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Everything posted by Skotte

  1. I don't condone piracy but securom is far from a good solution to the problem
  2. Me likey the pic, Riven I'd love to see that outfit in FO3
  3. I agree I second that easy, post a link to this thread such as >How to install Mods< PS: a bit much?
  4. the only advantage the 360 fallout 3 has over the PS3 version (in content) is that it can get the DLC (official mods). And jim_uk is correct, Geck can't be used by either console.
  5. Have you tried Doom in the Doomsday engine? makes the the game look really good. Also supports Heretic & Hexen
  6. billbraske, if you still need to find what mod adds an item FO3edit is good for that, just let it load your modlist & check though it.
  7. dragonpen, I don't expect anything official to be beyond a bit sexy given how prudish beth has been with this game(Nova, "Naked" men wearing shirts) given that this is supposed to be a mature game we shouldn't need more control over the mature content other than what is in place already "How far do people want to go? In Oblivion there was a mod with a female companion with actual sex animations that a male or female player character could be shown having sex with. Two basic positions only. Do people want to go that far?" that would be a nice start but that IMHO should be reserved for prostitutes "Also there is a difference between having sexual activity say with a prostitute character in a room in the game world and having naked, sexually overdone female monsters running around or naked girlie posters on public walls in DC Wastelands. What sort of adult content do people want?" I'm not a furry so it doesn't matter if the deathclaw charging at me has mammeries or not. thing is, people have alot of differing tastes. "What about the danger of turning Fallout 3 into some kind of sex game?" I don't understand why it would be dangerous if it evolved into one, the ESRB (don't know about other countries ratings boards) can't rerate a game based on content introduced by modders (hot coffes was on-disc) I hope that explains a bit dragonpen
  8. that reminds of a time I was off to deliver Lucy West's letter, I pretty much always go by a barn with a random encounter marker & one time I approached I didn't hear or see anything so I was cautious. Inside was some large meat chunks that contained a fatman A& nuke, apparently an npc thoought it wise to use it as a close range weapon
  9. It had bows but the resources (sounds/textures/meshes) are strictly off-limits for use in FO3, Crossbows were added via mods so in theory they have a chance to be brought over
  10. But something to consider, just because a console is deemed "obsolete" it doesn't mean it wont be useful my TV entertainment set includes a PS1 (the latest console I own) and I do use it occasionally my vote went to the PC.
  11. Oh ok, I understand what you mean now. Consoles:not to bash them but yeah I agree for me there is no substitute for a mouse & keyboard tho I'm sure there are those that feel that the pad is mightier than the mousepad
  12. Neat find there. I wouldn't say mine was funny but something odd happened once. This weekend my nephew was over & he went over the bridge by the SD Mart & was was attacked by some raiders but one wouldn't go down dispite being head shot numerous times with a d-Eagle Apparently Fallout glitched in such a way that a Raider was granted Full Child level essential (no Vats,no damage) Needless he decided that that area was not a good area & decided not to go there again
  13. What Version # are you using? I think the 1.1 patched tried to fix that. And Beth has said that the 360 was the "mother" system for Fallout 3
  14. well, that might mean sex & in Fallout 3 that's too terrible to even contemplate
  15. :thanks: for the kudos, glad I was able to help you figure out your problem :smile:
  16. I could be mistaken but I think if an npc is "playerfaction" the player gets the xp
  17. Sorry, I don't know any to do & be able to use the esp . if you remove the the master that esp will most likely crash the game. You have a backup esp?
  18. Sorry SangRahl, I don't know ofa method for auto-patching an ESP... I just had an idea (no guarantee this would even work) but if the master esp had custom formids that were outside of the normal loadorder system and had the patch target those ids. that might work but there could be trouble with that as well FOMM might help making the ids unique Sorry if I'm starting to sound abit :wacko:
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