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Everything posted by Skotte

  1. Skotte

    Girl Gamers

    personally, I'm not afraid of a strong woman, except if she uses it to beat me up in real life :blink: @species5478: to bad that some gamers can't "man" up to the fact that no matter how good they think they are, there is always going to be someone that may be even better regardless if they are male or female.
  2. No, I haven't got two installs on one system. I do have it installed on my laptop & desktop systems. on the archiveinvalidation invalidated! problem you should be able to copy/paste the "ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa" to the alternate install's "Data" folder & delete the archiveinvalidation.txt. alot of games don't want multiple installations (on the same system) so that's nothing new there even though it usually causes no problem to copy it.
  3. It's MS's attempt to put it's mark on more games, I hear it can cause Fallout3 to be even more unstable (never used it myself - not enough modem) for Fallout3 it's for.... -Achievements (See, I can leave vault 101 & explode pants) -try to download DLC -chatting
  4. merging mods in itself can be risky. merging with Fallout3.esm would not be a good thing to do So the best help I could offer is "merge mods, not the main files".
  5. I have an idea why, let's say you & a friend are co-opping & he happens to have a mod enabled that you don't even have. it would be bit much for it to sync both games especially if it was a large mod not to mention the instability that the syncing could cause to both games.
  6. Open FOMM click the "Install Tweaker" button, then in the "Installation tweaker" window checkmark the "use fake xlive.dll". press the apply button, close when finished. the .dll should be installed. hope that helps.
  7. I'm using 1.7 and my game don't crash on save... :confused: 1.7 isn't crashing on saving for me either. :blink:
  8. Don't take this the wrong way but to me it's odd when someone complains about mature mods for a game that's already rated M, especially when the mods are adding in stuff that should have been there already.
  9. @icomc, are you using one 0f the male replacement bodies, I've read that the pipboy arm uses the male mesh regardless of which gender you choose.
  10. uninstall live & use a "fake xlive.dll" (available with >Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch< & >FOMM< ) though you may need to move any of the DLC you may have to fallout3's "Data" folder check the thread "How to install Mods for Fallout 3" for more help.
  11. I recently upgraded to the 1.7 & I'm not having to much trouble but I think the v1.0.0.15 was best imo
  12. this is very odd, those shouldn't even be in the install just on the disc, so it sounds like a messed up installation. maybe you should reinstall but after you delete it restart the computer open the disc & install via the setup.exe. personally I wouldn't want to trust your current install as even a proper install can cause problems. Sorry I can't be more help
  13. I have the latest version of FOSE. Isin't their ment to be 2 ESP files? Because I only got one in the download. If its that do you know where I can download the missing ESP file? Fose doesn't use esp files, unless you meant the Darnified. if that's the case you probably should re-download because it's supposed to be included.
  14. "data1, data2, and engine 32" those would be the .cab files. you would need to install the game before you can install the mods, it sounds like you just dragged the files off the disc (hope it was the disc anyway) & expected to be able to use it.
  15. As I have not been able to find that particular tut I'll have to be fairly general, the messages are in the "dialogue" section. there are three ways I know of getting to it... 1. through the Geck's toolbar (the chat bubble between the leaf & pencil icons) 2. the "dialogue" button in the npc window, you can adjust npc stats & behaviors in the npc window as well. 3. probably the best way IMO is through the quests...
  16. 1. I've only heard of this problem once before, never heard of a solution for it, but has your character been to see a doctor about it? 2. there are four known reasons why you may not get a console 2A. there are IR (infrared) device drivers installed. those conflict, disable in "device manager" 2B. you are running Fallout3 using standard aspect ratio (not widescreen) fix by editing the line "iConsoleTextXPos" to have a value of 200 in your "Fallout.ini" the one in your user documents not the one in the install location. 2C. the console is disabled in the "FalloutPrefs.ini" (same place as the "Fallout.ini") look for the line "bAllowConsole" make sure it's value is 1 2D. the keyboard may not be American & have another key for console, F4 wouldn't be it. Hope I was able to help.
  17. Although I already had both games though I did re-download Arena (to test the download feature out) that worked great. installing the games was a snap. If you have the games downloaded but not installed put the "Arena106.exe" & "DFInstall.zip" in the Helper's "disk" folder, next time the "run.cmd" is ran it should give the option to install. hope that help anyone that's having a hard time getting these two games to work. @Argomirr: this wasn't so much aimed at you as add to what you said. Edit: this seems to be a neat Downloader/installer/launcher for early tes games (only download the free Arena & Daggerfall,but it looks like it can install the CD versions & Battlespire & redguard as well) I don't have those to try.
  18. Are there scratches or off-color "blemishes" on the "data" side of the disc?
  19. I'm not here to "prove" you wrong. But there many different takes on Vampirism, so what is it about "Twilight" that's bugging you? Mind you, I've only seen the movie, though I know some of the folklore & mythologies of vampyres as well. edit: it might not to be to your liking but that does not mean it is Fraudulent.
  20. I had Fose trouble recently when I reinstalled & updated fallout3 to version 1.7. I noticed that the "fose v1_1_beta9" I dled first was missing a few of the .dll files so I had to re-download/get the full package for it to work. the odd thing was that I didn't get a "unexpected end of archive" error when I opened the "botched" "fose v1_1_beta9".
  21. Did you forget to add the "Chargen face preset" npc's? That is a guaranteed crash without those.
  22. How did you get around the "reload animation" problem (can't add animation only replace)? That's been a problem since day-1.
  23. Thank you! Are you sure about the inability to prioritize esms over esps in load order? Everything I've been given to understand lead me to the idea that .esms are loaded before .esps...? For instance, if you arrange load order in FOMM such that .esm's are loaded first, doesn't that kind of contradict that? Again, thanks very much! HerrBaron Actually, no it doesn't contradict that, even if you put the esms at the bottom of a load order list they are loaded before the esp files so the humble esp has priority over the mighty ESM
  24. Skotte


    Harabec Weathers, you should go visit the the guy, with one of >these< . Sorry about you hand, though as a layman it does look tricky to set but the hospital should have tried.
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