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Posts posted by Cynster

  1. When you search "Nexus Skyrim", Google tries to load nexusmods.com/skyrim/, however the page never loads, and I assumed it was down, until I opened a specific mod. nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods does load successfully.

  2. Just wanted to update my thread with the solution since I haven't found it anywhere else.


    If you buy a house but don't visit it and try to adopt a child, because the house quest isn't finished, they don't think you have a house, even if you do visit it after initially meeting the lady and being refused, she will not accept that you have bought a house. You have to go back to a previous save, buy your house, then visit it, THEN begin the adoption process from the start.

  3. I recently bought a house (Honeyside) in Riften, and became Thane, yada, yada - however, when I go to adopt a child, the lady running the orphanage says I don't have a house or room for a child. I specifically bought the "child's room" option in the decorations you buy. I've adopted children with the buildable houses in a previous save game with a different character, but this is the first time I am trying to adopt in an existing home - is there anything I am missing and is there any console command work around to get past this bug? I am using the unofficial patch, the moving family bug patch, and nothing is working.

  4. I was told by an admin a while back that special characters in your password are not recognized by Nexus Mod Manager, but I would like a very strong password for the forums particularly. Would it be possible to add special characters for NMM so that I can strengthen my password here on the forums? Or some other solution?


    Thanks :)


    EDIT: I just read the "trouble logging in" thread about the abnormal characters. I was able to strengthen my password and still log in fine :) thanks. Sorry I didn't see that earlier. I wasn't having issues logging in originally and didn't think to look there.

  5. But the DLC is a "feature" that requires their time and effort - same with new projects, new games. Only so much time to do the things they consider important - and they must have felt it was good enough that it's not a major priority to expand on.


    The DLC isn't a feature of Skyrim, it's a paid for extension.

    That's why I wrapped it in quotes. It's still a project that requires time and effort, meaning other things will have to take the back seat - but the developers thought it was worth it.

  6. But the DLC is a "feature" that requires their time and effort - same with new projects, new games. Only so much time to do the things they consider important - and they must have felt it was good enough that it's not a major priority to expand on.
  7. it's easy to add those changes.... I don't see what limitation there is in having some NPCs react more-so than they already do - other than that there was only so much time and so many features, and it was considered good enough where it was, so they didn't do it.
  8. I know the catching things on fire can probably be done pretty easily with mods :) And removing sandbox packages (actors leaving their cells) - however, then actors tend to disappear :facepalm: Mods can fix #4, definitely. I believe #3 is built in to the engine, but a modder could provide a similar system as an optional way to do alchemy and just remove all of the craft tables. If you give a list of situations in #2, it can be done - the fireball for instance, can be done with some scripting if fireball is x feet away from NPC, react.


    The only thing on your list that looks like it would be hard for modders to do is the combat. Everything else, with a little time and effort shouldn't take too long to fix up.

  9. RoyalPredator - nope it wasn't you or your pm - no worries :) No one's bugging me or anything. I just have a lot on my plate right now and it wouldn't be fair to put my name out there just to say no/not reply when people ask.
  10. What MrMino said = you need to put that in your papyrus fragment under "stage 10" of your quest02 - and you can also add it in the dialogue if for some reason it is not displaying correctly. I have had cases where it wouldn't display so I would have to put it in two areas. At least as a short term solution. I'm sure there has to be a logical reason for why it doesn't work sometimes, but I haven't discovered it yet, and I've chalked it up as a bug.
  11. Leaving it as an option, without forcing the issue, is probably the best way to go about it while maintaining some semblance of respect from the majority of their fans/playerbase. They could have left it off completely, and had some folks a bit upset (though it would very likely have been modded in within days of the CK release, assuming not even earlier). Alternatively, they could have done things far far worse, and gone the ME3 route with a character being purely defined by their sexual preference, serving no purpose except to be "that gay dude you can hook up with" - which is far more insulting to actual homosexual players due to the implications given off from that concept.


    Some games get it right, Arcade Gannon in FNV being one of the more notable examples (you don't know he is unless you go pretty far into his dialogue asking about personal stuff), though expecting Bethesda themselves to be the gods of quality writing may be asking a bit much. :whistling:


    This. That is what I was thinking.

  12. Lucien Lechance seems to think otherwise:


    "I will kill this Jester if you so wish, but there is a disturbance in the void, this is not what our dread father desires."

    "The Keeper is a sacred position within the Dark Brotherhood. Ask yourself: Do you trust the wisdom of our Lady?"

  13. :confused: I think they were very diplomatic about this. Let the player see what the player will see - not restrict the player from living a certain lifestyle, but not promoting either lifestyle either. I think that is probably where it should stay - and it leaves optional mod story-lines to fill in the blanks. I think if they had made noticeably gay NPCs it could have been taken the wrong way by both gays and straights, people for and against gay rights, everyone alike - depending on how you interpreted it. And I will leave my opinion at that to avoid a political debate :unsure:
  14. Nahhh - I did think of that though - to be honest I think he is more sane than gollum! Never thought I'd say he was more sane than anyone though lol I think he respects the night mother too much to kill the listener :P So that may be your ticket to a loyal follower in him. I wouldn't trust him around anyone else though - he's a bit too stab-happy with his knife.
  15. Honestly I think Ulfric has more right to be high king than Elisif. He fought and won fairly - and she is inexperienced as a leader. Had her husband not been "murdered" by Ulfric, I think she would have gladly let him take the title as the better leader if it were between him and her in a different situation. But there is no way she would do that after her husband's death - so out of pride, she is just making it worse.
  16. :thumbsup: Why not play a sexy adventurer girl - I would think that a lot of guys would just to get the latest skimpy mods and have some eye candy when they play... Or maybe a realistic girl character with her own story, like you would a guy. I don't see what the issue is :)
  17. Grateful for the housecoat to cover herself, she quickly slipped it on and followed the woman to the warm bath. Is this what young ladies of class did? Escorted to the bath by the house-maid? She felt like she was outside her body, looking from the outside in at a complete stranger. She dipped her toes into the bath cautiously, before sinking in. Had she been tricked? He had promised her training... not pampering... it made her stomach churn queasily. Would she be his prisoner here? This was a new type of jail. A jail for rich young ladies to train them to be rich young wives perhaps. Her eyes studied the decorated walls and upscale furniture around her. This had to be a joke or a dream. Had she really taken a bite of that kidney and died?
  18. :unsure: I took a look in CK - You've probably already looked at the WICrafting quests - they extend WorldInteractionsScript - I would wonder if that command might be located in that psc file. I don't have anything to open it though.
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