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Everything posted by BlackRoseOfThorns

  1. Some items got shifted a bit due to new SKI categories: -Custom shop mats/rugs are under Shops>Vendors-SKI. -Bar items should be in Shops>Food&Drink. -Barn category is placed in Structures. I'm not using your FarHarborHomemakerPatch and it's where it is suppose to be. -New Snap'n Build all in one is activated through a holotape and found under Structures>Snap. -Only Modular Wood Doorways SNB are under Wood Structures. -Better Stores v1.3 has it's own category under Decorations. -BYOP now requires a magazine placed near Vault 111 and has it's own category in main menu. My Wood Structures are pretty well organized and there isn't that much to scroll through. Make sure you have the latest version and right patches. I believe Better Stores v1.3 doesn't require standalone SK patch. When you build items from scratch it's often less immersive, if it's super dirty and used up. That's why I like some options to pick from. Singing Settler by Akarnan Basement Living by fadingsignal Settlement Garage Sale Gruffydd's Signs of the Times Just Curtains Just Rugs Alternate Furniture by Stuyk Renovated Furniture by aesfocus (with optional dirty textures) Settler's Furniture by schme Colored Workshop Lights by mm137 Longer Power Lines Infinite Power Conduits and Pylon - Passive Power Radius increase Better Generators by Expired6978 Silent Generators and Turrets by NordicRaven Where Did I Put That... by OctaviusSentibar + NotWithoutAPen Do It Yourshelf - clutter for shelves and bookcases Functional Displays - Display your collection Looks Mirror by Expired6978 Settlement Attacks Beyond Snapping Improved (No ESP) by modlurker Snapping Improved for (DLC WW01)(No ESP) by modlurker NSO - New Snap Order - snap points for furniture and decor Buildable Power Armor Frames by Lapdragon (prevents Power Armor reset due to cell reset bug) You might want to wait a bit with the newest DDProductions AIO, as the author stated in a post that he will most likely add few missing categories and change form ID. This will lead to reset of already crafted objects when updating to new version of this mod. This one will add a ton of immersive craftable objects like draw bridges, elevators, spiral staircases, glass stuff, lights with shadows, animated water wells, solar panels, buildable bears with hats and weapons, etc.
  2. o_O If it was still Skyrim, it would explain why CHICKENS could witness and report your crimes.
  3. The latest F4se is 1.5.205. Was avaible for a while as beta download at f4se.silverlock.org. It will work as long as you don't sign up for Fallout 4 BETA 1.5.211 through Steam.
  4. Survival Menu Save Enable. Problem solved. Same as WhiskeyRiver I'm using this one for saving. Already made around 40 permament saves in Survival Mode. I also recommend: MikeTMs Survival Rebalance Customizable Needs ''plus'' Realistic Aid Side Effects
  5. At least reading this made me feel better knowing that I'm not the only person getting a headache after seeing this thread. He was a troublemaker purposefully stirring the pot and moderators didn't want to deal with him. End of story.
  6. Just make sure to read description when updating your mods. In some cases objects you already have placed will vanish due to changes in mod structure. It's not related to SKI/E, just to some version upgrades for mods like Functional Displays or replacing DDproductions older mods with new AIO. Btw I highly recommend his new DDP AIO Alpha Test THE MERGING IS COMPLETE and Ccmads Settlement Objects Expansion Pack as those are navmeshed for NPCs (they recognize and use stairs, walkways, etc). For some time we didn't had updates for SKE too, but recently Sharlikran got back and everything is in order again. The independed version is quite new, as it was uploaded to public in May, but I'm quite happy with it. You're welcome :wink:
  7. You don't have to resign from anything. I have x5 more settlement mods than you have and everything works perfectly. Get Settlements Keywords Independent + Patches (can be either SKI or SKE patch). It edits settlement crafting menu through a script, which solves the issue. I think BYOP now has it's own script and doesn't need a patch. Settlement Keywords Independent by Stuyk Sharlikran DOOM Edit: You had old SK (non expanded / independent v1.3). It's outdated. That's why you have all those isses.
  8. For me the build size goes down when I scrap weapons, but it's just a tiny bit at a time. It's weird that all of your settlements are at 0. Are you sure you don't have installed mod that increases your build limit to the point where it shows 0.1% used space?
  9. See you got everything wrong and it seems you made that first post on this forum to start a fight. This was a response to that particular poster and it said nowhere that whole console community is bad. However the fact is that bethesda.net is a mess, without means to edit post section and you will see a lot of offensive comments from people like that guy without means to filter it. If you had calmIy read the whole post, you would see that I'm pointing at lack of proper tools on bethesda.net. Without those authors will have hard time getting through to users and helping them mature in a way they are interacting with each other. Posting praises and thanks has nothing to do with it. Ofc it will boost morale, however there is much more to posting on mod page. Authors need reliable input on their mod performance and sometimes they like to brainstorm with users, but on occasions they won't take any request and specify that in their log. On Nexus you can include on your mod page all needed information to prevent useless questions and make things clear for the users. On bethesda.net it is limited. Posting "Don't download, it sucks." doesn't help mod author to find and fix a bug. Neither does downvoting. On Nexus we have multiple technical support threads avaible for each single mod. Authors try really hard to provide flawless content, but it's not possible for amaturers to keep their work bugfree 100% of the time. If someone deosn't feel like dealing with bethesda.net in current state, we cannot force them to go and upload their personal work there.
  10. I can't even take this seriously. http://ct.fra.bz/ol/fz/sw/i53/5/4/19/frabz-Pitchfork-Mob-ready-and-waiting-253c36.jpg You don't need to. But you just have to respect it. No, we don't have to respect it. See, this is the problem and it's with society as a whole. It's the segmentation and vilification of the "Other". In this case it's because someone simply chooses to play games on a different machine, either because of available funds or because of ease of use. This tribalistic attitude doesn't help anything or anyone, it just seeks to further divide. I suggest we just start ignoring him from now on. Not being able to see things from different perpectives is such a bad trait and you can hardly reason with people like that.
  11. This ^. It's just another layer of immersion. If anyone says that there wouldn't be anything like that in apocalyptic world - where there is no law globally enforced and no institutions teaching new generations about morality - I would call him naive. Even modern day civilization is not that prude to ban everything everywhere. This is an optional content provided as mods on third party site and I don't see why people get so shocked. You should have seen LL framework for Skyrim, that was something on completely different level.
  12. Have you set F4se .exe to always run as administrator? Sometimes it will refuse to load, if you don't do it. NMM also should be updated manualy, so it properly adds * sign to active .esps in your plugin.txt. You could try moving all your mods to backup folder, use only your old backup Fallout 4 files, update it to .205, chreate new character and at the very end add F4se .205.
  13. That's the thing. It doesn't have to have any effect on his face to produce a bug. Bethesda made it so that any changes to NPCs, no matter how small, have to be merged into one file so the face can load properly. That's why you have "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch" compability patches for companion face overhauls. From what I know, mods like that add high level of sneak perk to each invidual companion. You will have to find mod conflicting with this one, it might be a fix or patch. Load all your mods and open companions can sneak and select Nicks records, if you can see them. On the right panel it should show you how many mods edit same NPC, including original Fallout .esm.
  14. Try verifying game cache through Steam (after backing up your .ini's, saves, plugin list), then reinstalling F4se .205 and making new FO4 F4se .exe shortcut. Saves from May 31st should work without problems as long all your script extender dependant mods are updated for v.205. For those you created after beta .210/.211 rolled out, you have to check yourself.
  15. Unless you had beta download enabled or steam updated client to 1.5.211, your game should be still v1.5.205 and working with F4se .205. http://f4se.silverlock.org/ I'm not sure, if F4se .210 beta works at this point since bethesda changed beta version from .210 to .211 within 24h.
  16. For now you could get a mod with better map zoom and better sorting for ease of use: CMM Cartographers Map Markers Fallout4 Edition (marker size is optional) Immersive maps 2K - 4K Valdacil's Item Sorting Clean Black Pip-Boy Screen You could ask on the forum, if there aren't any known .ini camera zoom tweaks for the pipboy. I heard that setting FOV to 90 makes it bigger. You could get FO4 Hotkeys and make a shortcut for changing camera zoom depending on what you are doing.
  17. Your video looks clear and sharp. I like how smooth you went from one scene to another and the music was spot on. I would just replace normal combat with slow motion caption, preferably without UI. You could spice your next video with some interesting animations from mods like "Have a Beer", "Usable Cigarretes", "Sit Anywhere", "Animated Chems". With FO4 Hotkeys you could bind certain animations to keys, all you need is to find console command name and type it in the .ini file. PS: What's your setup?
  18. I can't even take this seriously. http://ct.fra.bz/ol/fz/sw/i53/5/4/19/frabz-Pitchfork-Mob-ready-and-waiting-253c36.jpg
  19. This is the thing a lot of people are just ignoring. There's no reason really simple things like texture swaps, companions, new items, settlement additions, etc can't be on console too. Other than just spite. I understand if someone can't test it themselves due to being on PC only, but reach out to console people and ask them to test or just flag your mod as untested. People on console would be more than happy to take a chance with something than not have it at all, I think. Stuff like ENBs, mods that need script extender to work, that's not going to happen on console. People will have to deal with it. And I think they will, it's just the idiot Dewritos crowd harassing right now. They'll all drop off for the most part once mods are out and they realize it's not going to happen. But I think forsaking consoles from having even the simple stuff completely, just to spite people, is completely childish and it honestly disgusts me. Have you though that maybe authors don't want to deal with people like you in their support thread and private messages? Being rash and accuse mod creators of jerk moves is seriously not a way to go and yet I see tons of post like that on bethesda.net (dating pre Xbox1 official launch!!!). How many people like you come here, make a new account just to have their first post exactly like yours? This is something that neither uploaders or supporters want to see here. We had here fairly decent supportive community build over the years which was encouraging modding. Console community is not there yet and with how things are only time will show if they ever be. It takes time to keep tracks of everything and upload updates and fixes on multiple platforms, especially when most mods are WIP. Being constantly questioned by people that have no grasp on how the mods work or are made is not easy to handle. Nexus has much better technical structure for managing your mod page, since it was made with modders in mind. Bethesda.net is messy at best. You can't manage anything on that site properly. PC mods are just added there as an afterthought and have links to Nexus mod page. Nexus doesn't support console modding and I don't see why mod authors should host their own sites to provide better support. If you don't like it, go bug bethesda to fix their site. Even the load times are terrible. I don't know if people are aware, but some modders had their work removed from bethesda.net for uploading files flagged as Xbox1/PS4 too soon. Also there were complains about how long it takes to upload on that site. Sometimes the file is broken (bad compression, not all files being packed, CK crashed and when recreating the changes someone made a mistake, etc) and needs a fast fix. With how the console community reacts to any issues with a mod, we can clearly see they want a polished and finished product. http://i.imgur.com/RGkguoR.png Because of that people will rather postpone uploading anything there untill they are done with their project. On Nexus everyone are considered beta testers and with exception of few rare cases, they all know what it means. If someone is being an idiot or harassing anyone, his comments can be hidden by mod author or moderator.
  20. Somehow I never experienced this Black Blurr. Is it tied to certain locations/meshes?
  21. Seriously dude, you aren't as clear with your posts as you think you are when they are just comments scattered over the thread. If you didn't had issues with the mod you didn't had to respond to my post and we wouldn't had this conversation in the first place. Don't know why you went so defensive, but if I would have started assuming things as well, this nit-picking comment/question could be thrown right back at this post.
  22. I just had to come here to see the pic. Totally worth it :laugh: As for the issue, do you have any mods editing NPC stats/outfits/dialogue/facial? Having more than one mod for one NPC (even when it tweaks only some numbers), might cause a face bug. I'm guessing that for someone with synthetic face it must look something like your screenshot. Load your mods in FO4edit and check for conflicts.
  23. F4se beta .205 works with 1.5.205 update. New steam beta 1.5.211 just rolled out, so make sure your Fallout4 profile is set to opt out any of it (if you had it turned on before). There is no F4se for v.211 atm. I have tried without any mods or loaders, a full clean install. It just will not start without restarting my computer. Clean install doesn't matter when Steam downloads updates in the background. It's enough to just have it open, even when not playing Fallout 4. It's a bit annoying this time around. Last time there was a major update I had to keep my steam in offline mode for 2 days untill some of thew mods I was using got updated to the latest version.
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