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    Is all of them an acceptable answer?

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  1. This sounds like powerofthree's Photo Mode's screenshot feature which uses screenshots you take with it as loading screens. You can remove the .dds file for this image in *Skyrim Installation Folder*\Data\Textures\PhotoMode\Screenshots and Data\Textures\PhotoMode\Screenshots\Paintings to remove it from the rotation, or disable the feature entirely in the MCM for Photo Mode.
  2. Remove the "0x" from the form ID, so it's just "3b00aa27". For some reason whatever that log is adds an 0x, presumably to indicate that the number is hexadecimal, but in my opinion it just confuses people (case in point, your post).
  3. Make sure you're holding the key for a few seconds, not just pressing it.
  4. Not going to hold my breath on that. There are still a lot of folks running gaming rigs that aren't even 1080p. VRAM still has barely made it into double digits, and with the current supply problems, I suspect advancements in the tech are going to slow down for a year or three. A 4K capable gaming rig built today, will probably be still worth playing on in 5-10 years. It's complete disinformation. There is no "Windows 12" right now. I can't tell if they're just trolling or someone trolled them, but Microsoft has made no such announcement.
  5. That, I believe, is Vortex using that memory, not Skyrim, and it was likely only using that much while deploying mods. Vortex doesn't log anything for the game itself, so any issue in one of its logs would be unrelated.
  6. I'm not staff obviously, but if it's anything like Enderal for Skyrim, then I'm sure it'll be fine.
  7. In another thread, Dark0ne (I think, might have been Pickysaurus) posted that the regular credit card payment option has been temporarily removed while they work on updating the payment system backend. They didn't give a timeline, but in the meantime, I'm fairly sure you can use the Paypal checkout without an account by just using your card information - I've used it on other sites for sure.
  8. I would say use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of every page here. Other than that. Pickysaurus the Community Manager would probably be a good person to ask.
  9. I had a nice big post almost finished, but I accidentally clicked a link and the Nexus ate my comment :( Here's a brief summary, feel free to contact me if you have any more questions. -Cells: You were halfway there. Basically, the entire worldspace is broken up into chunks called Cells. I can't remember the exact size, but it's something like a few hundred feet or so. Each time you go through a loading screen, you are entering a new cell; however, you also go through cells while wandering the exterior. Precombines are semi-related - basically, Bethesda, in order to improve performance, bundled many objects that would normally be separate into larger "precombined" files, so that the game can load them all at once, making less work for the graphics processor. -Script: You're basically there. A script is a file containing code, written in Bethesda's Papyrus scripting language, that either runs all the time or is triggered by certain events. When too many scripts are running at once, odd things can happen, including quest issues, crafting oddities, and mod-related bugs. Not all mods contain scripts, and not all that do have the same amount or impact on script lag. Generally, big mods like overhauls, frameworks, and quest mods will have a larger amount of scripts, whereas texture and item replacers often have few or none. -Rendering: Essentially, anything that is shown on the screen is rendered. You are actually correct that distant things do need to "render in" - but there are several other ways that term is used. Specific to your example, a related concept is the term LOD (Level Of Detail), which refers to the process where the game will load a far away object with as little detail as possible, quickly replacing it with increasingly more detailed models as the player gets closer. This is theoretically invisible to the player, but often (especially in Bethesda games due to their large, open-world design) there will be issues, including a phenomenon known as "pop-in". "Pop-in" is when the lower LOD model doesn't match the full-detail object, or when the model switch happens too late for some reason, and objects like trees or rocks suddenly appear to change shape or position. You may also notice times when things look really blurry and blocky - this is because the game hasn't rendered the proper LOD model yet. -Master Files: This is actually a term used in two different ways in Bethesda games. Generally, it refers to a plugin file that ends in ".esm" (ESM stands for "Elder Scrolls Master", interestingly!) These files are loaded by the game first, before plugins ending in .esp or .esl. The difference between the three is mostly in how the game loads them; a mod can (barring some exceptions) work as any one of them. A few examples are the base game and DLC plugin files - these are all master files. The second way this is used, and more commonly when referring to mods, is when a mod requires content from another mod, or from DLC. Let's say that one mod, we'll call it "Better Frog Scope", is a mod that changes something in a mod we'll call "M4AFrog". Instead of copying all of the contents of M4AFrog into their new mod, the author of Better Frog Scope simply creates a new plugin file based on the original. Now, if someone wants to use Better Frog Scope, they have to download M4AFrog. This means that M4AFrog is a master file for Better Frog Scope. In short, any time a mod requires another plugin file, the mod that is required is a Master File. Now, what happens if you download Better Frog Scope, but you don't have M4AFrog? Well, the game will crash, generally at the main menu. Generally, any plugin with a required master files must be loaded after the mod it requires. On PC, we have a tool called LOOT that automatically sorts mod plugins in the proper order, or they can be sorted manually; I don't know how it works on console. Again, if you have any more questions, or need a different explanation, just let me know!
  10. Epic didn't make Cyberpunk. CD Projekt RED does, who own GOG.com, which is probably what you're thinking of.
  11. I can't really help directly, but I suggest you post this in the forum for the game you're trying to get it into (you didn't mention it in your post). Assuming it's for Skyrim or another Bethesda game: what program did you make the sword in? If it's Blender, you have a couple of choices. First, you could get the NIF plugin for Blender (Google will lead you to it) and export it as a NIF that way (.NIF is the file format for meshes in Bethesda games). The only problem with that is that the NIF plugin for Blender is pretty confusing, and it's hard to find the right information on the proper settings for export. The second option, which will probably be much easier, is to just save the sword as an .OBJ file in Blender (you don't need a plugin to do that) and then use a program called Outfit Studio to convert it into a .NIF - Outfit Studio can be found on either the Skyrim or Fallout 4 mod pages as "Bodyslide and Outfit Studio" (the program is the same on both pages). OS (Outfit Studio) is mostly a program to work with armors and clothing, but it is very versatile and can do a lot more than that. There should be plenty of tutorials if you search something like "Convert .OBJ to .NIF with Outfit Studio". If it's for another game series, then unfortunately I'll be of no help, but again, you should post in the subforum for the game in question, as you're more likely to receive a good response there.
  12. Welcome back! The chatroom was replaced with a Discord server several years ago. See this post for info: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4771080-join-us-on-discord/
  13. That's the old 2011 Skyrim version of the mod. You have the 2016 Special Edition, so you need the SE version from the SE page here. Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13570 Mods made for "Oldrim", as we like to call it, won't work on the Special Edition, nor vice versa.
  14. Assuming the file called Screenshot3 is what she should look like, I can see a couple of things, and as HadToRegister said, it boils down to not using the same mods. To narrow down the issues, first, it looks like you're using a different skin texture, and most importantly, in the newer screenshot you're definitely using a different normal map - most skin texture mods I know do not have custom normal maps for Orcs, instead they use the vanilla one. However, it looks like whatever skin you had on the first computer did have custom normal maps for Orcs, so that would be the biggest difference. The second thing I noticed is that it looks like the facemesh is different. You were probably using some higher-poly mesh, or maybe a mod like Expressive Facegen Morphs. Alternatively, you may have used RaceMenu's sculpt tab, which I find often does not get saved fully in presets - you can fix this by separately exporting the sculpt preset in the sculpt tab of Racemenu (just like you would a regular Racemenu preset) and loading that along with the regular preset on your new computer.
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