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Status Updates posted by Chesto

  1. the door blows open, propelled by the winter wind. ...then shuts, slowly, all by itself.
  2. Happy New Year, ginger! Fell hound says ' woof'. :)
  3. Damn, woman! How we sposed to know if you're skulking around here if you stay invisible all the time. Anyone felt a change in the air around them as she passed invisibly by, lately?
  4. Good luck tommorrow, sweety.
  5. Something this big can never be said to 'hide'. Blending in is the best i can manage. and that is difficult enough , at times. tx for the thot, tho, babae.
  6. thanks for asking Ty. Wtf happened to yer face?! In answer to your query: life is poo, and then you die. But, otherwise, everything is spiffing! :)
  7. even a bear with a sore head needs cuddles.
  8. *sighs* Dezi,Dezi,Dezi....
  9. ...return of smootchie ...with interest. :)
  10. First, all 'those' comments disappear; then, she shows up without the sunglasses, and with beautiful eyes in full public view! Could it be that my 'Arrr...gh' actually counted for something around here?!
  11. Damn! She can do maths, too!
  12. i posted one, but it turned my screen upside down. was begging really nicely not to be hurt, too!
  13. Was just begging that you approve me, when everything went upside down. thot, oh oh , he really is coming to break my legs. Hope that approval now indicates that Fell Hound and I may return from U.B.. Horrible place. No chocolate-hazlenut spread!
  14. Stampede...hmmm. The only other Stampede I am acquainted with , is the Calgary Stampede. OMG! You're not...a cow girl, are you?!
  15. What's this i hear about pending nuptuals?!Why am i always the last one to hear? ...good point. I am not actually involved. ...though, if invited, I could bring my dancing bear.
  16. Now, thats just cruel and unusual treatment , and probably grounds for divorce! ... uh...yes.
  17. *sighs again* seems to be everybody's answer to everything these days.
  18. *sighs*im sure it would be a very nice weather ship.
  19. thats just what i keep telling you!
  20. eeeeek! who knew the woman could read...and navigate?
  21. I must say, human..., its nice to visit a profile page which doesnt make one feel as though one has to have a lye bath afterward. :)
  22. Ok...you checked me out. What have i done,now?
  23. just a minute...um...seems to just go straight ahead, and then up, and back on itself, a bit. yer normal hook , then. you can polish it , if you like.
  24. only when provoked! look out for me hook, itll play havoc with yer tights.
  25. *whispers* not really, but , for gawds sake put something on! some of us have blood pressure issues!
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