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Everything posted by Skotte

  1. If you mean with default launcher, Yes it's messed up that way, that's one reason why >FOMM< is so highly regarded around here.
  2. then you will need to edit your "GECKCustom.ini"notepad works fine if you don't usually mess with .ini files file (just search your C drive), look for the line "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads" & change the "0" to "1" then it should work.
  3. while nothing strikes as odd about your modlist, I can tell you why some of your ESPs are marked as ESMs They might have been altered by FO3edit masterupdate mode which was needed for some mods to work correcly with Fallout 3 v1.5
  4. mastering: when you make make a mod "Active" in the GECK checkmark the box for the ESM you want as master for the mod, when you save it, itshould have a new master. TYpe 3 body: as a replacer, that should work if it's installed correctly for the default races hope that helps
  5. I don't think think the wallet would be to thrilled being stuffed with a 1000 caps either :blink: but with those you could buy the bullets (depending on cost & availability)
  6. You can have have custom stuff (weapons, gear & hair) you just need to make them native to the companion mod or accessible to it. the reason for your problem is that ESP files normally can't reference each other in-game. Weapons & gear: Save the items as a new ID with the companion mod active then add new items to the NPC's inventory. Hair: If the Hair mod is an ESM file just make it a master to the companion mod. hope that helps & Welcome to the Nexus.
  7. that is a good mod though I'd suggest >Groovy Followers<
  8. this is evidence (for me at least) that it's not a good idea to impulse buy a PC title. I bought the Collector's edition last year & bought the GOTY for the add-ons. the GOTY case now resides in the lunchbox & the original case is on my cd shelf. but I do agree, my oblivion set is lie yours. Beth didn't need to make it so to get the last DLC your choice is an unreliable digital distribution system or essentially buying the game again.
  9. I think this is what you're looking for... >Custom Race Endings Broken Steel OverRide<
  10. "\DATA\, etc etc" is fine messing with the default .BSA files is ill advised, you can use FOMM to extract any vanilla file you want just PLEASE don't introduce new files into them as that is just a recipe for disaster. Sorry, no that could cause a lot of problems unless you made a new worldspace.
  11. It may help if you would show your modlist. Welcome to the Nexus
  12. It seems to be "Vault101d" under one of the black mask object thingies (the one that looks like a reversed "L") BTW Welcome to the Nexus
  13. Do you mean when your character is a baby? there are some mods that enable use of custom races though I don't know any for that part. It's usually advised to go through vault 101 with a stock race & change it on the way out.
  14. Welcome to the Nexus, Wizrai. I hope that you'll enjoy your stay :yes:
  15. missing "d3dx9_38.dll" shows you need to update your directX. Don't know if that would fix your missing "libogg.dll".
  16. IMO it's better than the sequel (aside from the graphics) And I still play NWN 1 as well.
  17. Haven't tried it for myself yet but.... >Driveable RoadWarrior Car<
  18. From the FOSE Site... Workarounds http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=120735 hope that helps
  19. If you use FOMM please try the "Toggle Invalidation" button". that should fix your problem.
  20. I could be wrong but It sounds like you tried to open the ESP/ESM files instead of launching GECK & then loading the files through "file>Data" Also make sure GECK is installed to the same place as Fallout 3 or it wont work.
  21. the XX represents the Loadorder placement for example if it was an item from the Fallout3.esm it should be 00, if you don't know the load order placement of a mod look in Fomm & check out the "mod index" column
  22. where is the ! centered on the character? ! & invisibility invisibility without the "!" is typically indicative of a mod that isn't set up for something being used for that. Example, some female only armors may show up as invisible if used on a male character. Big "!" is for when a mesh is expected by ESP/ESM but not found, Like if a mod doesn't list the requirement for a hairpack & is installed without it, you get the "!" where the hair should be. (happened to me.)
  23. It's been my experience that the huge ! is caused by a missing mesh, not a missing texture & I don't think FO3EDit looks for missing resource (textures, meshes) files.
  24. if you have "Overhead3PCamera.esp" disable it. the reason I mention that file is that "Md's Sexanims" is made for the mod "Animated Prostitution" & the mod I mentioned comes with it. hope that helps BTW welcome to the nexus.
  25. Yes, search your computer for "FalloutPrefs.ini" you should find it in your user documents falliout3 folder open "FalloutPrefs.ini" & look for "fPipboy1stPersonFOV" the higher the value the smaller it will look
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