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A big "Hello" to the Community


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In response to post #27211719.

Galadreal wrote: Well, Hello back. Sorry, just woke up, so I am a bit fuzzy around the edges. Your profile looks like you have been here awhile, so not exactly new welcome. Sort of welcome? Regardless, glad to have you here, hope things are going good. Now I need to go get some tea and try to become coherent for the day. Not that caffeine helps really, but it sure is tasty.

Don't worry about sounding fuzzy around the edges, Robin and I have been working early till 2/3am every day this week so it's kind of blurring into one for me at the moment.

I'm seriously contemplating a triple espresso latte right now!

Thanks for the welcome, yep I have been on the fringes for a while, simply looking in. Now I've taken the plunge and from what I have gathered so far the community is simply AWESOME!
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In response to post #27211094.

lojunqueira wrote: Welcome. I'm confident you'll make nexus a better place.

Wish the best of luck for your work!

PS: hope to see you hang around /r/skyrimmods. it's a good place to get in touch with the community :D

Hoping that eventually I'll get to hang around a lot of the community. I love what I've seen so far, it's one of the most welcoming places I've ever had the privilege of joining. I look forward to chatting to everyone.
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In response to post #27211029.

Faelrin wrote: Welcome to the community. While hearing about this site getting redesigned does make me nervous (I don't like big changes), I'll have good faith that it will be done aesthetically well (and functional too, since that seems to be the main focus). I already took the survey too, and I think there was one question that (might) have been missing that perhaps could help with feedback. What do we not like about website design? I feel like that could be just as important as what we do like in a website. Though again that's just what I think. I could be wrong here.

I suppose since I'm making such a suggestion about things in website design that are disliked, I should probably give an example of what I don't like in website design. For me its those scrolling header's (and footer's too). I always end up using my adblocker to hide those because I feel like they're intrusive and get in the way of what I'm trying to do. I suppose having the site primarily right aligned would be another, but I don't really know of too many websites that do that anyways.

Of course I'm just one person here with an opinion of what I think looks bad in terms of website design. Ultimately it will come down to what the majority likes (unless function proceeds that)? Again I have faith that this will end up good in the end, with all the steps being made (the survey and beta feedback, amongst the other stuff going on).

Hey Faelrin,

I'm nervous and excited all at the same time, we're going to be doing this with as much input from the community as possible. Our aims are to make the site functionality powerful yet intuitive, a lot of the surveys suggest people find various parts convoluted and hard to navigate. We want to alleviate this and make the mods you are after be the forefront of your NexusMods experience.

Thanks for the welcome, I'm really looking forward to being here.
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In response to post #27210944.

Doct1369 wrote: Welcome Paul
i can't wait to see what the new site going to look like :)

Thanks for the welcome, I'm loving being here.

The new site won't be around for a while, but you will see each and every step of the process. From Wire-frames right through to prototypes etc, so will have plenty of time to get involved (actively encouraged) along the way.

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In response to post #27211029. #27234619 is also a reply to the same post.

Faelrin wrote: Welcome to the community. While hearing about this site getting redesigned does make me nervous (I don't like big changes), I'll have good faith that it will be done aesthetically well (and functional too, since that seems to be the main focus). I already took the survey too, and I think there was one question that (might) have been missing that perhaps could help with feedback. What do we not like about website design? I feel like that could be just as important as what we do like in a website. Though again that's just what I think. I could be wrong here.

I suppose since I'm making such a suggestion about things in website design that are disliked, I should probably give an example of what I don't like in website design. For me its those scrolling header's (and footer's too). I always end up using my adblocker to hide those because I feel like they're intrusive and get in the way of what I'm trying to do. I suppose having the site primarily right aligned would be another, but I don't really know of too many websites that do that anyways.

Of course I'm just one person here with an opinion of what I think looks bad in terms of website design. Ultimately it will come down to what the majority likes (unless function proceeds that)? Again I have faith that this will end up good in the end, with all the steps being made (the survey and beta feedback, amongst the other stuff going on).
BlindJudge wrote: Hey Faelrin,

I'm nervous and excited all at the same time, we're going to be doing this with as much input from the community as possible. Our aims are to make the site functionality powerful yet intuitive, a lot of the surveys suggest people find various parts convoluted and hard to navigate. We want to alleviate this and make the mods you are after be the forefront of your NexusMods experience.

Thanks for the welcome, I'm really looking forward to being here.

So the new site will be easier to navigate then? That's definitely something to look forward too (I mean not that I have trouble on this one, but anything easier will be better of course). Anyways, good luck with the site redesign and your job here, and enjoy your time here.
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In response to post #27225114. #27230414, #27233049 are all replies on the same post.

hauntedabyss wrote: I took Your survey I did alot of thinking and I hope you liked my response. My Biggest Suggestions Were Checkout layouts of Reality websites as they are common for the ideas of searching for stuff. Tags, Certifications Are a Big Deal for many sites that have mods. Top, Good Gems will be easier to find as well as Exactly what people are looking for.. Ie Sound mods for certain things or (name) city overhauls Ect. Just a Refined More streamlined Site, Layout would help out aswell. Make it so we dont have to click page by page and can have a infinite scroll would also be a blessing.

I also Hope we can figure out how to keep The tabs section on mods Maybe on the leftside instead of just the top.
but its very buggy,videos constantly Break and clicking back and forth causes issues, Pages Crash. This needs to be reworked!!!!

Finally I hope more tabs could be added or Sections to mods. For ex. I hope to see ,Help Section, Updates, Compatibility Tab. Ect not just all this s#*! shoved in a fourm. The bug Tab should be mandatory as well
ps. Welcome to Nexus =D hope good things will come !!
RUkiddin06 wrote: "Make it so we dont have to click page by page and can have a infinite scroll would also be a blessing."

Holy s#*! yes.
BlindJudge wrote: I'm going to be reading through the surveys over the weekend (10k + and counting!). The information coming in is very varied, a lot of excellent points have already been raised and noted down.

Feel free to drop me a message (same for anyone) if you have anything that you think of in regards to the site since doing the survey.

And thank you for the welcome :)

I'm definitely for infinite scrolling rather than pages.
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In response to post #27234399.

Lisnpuppy wrote:

I've a question. Is the focus going to be more on the file side functionality at first or the forum side functionality? Or both at once?



I thought also of many things after I hit that send button but I figured there will be more specific places for further additions (and I may have run out of characters in the forms if I had remembered in time!!)


Thanks much! Hope you aren't too buried with the PMs.

To be honest, until we have worked out what the users are after it's a toss up between them both. The site uses a lot of the forum to integrate functionality so we need to sit down and work out if it can be done better and if so, how!

PM's and survey results are taking up a lot of my day at the moment, but it's interesting to see what people think and nice to receive the PM's from you guys :D

Also read your post to Robin and found it all very interesting, be nice to chat about stuff if you get time?
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