & overlooked in it's own glory. Fantastic. And then he/she said "uh huh huh huh, that's dum mod" yeah well, Junkie Legendary Mod that increases damage for every addiction the player has. Well besides the obvious benefit of Meme and/or drugs in Fallout. LOL Fantastic.
  5. Verify integrity of game cache with Steam, it's in the steam game settings I believe, that would patch your install to ensure the vanilla required files meet the standard, as an example if something got changed in the main .esm & DLC or something was missing, but hopefully it won't download the whole thing, just the little parts. So at first I would focus on learning, make installs, try to play it until it breaks the game, make a backup install via Steam, backup & restore games, so you can start over & build many different load orders from scratch, that way you get better at building them, test the mods, pick which you need, grab those & make a clean build with it. Grow that until it's 600+ mods you merged together to include everything that interests you on the Nexus. Don't work on it all the time. Work then play. Which while building is more like work & test it, until it's stable then play until it gets broken, idk something like that. I actually fix all the broken stuff, make my own custom stuff, an generally try to have fun with it. YouTube videos would make you much better than what I can do. I just hack it up to bits, but it does't have to be perfect, it can be heuristic (just good enough to work).
  6. I don't think anyone meant to be rude. Sorry. Just smile, be kind, and carry on. Doesn't matter anyway, why would you make these edits to a million dollar game when you have no experience as a developer. You can sure, but you'll just break it. Go get the mods already made that do this, then base you damage balance on those other mods which have been made over the last 29 months & the same period of time in testing. Only reason I would manually learn how to do that myself is if I were planing to make new weapons. The rest of the game centers mostly on the global damage balance settings, which is adjustable in every game difficulty, you know among many other advantages to using a group of mods to set a specific difficultly. Sorry if it didn't help.
  7. Animated chems only works if it loads after the other mods which are editing chems. To combine them both requires a override which uses both mods as a master, then the override loads at the end. So like if I wanted to drink a beer watch the character drink the bottle & receive a empty bottle afterwards, then I would have to get those two mods, install them, then load it up with xEdit, create a override of the chem, combine the entries of the two mods into the final, because the entry at the furthest right wins, everything before that is ignored, why the animation isn't playing on your chems, because of EULA you are stuck learning how to make it yourself or making friends with players that do that, because it can be privately shared. I don't have a copy right now because I remake it as needed, for example if I decided to install Wasteland Imports to the already large amount of chem based mods which all override each other & only ever all work together if it's manually set up to do that via a override file at the end I created to combine parts of the separate mods. That's actually the most fun, when you can edit your mods to make them do as you want them to do. You know, custom work, not that hard to learn how to do, but it takes time. It's part of building the game if you ask me, because so many things require to be repaired in this way. I don't know what a log-in means, login to what?
  8. Well, only one way to find out. Get xEdit (Fo4Edit in this case) load the whole load order up, and see what it's doing, or manually open the tree in order to view what is actually happening. I don't know, but I will stick around & think about the issue while reading what was written. I can't make any promises that I'll have any idea on what to do beyond what we already said though. I know I'm not playing any game & it's been a few weeks. I'm currently at a point of 272 mods that were merged down to fit into 33 currently for another attempt to build a 600+ mod version of FO4 that gathered the various content that was required to make FO4 fun for me. Heck I haven't even gone beyond the first few quests yet. I have a small generic build of SSE to play though, however there are not as many mods for SSE as Oldrim (original skyrim) it was more fun to play that one. Then as those were being put together I played a bunch of really weird small games based around Ai & space like Event 0, Long Journey Home, Adrift, ect. You know, really weird games I don't usually play. I have to pee pee! LOL
  9. :laugh: Always a pleasure JimmyRJump. Thanks for talking. Fun post. :-D
  10. Microsoft Support repairs those issues as well as many other things. In particular 2014 - 2015 was plagued by a broken computer scan component of Win7 Pro 64 which made windows updates impossible. If you didn't search the net to repair the issue then like you said, it would break windows update. I don't know if that is what you are having, but you should have a fully updated windows, full library of visual C in 32/64 on 64 bit systems (just 32 on 32), full library of dot net framework, and fully updated direct X. All of that comes from Microsoft & is required to play games on PC over the last 10 years I know of, I usually keep a library reference to even download that part of system building. Though, in particular it helps to build a new O/S install when you have a terminal to prepare for it, by acquiring all the data & tools beforehand. A good O/S will last for years, and a bad one will only last one year if that, specially in 2018 it will become destroyed without a proper PC gamer build of the foundation for the terminal. You should be able to find a patch to fix your O/S. Go find it. NMM is like the newer version of FOMM, very useful though, stream in downloads in a list of 100 or so as we sleep, organize the mods into a install order that builds the load order as it's installed, un-install mods, download via NMM, it's great, you should fix that. I would see if you could get FOMM (the newer FOMM) to install FO4 mods which is almost ridiculous. I'd guess the FOMM for TTW which we are not even allowed to talk about TTW here, but maybe there is a FOMM for FO4, in that case it's only having to install a FOMOD if you remember those, which is how NMM installs mods, via the old FOMOD, which yeah, is actually FOMM. You know, worst case you would install FOMOD into FO3/FNV & then move that into the data folder for FO4, but it's hypothetical (less than a theory at this point) we might could email you a 10 Mb file of a NMM installed DEF HUD & HUD framework, though whatever mod you installed after that which required the HUD framework would be important to know. I just use DEF HUD to disable the inventory preview which makes it more fun to loot, then the custom inventory part of DEF HUD, but those are only run after I have confirmed that the base install of DEF HUD & the later HUD Framework + the compatibility part of HUD Framework designed for use with DEF HUD, I confirm that it works in game, then install the mod which required HUD Framework, iHUD in this case to make the HUD disappear & provide some in-game editing, then PA hud gets installed over that because it's not actually part of the UI, it's assets for use specifically with power armor. I don't know, man, I tried to figure out something. Sorry.
  11. 106001185 is right about starting the game before mods are activated. Best to do this before mods are installed. Try to create one or a few characters with some of them being the character you would like to hold onto long-term, a few years hopefully, those are the really great characters. At any rate, that is the backup savegame which is 100% clean, we also upload those & share them on the Nexus, which is also a great diagnostic tool, because many problems can be introduced by the savegame & thus are always present. First thing, you have a problem, duplicate the problem. If the problem is a hard problem, meaning it's always there & can be duplicated very easily, well that's a different branch of the diagnostic tree than if the problem only occurs randomly, the rest of the process of diagnosis is much the same way, however it's most important to get to the root cause. There can be a problem that causes a problem. The first is the root & the second is an effect of the first problem, fix the wrong one it often it won't fix anything. The cart purple is because the textures are missing, that can be for a few reasons, if it wasn't installed, but the .esm/.esp is changing textures, if the spelling is wrong in that, if archive invalidation isn't working, if the game isn't properly set up to mod, and if the graphics are glitching out as with a failing computer system or catastrophic modding result, usually it's just the easy to fix problems that cause a missing texture. 1. Never edit the official DLC, never. It usually breaks the game. Any content which has a large amount of testing, doesn't specifically even need cleaning, relying on the larger amount of testing is the best bet in almost every case. 2. Never clean the mods at all until there is a problem in the game that seems random from IDM or crash at load from a hard crash which can be dupicated, also if you are going to clean it, don't do all of it, unless you got 254 mods, there won't be much difference between playing the game with IDM & playing it without, because the nature of the problem centers around having a very large amount of IDM, also sometimes IDM is required to perform a function in the game. Vanilla game, testing phase, install mods, testing phase, what you learn there determines what you should do, the tools & work only serve to save a load order once it's created for a relatively short amount of time until the end user can recover & get to play the game for a while before having to start over in order to create a much better build of the game. 3. Only ever batch build the base armor of the game. Then the clothing/armor from mods is more adjusted to each mod, else you'll have a mess, because batch building even the base clothing/armor is going to produce some weird results which require editing later. It's really helpful to be able to batch build, but one shouldn't rely on that for quality. Systematic structure & practical application. 4. LOOT sucks, unless you know how to read it, it's just going to make a giant mess of a relatively simple operation. Organize it as you download it into a install order & the install order builds the load order automatically, base that order entirely by what is read on the mod description page, cross referenced with other mod description pages & all of the pinned topics at Nexus. You can also get a guide to a particular load order that was tested/built already. You can also watch YouTube. But I mean LOOT is great it works, but only under particular conditions for a particular type of person & only if the end user knows how to use LOOT. In the many times I've sorted with LOOT, it did nothing but make a huge mess from a lack of Metadata. It's useful to find mods that can't be cleaned & other information in the report, but I've never actually gotten the sort function to work. It just breaks the whole order & game. So maybe watch a YouTube video of other players using it correctly. 5. I don't know what vortex is, but then I didn't need it. I build the games old school by the old rules as that is covered over by new information & changes. This is almost always done automatically by installing the mods in the order I want to load them in. 140 separate load orders built over the last 9 years. It doesn't matter how you built it, just that it reflects the communities natural gravitation toward pragmatism (practical functionality, natural, easy, quick) there are only some of the 300 load orders in a career of this hobby which would require long term work spent toward building something rather unique & rewarding, most of them are generic or even borrowed from someone else, that's if it wasn't one of the dozens that fail completely. Add Info bit 1. That's not heavily modded. Call me when it's 600 mods or you spend 6 months building it & fixing all the issues inside it. Generic SSE build to replace a much larger Oldrim build in order to use the higher performance of SSE, Oldrim was more fun. Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp Campfire.esm Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Book Covers Skyrim.esp SMIM-SE.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp dD-Medium Script Range.esp dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Immersive Patrols II.esp Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp ISC Enhanced Blood Patch.esp Immersive Wenches.esp Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.esp Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - Skyrim.esp RAO - Alternate Start Patch.esp Run For Your Lives.esp Unique Uniques.esp Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp OBIS SE.esp OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp Frostfall.esp Footprints.esp Cloaks.esp Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp WetandCold.esp Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp skyBirds_SSE.esp iNeed.esp iNeed - Extended.esp Startingspells begone.esp SkyUI_SE.esp Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp Immersive Jewelry.esp GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp CFTO.esp DisableFastTravel.esp HarvestOverhaul_Redone_Creatures.esp HarvestOverhaul_Redone.esp HOR_OrdinatorPatch.esp HOR_Creatures_SkyBirdsPatch.esp HOR_SkyBirdsPatch.esp LowerBaseSkills[0].esp sandboxcylinderheight.esp Realistic AI Detection 2 SE - Medium Interior, Medium Exterior.esp mrbs-uniqueloot-se.esp WeaponsOf3E_SSE.esp WARZONES - SSE - Civil Unrest.esp Ivarstead.esp 2. && 3. Papyrus log would only be useful if it was an issue that was known to be caused by a new mod that was in debug during alpha/beta phase or after a update of the game. Seems of little use if one isn't actively scripting Papyrus. Diagnostic - Systematic 1. Is the crash at the same spot every time, can it be duplicated in that interior cell when the fight begins, CTD here signals that it would more than likely be related to a navmesh issue if it wasn't directly caused by breaking the game from a failure in the build of the modded game? 2. Is the crash duplicated in every new game start, which isn't using save games which were created after mods were installed? 3. How can I rule out a possible cause for this problem besides using different game starts & different save games? Doesn't matter how, just do it. Disable half the load order, if it still occurs then the problem is in the first half of the load order, disable half of that & now it's in the first 25% of the load order, and so on. 4. What does the mod description page say about this mod which is known to cause this issue now from a systematic process of elimination. i.e. I know it's not all this other stuff, so it's this. What does that mod description page say? I literally couldn't think of anything else. Hope that it helps at least a little bit.
  12. Well, it works the way I described. You should start over from scratch, remove it all, and go back to reading the mod description for those mods. It's very easy to use DEF HUD & HUD framework (but it requires a file from HUD framework besides the main mod file) if you missed it or messed it up, yeah, start over. It's way easy, install it, test it in the game, if it doesn't work start over. You can ask on those mod page post forums too. Sorry it didn't immediately fix your problem. Good Luck.
  13. Well it certainly makes the Vanilla weapons shine huh? I would value those more because it's less work. Actually that type of clipping I don't even acknowledge because I used to make weapons. Now it would be requiring a custom animation for the weapon instead of adjusting the weapon to fit the grip of the hand (you know, or hiding that with FOV) If there are not any people making weapons for VR it certainly would become your niche if you made the effort. LOL, I don't have money for VR, I can just barely run FO4 with standard PC gaming hardware. So even if you could find a 3D artist making weapons it would also need to be someone whom had the money for VR. But I would't forget your ability to overlook small things in exchange for more freedom in your hobby, that's priceless. Good Luck. P.S. Tell us some good VR stories man, please, we have no mooney. LOL :-D
  14. I would learn how to make a backup install of the game via Steam. It's inside the Steam menu in the top left, back up & restore games. When you first start doing this it's going to be terrible. To be able to build a really good version of whatever game takes starting over from scratch a few times & noticing what you wanted in the game that wasn't provided already. A good way to do that is to play the vanilla game & write down anything you notice as you play. Take that & organize it into similar things, along with trying to find a mod to do that. Then just install it in the order you want to load it in, real easy, but requires organization. Also you could learn a bunch if you found a guide to a ultimate load order, or a load order another player or group of players made. Learn a lot that way. There are Pinned topics in these forums @ the top of the list. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3886575-fallout-4-beginners-guide/ https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3468450-link-to-nexus-wiki-how-to-use-nmm-for-fo4-mods/ https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3767665-ten-rules-to-get-a-mod-setup-with-a-lot-of-workshop-crafting-mods-to-work/ Though we don't have to worry about Keywords anymore, we can have 70,000 or so I forget, a huge amount. I would suggest watching YouTube videos on the subject as well, because it's been 28 months or more since this game came out, lot of stuff happened, lot of stuff changed. In the end if you want you can take 600 mods an merge it to fit inside the 254 limit or another way is using ESL to do that. Just depends on what you needed to make FO4 a fun game. Talk to people. Have fun. Make friends. It's great. Good Luck. :-D
  15. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=3485,3500 There's a board for SDK at the bottom of that page I linked above, the one just above the VR board. Though, that's only if you want to learn how to use the Creation Geck in this case, the CK/CS/GECK SDK (software development kit) to do that requires many tools & lots of experience as a game development student. It could be you maybe just want to fix the issue? In that case you get the mod that balances Pipe weapons in the game to the Pre-War weapons & the mod that balances Institute weapons to Laser weapons. Then Raider Overhaul, Super Mutant Overhaul, ... in fact overhaul all the major factions. Then replace the Ai for the actors. Add in a mod for clothing & armor & the ability to add Damage Threshold to PA for example, because now it's way dangerous. Mod to control survival & balance damage on the fly. Though, I would suggest to plan out what it is that you really want, and then build that specifically using the mods that are already made. Then you can learn how to balance the game by taking into account the large amount of work & testing that we already have completed on the game.
  16. Okay, so I use DEF HuD && iHud (which requires Hud framework) to install it we drop in DEF HUD first, then we drop in HUD framework, and then the HUD framework compatibility file for DEF HUD. Drop iHUD in. Then go & edit DEF HUD & the inventory hud like normal. Load the game up & test it. If it doesn't work I remove all of it & start over, and I do that with Nexus Mod Manager.
  17. The merge of those red mods did not go well. For one thing there were many that had errors (which is why it was separated from the others) One of the mods had to have the Form Id renumbered from 000EA6 to allow it to be merged with the rest, but it was able to merge inside another merger as well, I just decided to test renumbering the Form Id's to accomplish it inside on merge. Then the first attempts to merge produced scary looking errors instead of the general type of errors we typically think of as benign. For that we started over & attempted to repair the errors automatically with Merge Plugins fix errors (just hit no on the save .esp) because it's fixed in RAM & about to become a new .esp in the final merge file, which in this case contained far fewer errors & it appeared benign mostly. Though that only allows it's possibility to be tested while in game if it turns out that it can be used. It is over 200 mods merged into two, though, the original amount decreased from the mods in red which had errors & the practice of not merging those to simplify the build. Though, got into trouble & attempted to merge these error plug ins later inside it's own .esp for testing & quarantine purposes.
  18. Scrap Everything issues were limited to the - Sprint bug while in settlement, Cell reset bug, End of load order requirement, and a large amount of identical to master records required to enact the new ability to scrap everything in a settlement. It's only been 28 or so months, not even one thousands days yet. Precisely the reason to avoid damaging our mental memory while practicing memory exercises. I'm sure you could remember if you really wanted to. Although this is a little silly. Developmentally we are talking about complete editorial control of what the 3D world looks like which is psychologically linked to what the game is, and more importantly how we play it. At least in it's vanilla form it's certainly advantageous to avoid having complete editorial control. Such as we see in Fallout 1 or Wasteland. Now granted those games might be better designed for a RPG simulation scenario, but the player is absolutely not the one whom is in control of many of the types of content that make up those games. Here, it's also associated with a great digression from the primary purpose of playing the game, where effort & idea is applied to making the game world appear as what we think we want or like, even what we think it should be. Same is true for the rest of the game. We shouldn't be the one in control of the game in many areas because then mostly all of the game becomes a utopia, when it's designed to be a dystopia. It's only a theory. But stands to be the main reason to force a period of thought & planing into the building of a version of Fallout 4. For one to establish a higher quality game to play, but to also avoid activity which detracts from that main goal. In that we see the detachment from human nature in that because we noticed that we as players were continuing to do the same repeated things like a bunch of monkeys would do. When in fact we have the higher mental capability to overcome psychological limitations to a predictable behavior. With a example of this being the players that decided to never change the settlements again after having spent months & months of doing the same thing, making the same changes, and refusing to acknowledge the essence of a truly independent existence. This being solidified by the ability to ignore that we have made no changes to these settlements or the "annoying" mess of Sanctuary for example. That whole mental ability to commit to never changing a fairly bothersome area of the game in exchange for the ability to specifically not care at all about that while shooting stuff instead, or any other number of activities which in the essence of those were truly more rewarding than an editorial control taken to circumvent annoyance.
  19. I tend to keep the mergers limited to the same type of content. Even then it's usually planed out as modular & composites. Then merge plugins works better if it's a quarantined action. It's a workflow that is set up & when merge plugins is loading up it only loads what is required & what is going to be merged. You'll need over 600 mods to make FO4 fun, and to do that it's very difficult. So I suggest patience & planning, and separating it all into it's own content type makes this process cleaner. The workflow is pretty simple, it's just a folder for FO4 inside a tools folder on the hard drive, you know, it's all hidden & accessed via the start menu & some of the tools are shortcuts that are placed on the taskbar. So start menu tools goes to the folder that has FO4 tool shortcuts or applications inside it as well as a shortcut that goes to the hidden load order files in app data, bam bam bam, NMM & xedit with a F4SE launcher links on the taskbar which are all just shortcuts hidden inside a links folder. The workflow is just the ability to move quickly between places & applications to be used for this purpose of merging. Fallout4.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm DLCCoast.esm DLCworkshop02.esm DLCworkshop03.esm DLCNukaWorld.esm ArmorKeywords.esm HUDFramework.esm Worsin's Garage.esm Damage Threshold.esm Retro_Style.esm Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp Armorsmith Extended.esp Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp RadioMergerI.esp ALL THE RADIO LooksBodyHairI.esp ALL THE LOOKS BODY HAIR Immersive Fallout (DLC).esp SurvivalOptions.esp Depth of Field Removal.esp Immersive HUD.esp WorsinMegaMergerI.esp ALL THE WORSIN'S COMPATIBLE MODS Impervious Power Armour.esp UNnaked Power Armor.esp CTHHostileNPCsAndWeaponDrawn-NSL.esp CraftingHoBenchesI.esp ALL THE CRAFTING WORKBENCHES YM_CF_Outfits.esp 3DNPC_FO4.esp 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp Shino Clothes.esp ThickRimGlasses.esp LovelyLadyLingerie.esp HoodieOutfit.esp ChineseStealthSuit.esp Femshepping_WastelandPinup.esp DX_Harley_Quinn_Outfit.esp rpampas.esp LatexNurseSuit.esp tschutschiWardrobe2.esp Elegant Hardware.esp Elegant Hardware AWKCR.esp Elegant Hardware DEF_UI.esp NanoSuit.esp NanoSuit_AWKCR_AE.esp PreWarDressSA.esp PreWarDressSAPlus.esp Armorsmith Siraxx Extended.esp Armorsmith Siraxx Plus Extended.esp NukaRadBans.esp SexyEveningDress.esp SteevinsClothesPack.esp TheKite_Railroad_Handmaiden.esp Military Outfit Pack.esp SDPSCMIII.esp ALL THE CLOTHING ARMOR So all the mergers always end with a Roman numeral, I II III IV V ect. Then the hardest part is the clothing & armor because there are so many clothing an armor mods, more than there are weapons, hence why it's one of the first things to do if attempting for 600+. The previous 4-5 attempts failed or I got bored, sometimes it needs a update. Still though, difficult, and it requires a bunch of work just to do a 254 standard load order. The mods in red are remaining clothing & armor which had errors or navmesh problems, though this was resolved by a typical ordering & override instead of direct editing. So most of the work today was removing the mods in red as a master to the SDPSCMIII.esp huge merge which also included merging a merge patch of the leveled lists that these clothing/armor mods added, removed those to prepare the mods in red to be merged into a second clothing armor mod which loads before the main one & is quarantined from SDPSCMIII.esp because there were errors in those clothing armor mods, more easy to test it or repair it in the future if there was a problem. The main problem was navmesh between Elinora's store, YM_CF_Outfits, 3D NPC, and Shino Clothes. Which was resolved by a typical load ordering override to ignore & circumvent the issue. Then the mods in red only have to be merged because of the addition of a few other mods in the ending load order once it's gone beyond 300/400/500/600. So you see, it is getting ahead of what will come later, though I only know that because of making 4-5 merged builds & began the last starting with the hardest part. Then in order to make this more easy the power armor was separated from clothing armor, just as combat armor will be separated from the other two. Adjustments & loading with xEdit to work on pre-merge checks & planing on this red amount, the final steps would be setting plugins.txt, loadorder.txt, and DLClist.txt to all match (with the Fallout4.esm & DLC added inside those specifically for xEdit & merge plugins to have the correct order). Load up the colored in red .esp, error check, error ignore, create new merge, build merge, and watch for any errors in the merge & attempt to take a guess if it will be a type of error that will break the content or the game. Then clean up, which means grabbing all the now merged .esp to move it into a backup folder to keep because it's going to break eventually (practical to backup everything during the process). Then test it in the game. The first 4 mergers only had to be made to allow the 5th merger because SDPSCMIII.esp is over 200 clothing & armor mods, and it took 7 or 8 attempts just to find a way to merge that amount in a clean way, which III was from only loading what was required for those particular mods now inside SDPSCMIII.esp. Unexpected! And the mess is created from required mods to play the game verses my patience to slowly work & build toward a much better final result instead of playing & grabbing bunches of random stuff which are only serving to ruin the plan. It's quite difficult to work on it without breaking it. So remember, patience, make back ups of everything, try various ways before settling on a design of merge for your plan, and don't forget to test it for functionality as you go. Composite build & quarantined by content type (only what's needed).
  20. I prefer not to change any of that. It's more fun to just leave the vanilla settlements alone & make custom settlements in places that are not a settlement or player home. Even then I never used Spring Cleaning because Scrap Everything was already a thing when Spring Cleaning came out. Even then, most of the time I know it's better to leave that place inside the game alone & do something else instead.
  21. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=3485,3500 & https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3935-fallout-4-creation-kit-and-modders/ First link is the FO4 home board, at the bottom above the VR board is the CK/CS/GECK board, which is listed as the second link. I'd ask there to get a better answer about FNAM & SDK related issues, as well as further learning.
  22. FO4 in particular has a slightly different configurator & config, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/102 and that contains settings to adjust the aspect ratio in the application, besides other tweeks. I would say start with the video card driver set that up for FO4, then the configurator, match it all & test it in the game. At that point you would search your aspect ratio on the Nexus & web for a fix if needed. Then I would make adjustments inside (camera, transform, game settings, global) inside the CK/CS/GECK until I found which one actually controls the camera distance in the read book camera/inspection scene, but you would only have to do that if someone else has not made that fix already. After that ENB does offer many different options & solutions for running a custom render of a video game. Then you know, there is a request forum here to request a mod to be made, and there is also a SDK forum which has many topics on the CK/CS/GECK. Then most of the time if I can't find a mod I ask inside mod talk, which has many people that are very skilled at finding lost mods. Sorry, you got a crazy screen & didn't share much information about it besides the model name & number. I'm not looking those specifications up.
  23. Yeah, same problem. Unrelated to mods. F4SE crashes upon launch, but running the .exe with the included launcher will launch the game. FO4 version && F4SE February - March 2018 (little outdated) - Win7 64 Pro - Issue doesn't seem related to anything which can be removed by a process of elimination. Disabled Mods. Disabled DLC. Removed HUD/UI. Disabled Plug-In & Archive Invalidation. Disabled Steam Overlay. Disabled Video Card Overlay. Really it's too much of a pain to further diagnostics at this point. It would be better in my case to update the game via Steam, then verify integrity of game cache. Then use Steam to create a backup install .exe for Fallout 4. Un-install the game. Take a copy & compress the remaining root folder for the game, .ini config, and hidden app data folder (though only if I wanted to keep it) Come back with a fresh install & $40 worth of Creation Club or $40 worth of junk food, depending, and update it all. That really is a shame. It's been increasingly difficult to establish a stable & custom build this year. That's why we have things like SkyrimSE & Oldrim. LOL, let's be honest though. These last few builds of the game haven't been all that great. I believe it's a much better plan to approach this next build very focused on gathering one type of required content at a time. As a example Armor, Weapons, Food, Crafting, or the many game mechanic & immersion based types of content.
  24. I had trouble finding this mod again. I tried searching Junk, Trash, Garbage, Useless, Container, and Loot. I have problems with my mind/brain & so I came to remind the other members because it was difficult & troubling to search & not find this one. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16520 Genius mod actually. Worthless Mod by PaddyGarcia rectifies an issue with a abundance of loot, but without removing the vanilla abundance of loot. It was typical to get a feeling of a distinct lack of difficulty in FO4 since launch, though many would just remove most of the loot in the game. However, a fairly substantial activity in the game is looting, which in the case of removal is now just opening a bunch of empty containers. Hence, PaddyGarcia's ingenious idea to create tons more loot which is worthless (useless) broken junk or random odds & ends. Now instead looting becomes more of a meaningful activity because the loot has to be sorted thru before taking anything, or after, in a great big mix of trash that one would consider present inside a mental simulation of a wasteland. Adding to this idea to exploit the mechanics in order to provide the activity of looting I would suggest as many mods that add loot to empty containers as can be found. Though, the only reason I bring it up is in-case anyone can't find & comes here asking.
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