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Everything posted by Wouter445

  1. no English is not my native language. I never hear of Talos in oblivion or previous Elder scrolls. (keep in mind it's been at least 8 years or more that i played oblivion) also time lines are very difficult to figure in Elder scrolls what really do not help much to the general game play
  2. objects are already mess up, anytime i enter or leaves a house objects are flying all over the place.
  3. by reading i notice they really f*#@ed up in skyrim. thought talos was the nord god, and also first ascended men of man. with why it's was forbidden by Altmer. (empire) also what i never can have put my fingers on is azura it's basically a very fair and nice Daedra. but also a enemy to men?. for instance vigilants of Stendarr consider all Daedra evil. a other Hermaeus Mora get's painted rater will untrustworthy and evil in skyrim. which is really not the case within the lore settings. so many plot holes in this skyrim game, then stars in the known galaxy.
  4. sometimes a game have a overlayer problem, try alt Tab. it force to switch from full screen windows to full screen, helps with most games btw.
  5. hiya, I wonder if their is any interest in a pure vampire lord race. that means without the stupid switching and hate towards it, but still in normal appearance. so basically the normal vampire state but then being a lord.
  6. i think a basic animal will be far more common to see after a atomic war then lets say a motorcycle. especially in the settings fallout is represented.
  7. hi wonder why is their no Horse Mod in fallout?, it's a lore friendly and normal to have a horses after a atomic war even more natural then lets say skyrim.
  8. guess i have to remake my own save game, results till now. brief history. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyxUvvsBEA4&feature=youtu.be
  9. been a while i played it, thought the landsmeeting was after the dragon kill. guess Loghain also need to die :P
  10. hiya, after a while i was planning to play DA2, but their is a chatch my DA saves are gone?. anway. I looking for the following, Companion Choices* -Romanced (dont care) -Friends with all Super hate Alistair *all that's gray warden* -All companion quests were completed -Hardened Leliana, did harden Alistair -picked up Shale *Plot Choices* -kill the child -leave redclif to die. -save the anvil -Killed Liana with that urn thing. -killed the City gaurd by fighting her, *can't recall name -Killed Alistar by not doing the dark ritual (and take him with the dragon battle) -let loghain live gender don't matter this is a save for DA2 with specific plots. if posable with akwakening try to kill that cry baby male mage (think you can send him to away or something)
  11. I happends to have realvision ENB installed, and can tell you the ENB aint working. this looks like original content from the Xbox!.... lol
  12. better not so, i install mods alwas in clusters, hard to figure out witch one is resonsable. found the problem, it's caused by Audio Overhaul.
  13. hiya, my magic sound effects are gone?, i have no idea why. so far i know i not have any plugins that mess with those effects. o yea, also bows not have sound? swords and envorment still works normal same as shouts.
  14. it's easyly ported to skyrim. but then people on this site will turn the moder to the stakes, and burn him. reason all moders are gone from this site, like me.
  15. I never played the main campaign and each time i promise my self i will do it this time.
  16. New Vegas was designed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda, it wasn't a 'true' Bethesda game. The implementation of some features in Fallout; New Vegas in other games could have been restricted by Obsidian's copyright. that's something only old RPG still have, this racisme thing i kind of missing ingame. for example, those stormcloaks only like Nords, but if i play a High elf they are acting all normal. racisme is fine in computer games it adds realism and deversity., also playing as Mage have no real impact in skyrim also a drop ball.
  17. this problem comes with dragonborn DLC to fix this issue, turn of this DLC, absurb dragon soul, and the problem is fixed you can turn on the DLC again.
  18. I think the whole game industrie is on a collision course. they release anything on multi platforms, not much of a problem you think but lets be honest consols controls are primitive compare to mouse keyboard. also the process power of game consoles, are just poorly and none adaptive. and developing computer games for only a PC is juist to costly in turns of profit,not do to piracy but simple game development and to many people requested to release a product. Xbox One is good for Personal computer Users, it's juist a PC with fansy controler might even turn PC into league again.
  19. very easy. use console, type showracemenu. some stats might be lowered, but you can easly console them to
  20. Chaotic Evil Human Cleric (5th Level) http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/15.jpg
  21. see that realistic lightling is still best looking ENB avalable.
  22. this is exactly the thing i talk about. even if you console weight, you can carry more, craft more gain more skills and faster leveling *then you can say, dude you can also revisite the same location twice to loot it dry, witch is ofcourse true* this is why i think the game is made wrong, they sudden have extracted skills, from leveling *leveling from killing not skilling* reason i am in conflict is if i cheat weight, i feel like i reduse my gameplay and so doing reduseing my mastering the gameplay.
  23. hi, i played skyrim quite a few hours, i try each time higher dificulty levels. at i play from start on expert doing quite wel. but i have rater a ethical problem with my own. in my gameplay i cheated the weight, from the basic 300 to basic 5000 also i redused my levels a quite a few times, do to insane speed of leveling. redused my true level at least 7 times now. now the question is do you consider this cheating?
  24. hugh mods ain't posable, some things are core write, and can only be adjusted when main files are overwrite I was doing a project to overhaul crafting, was a awsome idea, but not very practical. first, i need to rewrite the whole crafting feats, the mod it self will have zero compatibility with existing mods, and time investment is to large. for a single moder, their is limit of how much can be done
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