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Everything posted by greywaste

  1. Yup. A hundred or more years of immigration (which included many years of peaceful trading) that eventually gets ugly resulting in wars vs. blitzkrieg. I understand some of the rationale being used to compare, but the comparison itself is just too far out to justify that rationale.
  2. Ermm, because they weren't planning on going back? I'd give up on this strain if I were you, your credibility has taken a pretty major hit. :biggrin:
  3. Those presets show some great potential imo. Can't speak for everyone else but I'll be RP'ing a few chars through it over a few multiple hundred hour sessions I think, not creating a new dolly everyday and posting pics of her here for the following five years after the games release :biggrin:
  4. A greased 75 degree metal slide slippery kind of slope It's a little dubious citing the softest of the illegal drugs in comparison to alcohol (and I'm wondering how many of those were cases of alcohol being the scapegoat - heart disease, liver problems etc) Ultimately, any stats we can find are meaningless since the usage rates in those stats are going to be way out considering it's a comparison between a legal substance and illegal ones. I know a lot, too much in fact, about drug use and users and due to my experiences I would never legalise *hard* drugs. Alcohol creates more than enough problems by itself. While I can understand the arguments for and see reason in them I just couldn't agree. The war on drugs is failing because it isn't a war on drugs. In my mind the lesser of two evils here would be finding out where they live and send an Apache over, that or Special Forces raids, Bin Laden style and keep doing it until noone dared to step in and fill the last guys boots. It seems worth a try to me in any case. The cartels are prepared to wipe out entire town police forces (or any Americans who get too close for that matter)with military grade weaponry. Do an image search for some of the weapon caches they've recovered from these guys, they'll just turn to other forms of equally violent crime if their grip on drugs disappears.
  5. Thats actually part of that hairstyle, I forget which individual pack it's from but take a look here : http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5718
  6. greywaste


    This is the first one I've noticed *and* had time to post about that has contained nothing other than an insult. I may have missed some others. If so, apologies.
  7. greywaste


    The only conclusion I can come to from this post is that you have yet to have had the true experience of using your brain. I'm usually not so courteous when someone makes personal attacks against my marriage. Know that if you decide to stoop so low again, the gloves may come off. :nuke: Hmm, so he claims his "targets" might not have experienced love and you respond by calling him stupid. Rather a lot of your responses to other people are like this aren't they? Please try not to ruin the thread, some of us are enjoying reading it.
  8. As for US immigration, just try getting in as a European unless you have a crazy amount of luck, lots of cash or are a very well educated specialist. I'd be willing to wear a tag for instance to prevent me just going underground if it meant I got a shot at finding work and residence. Anyway, lets try and keep this current and free of demagoguery please : you know who you are. Marharth : It's your thread, if you don't want it shut down or pointlessly sidetracked, tell people to stop going OT and perhaps PM a mod if they do keep doing it.
  9. I Don't like them either, but try running a nation with millions of people in it without them. The only way to rein them in is by retaining as much local / state power as possible. States and regions having very different demogrpahics and needs, it forces the pols to work harder to keep their jobs at least In Britain, Government at the local level nowadays is more like talking to some snotty secretary than feeling you are getting any kind of representation. And thats before you even look at how much UK policy gets decided by the EU The Country I now live in, we have basically 5 Social Democrat parties masquerading under different names all pretty much keeping the status quo the exact way it's been since the 60's - apart from rising prices and all new "services" that we have to pay for yet didn't ask for.
  10. Got some unweighted verices by the looks of it, probably needs taking back into your 3d app and re-weighting
  11. Britain is a nanny state that's too large to manage, buckling under it's own weight and many historians and economists believe it's been in decline for a long long time especially since World War 2 though. I've lived in two of the areas that got trashed and have been to most of the others at some point so it was pretty saddening but not particularly surprising. Many of those looters and "experts" that have been interviewed have tried to romanticise it or justify it but it's basically just feral behaviour and zero respect/contempt for society and law.
  12. A Crime family and one of the worlds most powerful armies removed with an elected governement replacing it and Al Qaida and the Taliban as an actual governing power pretty much out of the picture with the loss of less than five thousand troops? The only resemblance I see to Vietnam is that there are a multitude of reasons and goals for both and that the peaceniks once again were happy to sit back and watch people be murdered and live in absolute misery and squalor generation after generation and have those nations used as proxies for war against the west rather than make a painful choice that involved the lesser of two evils. The Hmong people just to name one tribe were just so happy to see those foul imperialists get off their (err I mean the "people's republic's") land :rolleyes: The North Koreans now are on average a few inches shorter than people South of the border thanks to decades of malnutrition and stavation at the hands of that crackpot family.
  13. Private mashup. Thought so but im after that cloth on the torso. where does that come from I'm pretty sure the cloth on the torso is a retextured poser model.
  14. Whether he did intend to attract people with that name / imagery is a moot point since everybody just goes robot and does the "oh noez - evil nasty mega-corp vs. cool, really nice indie developer" :|
  15. Sadly hilarious vid : And now you have the current VP agreeing that people who complain about debt are "terrorists" :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  16. I didn't read the whole thread as this is just a quick quip from a 'foreigner', but the thread title is a little redundant in my opinion - I've seen rapidly declining school systems in Britain and Denmark too, so I'd guess this is a Western problem in general? As for Art & Music, they should be available, but I also think that schools should have trade skills (construction, plumbing etc) available to teach at say 14+ for pupils who aren't going to make University so at least they leave school with something they can use to earn a living (Art & Music being useful in this respect too).
  17. @Heartcloud The last outfit is a black recolour of Mizuki Ninja outfit : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13528
  18. I prefer the perks and gameplay changes in New Vegas, but as for location and actual playthroughs Fallout 3 wins for me
  19. I learnt to take it all with a pinch of salt many years ago, but for light reading online, the Daily Telegraph, after that whatever. The headlines themselves aren't usually too far wrong regardless of outlet, it's when politically motivated journalists with huge egos and a colossal sense of self righteousness add supposition and guesswork to pad an otherwise vague story out that one can begin to think "oh really??" Then you get to see some of the whackjob reader comments of course and can really see just how screwed we are :facepalm: If I'm in the mood for some blatantly partisan/idealogically slanted giggles then I'll occasionally watch a few clips from the Fox opinion shows / Daily show. As for Colbert :wacko: He's like Jon Stewart minus any semblance of comedy or genuine satire.
  20. Just so you know more details here and perhaps can think on the morals of it, what that guy did was download (probably from a warez site to avoid paying for them)a ton of commercial meshes and textures - i.e. stuff that people make for the purpose of making a living off - and ported them into fallout 3 and tried to pass it off as his own work making it available to others for free on Nexus - so it wasn't just a case of "someone elses textures" - he was a full on software pirate. It's no different to somebody uploading a DLC here.
  21. Most of that stuff is ripped so it'll be "private"
  22. And one of the whistleblowers has just karked it.. while this feasibly *could* be foul play, I'm going to open up my Tinfoil hat stall early tomorrow anyway. :geek:
  23. greywaste


    Well, over here (Denmark) the amount of teenagers on Anti-depressants has doubled in the last 10 years. We definitely over-medicate. But in Denmarks case, that's just the way things are done out here - It's a colossal nanny state. Everythings taken care of for you.
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