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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. Open a console, type player.placeatme 00013BBF 10 and you get 10 nazeems. Ulfric is a little trickier as there are different versions, unkillable ones and killable ones. Open the console again, type help ulfric and look for the lines with _NPC, they will have a code, just like "help nazeem" will get you the code 00013BBF which I used above. Then spawn some ulfrics, and see which ones die. Save beforehand! This is just therapy, not part of your actual game :)
  2. You're running wild, trying things without really knowing what you are doing. You need to run through the basic tutorials so you get a grasp of how papyrus handles things, even (and maybe especially) if you have experience with other scripting languages. Like Steve said, you need to declare properties in your script (notably for the quest), then link that script quest property to your actual quest. About properties specifically http://www.creationk...s_%28Papyrus%29 The basic introduction http://www.creationk...us_Introduction Step-by-step tutorials http://www.creationk...rus_Hello_World A lot of example scripts http://www.creationk...egory:Solutions You're trying to run before you can walk. I can just about crawl right now. Steve is a marathon championship title holder ;) For completeness' sake script SOMESCRIPTNAME extends ObjectReference ;declaring the properties quest property CWE02 auto ObjectReference property THEGUYYOUWANTENABLEDREF auto ;event block Event OnCellLoad() if CWE02.IsRunning() THEGUYYOUWANTENABLEDREF.enable() endIf EndEvent And as Steve pointed out, this should be put on a hidden object or trigger, not on the NPC.Then you should open the properties for the script and link the quest property to the actual quest and the objectreference property to the NPC reference in your scene. BUT please go through the tutorials.
  3. I feel like a sociopath now for setting most people who annoy me to nonessential then taking them out. I swear I seldom do this in real life! :whistling: Seriously though, it's a good thing I have many NPC mods otherwise Skyrim would be a barren place. I once went to the throat of the world and spawned 50 Ulfrics and 50 Nazeems just so I could blow them all off of the mountain top. IT WAS GLORIOUS. ...I should probably shut up now. Surprisingly, Grelka is still alive in my Skyrim.
  4. This thread http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Working_with_animations_in_Skyrim Also this thread http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1293826-rel-havok-animation-converter/page__st__150__p__20091076#entry20091076 As for being too lazy - conversion is always going to be more work and less precise than working with the right toolkit in the first place :) I don't know of any specific tools which would guarantee a 100% safe conversion, as you've already noticed.
  5. http://cdn.themis-media.com/media/global/images/library/deriv/76/76873.jpg *chants* craaaaab people! craaaaab people! craaaaab people!
  6. Ah, but the filter box. The filter box is what makes skyUI great - if you're a packrat. Which all of my characters turn out as. Click the filter box > type part of name > get neat shortlist of results. Heaven. @luzburg: if you don't know any better, you just put up with it. And dump all your excess stuff in a chest.
  7. I'm pretty sure I saw some female legionnaires but that might have been the mods I'm running.I've got many "more NPC" mods active.
  8. Nah, I hated that "puzzle". Obviously there is a correct sequence but since you don't get any useful feedback, it's quicker to solve with button mashing. I grew up in the era of PC adventure games - from Maniac Mansion to Myst with all the Sierra Quest games and Monkey Island in between (and before - chronological ordering was never my strong suit), I've played and finished them all. Didn't have a handy internet page with walkthroughs available either. What puzzles there are in skyrim are not very interesting and the solution is often given to you beforehand or is blindingly obvious. I've always wondered if that was a concession to the console crowd or lowest common denominator appeal or what. For people interested in adding puzzles to their mods, here's a high-level overview article of puzzles found in adventure games and which may give you some ideas: http://www.adventure...e/features/423/ The references it quotes at the end are also worthwhile reads. Hell, I'll just link to this essay by the designer of Monkey Island even though it's listed in the references, because it gives useful tips. http://grumpygamer.com/2152210
  9. Can you post the script you have created thus far please? My example script was only a snippet - it wasn't a competed thing you can just drop in and go.I may have given you bad advice - the isrunning() is part of the quest script. Or you could have forgotten to declare the right properties.
  10. Seconded. There's only ever a first experience of Skyrim, and it's a pretty great experience to start with.
  11. Add a triggerbox, add script that uses ontriggerenter http://www.creationkit.com/OnTriggerEnter_-_ObjectReference to play a sound file http://www.creationkit.com/Sound.Play_%28Papyrus%29
  12. I've only released 4 home mods but even the 2 bigger mods I've been working on use vanilla skyrim exclusively. I want my mods to be available to the largest possible public. Not everyone has or is interested in HF and DG (for me, vampires don't do it although I got it for the crossbow/soul cairn/castle fun and adoption/kids are meh), but I will definitely be buying DB. So for me it's a conscious choice to stay away from DLC requirements in my mods simply because it may restrict your audience. Unless there is some kind of super-duper ultra set of meshes which I just can't pass up - never say never right?
  13. http://www.creationk...ing_a_Load_Door You also have the option under menu Navmesh > Finalize Cell Navmeshes
  14. Good luck, ask if you get stuck, and show us all a cool quest :thumbsup:
  15. I can't answer you for what sort of event you need, it's your setting. You could try something like this as a script on the NPC Event OnCellLoad() self.disable() if (myquestname.IsRunning()) Debug.Notification("Hurray, enabling NPC") self.enable() endIf EndEvent There are many sort of events to test for, which one you need depends on what your needs are
  16. Not really, these things should happen inside of events. http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Events
  17. The quickest way would be to set your NPCs as initially disabled and have a script enable them using IsRunning() http://www.creationkit.com/Reference#Common_Data http://www.creationkit.com/IsRunning_-_Quest http://www.creationkit.com/Enable_-_ObjectReference
  18. You need to finalize both interior and exterior navmeshes, essentially creating an "exit" point on both to tell the AI this is where you jump to another cell/worldspace. http://www.creationk...alizing_Navmesh http://www.creationk...ing_a_Load_Door The whatnow?
  19. Maybe ...that's more like clockwork. It's very possible to get a solid Skyrim. But you have to be willing to experiment (and for heaven's sake, DO NOT do that with your main save - keep a stable collection of mods on any run because pulling and adding mods at random during an in progress game is asking for trouble - use wrye bash to keep saves and mod profiles separate) and maybe give up on some mods you thought were awesome because they give you trouble. Maybe you can run them in a different combo on a different save profile. It's often combinations of mods which give you grief - mods which are fine in other combinations. This can be hard to track down. Warzones + monster wars + monster mod + ASIS + HD textures was a recipe for trouble on my machine - but warzones does just fine in a different profile which has almost no other mods in it and no HD textures, and monster wars runs like a dream on another. On my aging machine I had to pull the HD textures altogether even though it made me sad to do so. Just couldn't hack it. And as bben46 points out, your computer is not a gaming console by default, it's a general purpose machine. Make sure there is as little nonsense running as possible. Use autoruns to have a look at your startup programs and services.
  20. ...what? I refer you back to my first post on the topic The rest was a discussion of copyright law and exception cases which was interesting, I thought, and expressing my personal views (which I think is within my rights on this forum), I did not expect everyone to agree, nor did I at any point try to incite people to copy stuff with wanton abandon and post it on the nexus.
  21. Not really, looks like one of your mods overwrite a skyrim file or it got damaged in some other way. Install a mod, play with it for a while, exit skyrim, if it still works ok after the next run, it's probably good. At least you got a way around it.
  22. These are the four points by which fair use are measured, on a case-by-case basis. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;the nature of the copyrighted work;the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; andthe effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work." Unlike, say, a speeding law (which is absolute and measurable with ease - radar gun, photo, speeding ticket), this by its very nature has a large grey area (by which I mean some degree of subjectivity/uncertainty with fuzzy rather than discrete borders - for instance "the effect of the use" is not something which may be clearly demonstrable ). You see this reflected in the many court cases surrounding fair use and things like fan fiction etc. etc. There is no single unified ruling. Some cases win, some lose, some get settled out of court. There is no single unified ruling or precedent by which these things are measured and judged, even if the letter of the law is quite clear. That's what I was getting at with "letter of the law" and "spirit of the law". If the letter of the law was all that mattered, all these cases would end in exactly the same way. ...can I borrow that horse of yours? I kind of like the color :tongue:
  23. Eh, know what, just open steam, then right click skyrim, choose 'properties', find the tab that has the "Verify game files" and click that.
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