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Everything posted by nrot

  1. I had previously seen a mod that changed the game so that your character would need to actually 'earn' all those DLC locations (vile lair, wizards tower, etc.) and would prevent the pop ups at the start of the game saying you inherited it. I can't remember the name and I tried searching for it but cannot find it. Anyone know which mod I'm referring to?
  2. That mod is amazing, thank you once again Keirgarth. [Edit] :thumbsup: :) :wub: ;D :D :biggrin: (almost forgot the smiley faces).
  3. Advance payment: :wub: :whistling: :blush: (the rest are C.O.D.) Corny thread lures aside, I'm hoping you experienced veterans could assist me with a few mod conflicts I'd like to resolve before embarking on my first adventure in Cryodiil in over 3 years... (and I'm sorry for the long post). Standard info upfront, my hardware is listed in my profile and my OS is Windows 7, 64-bit Home Premium. I'm running the latest patch (1.2.0416), SI, all DLC's, and the UOPs & Supplementals. My install directory is C:\Oblivion, and below is my mod list (careful, its a doozy). I've used BAIN installs for the vast majority, with about a dozen OMODs (either due to it being the only file available, or wrye bash did not recognize the archive structure of the non-OMOD version). Active Mod Files: Its been 2+ weeks/dozens of hours, that I've been installing these mods. I've been as careful and as patient as I possibly could be. I've read the majority of the readmes, although with over 200 plug-ins I've bound to over-look a thing here and there. I've tested the vast majority of mods 1 at a time (if I feasibly could) and worked out conflicts where I could, although some eluded me and I didn't want to stop my progress, so I would occasionally make notes and press on. I have a fresh re-patch of my bash, and have used BOSS throughout the process. I have the latest version of nearly every Oblivion tool that is commonly used (OBSE/OBGE/OBMM/COBL/TES4EDIT/TES4LODGEN/weOCPS/Stutter Remover/Streamline/etc.) Here are some conflicts/bugs I'm witnessing. I either don't know what mod(s) are causing the issue, or I'm pretty sure which mod is causing it but not how to fix it. I'm hoping some of you may know off-hand, from experience what the most likely culprit is. I apologize if some of my descriptions are overly vague, I have done the best I could with my limited memory of the issue. - My right hand does not appear when notching an arrow (I'm guessing a conflict deadly reflex v6 and something else). - Auto open container: This seems to only happen while I'm in the mages guild halls... very frequently while running, my character will open any container nearby and the loot screen appears. If I close the window, he will often do it immediately a second time, after that it usually stays shut until I reload the cell. - A city 'jailor' in prison clothes is locked inside a jail cell - no idea on this one, or what may be causing it. Doesn't appear to be game breaking, but I clipped through his cell, attacked him, then he was able to open his cell and chase me. - I get a "ReffStuff" error message when starting a new game. Mod name isn't mentioned, I'm not sure what mod this error is associated with. - Double Sheath bug - Pretty sure this is a DRv6 conflict again, whenever my character puts away his weapon, he does it twice. - No body for 'Dragon' guards: I noticed these new guards after installing "TNG - one of the gang" appearing inside the IC and castle interiors. They are not all imperials (some are Khajiit). The entire body is missing and there are no yellow or purple icons either. They consist of a floating head and their weapon, but otherwise seem to interact with my character normally (talk/combat/etc.) - Loading screens quotes are misaligned: I'm pretty sure this is a DarkUI/DarnifiedUI issue. The text quotes are appearing *inside* the picture on-screen. Not game breaking, but makes them hard to read of course. I am using a mod that replaces the standard Oblivion quotes, with quotes from famous writers, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of the mod they belong to. - I installed a mod that restricted fast travel, and I believe it synced up with COBL (not positive) and it was confirmed to be working. If I was more than 'x' distance away from a city, I could not fast travel there and a message would appear on screen telling me so. At some point during installing mods, I would still get the message, but I was able to fast travel there anyway. - Arena combatant missing mesh + warp to arena: This was really strange. I saw a Khajiit walking through the market district and a yellow missing mesh was attached to him, I followed him to the imperial palace area, spoke with him and he insulted me for being on the blue team and I decided to engage him in combat. The missing mesh icon disappeared when he drew his weapon. While fighting him, my character was launched into the air (way above the city) and I was teleported to the arena in what looked to be a dream state (strange colors+sky was dark, even though it was daylight when I was teleported) and I had to fight both a pack of wolves and 3 yellow team combatants, there was no announcer, and another giant missing mesh yellow icon in the center of the iron grate of the arena was present. I killed them all using the console and was teleported to the bet taker outside the arena walls. Never was there a quest log entry. I was using a level 1 character and had never signed up for the arena prior to this. I signed up and fought a normal pit-dog battle without issue afterwards. I realize that for some of these issues it may not be enough information to go on, but I figured it was worth a try. I know I've taken a shortcut here and there during testing and got lazy on occasion, but it became such a hassle to attempt to troubleshoot an ever more complex Oblivion setup. Thank you for taking the time to read this long post and for any help/insights you might be able to offer, you guys are awesome. :thumbsup:
  4. Ok, so that's good news, thank you. I'm not sure if I should auto-ghost or not, wrye bash seems to suggest that this may cause problems with other non-wrye bash tools because they cannot 'see' the ghosted mods. Unfortunately, the guide doesn't really go into any further specifics... any tips or insights as to whether ghosting these inactive mods will cause problems?
  5. I know that the maximum amount of mods that oblivion can handle is 255 (including oblivion.esp) and in wryebash I get the number 183/240 in the bottom right hand corner, when I fire up BOSS, it recognizes 240 as well. I'm guessing the 183 number is my total number of active mods, while 240 is the total number of installed .esps. Do I have that right? If so, based on this information, am I about to hit my mod limit (240), or do I have some room left (183)? Thanks.
  6. I came across one other NPC outside of Bravil who showed the same weird speech behavior, wish I could remember where and who. Anyone else experience this, any ideas?
  7. Within Blood&Mud I've come across at least 2 NPC's which don't have any speech options at all, not even the 'rumors' default option, nor the gold graphic bar on the left that lists options, nor do I have the engage in speechcraft option, only the name of the NPC and the "X" icon appear, every time. I've followed the install guide, used wryebash and BOSS for sorting, re-patched the bash, and rebooted my PC, nothing has worked. Other areas of the mod seem to be working (the city is updated, most NPC's talk to me normally, no CTD, etc.) The readme only list one mod that causes issues and doesn't have a patch, which is a transportation mod, which I do not have installed. When I repatched my bash I checked every option for B&M compatibility. Any ideas as to what I can do to fix it? Here is my load order if it helps.. Active Mod Files: Also, I was hoping to find an English walk-through of the mod (in case I cannot get those NPC's to speak normally with me, to verify if those silent NPC's are quest essential, I don't want to start only to reach a dead end later that I cannot fix). I have searched google and youtube high and low and the only walkthroughs I have found were in German... and I'd rather not rely on something as iffy as bablefish for an explanation. ... Thanks in advance.
  8. Yes, the guide on wrye musings suggested using this method. I also tried disabling lock times as well. Neither method has worked for me.
  9. Well, it appears I spoke too soon.. the changes I made to bag of alchemy reverted back and went to the bottom of the load order again. :wallbash: Not sure why it didn't happen right away this time like previous attempts however...
  10. Right, I understand the basics of how the mod changes the leveling mechanic and that I might level a little slower... but, I would still like to see at a glance how close I am to leveling up through the progress bar. The author states this should still be happening, but for me it isn't. It's not just a movement too small for me to notice either, the percentage next to the bar stays at "0%". Any ideas of what may cause that?
  11. I've installed realistic leveling: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13879 And I'm having a problem being able to test to see if the mod works. I see entries in the console about skills being adjusted, but the level progress bar does not seem to be working. I've read the FAQ/Readme and some of the very long comments section, but I end up more confused than when I started (its very technical). I used OBMM to install RL as the author suggests, and I also tried de-activating darnifiedUI in OBMM and use only RL (author states they are compatible, but potential problems based on selections, so I removed the possibility entirely), but even on a level 1 character the progress bar still does not advance after I skill up (both major and minor skills). I have not touched the RL ini file and would prefer not to if I can avoid it. I'm not running any other skill or level advancement mod (such as progress or oblivionXP). I'm also running OBSEv20. I tried running the game from OBMM, as well as rebooting my computer. OBMM and wryebash both report no conflicts for the mod, and I remembered to re-patch my bash... so far, nothing seems to work. Any ideas? :wallbash:
  12. Well that's what I was doing at first, and when the problem first appeared. I tried to enable lock times to resolve the issue. ... however, I tried using the "ctrl+up" trick and it seems to have fixed the issue (it automatically changed the date/time of the mod). So apparently, modifying dates directly do not work permanently adjust the load order, but expressly dictating the load order does. At least, that's what seems to be the case for me.
  13. I'm running the bag of alchemy rewrite mod, found here: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39282 The file is so new that BOSS doesn't know where to put it, so it goes at the very end (after the batch patch). I've altered the date to move it up in the load order, it moves there and runs fine. However, whenever wrye bash is shut down / restarted, the changes I made are gone. I have read the guide on wryemusings and have enabled lock times, but the problem persists. I've attempted this multiple times now. I'm running the latest version of wrye bash / OBSE, and have tried rebooting my machine several times. The mod does not show any conflicts or other problems. Any suggestions?
  14. Hi, I don't know how to fix Deadly Reflex (I'll probably be on here soon asking for help on when I install it myself). However, a better method for listing your load order is to open wrye bash, click on the 'mods' tab, hover your mouse cursor over 'file', right click, and select 'list mods...' You will get a plain text print out of all your mods, as well 'spoiler' tags included so your post isn't absurdly long. Good luck! ;)
  15. No, I have an ATI card. @Balakirev: I haven't tried that yet, do you have any suggestions where in the load order I should try moving it to?
  16. Last night I installed Blood&Mud, found here: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12016 But, instead of downloading it from TESNexus in the 5 parts it was uploaded in, I used one of the Author's listed mirrors for an OMOD version to save time. There was no readme, the OMOD was the only file, I installed it in OBMM and it showed up in red (mod conflict). I don't know how to find out in OBMM which mods conflict with which, or even if this is something OBMM reports, but I know sometimes things show up as a conflict but doesn't really cause an issue, so I decided to press forward and activate/install it. I was prompted that the mod would need to overwrite files that were not associated with another OMOD.. I thought to myself if no other mod uses them it should be fine and accepted all the overwrites... not realizing that just because no other OMODS were using those files, didn't mean that a bash wasn't. (I was also very tired and didn't think to back up the files/folders :wallbash: ) Anyway, after installation/activation Oblivion would not run at all (hang with a black screen) and deactivating/uninstalling did not resolve the issue. Today (after giving up for the night) Oblivion will run again apparently without issue (memory corruption last night I'm guessing). I still want to install and run Blood&Mud, so I've downloaded the files (the 5 files from TEXNexus this time) but am hesitant to attempt it due to the issue I had with the OMOD. I've read the readme, but am still less than confident, and was hoping someone here might have experience with B&M and might be able to offer some additional insight/suggestions not found in the readme. Active Mod Files (in case it matters): Sorry for the long explanation/rant. :hurr:
  17. I tried unchecking the mod, no change. I should have clarified, its not a CTD upon loading anything, the game crashes (black screen) as soon as I attempt start Oblivion. @HeyYou: I checked the readme as well and there are no stated requirements other than installing the files. At this point I have already uninstalled and deleted the mod, which resolved the issue. I'd still like to be able to use it however. I don't care about save file compatibility by the way (in case it matters) I will be starting fresh once I'm done installing and tweaking all my mods.
  18. Thanks to several posters here at tesnexus, I'm getting really close to optimizing my Oblivion experience. :thumbsup: Unfortunately, I've run into another problem I cannot resolve. After installing "Thievery in the Imperial City", located here: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5156 My game crashes when loading the menu screen. I tested the game immediately before installing this mod (as I've done for all of them) and did not run into any problems. I'm using all the standard tools: OBSE, OBGE, OBMM, weOPCS, Streamline, Wrye Bash (which I used to install this mod), etc. I ran BOSS prior to loading for proper load order, and wrye bash does not report any sort of conflict. Active Mod Files: Any suggestions? :confused:
  19. Well, although it says 'conflict' there appears to be only one mod involved (from what I can tell). "Extras_from_D2ks_Action_Ragdolls" just refers to the fact the author took snippets from that mods code and included it in RRaFv3 (you might have already knew this, wasn't sure). Unfortunately, there is no readme with the mod, just the OMOD file. I looked at one of his previous versions of the mod as well and also come up empty there. One person reported the game crashing when the game couldn't find the .INF file for a creature that died, so I'm very cautious about activating it. :ohdear:
  20. Installed OMOD for said mod, in OBMM it shows up in red, a conflict report shows the following. I'm not sure if the missing files are supposed to be there from the mod, or from default oblivion (I'm guessing the latter, as the mod isn't meant to add any creatures to the game, just how they die). I tried reading the comment section, didn't find any help there. Mod can be found here: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34109 Any insights?
  21. Surprisingly, just before I was ready to uninstall/re-install I was able to fix the issue. Turns out the file 'achieve invalidation' caused the mess, I deleted the file and everything was fine. :biggrin: So, I decided to experiment to learn why... I reinstalled elven map redux, this time using the manual install version (drag and drop the archive invalidation file myself, rather than trusting OBMM) and the same thing happened. I removed the archive invalidation file once again and attempted to start Oblivion, same problem occurred... then I deleted all the texture files from elven map redux and tried again... same result. After rebooting, I was again able to play without problems... so it seems highly likely the archive invalidation file for maps is the culprit. I say, 'for maps' because using OBMM's archive invalidation tool didn't seem to cause any problems with my other mods. Now, that leaves me in the dark as to why only map mods using archive invalidation cause this issue. I do have 'ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!' running as well, and maybe that's causing the issue (although I'm pretty sure I only installed that .BSA *after* these problems started, but perhaps I'm mistaken)... I'm going to try and get rid of it and see if I get a different result. I'm also quite confused as to why a reboot would be required after getting rid of this particular file, even after shutting down Oblivion and all oblivion tools (wyre/obmm/etc.) If anyone has any insight as to why this is happening and a possible workaround, that would be awesome. :yes: [edit] Nevermind... turns out that .BSA for "invalidationinvalidated!" was the true culprit after all... my fault for not reading things more carefully. The map mod appears to be working fine now, and everything is peachy. :thumbsup:
  22. I was afraid of that, it means no easy fix for this mess. :wallbash: I had a vanilla backup of the oblivion install that I forgot about, and in it there is only one file under data/textures called "TerrianNoise.dds (which itself is under "effects" the only folder under textures). Which made me think that I should be able to remove all the folders that these blasted map mods modified (namely, menus/menus50/menus75/menus80) and it should remove whatever non-sense caused this to happen. So, I removed the folders to the desktop and fired up oblivion again... the only difference is that during the loading screen the graphics go back to stock, right before it CTD. :facepalm: At this point I'm ready to give up and start all over... I'll be holding out just a little bit longer to see if someone has a new suggestion to try. Thanks for your posts.
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