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Everything posted by niceguy

  1. So I am playing the NWN classic, OC campaign and among many graphical glitches this is the worst. At many places a yellow mist appear and anything in it get's the same yellow color. However, in really severe cases my characters placement marker, the cross like tinge normally at the feet, appears at roof level. When this happens I cannot interact with anything under this "roof" unless I stand outside the affected area and point at it from there. I have searched the web but have found no cases with other people having similar problems. It may be a common bug but I just cannot figure out the right search word for it and thus find nothing. Does anyone know what is about? Apparently installing this fixed my problems. This is essentially new graphics more fitting for a modern computer, IGN are up again but maybe only momentarily so get it fast if you need. There are also other similar soulotions. http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Hakpaks.Detail&id=7848
  2. I recently rebought NWN classic with expansions and all. I love the story but the graphics really are aged, and to make it worse, my gigantic screen shows this in my face to such a higher degree. So the question is, can this be improved? I am not talking om new modules using new placables but rather new placables set to replace the old ones. Or perhaps updated versions of the old ones. I do not know how much the old engine can handle but surely our computers today can handle more then the game was designed for. To show more what I got in mind I give you this link to a Skyrim mod following my line of idea, as an example: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8655/? I understand that this would be a massive undertaking so I suggest a gradual process of improving textures and models, some models are plain silly and not even easier for the engine to handle, just look at the city walls in Neverwinter, a more simple wall with a nice texture would actually look better then the one the game use. Thus some graphics improvements could actually lead to simpler graphics. As a result, this would be be a series of mods under one roof rather then a single mod since it to much to expect one person to do it all. Any ideas?
  3. Eventually you get pointed to this new site: http://neverwintervault.org/ I hope it will be a good one, I understand that they are in the process of taking over the goods but links still points to the old vault. I really hope we can get access again soon since I recently re bought a digital copy of classic NWN to be able to play this treasure trove of adventures with horrible graphics. Well seriously, the graphic problem goes away fast if the story is good. Just like a good movie does not need to rely on special effects, thou those are welcome as well. Maybe the community could take a bite at improving it with replacement stuff?
  4. There is no need for any special "abilities" if one want to save some dwemer from destruction. Morrowind included a living dwemer after all, he had the good fortune to not be on Mundus when the rest of his race dissapeared. Now IF some dwemer figured out that using the Heart of Lorkhan would be a bad idea then guess would could happen, they could save themself in a similar fasion. Open up a portal to, say Oblivion, enter and stay there momentarily, then return home. If they reapperead at a much later time then when they entered, then maybe they have just returned.
  5. First step, make sure that followers accept yields, so far they ALWAYS kill them for me. Any offical non monster bounties should be able to complete with taking the target prisoner and "bringing them in". Tell the Jarls steward that they guards have the perp in custody instead of claming to have killed them. Some people should know that there is no way that the law are going to let them live, and thus they would fight to the death, other would figure they can do the time or pay their fines. Random bandits should be "sellable" to the holds guards regardless of pre posted bounty. Non offical bounties are always for the kill thou, there is a reason why people are hiring mercenaries on their own rather then getting the local law enforcement to do it. If a bandit have bought of the law, bringing them in would be pointless. However, accepting yields and "bringing them in" on a quest to recover something they stolen should be ok. That kaijith guard only wanted his amulet back, he didn't ask us to kill the bandits. For extra fun, dissalow fast travel when dragging prisoners.
  6. Basically pointing towards whatever you asked for, if you are close enough for them to know the way. This could be interesting for "map free" navigation.
  7. Seems you are after leading an army of your own in the civil war.
  8. I get the impression that they are warmblooded, thus not reptiles. I suggest classifying them as intelligent, humanoid dinosaurs. It seem highly likely that dinosurs where indeed warmblooded, just as the today surviving dinosaurs, the birds, are. There are also some rare examples of egg laying mammals thou most such species are extinct now. Argonians can breathe in water as well as walk on dry land so they are indeed amphibian.
  9. I would go for Summer set Isles. The Thalmor are doing a good job of making themself unpopular in both Valenwood and Elsweyr. Once the truth comes out, like they had nothing to do with the return of the moons, the purges and that they stole credit for Martin Septims accomplishment and his sacrifice during the Oblivion crisis the Thalmor are toast! Simple math tells me that the Thalmor are mainly made up of long lived elves, and slow to regrow their numbers. Their "victory" against the Empire are probably a Pyrric victory. The Empire can bread a new generation of soldiers rapidly, the Aldmeri Dominion cannot. I would start a new game on the Summerset Isles after the defeat of the Thalmor and put them under Imperial occupation. The Thalmor would still exist but be reduced to a terrorist organization spending most of their time assassinating "collaborators" and imperial officials along with random civilians, just because! The Empire and it allies, in an effort of gaining control of the isles have started to clean out their prisons and use the Isles as a prison colony, to change it's population makeup, YOU the player start on a prison ship on your way to be deported there. You can freely interact with other prisoners, both deportees like yourself and some Dominion POW's on their way to be repatriated to their homeland. Your best "friend" is such a POW who tell you of the horrors he met fighting a losing war against a people that hated him. he tells you that he are grateful for the Imperial troops that saved him from ending up on the receiving end of a lynchmob. His Justicar commanding officers didn't have the same luck thou, not that those bastards deserved any mercy anyway, Your friend will tell you some interesting tidbits of his homeland and since he likes you, offer to help you out to fit in. Once you are satisfied interacting with your fellow prisoners you use your bed to sleep and wake up arriving to to your destination. Forced on to a courtyard with other prisoners you soon get released onto the isles, with a small sum of gold in your pocket and a promise of a basic job somewhere, for until you can find something better. Now this game would be heavily influenced with the aftermath of the "War of terror", this is a land under foreign occupation and all sorts of problems stem from this. The Empire cannot leave until the Thalmor are gone but they keep showing their ugly face everywhere, sabotaging any effort to rebuild the country. This would essentially be the fantasy version of Iraq or something. Enjoy trying to survive in this hellhole. The main quest revolves around reforming the nation, something that require the the defeat of the Thalmor remnant and other extremist groups. Allying with moderate groups and acting as a "kingmaker" helping to rebuild the nation.
  10. Your characters name first and foremost would reflect your characters cultural background rather then race. Brand-Shei is a dunmer merchant in Riften raised by argonians so they gave him an argonian name, thou I got no idea what it means.
  11. In sort of defense of bikini "armors", In the real world they would be "Clothing". Incidentally "Clothing" is what soldiers have to deal with for most of human history. Actual armor is expensive and also completely useless until you are hit by something. In ancient antiquity soldiers usually had a flimsy shield, a weapon and no armor! Once high penetrating weapons became common, it usually where better to forgo armor altogether since they where slowing you down more then worth, High powered crossbows, primitive muskets and mass conscription killed the armored knight. In the early 19th century, the Napoleonic wars, only some cavalry had armor, and that was just a breastplate. So if we are fans of flimsy clothing we need to create a culture and level of technology that support them. I am strongly against giving a "bikini" and their male equivalents stats of plate armor but count them as clothing and it work. Especially in a magic world where the wearer may be part mage and simply summon protective wards. In the end, armor is really only "needed" if you are doing formation fighting where dodging enemy attacks may not be feasible. If you have a mobile fighting style, and preferably at range, you have less need of armor. Besides, I guess it would be common for civilians to arm themselves against bandits but few would don actual armor. Thus the problem isn't the chainmail bikinis, it that we give the stats of actual armor. The moral issue of them however is another problem altogether.
  12. I gave Aranea Lenith the rebuke spells, excellent against undead but she keep trying it against the living.
  13. In response to post #8163889. #8163953, #8164016, #8164166, #8164493, #8164518 are all replies on the same post. File downloads are supposed to fail near completion, it's a law of computing, it has been so since the computer was invented!
  14. Here I am, finally paying for a premium membership and almost instantly forum goes down! The timing felt hilarious, maybe I should have staid as a freeloader. :P In any case I suggest you start a collection for that upgrade, I already bought a lifetime membership but I guess I could add a bit more if needed.
  15. There are some aborted events in the game and it would be interesting to have something of that reinstated. An example I am unable to join the Stormcloaks without betraying Jarl Balgruuf, this annoys me to no end and IF events had gone as originally planned this would not be an issue. Apparently the "Wispering door" quest where to supposed to be way greater and Mephala, would lure Balgruufs children into murdering their father. According to uesp.net: "Hrongar was set to replace Balgruuf when the latter is killed by his children during "the whispering door" However, this part of the quest was not implemented in the final game, so it never happens." Well it would be nice if it DID happen, that would give us a jarl with STRONG Imperial ties and one we do not have any loyalty bonds to. It would also free up Irileth to become a possible follower. Actually I sort of suspect that Jenassa may have been created as a replacement for a non recruitable Irileth. Another possibility would be to let jarl Balgruuf form a third faction in the civil war and becoming High King himself. Top it of with him marrying Elisif and Ulfric, having secured an Independent Skyrim return to High Rothgar to become a Greybeard.
  16. Having played moddable roleplaying games for ages, well since Bauldurs Gate at least, I seen a mysterious lack of alternate voices mods in Skyrim. As a result. we get a huge bunch of follower mods that use the same voices and that is unimmerseive to say the least. But as I remember it, some of those additional voices for those past games where really well made and are still downloadable from various places on the web. My suggestion is that authors of these older mods voice mods are contacted and asked for permission for their mod to be used here, if permission can be gained. The goal would be a special "additional voices" mod that follower mods could use as a source for their voices. This voice mod would then get updates from various sources from time to time, be it new recordings, old mods or ripped from other games when the owner so allow (probably rare). Now imagine a generic follower that have a personal setting where you choose their voice! SO if you use multiple followers and find that two sound the same, just ask one to make a voice change. As I noted above, gaining permission from actual games may be difficult but it would be fun asking a character to sound like Minsc, "Butt kicking for goodness!"
  17. Ever seen the icebergs up there? Would you like to swim there? Some mods will kill you if you try. Still some sirens and mermaids would be fun, to bad they need defrostants in their blood. But hey, go for it!
  18. I suggest you take a look at this, it adds a lot more insects into the world. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4955
  19. actually this is already explained, the falmer lived som many time in the ruined underground, that became that beauty you see today Time itself did not corrupt the falmer, but some process that took place during this time did. The question is what.
  20. I need to pay for them but apart from that I have not noticed any requirements., I assume I use something that change that but I got no idea what that is. Unofficial skyrim patch, convenient horses are always on for me so something there may have removed requirements I did not even know I had. LOL, I must have been tired writing the above. I now see that this topic is about houses, not horses...
  21. As I understand it, the dwemer blinded the falmer but their degeneration to the monsters we see today was done as a slow process over many generations. The question is why? Is it something deep below the Blackreach that corrupts them? Some kind of eldrich abomination maybe? Or maybe the corruption is just done in a mundane way by spores in the air in the black reach and we find areas with blind but non corrupted falmers below the Blackreach. In this case they may be in desperate need of aid against their corrupted brethren.
  22. There is one near Solstheim, Morrowinds new capital Blacklight. While Mournhold have been reclaimed it is no longer the capital of Morrowind, perhaps due to it's location dangerously close to the Black Marsh. I guess that the easiest way to do it is to surround it with a city wall and place it in it's own worldspace, then simple let us get there on boat from Skyrim and Solstheim. This could be an good way to have some city based adventures. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Blacklight
  23. I usually avoid posting in here but I think this idea would aid the community. There are a large bunch of addon races to choose from but many of them do not really seem to actually require new bodies/skins, Thease are also commonly given a lore as related to a standard race. In thease cases, when the goal is just to add a new set of abilities maybe a different approch could be to start a characer normally and then use a buff of sort to add thease abilities instead maybe in by sort of washing away the normal racial abilites and replace them by, say reading a scroll shortly after character creation. Hypotetical buff added subrace: frost dunmer: When the falmer was exterminated or driven underground, some small number of them managed to flee to Morrowind. Generations of integration with their hosts have made them now look just like any other dunmer and are recogniced as such. However, they have a lesser degree of fire resistance then other dunmer and a small potion of cold resistence to compensate. Now with a background like that one may argue that some fled to Valenwood intead. Thus the scroll could be usable by both dunmer and bosmer. In both cases the standard racial abilites are replaced with new ones made to refect their mixed blood. The reason for my suggestion is to avoid cluttering race selection and only races that really need their own spot should be there. This way one could also widen the scope on other racial projects, for instance the popular Temptress race are supposed to be altered nords. If my suggested method had been used, then they would have been recoqnized as nords, immensly increasing immersion. This would also allow the same alteration to be done to other races.
  24. That is something else entirely, still both type of visor mods would probably become popular, if done right.
  25. Unless "Live another life" have been changed it will not work. I tried to do the Civil war first, Stormclak side and I rapidly got to a point where I was sent to Whiterun to send a message to Jarl Balgruf. I could not do so until I gone thru and done the Dragon Rising quest. I did it this way in the hope of doing the Stormcloak side without betraying Jarl Balgruf but I was forced to end up as his thane and thus had to betray him.
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