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Everything posted by South8028

  1. There is no difference between flat and curved. Absolutely the same thing. A curved one is more convenient if it is widescreen. If it's less than 27 inches and 16:9, there's no difference. In fo4 there is no need for 2k, 4k. Apart from straining FPS, this does nothing. The old engine will not demonstrate any miracle in 2k, 4k. But in 3D applications 2K is desirable. 4k is optional, but for 3ds, houdini, blender, maya, I would say 2k is the standard.
  2. This is true. bgs published standards back in '17. In the article about the differences between Fo4 and Skyrim on Steam. The standard was declared as D - dxt1, dxt3, dxt5 nvidea. N,S - bs5 intel. As DiodeLadder noted earlier, Elrich has a dds converter with default formats. I use nvidea and intel texture works plugins. You can use bs7, no problem. And it would make sense... If bgs did at least something for their old shaders in the latest update.
  3. for all sorts of rubbish... Magazines, books, etc... It is best to use a general uv with an offset. One 4k texture can accommodate 64-128 magazine and book covers. Accordingly, by shifting uv in increments of 0.125-0.25, you can select the texture. This is how I organize, for example, all cosmetics, all power tools, all books, all drinks. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Oj5zrPY4Ak2HIA
  4. oh, I see. I thought we were talking about another mod, "Animated Mannequins"... Where there are 200 female and 100 male animations. I'm using this mod. It uses a skeleton without cbp bones. The Zex skeleton does not have a knee fixation. Fixing the knee has nothing to do with cbp. The knee fix is a separate unit that adds space between the femur and tibia bones. Zex doesn't do anything to the knee. It's just that the fg mesh has a knee extended forward, which slightly compensates for the lack of a knee joint in the skeleton. fg also has a thin knee. The knee doesn't break like in cbbe, but it's far from perfect. I don't use fg and cbbe. I have my own body with my own universal skeleton, which contains all the bones from all bodies. My shoulders are much better than the fg and the knee is better tuned because there is a fixed knee and different adaptive morphs. Unfortunately my body has a different problem. The OS grid is inaccurate compared to 3ds. This small error prevents me from making perfect neck and wrist seams. I have had some pretty good gaming results with the neck stitch. But the arms still have stitches. But, most importantly... My body has much more developed genitals than fg. Haha. 18+ https://disk.yandex.ru/d/LE6sBBAphabxOw
  5. If necessary, you can easily add a knee fix to the zex. In fact, you can easily insert any bones into any skeleton. In a regular Nifscope this is done easily. zaz is also far from ideal. TheBottomhoodofSteel is very against using these knots in zaz because it disfigures the BodyTalk legs. In real life, BodyTalk legs are not difficult to correct by adding a morph that compensates for the fixed knee. I support TheBottomhoodofSteel's legitimate claim, but there's nothing stopping everyone, privately, from giving their characters a good knees. About the Mannequins. Does anyone know how to add cbp bones and corrected face bones to them? Mannequins would be more useful if their cbp bones worked. I mean... Tits and butts were bouncing, and the face didn't have that subtle rat mark on it. Regarding mannequins and the knee... I always use a knee fix. The mannequins always didn't care about this fix. No one has ever had any failures from the knee fix. There was a crash due to the enabled ragdoll collision on older PCs. But I have long forgotten about this. There haven't been any problems with mannequins for a long time... Well, except for the fact that they don't use full skeletons.
  6. In my city, when I was in school, there were a bunch of “groups”. Youth gangs were called “groups.” Shaven-headed guys in club jackets, worn-in boots, with bloody bandages tied on their knuckles, wandered around the school as if at home. The teachers were afraid of them like hell. The teachers smiled ingratiatingly at them. There was no control over the gangs. The police didn't care about hooliganism in schools because the country had recently been destroyed and chaos had spilled onto the streets. Who hasn’t seen how crowds of a hundred people break each other’s heads with rebar and bricks... He had a wonderful childhood.
  7. To me, until I was 20 years old, the world seemed big. Then time began to speed up, and I realized that the world was a small room with frightened people. Anyone who starts moving in this room will definitely wake up those around him with his impudent behavior. I mean... That the motives of both saints and scoundrels are simple. There is no point in coming up with a complex philosophy of their behavior when the circumstances of each death are clear and understandable. They just move around because sitting and waiting to die in a crowd without doing anything is tiring.
  8. It sounds too complicated and exoteric. In reality, these are small people, with their fears, simple desires and a total blockade of information... They are surrounded by a crowd of sycophantic pragmatists with whom you are comfortable because they only say what you want to hear and do not say what they really are they think about you. The best description of any elite... This is a pack of rats that hangs at the helm, trying to turn the ships towards their own benefit. Any king in our world is a miserable hostage to his retinue.
  9. I think these are just regular cardboard characters. Their world is TV shows, video games, manga. In reality, such people do not exist. People live like insects. Long-term strategies are meaningless. Born today - tomorrow it’s time to get ready for the cemetery... After 102 years of life, after the 7th heart transplant from a fresh child.
  10. Well, yes... The most important thing for an evil organization is to create nonsense that no one understands. So that no one can understand what they really want to achieve. Yeah... Corporation... So they must want money... Earning capital is the goal of all corporations. But if they don’t need money, if, on the contrary, they spend a lot of money to torture people underground for some reason... Be sure. This is an evil organization.
  11. If I were writing the Fallout 5 script, I would turn to Vernor Vinge. "A Deepness in the Sky". I mean... It's a shame that Fallout has cringe aliens. Aliens are ideal for the role of the global villain of the Fallout world. In "A Deepness in the Sky" the role of the aliens was played by humans. They were secretly present in orbit of the alien planet (the alien society in the novel is similar to the society of people of the 20th century). By controlling the carporatocracy and introducing technology, they led their society towards thermonuclear war. If you think about it, Vault-Tec Corporation's motives and actions are similar in Fallout. Vault-Tec's strategy makes no sense in the context of the desire to gain profit, or power. Their actions are aimed exclusively at studying human weaknesses and unleashing a thermonuclear war. Vault-Tec goal is the destruction of human society.
  12. This could have happened in the fallout world before the war. Dark detective shows require industrial and post-industrial societies, but in the world of fallout, developed communities do not exist. People in the world of Fallout from bgs are an extinct species. Instead of detectives, they will soon need anthropologists and archaeologists. There is a more suitable platform for the Dark Detective setting... Cyberpunk 2077. But I couldn’t play Cyberpunk. I hate 1st person games. I can only play in 3rd person.
  13. Make concept art. I don't know exactly what this plant should look like. Does he have tentacles? Without tentacles it will be a little dreary. Seriously, it's very difficult to make a complex trap with a set of animations. Because it requires hat2014, for which there are no scripts, bones, documentation or anything at all. In general, it is very difficult to collect a new creature. It's easy to make a trap with just one animation. Accordingly, gamebryo for a trap, havok for a victim. It's easy to make a bunch of animations for aaf. Like a flower, a predator mocks its unfortunate victim. That's why tentacles are necessary.
  14. Also an interesting experience. I don't know if a similar method exists for weapons, but animObject can be synchronized without textData. If animObjUnequip is inserted not into the last frame, but into frame 0. Before Load and Draw. I recently discovered this. If this annotation is in frame 0, then the gamebryo animation is always perfectly in sync with havok without generating any text data.
  15. Ummm. I don't know. In my opinion, the combat mechanics in fo4 are one of the simplest. The NPCs are some of the dumbest, if not the dumbest, I've ever seen in a game. You need to set up weapon for one-shot kills and install some mod with bullet time mechanics. For example, the old Scooter mod. In a month you will develop a conditioned reflex. You will reflexively kill crowds of NPCs without straining yourself at all.
  16. This is the same moment as between 1.10.138 and 1.10.162. If you are making something huge, some kind of dlc like London, then you will have to wait. If you are making a mod with new beautiful skirts, then these updates do not concern you.
  17. In general, I did it. Thanks everyone for the advice. NiVisController works great with meshes and bgs nodes. If someone needs it, you can use the resources as you wish. Later I will make more animations with the camera. I will make a tripod for professional photography. I made this model from a photograph of a real press camera. It seems huge, but in reality these cameras were exactly that gigantic in size. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/ULerqZB8LMe_ow https://youtu.be/FSvFxj_BjAY?si=DL4A65B8tpW5zr9r
  18. No, the pipboy's light is weak. I need to make a light with lensFlare. Looks very realistic, like a real flash. I have embedded NiVisController in the way specified by DiodLadder. Using the visibility track in Dope Sheet. In vanilla, animObjects with NiStringExtraData lie at coordinates 0,0,0. But I don't know how the bgs artists attached them to the rig. I can only attach objects with NiStringExtraData physically... By placing them in the desired coordinates and animating them along with the actor. It's tiring. So I'll create a separate invisible AnimObject with a bsValueNode with NiStringExtraData and animate it separately from the camera. There will simply be 2 animObj.
  19. I don't know... Neither method works. Perhaps it was necessary to register animObj on NiStringExtraData and fully animate it. With bones, the animLoop sequence for the glowMap flash works, but the NiVisController doesn't work. I also tried WeaponFire. Probably none of the weapon annotations in animObject are working In general, there is no light. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/E3JUiAbYeum42A P.S. I checked. NiVisController works with NiStringExtraData. I'll have to redo all the animation for animObj with NiStringExtraData. If there is a Skin modifier, then nothing works except uv animation. I was confused by the fact that AutoPlay sequences work on objects with bones. In fact, the sequences work in this case exclusively with uv animation.
  20. Don't know. The problem is that I didn't make this weapon. I don't know the nuances. I tried using cullBone with a different camera model to show/hide the flash grid. In the end it didn't work and I just animated the flash in sync with the havoc animation using auto loop sequences. I'll try your annotation. Also, it would be possible to hide and show the lights as Chuck suggested, using the NiBoolInterpolator (that is, if I show and hide the AddonNode bone on the visibility track in Dope Sheet)... But I don't know how the engine handles bsValueNode . In principle, you can try to make a camera - a weapon. Take exciting screenshots?
  21. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Nvvagns4P62zSw I made a slightly detailed model of ProSnap. ~1000 parts. For animation of an actor-photographer. I need to implement flush. The flash itself is easy to animate. But I don't know how to disable bsValueNode. So that there is not just a uv animation of GlowMap, but real light. Does anyone have any idea?
  22. If you can avoid updating, avoid updating. As far as I understand, this cannot be called an update. This is just another useless patch that won't do anything useful other than take out f4se. Of all the additions to the engine libraries, only support for wide-format monitors is implemented. But modders have been implementing this support without bgs for a hundred years now. There are no really necessary updates. No rtx support, no trace error fixes for reflex refraction shaders. Why the hell does anyone need this update then?
  23. Unfortunately, cullBone does not work with animObject. Abstract "CullBone. name of the bone"? Did I understand correctly?
  24. I didn't like the details of the characters a little. They are scenically groomed. They all look like they're taking part in a post-apocalypse in between pedicures and hair treatments.But overall everything is ok. Not a bad show at all.
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