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Everything posted by greywaste
Now that reviewers get copies of Skyrim...
greywaste replied to Ankleon's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I see a bright future for this thread. :facepalm: -
I personally couldn't give a rats arse about climate change whether hastened by mankind (feasible at best in my own opinion) or not, since it seems 'intentional' regardless of mankind given Earth's history. One thing I am curious about though, is how the "good guys" are going to feel about the enforced population control that's going to be necessary some time in the future.
I love those "walk-in, fart quickly, walk out" style posts that are just so useful... Anyway.... Lukertin does raise a good point in my opinion - check out University rankings, top 3 are USA I think right now. Out of the top 10, I think there are 5 or 6 in there. This was a while back I saw so I'm not 100%, but I'm sure I'm not too far off anyway. Additionally MIT is probably regarded as number 1 globally in terms of science and tech.
I can't give a response based purely upon the USA, but in the two countries I've lived in, I've seen a similar thing happening. There's a multitude of reasons for this - including some of the following : Jobs that require the use of tools (to loosely bundle a lot of occupations together here that in a lot of ways bridge the gap between manual labour and technology and science related work) have been demeaned and derided gradually over the years despite the fact that after the learning period the pay is very good. Here in Denmark, a new estate built near me recently with large, quite luxurious houses is comprised almost completely of owners who are carpenters, plumbers, builders and electricians (with an uncanny amount of wives who are childminders :unsure: ) Vocational training has been neglected. 'Social sciences' and the arts aren't subjects that have a complete set of static truths - right and wrong answers. They're easier, becoming more tempting to study and they're also much more fashionable (here anyway) Employer laziness. Too many jobs out there list degrees in the requirements when in fact you'll probably never use any of that knowledge in a lot of cases (a former co-worker of mine at an old IT job I had in the UK was a contractor from Sony - said his Computer Science degree looked good on a CV and that was it). Tie this in with a mentality of "everyone should get a prize, not just the winner) and too many people are trying to get college degrees. This has the effect of : a) pulling too many out of the employment loop. b) a boost in polularity of easier courses and subjects. c) Universities in some cases actually dumbing down the said topics to avoid getting a poor average. Over-coddled children. Kids first see science at work at a very young age, all around them when playing. These days we have health n' safety regs up our collective butts and an increased fear of strangers paedophiles, kidnappers etc so I believe children are being handicapped pretty much from birth. In general though, a huge poulation also exacerbates this problem.
Good point Kendo. Somewhere (at the information spreading level I think) any kind of message intended is going to be lost. Responsible government spending goes hand in hand with "fair taxation" and access to financial support in hard times. But this particular protest - as is usual with left based protests - has grown into the usual list (posted by HeyYou in a summary earlier) and is overshadowing the original intent. After all, what the heck has Wall street got to do with Troy Davis??? I'm sure plenty of people can remember when Obama was getting called on to take the Banks to task and his u-turn after they got their wallets out in support of him and they were suddenly "nice, very clever guys" well I'm sure his next step will be to paint this as "it's completely the republicans fault - they're the wall street party" and I'm sure most protestors will buy it hook, line and sinker. Divide and rule - and that's what ultimately makes protests pointless in the West. I was reading an interesting article the other day in Vanity Fair about California's problems, part of it discussing Schwarzeneggars attempts to cut the deficit there. From what I could gather he was opposed at every single step, democrats opposed him, even his own party opposed him ( 4 republicans who agreed with him on part of his plan all lost their seats at the next election) after that, legislators opposed him and finally when it boiled down to it, the electorate opposed him. America, like a lot of other nations right now, is simply spending beyond it's means and while it's a decent moral point that folks earning megabucks should not be coddled and bailed out with taxpayers money, it's not really the big picture. There's just too much take and not enough give and it's right across the board - including the protestors themselves.
Oh no problem :) - hate to see work go to waste. I've converted and ported tons of armors and clothes now, so I can take a look at the .nif if you want to upload it somewhere and PM a link or something?
This happens to me too. Double check your .nif - the texture paths need to be "textures\etc\etc (the texture will display fine in nifskope and my 3d app just fine without "textures" being present in the path but in geck/game it does what you describe. Hope that helps!
GRA = A ripoff of the modding community?
greywaste replied to Pallor's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
*Sigh* It's very very simple - Don't like it? Don't buy it. -
Did you try 'merge' ? It's worked for me in the past.
yeah, check out all the yellowcake they found in an unguarded warehouse there too
I'm kinda stoked for it, but the monthly fee is going to be the decider for me :confused:
That's one of ghandi's worst platitudes and I think it's only ever even quoted because he was the one who said it. For instance executing a murderer - okay, you've taken a life in response to the taking of a life, but whatabout the future victims you've saved? When it's tempered, I also don't have any kind of problem with revenge. It's just crappy, cereal packet feel-good philosophy being used to paint revenge, retribution, justice etc as something that the 'intellectual', 'civilised', all round good guys should regard as primitive and barbaric.
How to go about making Ulysses's hair into
greywaste replied to Guy97's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I've done tons of wigs this way, trick is just to import a default head and then scale and tweak vertices so that overall it's about 5-10% bigger than the default head (you'll find your ideal through 1 or 2 tests). Ulysses dreads would be pretty easy since there's no short areas where over/under sizing could occur. After that with rigging, I'd just run with every vertex being 100% bip01 head influenced. I don't bother setting them up as hairs nowadays - This is a hair I set up as a wig, doesn't poke through the back or shoulders since it's rigged : http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=16590 -
I can understand that point - why I said to go with case by case basis
The only social network I have lives in the same apartment as me so I have no need for stuff like that :sleep: . I look at the occasional twitter feed to catch snippets about games but thats it.
What about making people have more advanced identification to get into programs? That's actually a good idea - problem is though you'll have the privacy and 'ooman rights' crew on your case.
Your saving certain people money by giving them tax cuts. It is a form of welfare. Seriously... How is taking less money from someone than usual welfare?... Only in todays world :facepalm: Regardless, this is off topic, want to argue about it further then you can PM me or something. @Ginny : I was meaning to say that the thread was heading off on a tangent and that you shouldn't have had to justify using the system in the exact way that it was intended to be used, when the thread is about the abuse of the system.
I believe that the two MUST be brought together, Justice tempered by Mercy. Pretty much where I stand too. Taken on a case by case basis. @ thread : Keep in mind that morality itself can be viewed as a flawed ideology too. For this thread, I'm taking 'justice' as being expected consequences of an action, i.e, you put your bare hand in a fire, it gets burned.
Well they won't help. And in Britain we pay Income Tax AND National Insurance contributions when we are working - compulsory when you earn above the threshold (which is pretty low, so it includes most working people). These are paid to the Government for assorted purposes, including against the day when we might need help. Therefore there should be no guilt in someone who has worked all their life and suddenly finds themself on the scrap heap making a claim. After all, it could be argued that in Britain, where I come from, many of our traditional industries have gone abroad due to a combination of government policies and the asinine actions of some of the militant trade unions (Scargill, you know I mean you!). The unemployed are sometimes so because of the actions of others. I am shortly to be unemployed due to political tinkering by the Government. It's pretty outrageous suggesting that claimants are taking money without consent and are committing acts of violence. It's not only a generalisation, but according to UK law, imputing a crime to someone without foundation is also a specific defamation. And it is certainly without foundation when people have, as described above, paid their dues to society for years before being put out of work. Please, can we avoid using such outrageous and sweeping statements, and recognise that not all claimants are scroungers? After all, I am just listening to the lunchtime news which tells me that the FTSE has just headed on down below 5000. PM David Cameron is trying to shake some sense into the Eurozone. But it's rather looking like there are going to be a whole lot more claimants soon when companies start going belly up. This tangent that things have gone off on is a completely different kettle of fish altogether. While it may still be called 'welfare', receiving something that you have paid for isn't welfare as it's being defined in this thread let alone abuse. It's also why Marharths ridiculous statement about tax 'cuts' being welfare is just silly. Tax rebates on the other hand, assuming they are over 100% of the tax you actually paid - then that could potentially be called welfare.
Should people without health insurance, etc. be allowed to die?
greywaste replied to Deleted472477User's topic in Debates
I do not know how it works in your country. In my country my politicians will make a hard work to tell me what they will and will not do, just before an election. So what my gouverment does is what I have asked them to do. :tongue: Apart from those who are too busy fiddling their own taxes like the new Prime Minister :tongue: If you refer to our new Pime M. she says she´s innoncent :rolleyes: (and I believe in Santa Claus too) :tongue: I´m just trying to tell that all those rants about gouverntments doing this and that. It seems like we forget we have put them in power ourself in the first place. That was way off topic so I better put my statement on this subject. :whistling: No. No one should be left to die in the gutter, as long as we have the equipment, doctors, nurses, knowhow, hospitals, to save someones life. No matter the reasons or costs. Money and life are values that can never be compared, nor hold up against each other. "Not my fault! It is my money! Take care of your self!" I call that "Democracy by the inch" We all want the benefits of being together in a society, but why pay for the things we never use? I allways drive in the inner lane, why should I pay for the 2-3 other lanes? Etc, etc. That it has come this far that people should be left to die, and it is ok, is only the latest innovation in this our very selfish society. I completely agree with you btw (I just couldn't resist the little jab at the Gucci Queen there :biggrin: ) What people are trying to get at here though is that there is also a bigger form of selfishness going on too that needs to be addressed - people not doing their part to contribute and I see a lot of it going on in Denmark for instance (I've been here nearly ten years now) through a co-worker I met two people in their late 50's - both on heroin substitutes, neither having worked a single day of their entire lives yet you should hear how they rant about money (as though they actually worked really hard for it and earned it) Both of these people are being kept highly dosed, basically until the day they die as there is no effort being made to lower their dosage and get them clean - both have been on this stuff for over 25 years. Not only do I see that as a terrible insult to their dignity, it's also a horrible and insulting abuse of willing taxpayers money. -
Should people without health insurance, etc. be allowed to die?
greywaste replied to Deleted472477User's topic in Debates
I do not know how it works in your country. In my country my politicians will make a hard work to tell me what they will and will not do, just before an election. So what my gouverment does is what I have asked them to do. :tongue: Apart from those who are too busy fiddling their own taxes like the new Prime Minister :tongue: -
Should people without health insurance, etc. be allowed to die?
greywaste replied to Deleted472477User's topic in Debates
As far as you calling my posts platitudes. This is another form of name calling. There is a great quote from a grand lady who dealt with this by saying I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left. Margaret Thatcher They have. Over and over, but you dismiss them as you tried to dismiss mine by calling them Platitudes. This fact speaks volumes about how highly you hold others views. Calling a platitude doesn't really qualify - he isn't attacking your character. Morally, I personally feel he's right. Income tax is really just a form of theft (and no, when work is necessary for survival, having to sign a form as a condition to work to allow that theft doesn't somehow make it morally okay to help yourself to the product of someone else's labour). However, it's a form of theft that people similar to me see as something that is tolerable given the circumstances and I just wish, considering that ones health should be their top priority that so many people wouldn't be allowed to just discard the responsibility for it into someone elses lap. In short, I can tolerate it because there are plenty of nice people with genuine needs, but I have zero respect for and object very strongly to those who just mooch off the workforce - Universal healthcare as being presented here just enables that. -
you want to get something like his output from max ? or you just want any UV map to work with? If any will do, nifskope can do that.
I see your point and I agree largely but I still think there's definately something to be said for the "feeling those rights are innate" concept especially when looking at just how well known the US constitution is (at least in name, essence and basics anyway) outside the USA let alone inside. Look too at the amount of differing cultures that have protected free speech (in theory at least :tongue: )or a desire for it in their countries.
I know, hence the "but the smiley was noted :D ", but ok, ok. I give up.