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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. As entertaining as the ban/warning section sometimes is, it's worth remembering that the nexus community is 59 million people strong. If the nexus existed for 18 years and bans 100 people a day (I think it's less than that), that would be 365*100*18=657k people banned over the lifetime of the nexus (again, I think it's less). Now, there will be repeat & reversed bans and not all accounts are active etc etc but the point is - the really unpleasant ones are a tiny, tiny fraction of the total userbase.
  2. the + in .NET 6.0+ stands for "or later versions". So you should be good. This could be made a little clearer on the download page tbh.
  3. I turned 50 this year, I'm fine with it I guess, it is what it is. Despite our society's obsession with youth, everyone gets old. My family had a TI-99/4A before the C64, but the Commodore was my first computer love. Endless games, programming in basic and later assembly, experiments with the electronics and soldering, with the sound (that SID chip is still awesome), it offered so many possibilities and learning opportunities and sparked off a life in technology. My original c64 died long ago, I bought a refurbished one recently. Out of nostalgia I suppose, but it was very satisfying to finish some games I never did as a child or wanted to have but never found back in the day (we were at the mercy of what friends and the local stores had). The new-old C64 also has an SD-card loader, games load in seconds and not minutes (you can't see it but my inner 8-year old is still jumping up and down about it). Anyway, I also never got around to doing the family script, and in between travel and reading and career stuff and various tech projects I kept up gaming as well. From the C64 to Amiga, through the console wars (mostly on the Nintendo side, I have a soft spot for Zelda and Mario), to PC gaming, then online gaming, watching new genres emerge (and die), the endless race for better hardware. It's been a wild ride so far, can't wait to see where it goes next. As for why I play still games, I'm a big fan of two things in this life: 1) travel, I love seeing new places and people, trying new food, experiencing different world views, seeing all the weird and wonderful and sometimes breathtaking stuff that billions of years of planet earth has produced. 2) the stories we tell, I don't care if they're in book form, or a movie, a sculpture, painting, a song, a videogame. I love stories. One of the few redeeming qualities of the human race imo. Videogames allow you to travel to places and tell stories in ways that would be hard or impossible to convey in another medium. Is it all escapism? On some level, I guess. But there's more to it imo. A life spent experiencing new things and being entertained and having experiences worth thinking about, it seems like a pretty decent life to have. Looking at the bulk of history, it could be a lot worse. And when we all get really, REALLY old and sit in retirement homes, we'll have LAN parties again. It'll be great.
  4. Much of this can be done through quests (which can run in the background invisible to the player) rather than papyrus scripting. the rough outline (one option at least) would be quest reaches stage X > quest has alias that gets filled by specific NPC > NPC gets a travel AI package from quest through the alias and will move to new location > quest reaches new stage when NPC is at location > quest loads sandbox AI package to NPC through alias > quest reaches new stage, waits, and goes back to start > rinse, repeat) https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Tutorials - if you have no idea about quests you will want to start reading at section "Quest Design Fundamentals" to get a general grip on what bits go where, and then from "Intermediate Quest Design" the stuff about packages and aliases. It will take a while and practice to get the hang of it, but will help you in pretty much all NPC-related work going forward. You can also see how others solved it by looking at their mods and how their quests are set up, there are lots of mods on the nexus that give NPCs travel/sandbox packages through similar mechanisms.
  5. Moving time forward won't be an issue in most instances (passing days or months in this way could cause needs/survival mods where you need to eat and drink and sleep to freak out though, but for small enough values like a few hours it should be fine - note that I have not tested this as I don't use survival/needs stuff). Moving time backward can conceivably break things (I can't think of concrete examples, but I could see how this could confuse things). Either way there are a bunch of global variables you can mess with using getvalue and setvalue GameHourGameDayGameDaysPassedGameMonthGameYear There used to be discussion and examples on the creation kit wiki but I can't seem to find it anymore. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/baw4ni/comment/ekepg2e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 see the comments for some example code, not sure if this is optimal code but it's a base to understand the general process and potential pitfalls from.
  6. This situation existed well before DP and patreons etc, so while that may be a contributing driver, it's not the original driver. I also think that for the vast majority of mod authors the number of hours they put in vs. the payouts in form of DP/other sources are well below any kind of living wage levels, so I don't even think the profit motive is all that strong of a driver tbh. My anecdotal observation is that modding is where very distinct kinds of people meet by virtue of wanting to create and share stuff. Imagine a spectrum, label one end "engineer" and the other end "artist" (these are convenience labels, nothing more): Engineer types - generally have a technical background - are used to open source projects and similar frameworks and value the ability to share and remix stuff as they see fit - may take a "do whatever" stance when it comes to permissions on their works, which tend to be open - mods may tend to demonstrate higher technical complexity (game engine hacks, patcher frameworks, etc) - ownership/credit may be viewed as less important Artist types: - generally have an artistic background - may want strong controls over their work, permissions tend to be restrictive - may have strong feelings on how their work is experienced (which should be according to their intentions) - mods may tend to demonstrate higher artistic complexity (textures, models, music, etc) - ownership/credit may be viewed as more important Game modding brings these types together as it straddles both the artistic and the technical (in varying degrees depending on the game). As I said, I imagine this as a spectrum with people trending more towards one end or the other. I think this is intrinsic to people; it's just how they're wired. As an engineer-trending type, I definitely have my own bias so it's hard for me to be objective about it. I do wish people would be more open with permissions (and think it's a bit futile to try to rigidly control stuff you put on the public internet for all to download which is the furthest opposite of a controlled environment) but it is what it is. Neither view is right or wrong imo, they're just different, and people on opposite ends of the spectrum probably find it hard to understand or fully grasp the other viewpoint. Ultimately the mod scene thrives thanks to contributions from people on both ends of that spectrum (and everyone in between). Whoever made the mod, it's their stuff, their creation. They can do with it as they wish. Even if understanding is hard, a little acceptance goes a long way. Afterthought: this spectrum model works to explain why mod scenes for different games can be vastly different; Minecraft has a high technical ceiling (extensive modding capability) but a limited artistic ceiling (not to disparage all the excellent texture packs but it's a pretty blocky world), so I would expect more engineer-trending types to be drawn to it, hence more open permissions. TES games have both a high technical ceiling (extensive modding tools) and a high artistic ceiling, so would draw a mix of both. Other games without modding tools but with limited options to swap out textures/meshes would thus draw more of the artistic-trending type, ending up with more closed permissions. I also think that once a "default" baseline for permissions is established for a particular game modding scene you will see a certain inertia; a lot of people will mostly go along with the default no matter where they fall on the spectrum. Perhaps here Nexus could encourage more openness by defaulting to open/permissive licenses rather than closed ones, because I suspect there might also be a large group of people who don't care all that much, they just want to share some cool stuff they made (and they would click through whatever defaults are set, imo the current permissions screen you get when uploading a mod is an intimidating mess).
  7. On the site, click your profile picture, go to site preferences Then allow adult content but add tags to block specific content you don't want to see.
  8. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:A_Cornered_Rat details the vanilla options; https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:No_Stone_Unturned requires starting a ton of stuff in vanilla, unfortunately.
  9. Just add a Vortex Collections section in the... Vortex section?
  10. Just going to point out here that in the GMAD thread (which a lot of people here can't access) I said that a) your mods are pretty niche (in terms of audience/reach/scope) b) you appear to have last published a mod about two years ago c) I am in the same boat (niche mods/rarely publish) which you appear to have missed completely. If you perceive this as "AN ATTACK ON MY MODS", then well, don't really know what to say. "lol" covers it pretty well. The reason I pointed this out is that there is a distinct pattern of authors who have this sort of niche mod and/or who haven't published in years, who will not be affected by this in any real way, but who have been absolutely frothing at the mouth. Fielding the most insane conspiracy theories, trying to work out how to sabotage things, and anyone who doesn't toe their line is a shill or whatever else you throw at people constantly while trying to shout them down, so they no longer engage and you can sit uncontested in your toxic little echo chamber being angry at everything while you try to work out how to best inconvenience the users. All that will accomplish is complaints on your mod pages and a further drift into obscurity and irrelevance. And maybe that's for the best. Case in point: Dear lord listen to yourself.
  11. Maybe a stupid question but if you're not going to make your entire mod available for users from the nexus but force them to use some offsite thing (allowable or not), why even bother? Because as a user I would go "that's nice, I'll use another mod instead". Being user-hostile is generally perceived as a bad thing, and inconveniencing users for whatever point you were hoping to make IS user-hostile. If you have that level of disagreement with a hosting site, find another one altogether. Why this tortured construct?
  12. I would say that directly relates to GDPR compliance, unlike so much of the mod noise going on. Don't know when but probably around the same time GDPR came in effect.
  13. Nexus is throwing a bit of a wobbly at the moment, forums were down for a bit, https://www.nexusmods.com/ itself was down too (still as of writing)
  14. fair - can you do us all a favor and type "please close this thread".
  15. Long story short, if you don't own the content or have permission to use it, your mod will get removed.
  16. Country: Australia ISP: Tesltra cable. found your problem.
  17. In response to post #82737178. #82738688 is also a reply to the same post. Could have created a ton of rules in the time you took to write this and never have to worry about that part of your load order again. Maybe write your own mod manager?
  18. In response to post #82644678. #82648508, #82649243, #82649413, #82650088, #82650933, #82705298 are all replies on the same post. The flip side of "LOOT is not infallible" is that neither are you (or me). In general, I'd take large group consensus over individual opinion. However, if you have a mod that you consistently want somewhere other than where LOOT wants to place it (and in a list of ~300 skyrim VR mods I have about 5 or 6), just create a rule. Done. Now every time you deploy/sort, your mods will be placed in the exact same place you want them to.
  19. Complete coincidence; there's nothing in fox AI or pathing that leads to specific places. If you choose a completely random direction and keep walking, changing direction at random every so often, sooner or later you will hit on something happening somewhere.
  20. In response to post #82644678. this is mostly you not taking the 2 minutes to understand how this program works https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Managing_your_Load_Order
  21. For many mods it does not matter. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/5lyvf6/actual_relevance_of_forms_4344/ provides some insight in what records in a mod do matter when it comes to form 43/44. If someone has some more up to date actual information (like, data, not hearsay) that would be welcome. The rest is just noise; mod makers upload their free stuff, all that follows afterwards is your problem. Caveat emptor, as they used to say.
  22. You've always had a bandwidth cap as a freeloader, though. So either there is some slowness on the path between you and the Nexus or the site/infrastructure is having issues. I had some cloudflare timeouts earlier today.
  23. I never use Nexus search, tbh it's terrible with or without tags, I generally just use google with [keyword]+[game]+nexus https://www.google.com/search?q=homemaker+fallout+4+nexus What HTR is describing is not so much a problem with tags intrinsically, but with people (mis)tagging stuff and other people filtering for those tags. I've not really had any problems with tags tbh. I'm neutral about VR having a separate section; for Skyrim there is a large overlap in mods that work on both (I know this from extensive VR experience). In Fallout some recent update seems to have broken a lot of stuff but I'm not really playing or tracking FO4/FO4VR at the moment. I guess they technically should have their own category but again, a large selection of Skyrim SE mods works flawlessly so I could see why the Nexus staff doesn't really want to deal with opening new sections and potentially double storage of the exact same mods for what seems to be a fairly niche gaming thing (for now).
  24. What a blessed life you lead where an extra click and a 5-second wait is actual torture.
  25. *looks at profile* Guess you are still preparing to cook... anything.
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