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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. That puts me on the right track Janus, cheers. I see variables gameday, gamedayspassed, gamehour, gamemonth, and gameyear. Of course, it couldn't be as easy as just adding 14+random int to gameday, because that makes the game think it's the 54th of Last Seed. Joy. Looks like I will have to get the current date (month, day, year), do some kind of conversion, add my desired travel time, convert back, and update each variable. ...you know what, I may just say F* it, you are now magically on the island and the boat travel was instant. Unless someone has a great idea on how to do this painlessly. It's amazing how the most complex operations can sometimes be just a single line of Papyrus away, and the most simple ones can take hours of wrestling with scripts.
  2. Skyrim was updated by steam, the creation kit not yet... See also: http://forums.bethso...o-keep-modding/ But that is too late for you, unfortunately. All you can do now is wait for the CK update. Hurray for steam.
  3. I'm building a mod in which the player undertakes a sea journey. The journey takes about 2 weeks, give or take. I don't want to have the player spent two weeks on a boat on the open ocean which would be boring, so I would like to move the player (and his party) to a new location and "move the clock forward" by 2 weeks + random number of days. MoveTo and FastTravel take care of moving the player and friend(s), I have that working. I'm not seeing any way to force the ingame clock to move forward. Is this at all possible?
  4. I'm building a mod in which the player undertakes a sea journey. The journey takes about 2 weeks, give or take. I don't want to have the player spent two weeks on a boat on the open ocean which would be boring, so I would like to move the player (and his party) to a new location and "move the clock forward" by 2 weeks + random number of days. MoveTo and FastTravel take care of moving the player and friend(s), I have that working. I'm not seeing any way to force the ingame clock to move forward. Is this at all possible?
  5. THE SATURATION! MY EYES ARE BLEEDING! Other than that, nice compositing, shot direction, effects, and voice acting. Edocicak: they're all listed on the youtube page...
  6. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10639 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10843 And many others - these ones came to mind first.
  7. Good point. Um... Do this before you go into the wait mode, from the console: "set timescale to 50000" in the small cell - then after a few minutes "set timescale to 20". Hey, it's already messed up, a little timescale messing won't make things worse... :thumbsup: (or follow the instructions in the link Steve provided, probably better) For the record, I wasn't hoping for cell reset, I was hoping for any active effects to time out - who knows what state this was saved in before he pulled the mod)
  8. I fear Steve may be right, but you could try making a clean save and then removing it. With the mod active, load up your savegame and then enter the console (use the tilde [~] key) Type "coc qasmoke" Don't open, use or pick up any of the stuff in this cell. In fact, don't do anything at all. Enter waitmode (t key)and wait for 24 hours (game-time, not real-time). If you want to make sure and are the patient type, just walk away from the keyboard at this point and go make a sandwich, surf the web for a bit, and come back in an hour or so. create a new savegame. Enter the console again and type "qqq" to quit out of the game. Remove the mod. Relaunch Skyrim Cross your fingers. If all is well load your new savegame. Create a new savegame. Quit Skyrim again Start Skyrim, open the console, "coc whiterun" or some other location and, save one last time, resume play. Don't get your hopes up though. And, and make sure you don't have any mods dependent on MM of course.
  9. @Steve, but it's a bit of a 2-way street innit? Badly written scripts and/or player yanking out mods but leaving stuff and/or otherwise doing weird things causes saves to bloat or get corrupted (or unsafe upgrades of mods with scripts running registerforupdate instead of RegisterForSingleUpdate, or any number of other causes), which in turn leads to other things including scripts breaking. Or am I seeing it wrong? I have had some success with reducing bloated save by going to a small cell (like QAsmoke, or a player home), and just walk away leaving the game running. A few hours later I saved, exited, and found a 60MB bloatzilla reduced to 15 MB.
  10. Well the basic quest would have stages - each stage (which gets set when you complete an objective) would have a script fragment enabling/disabling an xmarker which in turn has a bunch of objects (say, impaled corpses) linked to it, either as an enable parent or opposite of enable parent. Open one of the player homes in the CK to see the basic idea - when you buy house furnishings from a steward, stuff like alchemy tables get enabled (but it's already present in the home, just disabled) and cobwebs etc. get disabled. If you look at it in the CK, you should see a bunch of xmarkers somewhere outside of the home, each linking to one or more objects in the home itself. I'm really a novice at scripting, I know just enough to tell me when I'm trying to bite off more than I can chew, and if I was going to attempt to do this I would get more comfortable with the quest system first.
  11. I have no idea - I'm not a tes5edit maintainer - perhaps you could ask those guys. have a look at C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Skyrim\loadorder.txt - make sure skyrim.esm is listed at the top and not present twice.
  12. I've never borked my game to that point, but for the mod, having a backup copy on a local hard drive is always a good idea (and prefixing your scripts with some easy to find name helps, as does keeping your textures in a subfolder - just a bit of housekeeping) Yes, I suppose you could pack your mod (file > create archive). And give tesvgecko a whirl - you may be able to fix your records without having to reinstall.
  13. Assuming you're running a legal copy, I'd try verifying my game and/or reinstalling it, because that's not good. And/or try tesvgecko.
  14. Morrowloot? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19353 Scyrim Scaling Stopper? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9857
  15. If you're going to mess with vanilla AI packages and plan to release a mod - don't (unless you actually want to change all actors but it doesn't sound like it). Make a copy of the package, then modify that. That package has 302 users, all of whom will be affected by your changes. Just FYI. If you're just messing about (and I do love me some messing about), open your mod with either TESVgecko or tes5edit and remove the offending record(s).
  16. Gremlins, goblins, and not entirely careful users. Pick one :thumbsup:
  17. Well I can tell what you're thinking...
  18. That's usually a missing master, see http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/ #5.
  19. "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} Note: Recommend to use the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch in addition to Dawnguard. This is need for correct work with Dawnguard." ...probably a good idea to add the UDP. . dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active dD-Dawnguard-MonsterMod EBT Patch.esp Active Incompatible with: dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch.esp ...you should not run both. "Sneak Tools.esp Error: Delete. Already included in SkyRe_Main.esp." ... You know, you should not just run BOSS, you should act on the messages. I have no idea if all of these mods will play nice with Hearthfire, being that it's pretty new and all. I never had much luck running warzones + tons of other mods, myself. Lots of CTDs for me. For that matter, open cities usually ended in tears for me. I have no idea if your SkyRe load order is correct.Or if all the OTHER mods have compatibility plugins, I don't recall. Check the mod pages to see if there are skyRe patches. ...and finally, is your Skyrim up to date? What version?
  20. You could start with posting your BOSS log. ...you are running BOSS with that many mods installed, aren't you?
  21. I've been fiddling with a custom world myself. If I change the settings, I don't see the changes. If I change the settings, save the game, load an interior world, then jump back to the exterior I see the changes.
  22. Not a bad idea, cheers steve. May have to have a look at that.
  23. Yes, making a mock data folder plus subfolders, dumping it all in, and then zipping/raring that will work fine too. Probably better if you are using many resources and subfolders. What the hell are you building? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/happy.gif
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