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Status Updates posted by AlienSlof

  1. What's on my mind? What mind? :P
  2. Love your new mod! Please, please, make more man mods! :D
  3. Nope, not me. I'm AlienSlof from, well, here.
  4. new cat - pix, I want pix! ;)
  5. Hey Milt! *waves* :)
  6. Yes I have, not installed it yet as I'm testing some companions for Ob. :)
  7. Glad you like the new skins. They took me a long time, and it's very gratifying to see others liking them. :)
  8. Thanks, and glad you like them! That mod was 6 months in the making - in between gaming sessions. :)
  9. A bug? PM me with your screenie please, so I can zap it into nothingness! :)
  10. Check your inbox, bud. ;)
  11. I really WOULD have problems if I had to shave! :D
  12. Nernerner ner ner! ;)
  13. Nah, I'm just very ordinary: short, plump, black hair, etc, etc. Wouldn't win any beauty contests, but not butt-ugly either. :)
  14. I don't have short hair any more. That pic is years old - I now have long hair and have done for years. :)
  15. They replied with: 'meeepmeepmeepmeep mewmewmewmewmew squeak *silent meep*'
  16. She even has the black eyeliner thing going on! Milo has no tail though! ;)
  17. Trolls are a sad reflection on today's narrow-minded society, and parents' refusal to take responsibility for their own children. There are always some bad apples in any society, but it does feel sometimes that they are getting worse. I blame the do-gooders who cry about parents disciplining their kids, and soft laws passed by people afraid to offend.
  18. You're quite welcome!
  19. You're quite welcome! How can I resist anyone who likes men THAT much? :D
  20. We're all doing pretty good! The older guys are complaining at the kitten, but they'll get over it! :)
  21. That is part of the armour - all my armours that have his tackle on show use the big model. The boners mod is set up as clothes and is mainly for use with screenshots or sex mods. :)
  22. It's a small world! ;)
  23. Yep - spent all weekend playing Civ 4 with my man. Such a fun way to chill and make war at the same time! ;)
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