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Everything posted by Danny159

  1. I was wondering is there a mod out there that lets you use any crafting component stored in your companions inventory. ^^
  2. How do Cazadors do it then? I think you can move underneath them?
  3. Both the Legion and NCR have larger empires not seen in the game... XD
  4. If you follow the normal route. That would be Ed-E (unless you don't have the skill to repair him) and Boone. If you missed Boone somehow, you would get Veronica as there is very little chance you would miss her.
  5. Character walks by, saying "Hello" You go like "wait.. isn't that..." When you turn back around they are gone again XD
  6. Maybe as a wild wasteland thing? Where as soon as you stop looking at them they disappear again? XD
  7. I think he just hovers slightly too low to be crawled under, like how you can't fit through holes that clearly look big enough to go through. XD
  8. House knows what he's doing, he has a firm grip on the situation and can predict peoples actions with high accuracy rate. So even if he won't make the long term goal of going into outer space, he would manage to keep a fledging civilisation. House is not so stupid as to piss off NCR and knows it's in his best interests to keep them moderately happy.
  9. Can this be added to any modded in companions as well?
  10. I had responded to the body of your post, but your title is smaller in scope (Companions require Charisma to join). That one, I think, would be easy to tag on to any other conditions in a single topic. Did you have a minimum number in mind? What about \ Rex/Ed-E = 1 or 2 Charisma Raul = 3 (he's just glad he's no longer prisoner of Tabitha) Boone/Cass/Lily = 5 Veronica as female Courier = 5 Veronica as male courier = 7 Arcade as female courier = 7 Arcade as male courier = 5
  11. Well there are mods that makes Charisma limit amount of companions. So you could just have one of those mods, where one Charisma only lets you recruit critter companions. Ed-E and Rex, they wouldn't really care too much. Then add a charisma requirement for each humanoid companion. If not passed they would say the standard "sorry but your party is to full" line. possibly also add it so that when you try to recruit Arcade as a woman or Veronica as a man, you might need higher charisma then otherwise, seeing their gay? XD
  12. You could try giving yourself a vanilla hair piece when wearing hats and helmets maybe as well.
  13. I wanted to make a duplicate courier for several purposes. One as a holo decoy like, another for a request that would have your player doing stuff while your AFK (have him/her run about, kill opponents etc). However Fallout2AM has said the face geometry matching function is all F'd up, so I'm not sure it can be pulled off, and I havn't had a chance to test it myself. Oh well, security and Vera holograms would be good ^^ Not sure if you should have an AFK courier doing all the stuff for you though. Though the hologram would only be able to operate around a defenceless Ed-E (if you go with my idea of using the weapon power to power the hologram), so I don't think you would want to do that. XD
  14. How would they react to the more proper super mutants at Mount Charleston? And better vice versa? They could be seen to the other super mutants as mere savages, giving them an even worse bad name... XD
  15. I did a full Legion playthrough as a female. Quite interesting a final battle that doesn't involve fighting Lanius, unlike the other 3 endings. XD The Legion rewarded her with her face on a Legion coin. A symbol for all the Legion women. ^^
  16. It's quite complicated to fix. I believe you would need to edit the hair/helmet for each helmet you want to use. Very labour intensive and complicated work. That's why most custom hairs clip through hats and helmets, they are often just quick port overs from another game. XD For the full helmets you can get away away by removing the hair completely when wearing them, but other helmets and hats will look silly with no hair.
  17. Actually it you can find one of the Ghost people suits in OWB and wear it yourself. They aren't trauma suits.
  18. I don't recall for sure, but isn't there just three Vera holo projectors (fountain and her room, suites). There are also holo vendors and Dean. Maybe hacking a special holo projector (in this context special is anything other than the standard security version) could give you access to a holo tape with teh programming needed for the alternate holos. Then swapping the tape with ED-E provides teh desired holo type. Might be one way to go about it. Well you could have a way of getting all kinds of Hologram shapes when you use the computer in the lobby? It seems to be linked with the security in the casino. or you could make your own hologram if your science skill is high enough, maybe make it look like your courier? XD
  19. I don't think that would be too hard to make, I'll try and look into that for you. Maybe where you can choose between the security hologram and Vera hologram? ^^
  20. I don't know but the shadow I have in my New Vegas game seems pretty real time. :\
  21. I would just love to see Ed-E being able to use one of the Hologram projectors from Dead Money and Old World Blues. ^^ It could run off of Ed-E's weapon power supply, so while a hologram is actively running around Ed-E can't defend itself. The hologram would ofcourse also have a limited range away from Ed-E but otherwise be indestructible unless Ed-E dies. XD That way you could park Ed-E around a corner and use the hologram to take out enemies.
  22. It states that the door won't open until the final part of the launch sequence has been finished...
  23. See you can kill Benny and feel good about the whole revange thing and dont have the urge to go to his privat room xD Part of the quest line specifically says to search his room XD
  24. Yeah, I would like that too. ^^ For both genders if possible. Yes women would have their tata's hanging bare, but seeing it's a post apocalyptic wasteland there might be some bad ass women who would do that. (the Khan ladies spring to mind, they practically have them bare already) XD) Maybe some optional chest bandages/small bikini tops to conceal them? ^^
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