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Everything posted by jjb54

  1. So the first questions: 1 - Did you start adding mods to your current saved games? 2 - Did you install the DLC's and continue playing in you current saved game? 3 - Do you have any mods that required Skyrim Script Extender, again, during your current saved games? I you answered to yes to even 1 of these or all - then, sorry you will have to start a FRESH CLEAN NEW GAME.
  2. Those records are more often than not - not very helpful. What would be is - Specifically post what is going on - where - when and such??
  3. I honestly do not know - since the quest has been changed / altered ... at this point, I would simply follow my own advice above ...
  4. Other than what I suggested, I really do not have any other ideas. I understand the frustration of " ... I have from before the start of ‘Diplomatic Immunity’ are from dozens of hours ago and it's a shame to lose so much time from gameplay, especially since I don't play often. .." Is an understandable feeling, but it is what it is .... Like I said - BACK UP YOUR SAVES - that is the only way, sadly. Try the Console Quest command, and see if that works?
  5. I think the above will do that. I use it and can mix and match ...
  6. If you have not already: > Back up ALL SAVES. > Turn *OFF* TPD. > Go to a prior save B/4 this quest starts and see if it fixes it. I have read where this sometimes can be an issue and a work around was to turn it on AFTER you get Diplomatic Immunity and Cornered Rat.
  7. Okay - well then, the P.I.T.A. protocol is needed, sorry: > You will, again need to start a clean new game. > Back up all your saved games. > Turn OFF ( Disable ) ALL MODS >>> do not delete or remove your mods, just turn them all *OFF*. > Start a new game, with NO MODS ACTIVE. > Get beyond Escape from Helgen before you follow the next steps. > Save - then turn on 4 - 5 mods at a time ... play a bit forward into the game. Small steps and save. Then repeat and turn of 4 - 5 more mods, BUT NO MORE THAN THIS, so that you are not having too many to back track on. > Eventually you will find the mod / mods in question. > YOU WILL HAVE TO REPEAT THIS UNTIL ALL MODS HAVE BEEN TESTED ... do not assume " oh I found it...." until all mods have been tested. Trust me, I cannot tell you how many times I assumed this back when I start Skyrim in 2012.
  8. Is this the mod you are looking for? Moddable Robot Settlers Compilation (Automatron)
  9. Do you have any mods that are related to this, the Blades or Paarthurnax?
  10. Well first off - > Back up all current saved games to a different directory. You seem to imply that there are two mods that seem to possibly be the reason. Did you start a NEW GAME w/out those two mods active? Did the crashes happen?
  11. In other words - do NOT go full GOD MODE ... LOL ...
  12. The 100 Cap - from what I remember "back in the day" 2012, when I first started playing Skyrim - it was just the Number they picked. 100 and it made sense. The Uncapper, which I've been using since it came out - has given no issues - > AS LONG AS YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS < - , which is true for just about anything.
  13. There is a mod - you have to read the instructions very carefully, though - that gives you more freedom to over the 100. ( this considered a cheat - obviously ) Skyrim Skill Uncapper for SE and AE
  14. Turn *OFF* ( disable ) all your mods and see if the game starts? > If it does - then obviously it's a mod. > Then turn on 2 - 4 mods at a time ( no more ) and load game until you find the mod ( mods ) that are creating the problem.
  15. SHORT ANSWER -> 100 % yes, better than the so called "survival mode". As with any and all mods - make sure to read the REQUIREMENTS - and double check to insure they are met. . o O ( I cannot tell you how many times, people forgot to do the above. ) > Frostfall > Camping > Realistic Needs and Diseases ... I have used all the above since they first came out. Totally recommend them. Again, just make sure you read all the requirements.
  16. > first off - I do not use the in game survival mode. It's sucks IMHO. I disable it and use - Frostfall / Camping / Realistic Needs & Diseases. The mod you linked too - in the bug section and in the posts -> Seem to have a whole lot of issues and thus not surprised w/the so called Bethesda "update".
  17. >> START A NEW GAME BEFORE YOU DO THE BELOW. >> Back up all Saved games, just in case. - First try this: Disable ( turn off ) all mods .. I understand that you cannot disable ( turn off the damn CC crap ) - then try the game. > Does it load?
  18. I feel your pain - especially with the CC content that was forced on us, ( PC ) ... they are buggy as hell .... This is true for both Skyrim and FO 4. You go to Beth for help - I am told to see the creator of the mod. I go to the creator and they tell me, go see Beth, as they added it to the base game and they have no control over it. I totally agree we should be given the option.
  19. There is a mod that gives you 100% control over all Trees and Skills and Health - Magic - Stamina Skill and Attribute Tweaker https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/66714
  20. > Fallout - BRAVE NEW WORLD? ( There, from what I see 3+ different Mods with "New World" in their titles. .... There are a whole lot of bugs "... being looked at ...." < - If this is the mod you are talking about? > I might suggest you get Nexus Mod Manager and see what happens? < - If the problem continues w/this one, not sure what to tell you? ... I have had a number of friends use Vortex - and such and when they go back to Nexus Mod Manager ( now a community "owned" project ) .. a lot of their issues are gone. ... Not saying this will 'fix' .. as I am still unsure of the exact mod?? Supply a link?
  21. No - I did not read the attached. 1st Question > How far into your game are you? 2nd Question > When did this problem start? .... I will be watching for the answer to know where to go from there.
  22. A few questions: > What ".. mod manager .. " are you using and version #? > ".. it all happened when I got this collection on top of my other 400 mods by accident .." < - What, collection?? > What version of FO 4 are you using? > When you reset everything, did you just trying running FO 4 without any mods? .... Did it work?
  23. Try this. I use it A LOT!!! Skill and Attribute Tweaker https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/66714 Requires SkyUI and SKSE. Plugin is an ESL-flagged ESP.
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