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Everything posted by BlackRoseOfThorns

  1. ACBel is not on the safe list of psu manufacturers. Their iPower PSU model was a disaster. http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/acbel-polytech-ipower-660-power-supply-review/9/ Polytech R9 900W unit from 2010 was barely average. http://www.jonnyguru.com/modules.php?name=NDReviews&op=Story5&reid=210 This brand is not commonly distributed and you will have hard time finding reliable information on your model.
  2. Me not sure where you get this information from but memory values are reserved by it's program not by dll's Their are many software that use dx11 and still are written in 32 bits, why it's lot easier and less time consuming. This is also the reason Beth soon have skyrim in 64 bit native which can't be runned on a 32 bit os. He is talking about Win8/10 limitation for DX9 games. https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1263324/gpu-memory-allocation-limit-on-directx9-windows-8
  3. That's because those are landscape packs and not town, architecture or clutter packs. I was under an impression you already had those. In this case go with this installation order: SMIM NobleSkyrimMod HD Project Parallax Revived for NobleSkyrimMod HD Tree replacer (SFO no grass.esp / Enhanced Vanilla Trees / David Trees -pick one) Verdant Grass Plugin Skyrim HD Tribute Vivid Landscapes AIO aMidianBorn Book of Silence Rustic Clothes by Gamwich Rugnarok by Gamwich HalkHogan HD mods Optional: fence Skyrim complete 3D by Renthal311 Skyrim Landscape Overhaul - Stone Walls by Xenophobe3 + New texture for Skyrim Landscape Overhaul Stone Walls by PandoraTremere (get the optional file for Whiterun rubble stonewalls)
  4. Custom gtx 1070 shouldn't use more than 225W. HD 7700 showed ~220W power consumption in benchmarks, so as long as you have a good quality PSU (preferably a good brand 500W+ Bronze -up to Platinum-) there shouldn't be a problem. I wouldn't risk running your new graphic card on dieing psu. Evga has the best RMA policies and good customer service. If you will be ordering your card online, I would go with this brand. I had really good experience with them. The cards might cost tiny bit more, but it's great for people that can't afford new card when something happens. For other brands I would go with a local store, which has official partnership and a technician, so that RMA can be solved within few days. Otherwise you might be stuck without your card for few weeks, as they send it to manufacturer for checkup. If you have space below and above the gpu in your PC case, go with custom dual fan cooler model. They tend to be more efficient, achieving lower temperatures at lower noise level. Original Nvidia blower style cooler (single fan) is for SLI and very small PC cases where the dual fan card can't properly get rid of the hot air. Personally I would also swap PC case, if it's not optimal for cooling or new psu. New cards don't support VGA, all are designed for HDMI output only. I don't know what kind of setup you have right now, but in case you have old VGA monitor (or one of the popular korean ips models), you will have to buy decent converter for around 20-30$.
  5. Still all the windows and other application processes get shuffled and squeezed into the cores with most load. Trying to assign those non skyrim processes manually doesn't work good enough to bother with. I'm hoping that Remastered version (after modding catches up to it), will be the answer to all our problems.
  6. You can make Skyrim balance the load on different threads you can have 2 dedicated threads for AI and 2 dedicated threads for Rendering + another 4 threads for the rest. This sounds nice in theory, but in my experience in practice it's almost useless. I've tried this .ini tweak while monitoring my cpu and 2 cores were still maxing while 1 wasn't doing anything, 1 barely did anything and that's with cpu's cores idling disabled in the bios during the test.
  7. Yeah, it's a good idea, however!!! >> >> Vivid Landscape series doesn't cover all landscape textures. Use Skyrim HD Parallax Terrain Tribute rework by the same author (Hein84) first and then overwrite it Vivid Landscapes. This will work with FixParallaxTerrain=true.
  8. More like TerrainPrallax texture set got overwitten with either few non parallax or mesh parallax set files and vice versa.
  9. I'm telling you those two are two different parallaxes. One needs parallax mesh and _p.dds for ENB FixParallax=true, the other one ENB FixParallaxTERRAIN=true and special _n.dds. It has to be ParallaxTerrain ready _n.dds texture, not just prallax _p.dds file. They are not compatible with each other (on landscape) and ENB will ruin NON ParallaxTerrain _n.dds, if you have set FixParallaxTERRAIN=true in enblocal.ini.
  10. Install the one that has the roads and dirt textures you like the best (since you will get seams otherwise) and then try to mix and match a bit. Skyrim HD Tributte, aMidianBorn Landscape and Tamriel Reloaded HD covers all base game vanilla landscapes with Terrain Parallax. Try Vivid Landscapes Tundra and Tamu75 on top of any of those mods. You must have some Terrain Parallax textures and you don't even know about it. That or it's just road meshes, which use basic parallax and won't bug out with Terrain Parallax like the rest of ground landscape meshes (ONLY LANDSCAPE! It doesn't work for cities, bricks, etc).
  11. Maybe you should keep the discussion under one thread instead of posting it as two separate posts, since you didn't add any input from your side.
  12. It's more optimal to just remove end game. You disable the caps for enemy spawns, add more perks to spend more skill points on, stuff like that. With all the quest and immersion mods on the nexus you won't get bored on the way there.
  13. Parallax terrain is only for special textures, which have merged high map into normal map (Skyrim HD Parallax Tributte, Tamriel Reloaded HD, Tamu75 Terrain Parallax, Skyrim 2016 Terrain Parallax STP). It won't work with _p.dds files and will just distort normal textures. You have to stick to one texture type and compatible parallax technique -no mixing.
  14. Your cpu might be strained. Skyrim won't use more tham 2 cores, hence it relies on cpu high clock speed. Though quad core models will help with Enb setups. Use monitoring tool to determine, if one of your cores is maxing when loading uGrids. Try reducing shadow distance, as they are cpu bound.
  15. The first time game loads necessary assets in order to access your save, it fills more of the available memory than normal. Skyrim is 32bit application with hard cap on ram and memory heap. When you reach the limit game will crash. You can alleviate this a bit by using Enb/Enboost tweak and SKSE with Crash Fixes.
  16. USLEEP, Crash Fixes and Bug Fixes are your friends.
  17. Download TK Dodge 2.0, set immunity time to 0.45+sec in MCMenu. Roll away and enjoy.
  18. Np. For me Skyrim and Falllout takes the biggest chunk of my ssd. In your place I would google "Enderal with Mod Organizer" videos. I remember few guides being posted by the community.
  19. The fix is for the seams you get at half of the tree height. Vurts Snowy pines are a bit problematic. They use 2 textures: 512x2048 trunk bark and 256x2048 branch bark. You would have to stack 2x 512x2048 barks in editor. It might be easier for you to just swap the model for vanilla or one from Enhanced Vanilla Trees pack. Aren't you using mod organizer? You would be able to figure this out in 3sec just by looking at conflict section.
  20. It replaces all tree textures. Some are aligned like vanilla and some are brand new. Most of trunk textures are basic 1024x2048 resolution, but they need mirrored edge for smooth tiling. Check "Upgrade Fix for Trees HD". Treepineforestbarkcomp3 covers majority of pine types.
  21. Hey, the Rudy ENB you posted look sweet, thats one way to amp it up. Well, im looking for some HD textures, Waters, or maybe a mod like the Resurrection one for Fallout 4, that adds a lot more green. If you scroll to my last post on the page, you'll find what you're looking for. As for overhauls, there is Tropical Skyrim, but it's not the same quality as Resurrection. Tamriel Reloaded HD might be closer to that, but you will have to swap few textures here and there to get the most out of it. Full TR HD pack (with Grasses, Trees and Landscape) looks best with grainy sepia ENBs like Somber ENB. Enhanced Landscapes is pretty sweet, when you can spare fps and cpu power. Green Tundra Grass and Swamp Mushrooms are the optional .esp choices.
  22. Nothing is holding you back from playing both of them at the same time. There will be no rebuilding of your mod list. Enderal is a standalone game and won't work with most of the Skyrim gameplay mods (conflicts with Skyrims world space edits, skill trees, etc) and none of your old characters. I would just advise using texture pack like NobleSkyrim HD as it covers landscape, clutter and some of the buildings. SMIM, aMidianBorn Book of Silence and Rustic Clothes is also a fine choice. Rename a copy of your modded Skyrim to _Skyrim. Let Enderal adjust clean Skyrim version with installer. I swap folder names between Skyrim, Saves and _Skyrim, _Saves when I want to play the other one. I also run Enderal with Mod Organizer, so that the .ini files won't get mixed up.
  23. "Best" is a wide term. No matter what pc build someone has, there is always a way to overmod your game :laugh: It would help, if you posted more details on what you are interested in. Colorful fantasy, grim realistic, weathers - stuff like that. I have posted my recommendations in other thread few days ago. -Link- Just scroll down and check content hidden in mutliple Spoiler section.
  24. I think you would have more luck on LL site. They are more into sexy hdt armor conversions.
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