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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. On the main mods/nexus page click the gear icon in the top right, go to content blocking tab, then activate (click) the NSFW, sexualized content, skimpy, nudity tags. Should clean things up.
  2. https://help.nexusmods.com/article/18-terms-of-service https://help.nexusmods.com/article/27-moderation-policy None of this is new or shocking. Unless you mean something outside of that and then you'd have to be more specific.
  3. There's nothing "going on" that hasn't been going on since the dawn of modding. For all the reasons above and more.
  4. They're not really "supporting" the game though, the updates are mostly to incorporate/support/add Creation Club content. They might have made a small update incidentally, I wouldn't know about that, but the fact that USSEP is even a thing means they've not bothered to really update the game in any meaningful way for a very long time. Hell, the Switch edition launched with all the bugs that have been around since Vanilla which is just embarrassing - and on that platform I wish you good luck on fixing that stuff as a user. The PC updates are really mostly about CC in lockstep with the console platforms which are the primary moneybag generators. That said, at the same time I have little patience for people who lose their mind every time they have to wait a couple of days for SKSE to catch up so eh.
  5. Dear lord all this drama just because a mod was flagged as adult at some point. Does that flagging happen inconsistently? Sure, it's impossible to review the tens/hundreds of thousands of mods by a small team. And on the flip side, people don't bother to read/understand the TOS and guidelines. Y'all could build a neural net to dig through textures and screenshots to flag stuff for review by a human, but even that would be a massive undertaking with many false positives. Would be an interesting project though.
  6. Back when I was modding oldrim, the CK LOD tool was broken to the point of being useless and we had to use Oscape and related tools. It wouldn't surprise me if this hasn't changed a bit with SSE. Have you tried dyndolod?
  7. https://register.ubisoft.com/acu-notredame-giveaway/en-US
  8. It's most likely not immersive NPCs, unless in combination with some other mod. But disabling/enabling multiple mods is not much use in troubleshooting, you have to drop down to enabling one at a time until you see what the problem is. (the real problem is not with the mod most likely, but with some combination of mods that doesn't work)
  9. I usually run with https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5063 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5933 but if you don't like the vanilla meshes or looking like a farmer that might not work for you. Still, adds a good bit of variety to the game in terms of outfits people walk around in and fits very well into the game. Maybe https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4464 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4465 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4466 from the Beyond Skyrim people will tickle your fancy.
  10. Are you running your mod on vanilla/unmodded skyrim? If not, it is going to be a crapshoot as it could be interaction with any other mod you have installed that is causing crashes. Second, if you are, NPCs take up a lot more resources than just cost to render - every NPC is running AI packages, evaluating navmesh when moving, etc. Active travel packages and quests (with the NPCs aliased in the quest) make the load even heavier as the NPCs need to be kept in memory as otherwise the game has no way to track their progress. This is computationally very expensive. At some point your PC specs will not matter, the engine will not be able to handle it. I have not seen mods that add hundreds of fighting civil war PCs in a single cell, even Warzones is quite conservative with number of NPCs in a single cell at any given time. in my own testing once you go upwards of 80-100 total NPCs - including animals etc which are all NPCs in the 5 cells loaded around the player, you typically start seeing floating NPCs and other fun stuff. I have not pushed it further as that already was a bad state. I have my doubts about whatever mod you are talking about. The fix would be less NPCs :) Reading your post in more detail, that plus the vanilla wildlife and NPCs really sounds pretty heavy. Occlusion planes just alleviates rendering cost, not AI etc cost.
  11. As someone who primarily uses this site to share and download mods, I had no idea there was such a vibrant "other" community right under my nose lol. Beautiful shots everyone, I enjoyed browsing through.
  12. It's somewhat related - I use Warzones, which with some tuning is still absolutely spectacular IMO, I frequently pause my travels to watch the factions going at it from a distance. But it leaves a lot of dead bodies around. Dead, lootable bodies. And as it turns out, I can't stop myself from looting them. So after my 55th overencumbered waddle back to town to sell my excess gear, I realized I needed to do something. I ended up installing trade and barter - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34612 which has an option to have NPCs loot other NPCs for useful object with values above a configurable amount of gold. Now I have lots of naked dead bodies and "winner" NPCs with insane amounts of stuff in their inventories. IMMERSION I joke but it's a lot better, I set the NPCs to loot anything above 5 gold and never get off my horse on a battlefield anymore because most of the 'free' loot is gone. I do think your example is good game experience - I mean, it would annoy me but at the same time sort of please me at the complexity that interacting game systems can have to make for that true "WTF just happened" experience.
  13. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Sound https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Sound_Output_Model https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Unit I think you may want to review these pages to get a better understanding of what checkboxes and sliders you might want to set where.
  14. As the name suggests it's part of Steam. Is your Steam software operating correctly? Try reinstalling it. Also, are you downloading the correct version for whatever version of skyrim you are using?
  15. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Astronomy https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Masser https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Secunda and last but not least https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/436
  16. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Optimization room markers and portals are absolutely essential when creating very large homes/dungeons, and imo an absolute annoyance to work with. You get used to it, kinda. For the lighting issues you mention, see https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Lights_and_FX#Types_of_Lights and note the limitations on lights especially shadowcasting ones. Also worth reading, the best practices section of the earlier link, it also deals with lights.
  17. This is a bit of a long shot but years ago I had the same problem in Skyrim, and knowing how beth likes to recycle engines and assets and vertibirds are essentially the dragons of the fallout game... This is how to generate "don't fly though me" geometry in skyrim, I bet there's a similar menu option somewhere for Fallout. You will need to regenerate it every time you make landscape/architecture changes: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/798488-controlling-dragons/?&pid=6540991&do=findComment&comment=6540991
  18. whatever mod it was it has long been superseded by https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27563
  19. It's pretty strong thanks to an outer shell with an inner lattice, you could use it as an actual mask for event and parties. I expect it will hang on my wall for years. It's neat stuff and biodegradabe+made from renewable resources like corn starch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polylactic_acid heh :smile: I think I will print up a "wall of masks" - interesting videogame and other media masks. I stumbled across that papercraft ordinator mask but it's a bit too low rez (I will totally be stealing the broom idea though :D ). I'm looking more for something like this: I think I will start messing around in 3d software myself, since I also dearly want a Dagoth Ur mask print but the sources are too low rez. edit: oh wow - found while looking for Ur mask
  20. Found a model at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:370069 and decided to give it a go. I'm well pleased with how it panned out. Now if only I could find a good clean ordinator mask model :cool: Straight off the printer, no cleanup or anything done: Printed on a Creality CR-10 S4 in draft resolution (0.2mm) over the course of 14 hours, no supports used. I guess I'll start finding out how to best finalize and paint this stuff.
  21. So in what way are they not playing nice with each other? If it's something like "animal X is waaaay too strong" or the like I would suggest grabbing tes5edit and having a close look at the final values you get from loading both mods.
  22. We've all been there, that moment where you realize you pushed the creaking old thing over the edge...
  23. This is (by way of certain MMOs) usually referred to as transmogrification or transmog. There are several mods for Skyrim that do this but I haven't seen one for SSE tbh - but perhaps using this search term you will have better luck finding it.
  24. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58562 should point you in the right direction if you're using vanilla building assets.
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