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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. You are correct, many of the texture paths and particle tricksies are stored inside the .nif files, which themselves are stored in Skyrim - Meshes.bsa You can use tools like nifscope to examine/change the internal structure of the nif files and find the texture paths used.
  2. This blog post pretty much solved all my questions about height map importing. I've never had any luck getting gimp to produce a readable file but photoshop does it just fine. The post also links to an alternative method of getting your heightmap in there not using photoshop but I've not tried it.
  3. Eh, if all you want to do is make them patrol just put in an extra patrol point on the side :) (did you try my "brutal" solution?) edit: no editing your text while I write down a simple reply which doesn't apply anymore! ;)
  4. No idea how you got from my comment to talking about god weapons, or why a serious role player would ever end up in the qasmoke dev testing cell. But, uh, good luck I guess.
  5. Just roleplay that you've bought it :thumbsup: On a more serious note, house mods are often what modders start out with, maybe because the entry bar is relatively low. Throw an internal cell together, add clutter, learn to navmesh, hook it up to the tamriel worldspace, that sort of thing. Even this requires learning how to do several things and will generally take many hours of dedicated work. To expect beginning mod authors to build a home AND add conditionalized buying quests, a (voiced) quest giver (or perhaps even more difficult, hijack/adapt an established vanilla steward) and all the other bits and pieces required may be slightly unrealistic. More experienced mod authors usually move on to other things. That said, I think I've seen several house mods on the nexus that you need to do/buy things for to get, but I don't recall any offhand.
  6. Lights will only be visible in a certain (and fairly short) range, but yes, they work. If you want a glow effect, you may be better off using fxglowfillroundbrt or one of the variations - but if you want that to glow green you'll have to break out nifscope and mod up a copy of Effects\Ambient\FXGlowFillRndLitBrt.nif and it's associated source texture textures\effects\GlowSoft01.dds Or, come to think of it you could also make a textureset with a glow and apply that to the gate but I haven't done that before so I wouldn't know how well that would work.
  7. I am LOVING this whole thread. http://cache.blippitt.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Popcorn-02-Stephen-Colbert.gif
  8. What I meant was I get suspicious when I see a lot of right angles in the landscape, like this http://i48.tinypic.com/33w9w85.png Could be just dips in the land, I don't know. And yes, there is a good chance that if you've generated landscape with the CK, worked on, and saved your file your heightmap is shot. As for your specific screenshot, it looks like either you are either missing some mntcliffXXlod/mntpeakXXlod/mntridgeXXlod files in your TGAtextures and subsequently your DDS folder or they didn't convert correctly. (Or you've designated alternate textures but not placed corresponding TGA files in the source\tgatextures folder) If you download a copy of GKB green trees, that guy has included a full set of source\tgatextures in his archive and I know for a fact they work. If you overwrite your source\tgatextures with what you find in that archive and you STILL get purple stuff, I have no idea what is going on.
  9. ...I have NO idea how you did that :O The files/folders governing LOD (with the \data folder as top-level folder) are \LODsettings\yourworldspacename.lod \meshes\terrain\yourworldspacename\* \textures\terrain\yourworldspacename\* Get rid of those files and folders, and you're back to a default non-LOD world. Run Oscape again - select your mod in the first screen, tick "feature map" and "surface map", make sure you're extracting to yourworldspacename.raw (and I always delete my previously generated files if any beforehand), hit extract. Hit accept in the next window if the land and sealevel values look sane to you. In the next screen, the only value you would conceivably mess with is the "target of mess resolution" (I'm using 1/3rd of Skyrim for testing purposes, go 3/3 for final worldspace, you may prefer other settings) http://i47.tinypic.com/ofvjt.jpg Generate your landscape LOD, then install it. Sometimes Oscape bugs out, I usually just press generate again and it goes through, in some extreme cases I exit the app, restart/reextract, and choose different resolution options). If you get errors all the time there may be something wrong with your landscape. Now load up skyrim and test. If it looks weird or strange with these settings, it's possible you have borked your landscape. There may be a way to fix it, but if so, I don't know about it. I did it once and after ages of trying to remove records and trying to get a sane landscape back I gave up and went back to an earlier backup. If all looks well fire up the CK, load your mod, generate the static LODs, making sure that for all your static textures there is a corresponding TGA file in source\TGAtextures, then copy over the dds textures files. Frankly, the fact that I see these square "holes" where there should be cells or at least ocean does not bode well for your mod file - did you at one point try to generate landscape with the CK's landscape generator?
  10. But I want mah pointy sticks! :thumbsup: No, wait, I deserve pointy sticks. I saw it in a trailer and Bethesda owes me. Because, um, I bought their game or something.
  11. edit: never mind, it's one of those "non-steam" people. :pirate:
  12. Looks like everything generated ok, those error messages are normal.. You know that part where you made a folder source\tgatextures and converted the DDS files to TGA? You will now find a folder ddstextures in that same source folder, with subfolders terrain\yourworldspacename\etc etc This whole terrain folder should go into the data\textures folder of your main skyrim folder.
  13. 1) make sure you also tick the "no data" checkbox (assuming you've made a custom region and assigned that as a "border region" because otherwise you just won't see your region 2) if you click inside the map window in the region editor, you should be able to zoom in & out with the mouse wheel Then rightclick your region in the map > switch to "regionname" > now you should be able to edit to your heart's content.
  14. You don't. What he says is "swapping palettes and/or effect files" meaning he played around with the different enbpalette.bmp and enbxxxxx.fx files until he found a combination that looked nice to him, and messed around with the different enbseries.ini sections settings until he was happy.
  15. This is a result of installing SkyUI and not RTFMing. Problem: There are dollar signs ($) in front of all words in the main menu (and in lots of other places, too)! This happens if you accidently removed Data/Interface/Translate_*.txt. The downloaded SkyUI archive contains an original version of that file in SkyUI Extras/Original Translates/. So just copy the file matching your language from there back to Data/Interface/.
  16. I think Skyrim's map is at least as large as Oblivion, and the playable area larger. Not sure though. How about you turn off running? If you want to talk game oddities, a man in full armor running everywhere all the time is as odd as it gets. Press caps/lock and you'll suddenly appreciate just how vast Skyrim is. Walking from the Whiterun stables to Riverwood takes about 4 hours ingame time (at the default timescale 20). It's a nice walk and you can enjoy a lot of beautiful landscape on the way.
  17. This one, I think http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11135
  18. I once looked at Silda's inventory in sneak mode after giving her a septim and she had 500 of them!
  19. (edit: oh wow, did NOT notice the poster above me resurrected a dead thread :( oh well left here in case someone new comes along) Duplicate away, it's better than changing the original game art :) Here's the cliff notes version A book. Make a duplicate in CK for your custom book. Note the inventory art reference. Make a duplicate of that too. Also take note of the world art used. http://i50.tinypic.com/dxi6v8.png Note the model used for the inventory art. http://i50.tinypic.com/1oom03.png Open that model in nifscope, point this textureset to your new textureset, save as new file. Do the same for your world art. http://i50.tinypic.com/352g17o.png Now update your duplicate books to use the newly created models using the new textures. One completely custom book, created!
  20. But but but gotta get them all! Orphans: 2012's collectible items.
  21. Here's the solution from the page i linked to, hasn't failed me yet on multiple playthroughs. When you say "equipped" that creates confusion - perhaps you mean "installed" ;)
  22. which should For more info see http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Revealing_the_Unseen#Focus_the_Oculory
  23. For large worldspaces you generate heightmap > terrain > then detailing. Since you've gone straight to detail you've essentially skipped the heightmap stage (this is fine for smaller and medium-sized worldspaces, so don't worry about it - it would be too much work to manually build a worldmap the size of Tamriel and that's where heightmaps come in). If you want some more tips a) make a manual backup of your file before you start working and every 4 hours, especially when things get complex. The CK autobackup will only save the last X saves (if turned on) so if you save a lot that is useless. b) if you're going to add dragons you will need to generate terrain height data (not heightmap), details here or they will just fly through everything c) if your worldspace is fairly large and you get terrain and building pop-in or fade-in (or you don't get the "endless sea" view you would get in a port town) you will need to generate LOD for terrain and/or objects. I find terrain LOD is easiest done through Oscape, details here and object LOD can be done through the CK, the most complete information I found here. d) if you're doing landscape texturing with the CK's landscape/paint tool remember that there is a maximum of 6 textures in every cell quadrant and if you go over that black spots will appear. You can remove them by undo or move the camera into the offending cell, press "H" to enter landscaping mode if you're not already in it, then "i" to get the quadrant texture info window. you can select any texture and press del to remove it. The CK will not ask for confirmation and just do it so be careful. e) don't go around changing water and land height in world > worldspaces after you initially set it because it may confuse the hell out of oscape and the CK terrain LOD generator, preventing you from generating proper terrain LOD f) similarly, in World > worldspaces don't touch the usable dimensions or cell coordinates (in the map sections) unless you know what you're doing g) LODs are generated at several levels (2,4,8,16,32 IIRC) with less mesh detail the higher the level. The highest (least amount of detail) level, the 32 set, is used to build the local map data (what you see when you press M ingame) That's all I can think of for worldbuilding right now.
  24. ...and always read a thread before stepping in to help. :thumbsup:
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