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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Am not but holy s*** that's a great resource - at least the trees and stuff - the tutorial doesn't tell me anything new and my source textures were/are fine. It's just the end result that gets messed up.


    But thanks for the find, I know just where to use it... at least, when CK is back.


  2. That's a definite YES, but only because the vanilla inventory system is infuriating when you are schlepping lots of stuff around :biggrin:


    Anyway, the point I was trying to make is there is only one "first time" you play skyrim. And it IS already pretty awesome straight out of the box. If you start with a fully modded game, the vanilla may seem emptier/bleaker. Whereas when you start with the vanilla, things can only get better on the consecutive runs. I hope that makes some sense.

  3. Take a water plane from WorldObjects\Activator\Water (or several if your scene is large but make sure the edges connect - you can also scale the water planes) and place them above your scene so they cover everything which should be underwater.


    You may have to leave the "top edge" where you enter the cell uncovered so you have to jump in, I'm not sure if the swimming animation will kick in otherwise. The drowning will work, I discovered that by accident lol.

  4. Go vanilla on the first run (but with the unofficial patches), and maybe throw in an ENB if your graphics card can hack the extra load - but I wouldn't. SkyRe is great, but it does alter a lot of the core mechanics. Then on your second playthrough install things like deadly dragons, SkyRe, Morrowloot, Skyrim Scaling Stopper, and a ton of improved look mods. This way you can enjoy the same game twice with an entirely new perspective, game mechanics, and look.


    Just my 2c.

  5. I kind of wonder how you're still on the old version but nevertheless, anytime the CK has gone weird on me deleting the SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini in the main skyrim folder has sorted all manner of issues for me (preview and window shapes going wonky, shadow lights refusing to light up a scene despite there being no more than 4, and all sorts of odd glitches). Try that.
  6. @CoH: 2 different data points (see Ithlia), I can only add my own, I never slave to update.esm and I can't work in CK on this mod. Though Ithlia has prompted me to go try load a couple of different ones, see what happen.


    edit: nope, can't load a damn thing. Hope the update comes today.

  7. I've seen endless discussions about this since the last update stopped people from using the CK. So I had a look at the CK wiki, the "beginner's tutorial". This is what the talk page had to say:


    "Double-click to select Skyrim.esm for load - indicated by an "X" in the box on the left - and select "OK"." This should also include the Update.esm, shouldn't it? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by 21:06, 7 February 2012 (talkcontribs) IONDragonX


    If I remember correctly, Update.esm is hard-coded to always be loaded, even if not selected. At least, I'm pretty confident that's true for Skyrim itself. I'd assume it's also true for the Creation Kit I'd appreciate it if someone else could confirm this, though. -- Cipscis 22:14, 7 February 2012 (EST)


    Consider it confirmed. Joel Burgess 04:10, 8 February 2012 (EST(


    Joel Burgess is a senior dev at Beth, so I assume he knows what he is talking about.


    In other words, CK would have been borked for you whether you explicitly slaved your mod to update.esm or not, because it is going to load it anyway. At least, that's what I'm taking away from that little exchange.


    (also, skyrim.esm and update.esm are always loaded before your mods, so they can't overwrite anything in them)


    Fun fact: the talk pages of the CK wiki often give you interesting information. Sometimes more than the actual article page.

  8. This is dweruins02_lod_n.dds, AKA the normal map for dweruins02_lod.dds


    I manage to extract it to a TGA file, put it in the source folder along with my other LOD and LOD normals, and it still looks like that. Everything's fine.


    Then I tell creation kit to generate static object LODs, and end up with this in source\DDStextures\LOD



    The Dwemer ones are messed up, the rest is fine. I've tried converting with GIMP, and irfanview, and the same result every time. The regular texture map is fine.




    Seriously, does anyone have any idea?

  9. Splatters are decals, I don't have Dawnguard but I assume they're the same, you find them under Miscellaneous\Textureset. Pick up a DecalBloodSprayGroundMedium (for instance) and drag it into your scene. You will get a blue arrow pointing somewhere; where it points is where the blood will appear (you should see a preview in the CK).


    If you get a "hard edge" (the blood will appear cut off) move the arrow around a little until it looks right. Also turn on Depth Biasing (menu view > depth biasing) to see it properly. Every time you move the arrow or objects in the scene the blood will "refresh" giving a different splatter effect, this is normal.

  10. It's ugly and unpolished and probably a testament to terrible scripting but it works if you attach this script to a weapon. No fancy effects, just saps 1/12th of your total health each second, doesn't take regeneration rate into account, only applies to the player. It's more for you to play with and get an idea of what is possible than it is to actually use in your mod.


    Scriptname deadlyswordscript extends ObjectReference  
    Actor Myself
    Float Health
    Float DamageHealth
    int equippeddeadlysword
    Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
    equippeddeadlysword = 1
    MySelf = akActor
    Health = MySelf.GetActorValue("Health")
    DamageHealth = (Health/12)
    while (equippeddeadlysword  > 0)
    Game.GetPlayer().DamageActorValue("Health", DamageHealth)
    Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
    equippeddeadlysword = 0


    edit: actually, it will read your total health the moment you equip it so if you equip it with minimal health it will last much longer ha ha

  11. If your mod lives in the \data folder there should be up to 8 backups in the \backup folder (in the same top-level folder which has the \data folder below it), named [yourmodname].esp.[number].bak.


    Close creation kit, remove your current esp from the datafolder, copy over one of the .bak files, and rename it to [yourmodname].ba. Then open creation kit and load as normal.

  12. Explosive arrows mod has the following arrows:



    - Explosive; A searing blast damages enemies within a small radius, chance of knockdown. Staggers oponents.

    - Frostburst; Cold-based, not as powerful as Explosive. No knockdown.

    - Knockdown; Enemies within a 10-15 foot radius are knocked down, taking a small amount of damage.

    - Reanimation; Bring your enemies (or friends) back to life. No explosion for this one.

    - Poision Gas; Releases a cloud of poision gas on impact.

    - Fire Bomb; Enemies and surrounding surfaces are covered in burning oil.

    - Proximity Blast: Think of it as a land mine... Use them to lay traps for your enemies.

    ^^^^ what you want ^^^^




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