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About Pushkatu

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  • Currently Playing
    Morrowind, Skyrim, Fallout Shelter, Oblivion, Fallout 3, 4, New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    The Elder Scrolls III: MORROWIND

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  1. Zixi you are now banned for questioning my long absence, no one was/is or will ever be allowed to do that! With that in mind, see you all in another 10 to 14 years, lol.
  2. I ban @Pagafyr because I haven't played this game on this forum since maybe like 2010!
  3. Amazing to say the least. Many thanks for sharing!
  4. I love this game to death and I really believe that it has the best community a game can have. Thanks for all the new content guys, I’ve already enjoyed some it and I hope that I’ll be able to enjoy every single mod if time allows. Cheers and beers, plenty!!
  5. Thanks for the insight abot, in a way I was afraid of that answer, but it's good that I know where to start at least. I believe it's due time I familiarize myself with some of these utilities. Good ol' Morrowind, it's always been a rough love between us. Anyway, I have found a tutorial of sorts and I'll post it here just in care anyone else lands in my shoes in the future. It's a rather old one, but by the looks of it, it's still helpful. Source: https://www.mwmythicmods.com/Archives/Mods/Merging%20Mods%20with%20the%20Construction%20Set.htm
  6. Hello, Has anyone been successfully using Merge Plugins with Morrowind ? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69905?tab=posts I'm rather close to the limit (247 atm) and I'm quite sure I'll need some kind of utility to merge some of my esps at some point. I am familiar with merge plugins above, but not so much will older utilities (the cs, enhanced editor, etc.). I've been looking everywhere this pas couple of days, but I've yet to find anything regarding all this. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you for your time!
  7. Here's for my chance, lol! ^^
  8. Hello guys, I'm looking for a mod that stops the dialogue options from fading once that particular subject is finished and the NPC has nothing more to say about it. Thanks in advance!
  9. I've never been much of a fan regarding changes, but all things considered it's a step forward. I'm sure I'll get used to it in time. Good luck with all your projects!
  10. In response to post #55385813. #55403098, #55424833 are all replies on the same post. I'm also not a very big fan of the new design. OP said it all, but I'm sure things will get better in the future, you guys always have a way of doing things that in the end, turn out to be great. Keep up the good work!
  11. Well done bro, keep up the good work! Nexus and you, well... you're like twins to me and you've matured together in a fine manner! I guess it's about time for you two to leave home. Cheers and beers, plenty! ;)
  12. Hello community! I'm looking for a mod/utility that would allow me to see in game from what mod is a certain object/NPC etc when I point/click on them in a certain way. I had one installed for Oblivion and I remember finding something like this for Skyrim years ago, but my memory is foggy at best and can't remember for sure. Thanks in advance! EDIT: Thanks, found it! ;)
  13. "IT IS ALL OVER!!" we're safe! :D
  14. For a minute I was afraid you're going to do it today. Thanks for the heads up!
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