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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. Since the heart would presumably be in the player's inventory when the eating happens and objects in inventory don't run scripts afaik (because it's inside a container - you), you are probably better off creating a quest with a script tied to the playerref alias and then running the script from there.
  2. There are still mods coming out for Oblivion http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/ And even Morrowind http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/ I'd say that Skyrim still has some of the best modding years ahead of it.
  3. There are 10 used in the entire game, one is in the wareshouseambushes (resource cell, not playable), one inside Labirinthian, and one is locked up in blackreach. So 7 dotted around skyrim (not counting the pale lady). I've found four while playing - the weirdest coming out of a well in the middle of nowhere in the fall forest area with no prior warning. They're also tied to a levelgate so won't appear until lvl 15. So yeah, Skyrim could use some more wispmothers. I'm kind of tied up right now but if nobody else has picked it up in a few weeks I'll have a go at placing some more in interesting locations. Maybe even add a little quest and some backstory - the book The Wispmother found ingame offers some interesting hooks.
  4. There's a mushroom resource here with various colours. It's easy enough to open the nif in nifskope and edit them if you don't like any of them. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25939 ...are there 30 light sources in that editor shot?
  5. You know those log lines that say "incompatible with"? You should probably pay attention to those.
  6. Loving the nested comments and stickies, thanks guys! edit: ooh and the version checkbox!
  7. I'd just get this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22274 and bind it to a hotkey tbh.
  8. Wrye Bash also offers save Profiles - different sets of saves for different characters with different mod loadlists.
  9. Only if the creators/owners of that game have given express permission for you to do so, which also answers your second question: you need to obtain permission to do so.
  10. I want to help people on the forums, I really do. But the endless stream of repeat questions is... disheartening.
  11. Okay, then, I guess just pout.
  12. http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Optimization#Room_Markers_and_Portals http://www.creationkit.com/Room_Bounds_and_Portal_Basics
  13. What's up, accidental slayer of couriers?
    1. Brandy1123


      always one of my favoritest people evah!!!!
  14. Another vote for skirt. This armor is shaping up to be one baaaaaaad moth*shut yo mouth!*
  15. If you're still up for a bit of modeling, I'm busy building the classic wolfenstein 3d maps in Skyrim. I'm also adding in the OCD treasure seeking but while I have found some objects which can stand in for the old-school treasures, I would kill for the jewel-encrusted cross and chalice. Only ref image I have is http://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/560362-wolfenstein-3d-ipad-screenshot-treasure-stashs.jpg ps. I've seen a modder's resource which adds sausages and fruit and more but I can't find it offhand. Though more sausage is always fine ha ha. Wow that sounded weird.
  16. While the game never spells it out, the book Yngol and the Sea Ghosts kind of hints they may be the souls of his clansmen. Or not. Either way, it made for a nice bit of ambience.
  17. Whooo packing mod for uploading! Also, stupid CK archive tool.
  18. Rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks.

    Also I hate closing the chat window JUST as I see someone say something to me.

  19. Thanks for the trees :)
  20. C'mon, trample him with your bunneh mount!
  21. You mean like Dwemer goggles?Or maybe more traditional glasses?
  22. You probably haven't extracted the proper DDS textures and converted them to TGA http://www.gameskyrim.com/new-worldspaces-object-lod-and-region-generation-t257186.html
  23. *blunders through*
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