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Everything posted by Skotte

  1. If I remember correctly those two are compatible texture-wise so it's about what sort of appearance appeals to you, having said that I use the BABE personally. and for me I usually just do a search for babe @ FO3Nexus
  2. my take is that furry humanoid races are at least semi-plausible in the Fallout universe, maybe as an experiment in evolution. BTW: Suweet Atlas pic you have.
  3. It didn't help that the the patches seem to be more about setting the game up for the DLC than patching the game
  4. Woah! What's that about graphics patches? Something to make Morrowind even better? I sometimes just gasp at the night sky when it's clear, and listen to the strange sound of the ashlands and the grasslands. If you get the settings and the gamma just right it really brings out the colours. Oblivion looks too cartoony for me. So, where do I get these graphics patches? Cheers aside from tesnexus a good site to find morrowind mods is http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/index.php
  5. Craigsters, my disc 2 (i bought the GOTY version too) didn't contain any "Autoplay" components so you need to to open the disc manually.
  6. If you're not concerned about achievements or windows live you can use FOMM to get rid of the problem open Fomm click the "install tweaker" button in the new window checkmark the "Use fake xlive.dll" box. that should fix your problem Welcome to the Nexus
  7. Oblivion had its flaws too my friend. Level scaling was one was one of them. Along with the lack of lore basic artifacts from the Elder Scrolls universe. That bothered me to no end. Please note Im in no way bashing Beth for being lazy in aspects of both Oblivion and Fallout 3, but just because they know there is a huge community of modders for these games doesnt mean they should cut corners. Look at Oblivion from Morrowind 1. Painfully limited dialogue and non-essential NPC interaction. 2. Oblivion featured only Light and Heavy armor variants where as Morrowind featured 4 (Unarmored, Light, Medium, and Heavy) 3. Oblivions arsenal was meager at beast compared to Morrowinds arsenal. Example, no crossbows, no spears, no halberbs. 4. The skill tree from Morrowind to Oblivion was also gutted. Example: No Medium Armor skill, No axe skill, no enchant skill, no unarmored skill, no short blade skill. 5. Level scaling was also an major annoyance. Having to hack away at one enemy for like 5 minutes straight with a Daedric Artifact weapon is not fun at all. Now while I do feel that Oblivion was horribly dumbed down (lets face it, its a game a child can master), I do fully agree that it is a great looking game. However, a shiney paint job does not invalidate shotty game design. As for Fallout 3, same thing applies. Its a game that can be mastered by a child. Now keep in mind that I played Fallout 3 before I played Fallut 2 and Fallout: Tactics. Fallout 3 features a fraction of the content that Fallout: Tactics displayed. Yes Fallout 3 is a great looking game, and all the player animation and interation is serious step up from Oblivion, but its still lacking in my opinion. I have to say, that without the modding community, I would have been done with both Oblivion and Fallout 3 long ago lol. My only hope is that the next Elder Scrolls wont have to rely on the modding community to fix it. IMO, the trouble with OB & Fallout 3 is that all versions (PC as well) are aimed at Beth's idea of a console player. To me the over-sized hud in vanilla FO3 PC is evidence of this.
  8. Close... Cherokee (google) BTW I have some Native American in me as well.
  9. It is all well & good that you seek to help others Pagafyr, but it sounds as though you're the one who needs it medically speaking. And I do know the feeling of wanting to reach out yet fearing the consequences.
  10. I don't know about that. I have seen raiders get blown up by mines that were already there (Fort Independence-Fairfax ruins area).
  11. yes, showracemenu does still work & it allows for adjusting the appearance as well.
  12. you may need to uninstall FOMM, delete its install folder (save It's "mods" folder if you use fomods) & reinstalling it may fix your problem. BTW: welcome to the Nexus. :)
  13. 200 years, hmm... Hopefully the inhabitants have re-learned the lost arts of making crossbows & spears o_O & if Beth does go "steampunky" maybe we could get some mechanical based skills & classes
  14. Harabec, I wish you luck on your noble endeavor, you will be missed.
  15. That we, the buying public can be suckers for flashy ads. :blink:
  16. Like renaming it to Maggie Companion.esp.oops :D Good one :thumbsup:
  17. One thing that might make FO3Edit a bit less intimidating is that it makes backups of anything you change with it. for example here's one such backup I have (in my "Data" folder) "Maggie Companion.esp.backup.2009_10_01_15_44_01" now to use it as an esp I just rename it so it's "Maggie Companion.esp" though I would need to do something with the Maggie Companion file I already had first.
  18. This may be a longshot but is there a "fose_1_7.dll" in your "C:\Fallout 3" folder? If you don't, you may have got a bad download & need to try again.
  19. Beth probably kept the lighting simple so fallout wouldn't need higher system specs.
  20. Exactly, console users shouldn't have PC-caliber problems, it should be just pop in the disc & work correctly, granted that it's not a perfect world & I have a feeling that the gamebryo engine (that Fallout3 uses) is pretty much pushed as far as it can go, maybe abit too far.
  21. Close, kids are .8, the weight variable is broken, the child races use different head meshes than what the adults use. I did make a child ghoul using Vanilla Assets once.
  22. I got my copy of Goty today & since the DLC actually install to Fallout3's "data" folder they should be able to be used as any mod assuming spammster's 2nd choice was chosen. so choose 1 if achievements are a must have & 2 if you want to play offline.
  23. Was there an error message? what did it do? please be a descriptive as possible and a loadorder of your mods would help immensely.
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