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Everything posted by South8028

  1. What is a reload animation? Do you mean rotating objects when loading a level? Try experimenting in nifscope with animated nif's. You need to open the NiMultiTargetTransformController flags in the Block List and go to its parameters in Block Details. All animations with sequences have the Clamp flag, Cycle closed static loops. The parameters Frequency, Phase, Start Time, Stop Time are responsible for the speed. Also UV animations have NiTransformController and BsLightingShaderPropertyFloatController flags. In max 2013 with official plugins you can make animations for fo4, but you can't open vanilla animations. There is an exporter, but no importer. You can check the animation by selecting nif/open/creation kit 2.0.
  2. you can also use the console to control the face morphs. ) mfg morphs X Y where X is the morph number, Y is the magnitude of the change (1-100). For example mfg morphs 40 20 - smirk on the right side of the face. All morph numbers: 1 - Jaw Forward 2 - Jaw Open 3 - Left Brow Out Up 4 - Left Cheek Up 5 - Left Frown 6 - Left Jaw 7 - Left Lip Corner In 8 - Left Lip Corner Out 9 - Left Lower Lid Down 10 - Left Lower Lid Up 11 - Left Lower Lip Down 12 - Left Lower Lip Up 13 - Left Middle Brow Down 14 - Left Middle Brow Up 15 - Left Nose Up 16 - Left Outer Brow Down 17 - Left Smile 18 - Left Upper Lid Down 19 - Left Upper Lid Up 20 - Left Upper Lip Down 21 - Left Upper Lip Up 22 - Lower Lip Funnel 23 - Lower Lip Roll In 24 - Lower Lip Roll Out 25 - Pucker 26 - Right Outer Brow Up 27 - Right Cheek Up 28 - Right Frown 29 - Right Jaw 30 - Right Lip Corner In 31 - Right Lip Corner Out 32 - Right Lower Lid Down 33 - Right Lower Lid Up 34 - Right Lower Lip Down 35 - Right Lower Lip Up 36 - Right Middle Brow Down 37 - Right Middle Brow Up 38 - Right Nose Up 39 - Right Outer Brow Down 40 - Right Smile 41 - Right Upper Lid Down 42 - Right Upper Lid Up 43 - Right Upper Lip Down 44 - Right Upper Lip Up 45 - Sticky Lips 46 - Upper Lip Funnel 47 - Upper Lip Roll In 48 - Upper Lip Roll Out
  3. for animations with multiple sequences, and clothes will need to use tags in nif. I do not understand scripts, the options for 3d max and nifskop are much easier for me.
  4. Ha. ) This is not yet information. It's just that I'm groping myself for a way to voice models, especially complex voice acting. The first method I described using annotations is for havok animations (in hkx files). I thought it was identical with the nif voiceover method. But nif turns out to have a different method. It sucks that bethesda hasn't made any descriptions for their plugins. threws it out like bones to dogs. )
  5. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/UcetHGLCxy01bQ Hmm ... Then in max it is added in Gamebryo manager animation ... In Extra Info Tags. can't figure out how to add images to the forum. Stupid site. )
  6. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37483 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16694 in addition, there are some other packages in ll, but everything is for 2015 max, no support bethesda tools and, accordingly, there is nothing but the kinematics of bones. They say that you can use the official plugins for 2013 max, where there is full support for bethesda tools, but there are no tool descriptions for them, and there is no working rig. there is a very light tool for fo4 skinning. outfit studio. It allows you to rig the mesh to any bones registered in the body slide, paint the weights by hand with a brush, or copy ready-made weights from other meshes.
  7. No, it doesn't work for me. ) Annotations are not stored in nif. Iâm probably missing something. Try it yourself, maybe you will find a reason. But the principle is exactly the same... https://disk.yandex.ru/i/E0x7OhNti_py6A
  8. If the sound is not added in the activator, like a normal sound in ck, then the sound is added in max. Sounds are added to the Dope Sheet as a Note Track to the "Transform" layer in the root mesh, then typed into the Note track "SoundPlay.SoundDescriptorName". I have not tried it myself, but it was explained to me like this. In general, sound is an annotation to an animation actor. The sound is typed in the "On" frame, respectively."sound stop". probably in the "off" frame. No, absolutely no difference where the sound lies. You choose its location in ck in descriptors. Tomorrow I'll try to add sound to the animation and send a doop sheet screen if I succeed.
  9. Well, any year when we don't live in fallout is not bad in reality. ) Happy New Year.
  10. No. I think it has nothing to do with fo4. If you want to try animating bones, you need to ask someone with 2015 max to export the rig to fbx for 2013 max. And deal with the official hkt tools using the hkt2014 manuals.
  11. Does this have to do with fo4? The official plugins have all of the hkt tools for working with bones.But there is no rig for 2013 max and tool descriptions.
  12. I don't know what kind of lantern. An element with self-luminosity is done simply by adding a glow map, texture G. The texture and color of the glow can be added in bgsm file, in the material editor. The texture can be enabled with the Emittance Enabled and Glowmap flags in the material editor. There are two ways to add light. The bsValueNode added in nifskop, and the bsAddOneNode and light for it are added to ck. Or bsConnectPoint of type P-attachLight is added in nifskop and the light for them in ck (with this nif as a model).
  13. I guess I am going to have to learn how to do animations in 3ds max ... Is there a tutorial for creating nifs with different animations in one nif file? (So I could have a "go from position 1 to position 2", "go from position 2 to position 1", "go from position 2 to position 3", "go from position 3 to position 2", ..... all in one nif file, and play the animations with a script) I don't know if there are any tutorial articles or not. I know how to make such nif in max and nifscop. But I donât know how to run sequences with a script later, simply because I donât know how to create scripts. I know for sure that custom sequences can be launched by a script, but I myself am able to use only vanilla sequences in ck. Therefore, I suggested that you study the ready-made mod of the institute's elevator, which implements the control of an animated platform with a large number of sequences and copy the principle from there.If you don't know how to create the nif itself with custom sequences in max, then later, in my spare time, I can write a short description.
  14. it is probably worth making full-fledged animations of all the necessary sequences. The implementation can be viewed in the "glass elevator institute" mod, where 5 floors are implemented (I don't remember exactly) in 10 sequences. There is no fundamental difference in the movement of the platform in space. It's just a matter of working with the animation of the model. Work with a 3D object in max.
  15. Thank you. It works. I will experiment. I would like to get snipers to appear. Careless movement around the city, ideally, should lead to the fact that the bullet came from nowhere and killed. It would be nice if someone completely reworked ai for hardcore. To prevent the npc from screaming, not running under the bullets, but shooting from ambushes and from long distances.
  16. thanks, I'll take a look, but I would just like to know how to change the radius / strength of the alarm parameter. I have made a big rebalance of all weapons, armor, ai packages. If some mod changes something globally, it will take it all.  Open your NPC (Actor) >> AI Data (tab) >> check the checkbox "Aggro Radius Behavior" (Warn: 1024, Warn / Attack: 520, Attack: 500 sould be fine. Here's what they do).  You need to make sure their AI packages also have this checkbox checked (AI Package >> Flags tab >> "Aggro Radius Behavior").  If you'd like to alter the detectibility of an NPC or the Player "globally", you can create and add a Perk to your Actor >> Add new Perk Entry Point >> Choose "Mod Detection Movement" and "Mod Detection Sneak Skill" from the dropdown menu. You can take a look at the vanilla Sneak Perks to see how they work. Thank you. But Agro-radius doesn't work like that. Increasing the values ââonly works if some friendly NPC can see the enemy. For example, if there is a friendly vertibird somewhere within the prescribed values ââ(up to 65k), then all npc run there to fight. But these npcs themselves are still blind and do not see anything.
  17. thanks, I'll take a look, but I would just like to know how to change the radius / strength of the alarm parameter. I have made a big rebalance of all weapons, armor, ai packages. If some mod changes something globally, it will take it all.
  18. Where exactly is the npc attack radius spelled out? For example, vertibird sees enemies far away and flies to attack them. How to increase the reaction distance for all npc? So that they spot the actor / other npc at a great distance and open fire. Because vanilla radii are terrible. They don't see anything at arm's length.
  19. This is ILL. The game will be released in '22. Game on the ue4 engine.
  20. ÃÂ O! There are many reasons for this! ÃÂ 1) The Soviet Union is charismatic. Even without cranberries, it is brutal, charming and at the same time exotic for the western man in the street. ÃÂ 2) The Soviet Union can become an alternative pole for the vanilla game: let's honestly admit that the existing parties to the conflict are, to put it mildly, bland and dull. Whom to choose? An institute from which they completely shamelessly mold such a bogey? Brotherhood of Steel, who were made outright fascists in F4? Moreover, it is also very clumsy. The subway, which seems to be served by good guys, but at the same time with its fanaticism resembles modern SJWs? Moreover, with the efficiency characteristic of SJW for the "rescued": instead of solving the problem as such - erase the memory, killing the former personality, and send a kick to the wasteland. ÃÂ Or maybe go to the helpless and mediocre minutemen? Which, generally speaking, do not at all draw on any sort of sane force. ÃÂ In these conditions, the USSR may seem to some of the players more than a worthy alternative. And for someone - on the contrary, a reason to unite with anyone who can resist the overseas invaders. ÃÂ 3) The introduction of the USSR makes the game world more "dense", more embraced and less "ghostly". ÃÂ 4) This allows you to add new, unusual quests and new equipment, justified by lore. ÃÂ And so on. ÃÂ As for the Bobrov brothers, this is precisely the plot hole. Yes, stereotyped. But this stereotype, the creators of the game pushed it without agreeing with the lore. In the end, having broken common sense and the plot: a nuclear war happened 200 years ago. There were Russians in the USA of this world, not to say that there were many (I suspect that in the modern USA there are ten times more Russians, given how rare they are in the game and how often in real life). With a very high probability they could not form their own diasporas, but those that could ... Well, I think Brighton Beach did not survive :-) ÃÂ 200 years is at least 5 generations of Bobrovs from the moment the bombs fell. 5 generations who had no reason to consider Russian as their main language. ÃÂ 5 generations who spoke mainly English from birth to death. At least bilingual. ÃÂ By the age of 34, my sister speaks fluent English, Russian and German as a native speaker. At a high level - in French. Despite the fact that her native language is Russian and she spoke in it for the first 10 years of her life. ÃÂ I can cite dozens of similar examples if you like. ÃÂ What is important here is something else: in order to speak with the level of accent with which the Bobrovs speak, Russian must be your main language for the last 20-30 years. ÃÂ In the conditions of post-nuclear America, 200 years after the apocalypse, this is simply impossible. I like the Institute. The Institute's problem is that it was cut very hard for release. In the original, until the 15th year, the Institute was more global. I would be interested in restoring all of the original concepts of Bethesda artists. The Institute had its own transports and "sky hunters" on jetpacks with chemical weapons. The first concept art of the Institute was large-scale and had an interesting style. The Institute did not hide, but openly dominated the Commonwealth. In fact, fo4 already has absolutely everything that this game needs. All that is needed is to improve the quality of these factions: their weapons, clothing, their territories / settlements, related quests, vehicles, etc. fo4 is just an uncut, hastily made piece.mods should beautify the world, not replace the world with another. You need your world, not fo4.
  21. it's not about the plot, but why the USSR is needed in the game. Fallout by bethesda is a game about characters and their stories. This is not a game about states and historical events. The scale of the series is small communities and areas of a small game world torn off from each other. We do not know what is going on in the neighboring state ... We have a DiamondCity rat hole in the old stadium that is considered a great city ... But why did we need something in the USSR? The Bobrovs are not plot holes and not sleeping agents; they are just an absurd collective image of a criminal element of Russian origin. Such images are typical of Hollywood. These are minor characters.
  22. Clothes don't need collision. Just pivot the parent mesh 0.0.0. assign material and export as pe weapon. Next, import your helmet and head (BaseFemaleHead) from caracterassets into os. Click on the set reference head so that the caption turns green. Go to the helmet and select Copy bone weights. Remove the set reference from the head. Delete the head mesh. The first time you copy to the mesh, only bones are copied, weights are not copied. Weights do not need to be copied. But if you want to have weights, then you need to copy the bones to the helmet again. Go to "bones", and hold down the alt brush to remove all weights (the brush is configured in the brush settings).Next select one "head" bone and paint over the helmet completely red, one weight - one bone, this is no deformation on movement, solid structure. Save the project. You can immediately export nif, or you can build it in bs by finding your project in the list.
  23. All first-person animations are hands and a camera, and nothing else. My guess is that all the third person animations need to be redone for the first person camera. Lots of animations, and animations with weapons. Probably ... But maybe I misunderstand and there is some simple way. For example, completely disable vanilla first person view, replacing it with some kind of trigger that switches the camera to pseudo first person view, while remaining in third person view. Something similar was done for one of the earlier games.... Don't recall if it was Oblivion, or Morrowind. It was called "Fake First Person", and it essentially was just third person, with the camera locked where the eyes would be. So, you could see your arms, and if you looked down, there was actually a body to be seen.I already did it. Below I have thrown a video. But I don't know how to make the view switch. I donât play first person myself, and I donât need such a neutered camera just for first person. You need some kind of trigger that will actually switch views between two separate camera settings.
  24. You can just make an advanced workbench... Can animate it to move the hydraulics, or even the manipulators. In general, even though an assembly line with a CNC machining center. I plan to make and animate all workbenches in the future. But you probably can't animate the armor with him. Roughly like a workbench for an automotron. The frame will simply stand in place, or hang in place. In one spatial position.
  25. It's easy for me to create a gambling table and animate it, but I don't understand anything about scripts, so I don't know how to synchronize gamebryo animations with havok animations. Just animated nif's with simple sequences, or looped furniture animations that can be assigned a havok animation are the most I can do. If someone who is well versed in papyrus wants to help, then I can easily make a game table with the animation sequences he needs.
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