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Everything posted by jjb54

  1. I can tell you that with Nexus Mod Manager - Yes, you will get a "RED" text at the bottom that one exceeded the "limit". * I have in Skyrim SE/AE = 282 mods running just fine. * Fallout 4 I have 371 mods and it runs fine. You do have to play a bit w/the load order ( Loot ) is a good start, but there are some mods that LOOT puts in the order it is program to do and you may have to manually move down the load list to get various mods to work properly.
  2. Except that I have a friend on the inside of Steam - NO - Bethesda and Steam work hand-in-hand. If Bethesda said - Give options, to update or not ... Steam would do that. If Bethesda - "encourages" auto update, Steam will update. Steam works for Bethesda ... as an agent.
  3. Sadly I agree - but there ( are others too ) that were / are getting tired of him talking down to us. So there comes apoint.
  4. @Showler You do realize that most of the people have come to just ignore you, right? You talk down to us, you come across as .. well .... it's not positive. Most people just ignore you ... and this is very much the last post to you and your posts that I will make. As I too, have come to find it easier to just ignore you.
  5. Exactly! They have clearly lost the ability to TELL STORIES and have GREAT - GOOD Quest Lines. This became very clear with FO4 - they had some GREAT POSSIBLE QUESTS .. they traded for "Fallout meets Sim-City" and they successfully FAILED in that ... as it is clear they had NO CLUE WHAT THEY WERE DOING! I will not repost the Quests that I thought would be cool .. with Strong - Deacon - Preston G & Mama Murphy - Piper - and so on . ..... But instead we got BASE GAME FAILURE of "Sim-City" and a smaller sandbox in FO4. Then, as I stated the BOMB of FO76 and the serious issues that had at the beginning and even now. Then the BOMB of the Starfield and the common BORING and "holding on if they get it right"??? To be honest: at this point, I hope they don't do Elder Scroll 6 .... right now, on their current path: It could prove to be a MAJOR LET DOWN!
  6. I wish that was true .... but no. I use NMM - ( Nexus Mod Manager ) - and they are GREYED OUT .. meaning they are "registered" like master files. - I was told over the past year ( some have since repented ) that you could move the Hard Set Mods that Bethesda forced on us ... to another directory, so they are not seen. Been there tried that and NO IT DID NOT WORK. 4 people that told me this, admitted they posted what they were told and then actually tried it and yes, "Jj, you are correct, the game ( Skyrim and FO 4 ) will not load. Now a couple gave me videos that it "DID WORK" .. until I pointed out some things ... at which "oops, .... " 2 Found they were not running any mods that required FO4SE and/or SKSE ... now maybe that does work, if you are just running base program and no mods and/or limited mods that do not require SE. But mods I use in both games require SE loader for the mods I use. Some found, also, that various .INI files would have to edited and such to get the games to work. In other words - a whole lot of work and the as I have found and few other: INDIVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY.
  7. Their pictures show Mods are in affect. I have the 10 Gold too, because of a mod that allows me to be more generous.
  8. 1 - That there is part of the problem. The "Forced Mods", I have found they conflict with Mods that I want to use and have to work around the mess they create. 2 - The mods are flaky, in that NPC dialogs sometimes won't work. Weapons will not show and/or will not work. Quests are not able to be completed. 3 - Mod creators will not - do not support said mods, it's Bethesda's issue to fix. Bethesda, yes I asked them, told me to go see the Mod Creator as they are not responsible for said mod. ( Talk about the run-a-round!! ) ... When one can do their own download / install of mods, then they have support from the Mod Creator and / or I can usually fix it by adjusting load order and such. Sometimes I found a download was corrupted in the process and a simple re-download fixes it. I will check it out - your "NixGen" I like the typo .. more accurate of my feelings. I wish they would NIX it!
  9. There are several mods that have spell books for "BLINK" .. which teleports you to short distances in front of you. They come in very handy at times!!
  10. Well the first obvious question - Do you have multi-adoption mod? > If you do, then you have to use the spell: Found under RESTORATION -> BLESS HOME. <- You have to be in the actual home to use the spell. > Then you also need to be sure you have 6 beds in the home. There are plenty of mods for the Major homes in: Solitude - Whiterun - Windhelm - Riften and Markarth. If you do not have multi-adoption ... check to see if your mod that changes kids looks, have a specific load order?
  11. Bless your little heart! ... have a great day!
  12. Same reason the Graybeards did and are not Dragon Born. I'm wondering how he learned it? Since I know the GB's would not have trained him. It makes for an interesting question to be answered?
  13. . o 9 ( okay .. if you say so ... ) Have a nice day!
  14. I've started to ignore him too. He does talk down and based on their video - they use apparently do not use FO4SE and thus no mods that require SE .. and makes a whole lot of assumptions??
  15. Bethesda does NOT support said mods. I already asked. < - Ponder that for 30 seconds. They told me to go talk to the MOD CREATOR ( I am talking the cc-mods that are forced on us ). So I go to the creator and am told, since Bethesda put it into base game .. they really cannot do anything about it! .... NOW GO FIGURE. And yes, I did indeed go to Bethesda and yes I did go to the mod creator. Bethesda did us no FAVORS by forcing mods that most of us could care less about! In fact, it would be a very safe bet, that IF Bethesda gave us the choice: A. Download this for CC MODS B. Download this without CC MODS. .... B would be chosen hands down! Okay - at this point, it was an interesting debate / dialog - but I'm done.
  16. You sure make a lot of assumptions! First - Like I stated, your video was through STEAM - which is fine. But SE does *NOT* go through STEAM. Second - A month ago, I verified all my DLL's are up to date. For you to assume that without asking me, is .. well .... you are incorrect, sorry! As far as: **> .. and yet .. they forced on us and so called UPDATES; MODS. < - Ponder that for 30 seconds, but take longer if you need to. **> Why would Bethesda provide HARD SET MODS, based on you statement: CC - MODS are not BETHESDA's ... they were / are created through MOD CREATORS, you can even look up the mod creators names! 2nd - even if you run JUST THE ccMODS ... they are buggy as hell ... so again. > WHY WOULD BETHESDA DO THIS, BASED ON YOUR ASSUMPTION?????????????????
  17. You last downloaded a file from this mod on 22 Sep 2024 Unlimited Survival Mode - F4SE cloud_download Downloaded 23 Sep 2024 Date uploaded 14 May 2024, 10:54AM File size 112KB Unique DLs 50.4k Total DLs 70.3k Version v1.5.1 I have the current version and this only comes up and other errors when I move the cc(hardset) mods. So again, I guess we just have to go with: INDIVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY .... And as I stated, I am NOT the only FO4 / Skyrim player that has this issue and followed your afore mentioned method.
  18. First off - You are running it through STEAM ... I am running it through FO4SE .. which does not go through Steam like your video. So you know what: Let's just go with: INDVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY. As I also know a good number of FO4 and Skyrim had tried your method and it did NOT work. So again - INDIVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY. I am glad that you have it working without the cc(mods) that are hard set into the game, since the last so called update! Have fun - and yes I mean it.
  19. Well then, individual results will vary. Are you on Console or PC?? ... I'm on PC. Now as to "Saints & Seducers" -> What I had to do was go back to a prior saved before that MOD was started and had to start over, from that prior saved game. Which I stated in that post. I also , yesterday - with BOTH Skyrim and FO 4 - tried it again, with a BRAND NEW START, just to see. - Since one cannot turn the *OFF* like normal mods .. moving them is THE ONLY OPTION. No - neither game would load. Instant CTD to DT. And - > YES < - I will be happy to supply a video of what I am talking about, if you require. Now I do want to make sure we are talking APPLES & APPLES. You are talking about the cc MODS that were forced on us w/the so called upgrades, and not CC Mod that you downloaded and play? ADDED: In the FALLOUT 4 Data Base Folder there are -> 4 cc(mod).esl files - there are 47 ccI\(mod).ba2 files. Then I found reference in one of the .INI files (no I did not check them all ) with references to these. Which means, you removed them .. the .INI file is unable to find and thus will NOT LOAD. In fact the very first, error I am greeted with is: ( Running from FO4SE: ) UnlimitedSurvialMode Signature scan failed, please deactive UnlimitedSurvialMode and download newer version from Nexus. Which is the HARD SET SURVIVAL MODE. Now it's interesting that at least Bethesda allows you turn it OFF IN GAME ... but .... And the game will *NOT* load after this error.
  20. No .. that is NOT a ".. blatant lie ..." I can speak from 1st HAND EXPERIENCE. I am talking about the CC Mods that are HARD SET INTO THE GAME! These are the mods that are HARD SET INTO THE GAME: 254 FE 0 ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor.esl 254 FE 1 ccBGSFO4115-X02.esl 254 FE 2 ccBGSFO4116-HeavyFlamer.esl 254 FE 3 ccBGSFO4110-WS_Enclave.esl 254 FE 4 ccBGSFO4096-AS_Enclave.esl 254 FE 5 ccFSVFO4007-Halloween.esl 254 FE 6 ccBGSFO4046-TesCan.esl 254 FE 7 ccSBJFO4003-Grenade.esl 254 FE 8 ccOTMFO4001-Remnants.esl The ABOVE MODS ARE HARDSET IN FALLOUT 4 - Bethesda's so called "Update". I was told back in the beginning when this happened. "... all you have to move them out of the data directory. NO - and I'm not the only one that can verify this: You do it and the GAME WILL NOT LOAD! I also did not say " ... Removing the CC mods .. to "reset" the quest..." I stated that that is a problem, because you CANNOT do that, where as if you have a mod from IE: Nexus .. you can turn it off, load - save and turn back on the mod .... I wish you would quote me and not state things that are NOT in my posts, please.
  21. Yes, what @M48A5 said ... also make sure you have the right source / id code.
  22. Excuse me - FALLOUT 4 and SKYRIM have MODS that they FORCED on the players. No one paid for these to be HARD SET into the game ... and if you try to remove, turn off these MODS - the game will not load. Again, NO $$ was given by the players .. I'm not even sure why you are rationalizing this??? A MOD IS A MOD - if you pay for it, donate to it or such. It's STILL A MOD CREATED BY OTHERS AND NOT BETHESDA. Actually - Bethesda "sold" it as an UPGRADE / FIX and yet they FIXED NOTHING ( NO BUGS ) and it was nothing but pushing CC-Mods into the game. So that kind of kills your point, lock, stock and barrell.
  23. What I would do and have done: Make a Fallout 4 \ Backup \10-14-2024 directory and copy the existing INI there, JUST IN CASE! As I have had "JUST IN CASE" happen and they were needed!
  24. Wow .. I'm glad I have HARD COPIES that Steam doe NOT recognize! One Bethesda F'up that I actually got to avoid! I am sorry you all are going through this - I feel the pain, as what they did with Skyrim SE / AE and Fallout 4 .. .which I still have no small ATTITUDE ...
  25. The KEY is " *IF ACCURATE ... " - which if you do two things: 1 - Look at the number of games sold - Skyrim and/or Fallout 4 and see the MOD LIST - Downloads and such. The MATH DOES NOT WORK! Plus ... 2 - Bethesda recently released SKYRIM & FALLOUT .... * WITH MODS * ... so that kind of shoots that down BIG TIME. Since they PUSHED MODS ( wanted or not ) on to the users.
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