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Posts posted by Unavi

  1. I think if you make the parts separate NiTriStrips that are supposed to look like water and fire, there is a way to make the material look like and flow like water...then you just need to apply glow and texture coloring to complete the effect.


    didn't someone do something similar already? Or was that "just" a refleciotion of water and lava on the blades? It was beautiful.

  2. Sculpting is when you model a high poly mesh the way you would sculpt a real statue. It's great for achiving detail and in this occasion it will be used to bake normal maps (am i right?)
  3. there is no point of going on! we will all lose! oh the misfortune....let's ehm *spam* (oh god don't kill me) the last poster wins topic....that way we each get get some of the win back!
  4. Unfortnaly i have a history of failures regarding removing/adding new components to a PC. On my previous one I remember i tried to put new RAM inside. I wrecked a plastic pin but fortunatly it was there just to hold the ram in place and it looked like it wasn't realy needed. Oh and on the same PC all the ports on the MOBO fried some time later....I blame it on my lil cousin but it was probably my fault :P
  5. That would be a nightmare to do as an armor. I can see it like a new monster similar to the Minotoaur but unfortunatly as an armor that would work. Sorry :/


    It does look cool tough

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