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Posts posted by Cynster

  1. I like the idea of a game in the Summerset Isles. Elegant elven cities and distinct classes. :) -smiles just thinking about it- I want a character to just sit in the lap of luxury and have a more noble/high birth start -rather than a criminal every time.
  2. I think mods put their work out there (mostly) not expecting to be endorsed but just to give the user an experience that they created. I don't think a lack of % of endorsements would make most modders stop modding - they do it because it's a challenge and they like creating user content. I don't really feel like not endorsing something, even if it's perfect, is really a bad thing. If you feel compelled to express your gratitude, go for it! And it will be appreciated. But I don't think it's expected is all. If I had an extremely popular mod with less than 10% endorsements, I'd still be on cloud 9 - and you'd know people loved it. You wouldn't need an endorsement button for that.


    Just my 2 cents :) Not trying to be argumentative, just add my point of view.

  3. Thank you :)


    That totally worked - it was fine - And even with the first one, I restarted creation kit and it allowed me to do my line - and once I refreshed in between branches it made them look correct even though there were crazy lines before. :)

  4. Is there anyone who could help me with linking two topics together in dialog? I get the hand icon, and when I drag to the next topic, it just doesn't link. The only way it will link is if I do it backwards. Does anyone know why it is doing this/how to fix it?

    I'm just doing a simple tutorial, linking topics, as seen in the picture below:


    I've followed the tutorial exactly (at least I think so) - but I cannot connect it like they did.


    I'd really appreciate any help! Thanks so much!!


    EDIT: I tried starting from scratch - and now it constantly makes two lines to the same topic whenever I link the second topic @.@

  5. omg you are kidding me :P Well that explains why they started jumping "randomly" after I was working on my navmesh - I didn't want the NPC to get stuck on them, so I moved it away x_x - mystery solved. Thanks!
  6. Personally I like the combat :) I like doing one handed/archery and I like how depending on the weight/size of the blade it seems to go faster/slower to swing. And I like the kill moves :D I am -so- so glad this game doesn't do turn based combat - that really irritates me with games like Final Fantasy :P


    The only thing I would change is the way you fight when you run backwards. It feels the same as when you run forward but realistically it would make more sense if there was some stumbling or faltering :)

  7. For a few custom home mods I have downloaded and a mod I am working on, there's some issue with the mannequins leaving the circle they are put on and floating about 5-10 feet in the air and often towards the middle of the room, not even just above their circle. This has happened with multiple mods I've downloaded and recently I saw it while testing one of mine. What causes this and how come I've never encountered this in one of the vanilla player homes? Is there something that needs to be set for these that keeps them from jumping around?



  8. What I do is actually go to the cell, so Interiors -> WindhelmHjern (or something like that) - get the ID from there and use the filter on "All" to find what I am looking for.


    You could also filter on "cabinet" or "secret" to see if you can find it without loading a cell. But in the future if you don't know the ID, it's helpful to think of that :)

  9. One of the few times the Skyrim AI got it right....just coincidence I know, but perfectly timed:


    My Dovahkin having just bought down a Dragon with his 'Dragonrend' Shout and dispatched it, turns around to find Maiq standing close behind him...M'aiq's line: "M'aiq does not understand what is so impressive about shouting. M'aiq can shout whenever he wants".


    Timing perfect.... :D

    ahaha xD nice. That's great.

  10. I'm a girl who plays girl characters most of the time - mainly because in most games you are forced to be a guy, and it's refreshing to be who/what you want to be. But sometimes I play a guy too, just because. I see it mainly as a story. Sometimes you want to read/watch a story about a guy main character and not someone you'd see yourself as, even though you are making 1st person decisions. Ish.
  11. I'd like to see true mirrors in Skyrim, like ones you'd look at yourself with. Is it possible to make something so reflective that it is like a mirror IRL? If so - how would you do it/has anyone made it/would anyone like to make it? :P
  12. Well said thompsonar. The people who would be interested in hot issues would be looking on the forum in the first place I would think, so it's not like you'd get more attention to it that way.
  13. 1. Allow the player to be able to become a high king or emperor (I've -always- wanted to do that since Oblivion)

    2. Allow the player to join the Thalmor if they are a high elf

    3. Add more to the Nightingale faction - possibility of new members, new quests, things to do

    4. Add true raids, like Forsworn, Stormcloak, bandit raids on settlements/fortresses without the player having to be involved

    5. Constructable spells.

  14. My character tried to join the Thalmor, but they realized she was a breton with fake elf ears and kicked her out. So now she's a forsworn killing any envoys, whether they are imperial, stormcloak, or thalmor. And rich travelers with bodyguards, because they look suspicious too.


    I also have Mulder from the X files - he was trapped in some crazy parallel universe time portal and ended up on the chopping block. Luckily he escaped and learned he could learn magic from the college of winterhold, but they didn't accept him because he couldn't produce a fire demon.

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