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Posts posted by Cynster

  1. I think there are quite a few voice types that are not set up to be followers. Even less with the spouse dialogue. But depending on how unique the character is, you might be able to mod their voice type if your heart is set on a specific NPC for a quick follower fix :) same if you've already done their quest/don't care what they have to say from then on - or disable the esp once you are finished with your spouse and want the original dialogue again. Just a guess! :)
  2. The best thing for you to do would be to write a comment on the mod's page asking those specific questions. Then the mod author or the fans/followers can tailor an answer specific to these mods. I have used both of them, but to be honest I don't know which versions/types I installed.
  3. It might be possible, but probably not in the -exact- same way as enchantment since I believe it is built into the game. But someone could add a mod where you can name it -after- you make it.


    EDIT: I'll take a crack at this tomorrow :)

  4. I have apachi sky hair and I don't have it in my pack - unless it's like a new update or something o.o


    EDIT: I took a look at the mod's pictures and did not see that hair in the pack. I could be wrong but I don't think it is in that mod.

  5. If you find out where the blindfold is from, I'd love to know :) I haven't seen the other items though. The last picture looks like a variation of hide armor to me but I could be wrong (and I probably am - I don't pay a lot of attention to armor)
  6. If you go into the Skyrim nexus - search for mods by category, and click "quests and adventures" you should see a few. Sort by endorsements/downloads for the popular ones that a lot of people use.
  7. A lot of the soul gem functionality appears to be built into the engine. I'll take a look for you to see if there are actually editable scripts that change when you trap a soul (like removing the empty soul gem, replacing the filled soul gem).
  8. I'm interested in this too. I think actual classes at the winterhold college is an idea a lot of people have been talking about and I wouldn't be surprised if there is something either already out there for it or currently in the works.
  9. Does anyone know how to reset the movement in an actor after having them do an animation? The actor is stuck in one place and sometimes can move in one place or sometimes not move at all.


    Same thing happens when I use NPCName.Resurrect() - Is there something I am supposed to do to return them to their normal movement?



  10. Cynster


    Talent: Voice overs (young-eager/young-somber female voice), Cell creation, Story Telling, Quest building

    Contact methods: By PM only

    Email: (Don't want to give out my email)

    Additional infomation: I'm on quite a few projects right now, but especially with the voice acting I don't mind taking a moment to help out. I have a very good microphone and although I'm a new voice actor, I like it a lot and I think I have at least some talent with it.

    PostLink:(Optional) simply post your post link here, dont understand how then dont worry about it)

    Talent Examples: A Fallen Servant (WIP) examples of voice acting and quest building/story telling, some scripting, cell creation

    I have a lot more examples of cell creation and player homes. Just look up my profile on Skyrim and see the mods there.



  11. To me a masterpiece depends on the person creating it. I'm sure there are tons of masterpieces out there by people who have put a lot of work into their mods and did their very best. A masterpiece isn't always a huge mod with millions of features. It could be a smaller mod where the modder has put all their blood sweat and tears into it and truly value it. That's why people get so upset when others steal their work. It's very personal to them. And the downloader/user doesn't get to decide what is a masterpiece. That is the modder's determination of their own work.
  12. yeah definitely work with that's in vanilla first :) There's a script to do it - you could try duplicating the static object, and adding the script in the object's dialogue panel:


    Where you need to set pResurrectEffect to the visual effect in properties

    and pObject to the static object in properties


    That isn't 100% correct because it is an Actor visual effect and I've only used it on actors - so it may not show up on objects - it could be worth trying it out on an Actor to see if you get that effect permanently this way.


    I'd research how to reference objects in static scripts first :) Look at the nirnroot for reference. Hope this helps!

  13. So if you or someone you are fighting resurrects someone, they get this blue glow around them in kind of rune shapes that move around - that might do the job, if you could get that to be a permanent effect.


    EDIT: that's in vanilla btw, not an ENB or anything that I'm aware of - in CK it is under visual effects. And you can assign them to actors at least - I don't know about plants and everything else.

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