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Everything posted by South8028

  1. Yes. This is a trap, I just made it looped, eternal and changed it to hedge meshes. The lightning effect should probably be redone because I haven't figured out how to position the vanilla lightning yet.https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Kozk82z_xqPvCQ https://youtu.be/CNGcQZrI0Lo Here everything is tied to the mod and you can see the scripts and parameters in ck. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/9KDsJfOgjwUqnA
  2. https://youtu.be/v4lU0GECQ-UI have roughly understood the principle. I copied the sequences from the vanilla trap. But maybe we should loop the effect and adjust addOnNode's so that the lightning strikes from above instead of below, and so that it is an always-on fence, not a trap. I will also try to experiment with other sequences.
  3. In "Starship Troopers 2 Hero of the Federation" there was a powerful electric fence. A thick electric arc effect can be made from a bunch of splines by linking the spline vertices with helpers using the link Xform modifier and applying the Noise modifier. Then you need to export the animation to fbx and import it back to max. When imported, the Noise modifier is baked into the animation of the mesh. You will get lightning splines that you can assign bsEffectFx to. But what else? What sequences, collision types, do you need a trigger zone collision directly in nif? In general, we need the structure of the nif of the trap from the point of view of 3d max.
  4. I can make a fence. Electric or laser. But I don't know how to trigger damage effect on the character. To be shocked, or cut off a limb, and not just killed instantly. I've made "traps", but they kill npc, or the player on spot collision, without any trigger.
  5. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16354I am using Synth Fabricator. It's more authentic.
  6. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26230
  7. You can do it, but you need to somehow transfer the projection of the Commonwealth map to max. In general, you need the texture of the entire map, with the height and buildings data xyz, in order to stretch the uv on the plane at a scale of 1:1. Then you can assemble the train and animate it, run it all over the Commonwealth with stops.
  8. There is a building mod with a prefabricated irrigation system. But it's decorative. It does nothing other than appearance.https://gamer-mods.ru/load/fallout_4/doma_poselenija/capital_repairs_snap_n_build/135-1-0-6088
  9. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/HF4CIIBSquklYQSwitch example. Sound can be added to the activator in ck. The activator window has fields for this. Can be added in max. We discussed it here on the forum ~2 months ago. Search old posts. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/Rwd7FqdH4svl3w
  10. um... I don't know. According to this manual, I made furniture and markers using idle from mixamo. I made animated furniture, like a treadmill, a pole dance scene for idle savage cabbage. I made dozens of invisible markers for mixamo dance animation. Everything is removed and there were no problems. I remember that markers were not removed from this mod.https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20651?tab=description
  11. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37617 I made markers using this tutorial. It's like crazy rugs. Any markers with switching 2x animation states also hung for me when their number increased. They did not switch to an invisible state. I don't know why, but in all such mods, the markers can freeze. Therefore, I simply made such markers invisible using an alpha texture. Ordinary invisible rugs whose contours are visible in the workshop.
  12. Thanks for the support I appreciate that. Yes, I already know the door tutorial here on nexus, but I wasn't sure about the setup of the sequences because unfortunately there are no tutorials for it. I can see from the screenshot that you created the dome blinds as an activator in the CK. I have the problem that my gate in the game falls apart as soon as I place it in workshop mode. With such nifs, do all collision meshes have to be set as 'anim static'? My gate is a roll-up gate with 'anim static' collision mesh...to the left and right of it are walls with static collision mesh. Could this be the problem causing my gate to fall apart in game? I'll try to write a small tutorial article, but I don't know how it will turn out. I know English badly. 50% text Google translator. )
  13. Yes i have 3ds max 2013, havok content tools 2014 and the nif import/export plugin.Find a tutorial on creating animated doors. Available on the Nexus. Everything is done in exactly the same way using gemebryo animation manager. But instead of the "Open" and "Close" sequences, use the sequences On, UnpoweredOn, Off, UnpoweredOff. Morph tags are not needed. In the Extra Info Tags fields, you can write the names of sound descriptors in ck if they are needed for each sequence. Next, save as pe anim. Swipe through Elrich. Open nif in nifscop. Copy to your nif BsBehaviorGraphExtraData and the desired bs conect point. The power connection point is called P-WS-Snap, connections via conduits - P-Conduit01.https://disk.yandex.ru/d/_HmJ2z2YqhfLyg https://disk.yandex.ru/a/Q1j606sj5uAZsw
  14. These dome blinds looks really cool :)Can you explain me how you do this with the sequences? Or do you have some links to tutorials for me? have you installed max 2013 and official plugins?
  15. I make these doors with regular vanilla sequence. unpoweredOff, on, off, unpoweredOn. Sequence On - animation to open the door, Sequence unpoweredOff - animation to close the door.
  16. I'm also a gantz fan. But it's a lot of work. There are many models from the franchise online, but they are very high poly. For example, a suit is ~1.2 million polygons. They cannot be optimized. I would have made models for Ganz long ago, but I'm too lazy. They are complex. If you find ready-made models in any format (3ds, obj, fbx and all that), medium poly, then I will paste them into fo4.
  17. Thanks. But I couldn't solve the problem. Made an easier way. I placed the "p ws snap" point for the blinds under the floor, from there it is easy to route the wiring anywhere.https://youtu.be/AJCPj2ZV40o
  18. No. I added all the necessary parameters to ck. I have already made conductors many times, so the point is not in the ck parameters, but probably in the nif itself. Perhaps the fact that the whole structure is divided into animated parts blocks the transmission of power? Or maybe because it is too big for the conductor? Or maybe some special parameter is needed for such objects? In general, I'll probably just make blinds right away with a "remote control" in the room, through which it will be possible to control directly. I don't know what's wrong with nif. Perhaps someone else can advise.
  19. There is such an object of the workshop. 2048x2048 in size. Consists of 48 meshes. The structure is animated, stained-glass windows are spinning. I want to add to it there are animated shutters on the dome. In order for them to be controlled from the room through a switch, I wanted to make a conductor from the entire building, because I do not want to spoil the appearance with conductors. I added bs connect points P-Conduit01 and P-WS-Rotation to it, registered it in ck. But no matter how much I tried, the building does not want to conduct power. What am I missing? https://disk.yandex.ru/a/ZHjssgJIBdLD9A
  20. any animated static deals damage under certain circumstances. I once made a big arena in which I spawned crowds of ghouls, super mutants, synths, raiders, and they made chaos there. I built up the whole space with saws, pendulum hammers and self-propelled conveyors of death. Half of the creatures were killed simply by static. Crushed, tossed, tossed at each other. Any static capable of crushing or moving at high speed can kill.
  21. Â Â Okay so I've made a bit of progress, and actually I do find it easier to animate the nif in 3ds MAX like South8028 suggested above, and then have the animation play in game. There will be no player or NPC interaction with these objects, so no issues will arise there. This leads me to another question which I think is more NifSkope related. How do I set up the animation so it just plays by itself without the need for scripting and activators in CK? I just want the animation to play on an indefinite loop as soon as the game loads. I have seen someone ask this question on a forum from 2013, and they ended up solving their own problem but they did not describe the solution in enough detail. It was also for the original Skyrim which could be different. There are two ways. 1. Use sequences in gamebryo animation manager in max. For example SpecialIdle. This vanilla sequence starts the animation without scripting. Don't forget to set the "loop" flag. 2. Create an animation without sequences, assign a material and export as you like. Like pe weapon, or static art, it doesn't matter. Pass through elrich as usual. Open in nifscope. Change the flags of the Transform controller or others, depending on what exactly you are animating, from "clamp" to "cycle".https://disk.yandex.ru/i/TuVwyKy61gbiYg https://disk.yandex.ru/a/v4X893bWsCCJYw
  22. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/HF4CIIBSquklYQ https://youtu.be/mBO_C7iikws https://youtu.be/z-obsnPYVFk It is done in Max just like doors. But unlike doors, tags are not used. Sequence names only. Also, any sequence can be looped and contain any number of frames. Extra data is simply copied to the nifscope from any switch nif. Similarly, bs connect point for wires, or other types of connections, can be added and set to nifscope.
  23. I tried it and it works. Thank you. With this I can create vehicles. Before this, the character was thrown off flying meshes when crossing the uGridsToLoad boundary, but with the "isFullLod" mark, the character flies perfectly all over the map. Now I can assemble controlled aircraft, trains and boats with sequences. Do you know of a way to do this with workshop meshes so you can insert vehicles directly into the workshop? It would be perfect.
  24. yes, it can be done, but it's probably a lot of work. You will have to create and animate models in 3ds max 2013 with bgs exporter. If you have a good level of 3d modeling, you can animate the whole scene with shooting and destruction using low poly meshes. But normal animations of static meshes are only visible to the player within the uGridsToLoad area that is loaded around the player. Outside this region, animations do not play. But, in the game there is an animation of moving the Prydwen, therefore it is possible.
  25. What is a reload animation? Do you mean rotating objects when loading a level? Try experimenting in nifscope with animated nif's. You need to open the NiMultiTargetTransformController flags in the Block List and go to its parameters in Block Details. All animations with sequences have the Clamp flag, Cycle closed static loops. The parameters Frequency, Phase, Start Time, Stop Time are responsible for the speed. Also UV animations have NiTransformController and BsLightingShaderPropertyFloatController flags. In max 2013 with official plugins you can make animations for fo4, but you can't open vanilla animations. There is an exporter, but no importer. You can check the animation by selecting nif/open/creation kit 2.0.
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