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Posts posted by Cynster

  1. I know of a lot of popular huge mods that are amazing and I have heard of lots of large projects in the works too. If you go back a few pages in this forum you'll probably see some threads for some projects. And check the top 100.
  2. Purpose: Mainly for myself to keep track of all of the new things I learn while Quest Building and have a reference to go back to if I forget - I was keeping it in a notepad, but I thought it would be much more useful shared with the community


    Note: Additions are very welcome! The only thing I don't want to see is people putting others down because something is "easy". If the easy stuff is important enough for one person to post it, there will be a percentage of people who will find that information useful. Also - I'm not writing this as a most complete list of things to do or know, it's not a tutorial (there are plenty of those out there), but feel free to post tutorials too if you want. It's meant as scrap paper for quest builders to look back at and find solutions to problems that other people have had and post their own. I will be posting a lot of scripts because scripts are a huge part of quest building - not meant to teach anyone papyrus, but just snippets to use in quests.


    I learn a lot by looking at main quests and the scripts inside! Here are some interesting pieces for your quest fragments



    Move NPC to marker



    Play a Visual Effect at an NPC reference



    Set Outfit



    Enable actor


    Disable actor



    remove perk



    Play an animation (opening a cave door)



    Wait before proceeding to the next script



    Disable player controls




    The Quest Corruption Bug - I have had this nasty bug destroy quests again and again - and it seems like it occurs when messing with the Dialogue Views, like major overhaul stuff. If your quest giver NPC will not talk to you, it might be this bug and the only solution I have found was to completely redo the quest. It took me about 3 hours each time this happened - BUT it's much faster than 15 hours building your quest without a reference to look back at, so don't delete it right away - keep yours as a reference and then when you are sure the new one works, delete the old one. Also - iteratively save! And date! I keep a backups folder and save every time I make a change big enough that I need to test it in game. Every time it works in game, I add the esp to the backups folder. I do scripts and voices at every major point too (not iteratively like the esps)


    What you need in your mod folder

    Esp file

    Sounds > Voices > ModName.esp folder

    Scripts and Sources (within the scripts folder) - I uninstall all of my mods before quest building so I have a fresh Scripts folder - with the 1.6 update (I think) there are some main quest scripts in the folder for some reason - Keep track of dates to separate your stuff from the main stuff, when in doubt, copy it over, and you can go into preferences and prefix your fragment scripts to a recognizable name for new scripts. :)



    Feel free to add anything - Like I said this is mainly for me, self thoughts, but I thought it would be more useful to other people to have somewhere to look for the stuff we found once ago and forgot today.

  3. I dunno - If you are voice acting an average person - you might want to try it out - I mean if it sounds bad or fake, by all means get a voice actor lol, but as long as you act and don't just read off lines like you are reading, it's interesting. No one expects it to be perfect, and people don't sound perfect in real life when they react to things either. I'd say try it out - and maybe get a second opinion too :) Just don't be afraid of it - that's all, because you never know :)
  4. It used to be hard to get a good enough microphone (that wasn't an expensive professional one) to properly voice act for the older games, but there are some amazing ones from $30-$100 - even if you wanted to do some voices yourself - that you don't hear any static at all, the sound is crisp and clear.


    For me - I love hearing the new voices and the voice acting :D Many NPCs in skyrim sound very down to earth and just like normal people trying to get by - and that's perfect for modders who just want to make a quick line of dialogue and go :) At least that's my opinion anyway. I had a very pleasant experience recording my own voice for a mod that needed a voice and I will definitely do it again. :)

  5. I've got two characters that I am planning on adding to one of my mods. I don't care if you are a professional or not, but I am picky about static in the microphone and emotions in the voice placed correctly and realistically. I don't prefer a certain accent over another either :)

    1. Necromancer Cyphrex: A dark brooding male character with a soft voice in his mid 20's-30's - He talks deliberately with patient pauses. He has a lot of charm, but is a manipulator. He used to be the leader of a necromancer cult. In this story, he is in love with another NPC, but he's been separated from her and at a point sees her with someone else. He's very attached to her though ;)


    2. The goddess Kynareth - One of the nine divines, goddess of air, nature, and travelers. In this quest, she can take two different tones:

    * The player has defied her and she is very vengeful. - Anger, desperation in her voice, feeling betrayed, almost psychotic because you have done something to remove the control she had, and as a goddess, she is not used to that.

    * The player is her hero and she bestows a reward on the player. - Ethereal, dreamy voice, bestowing a reward on the player and giving instruction to the player.


    Kynareth - 2 scenes of dialogue for 2 separate outcomes + combat dialogue and 1 generic "hello" - Similar to Nocturnal's amount of dialogue.

    Cyphrex - 1 scene + follower, spouse, generic dialogue, combat dialogue - Similar to Marcurio's (hireling) in amount of dialogue.


    Please provide examples of just the voice you want to do. Thank you for reading :)

  6. Why don't you post some of your scripts you are using to set your follower/some settings in your quest - I found that I was setting my follower wrong the first time I tried.


    I'm not sure why but quests/stage advance triggers seem to be incredibly buggy at least for me. 75% of the time they will work, the rest of the time I have to delete the quest/make a new quest and do it again. I am a bit fed up with making new quests each time I encounter one of these quest stopping bugs - and follower scripting is no different.


    I've got mine to follow me, but it absolutely refused to say the dialogue. I ended up making a new NPC and we'll see how that goes. This is my third NPC after the first two were somehow corrupted or something? And I think this one is about to have to be replaced too - the only thing saving her is that it is starting to appear to be my computer rather than the mod.

  7. I'd like to add that this is also happening to me (and I was wondering if the OP found a resolution yet). It's happened to my quest twice. I threw out all my work and started over from an early version, then I finally got to finalizing it today and it doesn't work on one computer (my good gaming computer) only on my laptop. I've tried reinstalling, shutting stuff down to avoid lag, advancing the quest via the console, and nothing will allow that dialogue box to pop up on this specific computer.
  8. Does anyone know some common reasons why an NPC will not start up dialogue? I have the quest set to start on game start, 0 is the starting stage, it works on my laptop, but even after a complete fresh reinstall of skyrim, it does not work on my gaming computer. I have copied the entire data folder from my laptop to gaming computer with no success at all. There is some weird issue that I can't figure out. All of the sound was recorded on my gaming computer, so I don't think it's a sound issue - plus the mod worked at one point on my computer and it's like the quest just disactivated itself or something. Could anyone please help? I'm completely out of ideas.




    In case someone would like to take a look at the file themselves: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=16604 File: AellaOptionalWIPV03

  9. I'm interested :) I'm also new to the scene, but I do a lot of work, and I do fast work. I also do voice acting (younger girl voice) and I've started work on quest building. I do navmeshing, world building, and I like lore/story crafting. I'm currently working on a faction on my own which is taking forever, but I'd love to do a faction on a team so we could develop it quickly and get it out there :)


    EDIT: I'd like to clarify, I'm not looking for extra help for the faction I started (not opposed, either, but wanted to clear that up). I think doing any faction with someone would be fun and go a lot faster. :)

  10. |||Master of Souls||| Your Voice calls the dead, stirring them from their eternal slumber.


    TA Call (raises the dead for 30 seconds)

    NUL Wake (raises the dead for 60 seconds)

    FEH Rise (raises the dead until they are killed)

  11. That's a really good idea. I'm curious if there is something like this out there too :) I have lots of characters and I always have to hover to find the one I feel like playing at the moment.
  12. I have actually seen a "thief" roaming around robbing a home and robbing people on the side of the road. I don't know if he has ever tried to steal from me - he's very sneaky and I don't notice him right away. :psyduck:


    I do think the creatures are a bit too foolhardy - especially in the case of the wolves. But even the creatures, I've noticed they kind of come out of nowhere at me sometimes, especially the sabers - they seem to be crouching in the grass/forest before coming out of nowhere - unless I see them uphill. Maybe they can tell when they have been detected? Maybe the "player" has a line of sight similar to NPCs and the times when we see them kind of go after us without even trying to sneak, it's because they are already in our line of sight.


    I don't know if it's that detailed, but Actors seem to be a lot smarter in Skyrim. Most of them are probably the way they are because it doesn't make sense that most NPCs would get incredibly skilled if their job was a farmer/shop owner. Most of them seem to shy away from dungeons and looking for a fight.


    But anyway I'll check it out :) It would be cool to have -some- competition with some masters of the perks - I don't know about a whole lot of them, but at least a few would provide a seasoned player some sort of challenge by that point.

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