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Everything posted by greywaste

  1. greywaste


    get with the program Check his user group ^^ You must have missed his bizarre little Necro/Troll spree. It was funny that despite living in an apparent utopia he had potential for disorders by the bucketload given some of his posts concerning suicide, sexual aggression/impotence and an odd paranoia involving Russian invasion :biggrin: Am I missing something? He doesn't seem banned to me... Phew... Anyway, sorry for the OT everyone.
  2. Not sure if Softimage XSI could, since that was what Valve used, but I think you're going to have to get a plugin or script regardless of App.
  3. greywaste


    get with the program Check his user group ^^ You must have missed his bizarre little Necro/Troll spree. It was funny that despite living in an apparent utopia he had potential for disorders by the bucketload given some of his posts concerning suicide, sexual aggression/impotence and an odd paranoia involving Russian invasion :biggrin:
  4. Guys, crashes on export after you've deleted anything on a mesh are likely to be due to the dismember modifier, you'll need to re-assign polys to the correct piece or workaround it by assigning all to 20 and then deleting the 22 and 26 and not worrying about clipping. Anybody gotten the stencil property to work? Attached it correctly just doesn't seem to change regardless of flag - sorry if this was already asked and answered.
  5. It could be called quite a few things 'crony capitalism', a plutocracy etc etc.. In any case, it mixes some of the worst economic aspects of modern 'democratic' socialism and capitalism.
  6. Thanks. What is the "stack"? The panel to the right with the models modifiers in it, like 'Skin', "editable mesh" "BSDismemberskin Modifier" etc.
  7. probably the dismember info has gone wonky after you deleted the pauldrons. Dismember info for skyrim works by telling the game which polys to hide when you equip boots and gloves. You could try going into the stack, get rid of entries 22 and 26 by selecting the minus below the stack details near "mesh select parameters" then select entry 20 and then select all the polys on the mesh. export after that.
  8. The Exorcist is on of the few that genuinely scared me. I don't like slsher films really, except for the first Halloween in 1978 and the first Nightmare on Elm Street. The only other films that geuinely scared me were: Event Horizon Candyman Halloween the Thing (1982 version) It's not often that they affect me deeply. Gross me out, disturb me a bit, get under my skin, yes. My girlfriend and I love horror, The Carpenter Thing is in my top ten for life too. Event Horizon springs upon Sam Neils' performance imo, he's great in everything - Watch Carpernters' In the Mouth of Madness if you've never seen it :) Oh and for Halloween, I think Halloween 3 : Season of the Witch is the best one of those - unrelated to the others, but it's just so horrible We've seen a few now that got switched off early though. Generally I've got a slightly stronger stomach than she does for the gratuitous stuff but the only one I've watched so far that actually made me angry was the Uwe Bolle film Seed. Kinda wanted to go round to his house and thump him after watching a quarter of that...
  9. I hope I didn't come across like that! Not my intention, and opinions are fine. But here's what I mean: browbeating someone WITH that opinion in order to get them to act as you would like is the problem, not the opinion itself. Oh no! Not at all - was just an across the spectrum comment :) And yeah, I agree. An example of the kind of statement I meant : "People should respect each other and be tolerant, but why can't those bible thumpin' right-wing redneck filth treat people with respect like we do Huh??!!" Naturally the situations can change, but I also agreed with what Draconix said in his post.
  10. Nothing. Can you expand on that? Priceless ;) Nice one!
  11. I had something similar , in my case it was little finger and on to the hand a little, lasted about a month, started worrying, woke up one morning and it was fine again *shrug*
  12. I think a desire to "beat" or "lord over" others is sadly a fairly common trait. I see it quite often here, with posts preaching tolerance and equality often contain a veiled (or not so veiled) attack against opposing opinions too.
  13. It's a quest reward towards the end of the Thieves Guild chain.
  14. I had this happen too with my thief also using a dagger sword combo, I thought it was intentional :(( I'll play around with it in a min and see if I can find anything
  15. I hate to break this to you but it's not free (unless of course doctors and nurses are all volunteer workers in Finland??) Someone else is paying the bulk of the bill for you unless you are paying very high taxes yourself, which I doubt, since you're a student. You keep comparing tiddly little social democrat welfare states with the USA too, if you can't see the problem comparing nations with 5 or so million people as opposed to 330 million then I won't bother wasting my breath further.
  16. It's annoying yeah, blocking seems to stop the disarm on the chars I've tried, think you might have to be in mid-power attack to avoid it on dual wielders though, or perhaps it could be armor / skill level related - dunno
  17. The only reason that attempts at internet policing like these even appear is because we as end users are so corrupt and p*ss poor at policing ourselves.
  18. Nif files are Gamebryos exporting format. Skyrim isnt using Gamebryo. *edit* wait never mind they are still using it. Kinda interesting that they kept Gamebryos format for their new engine. Im going to be modding Skyrim (never modded oblivion) and well if its using nif format its not to bad. As long as it has a exporter for maya its fine for me : D Iv worked with it in the past. Kinda cool that its a format that stores all the textures and materials inside it so you create you're material network externally rather than using a bad hacked together in engine material editor. However this was using the Gamebryo nif exporter not bethesda one (if its any different?). Personally I find making materials in game far more anoying than setting it up in you're own modeling program (UDK excluded). maya? hmmm Interesting. Maybe I'll try that path vs. the 3dsmax one I was using previously. Are there any tutorials for that specific export path, any specific instructions - I've just seen blender & max, though they are both painfully convoluted? I know that the nif format varies between games (ie, morrowind nif =/= civ4 nif =/= oblivion nif, etc etc), so how do you get it from the pure gamebryo format to the game-specific nif? What's been your problem with max exports? What version of max? I use max 9 and my exports have always been flawless, I've felt blessed personally that's it's so much easier than other games I've modded. If it's possible to use max for skyrim exports in the future I'll be happy to help if you still encounter problems
  19. greywaste


    Where I live there's a beginning 8% on all income and then about another 32% on everything over $8000. And then a sales tax of 25% on most non-perishable goods (which I'm fine with). Don't join the peanut gallery either and throw the infrastructure strawman up. It could all be covered by taxes that aren't coerced.
  20. greywaste


    Well it's important that we differentiate based upon the type of tax, sales tax vs income tax for instance. I'm talking about income tax here and morally while I can't bring myself to use the term 'theft' I believe that it's lying more in blackmail/coercion territory - since it's more a case of "Don't want to pay? well good luck putting food on your table" It goes unquestioned by most due to either approval or conditioning, a conditioning that has instilled in us the belief that we have a collective right to the fruits of another persons labour. Without going into the various other scams governments come up with to take your earnings (Here in Denmark, the "media licence" is a beautiful example - Want broadband? Then you'd better fork out for a licence, all payments made to the state run broadcasting corporation. You can of course opt out by either forgoing internet access or purchase a sub 128k connection and good luck with that) I think that income tax levying has gone to the politicians heads. I prefer sales taxes, there's an element of choice which I think is a hallmark of a supposedly free society and they are less invasive upon peoples liberty and lifestyle choices.
  21. You realise Jim that at some point in this threads lifespan, somebody is going to come along and twist those words to mean "I'm a racist, sexist, homophobe and I don't give a damn!" :tongue: I learned my lesson a long time ago so a blanket solution for the thin skin problem that I adopted was to just generally stop talking to people, that way potentially 'offensive' topics never get the chance to come up. :) Good old Identity politics, for when simple ideals weren't enough :facepalm:
  22. There's going to be tons of complaints :biggrin: a clue : http://i44.tinypic.com/23iihxz.jpg Just being lighthearted there, but my prediction is tons of bitching about the female (and to a lesser extent, male) bodies not being *cough* "realistic" when you remove their clothes :facepalm:
  23. There's also body scaling adjustments now, though I suppose it's possible the engine just takes care of that and the data isn't in the nif. In any case, I actually hope it's a bit more complex to work with, will reduce the amount of crud/shoddy conversions and rips that appear..
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