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Status Updates posted by exanimis

  1. What I need for my game is scripts, I am trying to write my own. I have modeled everything from trees to complete towns. Everything in my game has been modeled, textured, animated, scripted and lighted by me. I have three levels that I can walk around in at the moment but they need lots of clutter before they are complete.
  2. Hey Myrmaad. I do stop by now and then, almost every day actually. My PC crashed and I lost a lot of files so I quit modding for a while. I have since moved on and am building my own game in Blender Game engine. I have learned to do everything except write scripts, I need to work on that. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message, I still respond to all comments. Hope you are doing well.
  3. Thanks for the tutorial link.
  4. Great user name!
  5. Just stopped by, no particular reason. I hate when people visit your profile without leaving a message.
  6. check your African weapons thread when you log on again
  7. I just sent you the rose nif and UV map. Let me know how it goes.
  8. Just stopping by to say that you've done an excellent job on the hellboy weapons. I'm impressed and hope to see more of your work in the future.
  9. I have seen a lot of your work with animals and am impressed. I was hoping to catch you online and maybe pick your brain. I am modding all new creatures for my mod and could use some advice and info from someone who has done it before
  10. Thank you for the comment. Hopefully I should be releasing some of my creatures for a test run soon. Welcome to the forums
  11. welcome to the forums
  12. Wishing you all the best
  13. Just stopped by and I hate not saying hello
  14. Thanks UK but for some odd reason I can't see any change in my avatar. I still see the silver X on all my posts
  15. Just stopping by to say hello
  16. Thanks for the comment. I'm still around but I've been really busy with blender. I think I've become something like a stalker. I watch the forums but don't post much, maybe once I figure out this blender problem, I'll be more sociable
  17. What stage? NOOB all the way when it comes to blender. I've been reading a lot of tutorials and trying things. I've decided to put my projects on hold for a week or two until I can get the hang of blender.
  18. I just stopped by to get your e-mail. I sent you an esp of the first black-ops barracks to check out.
  19. turnabout is fair play. I'm adding you to my friends now
  20. You are not easy to find. I posted on your thread yesterday and couldn't find it today. I did a search of members who's username starts with Q. that's all I could remember. 180+ pages, dang. I'm off to read the newest comments on the thread but I didn't want to be rude and drop by without commenting.
  21. just stopped by to say thanks. This has become my main forum. This is the best forum for Oblivion fans
  22. Just stopping by
  23. Just stopping by to check out your profile. I've heard of you and since you posted on a thread of mine, I was interested in seeing what mods you've made.
  24. I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for calling me on my post in Gamebirds My sigs thread. I should have known better and I'm thankful that there are people who will call you out when you do something that's just not right
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