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Everything posted by Pevey

  1. Sorry you guys are having problems. The cynic in me thinks Microsoft is just getting back at Gabe for calling MS out on it's really dumb business moves lately. "Oh, did we break your little application? We're soooo, soooo sorry. Really. This was TOTALLY unexpected." Methinks Valve will win in the end. MS seems to want to be the next RIM.
  2. There's also this mod, which has a dealer in Solitude: Complete Solitude
  3. Thanks, good to know how you resolved the problem for future use. Thanks for closing the loop.
  4. Hi, everyone. If any of you have interest in creating music for the Skyrim community, I would love to have some additional custom bard songs for Become a Bard. They can be voiced or just instrumental. There's room for a variety of styles--jigs, traditional drinking songs, ballads, flamenco, etc.--just no electronica or anything else obviously modern. Also, it's best if the musical arrangement is somewhat simple to keep it realistic for a wandering minstrel type of character with up to one follower for accompaniment. If you're interested, please shoot me a PM. Thanks.
  5. Samsung 830. (Yes, 830, as in three-zero.) They're still available on Amazon.
  6. Jedo, If you don;t mind, by what process exactly did you merge the other object? And by 3ds Max file, do you mean one with extension .3ds? I'm just curious about this method. Thanks.
  7. Looks fantastic. I know this must have been a ton of work.
  8. My advice, for whatever it's worth: 1) Start small and build from there. You know, get that first "hello world" mod under your belt. 2) The Creation Kit wiki will become one of your very best friends. Visit her often: http://www.creationkit.com/ ;) 3) The mod talk thread here and the Creation Kit thread at the official Bethesda Skyrim forums are good places to go when you are stumped with very specific problems. If you read a few of the older posts, you will get a sense of which types of questions get responses and which don't. (Hint: be as specific as possible, and explain what you've tried so far that hasn't worked.) With respect to your specific question, on the consumable object, you will need to use a http://www.creationkit.com/Papyrus'>Papyrus script attached either to the object or (more complex approach, maybe to try down the road) to the player as a quest alias. To do what you're looking to do, you will need to do a good bit of scripting, so I would start by working through some of the Papyrus tutorials.
  9. You can reference gold without making it a property. MiscObject Gold001 = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000000F, "Skyrim.esm") Note: I don't know that this method is less resource-intensive than using a property. it may actually be less efficient.
  10. This is a good question. If you haven't already done so, I would also post in the Creation Kit section over at the Bethesda Skyrim forums. There are a few gurus who hang out over there pretty regularly, and I seem to remember there being a question like this a while back.
  11. Most of these are related to Frostfall. Possibly, you had an older version, uninstalled, and then installed again? Because I also run Frostfall, and it doesn't write any errors to the log except with compatibility checks, which are intended. Remember that if you start a new game, you have to start absolutely from scratch, or it will have the old mods baked in.
  12. Right when Skyrim loads, and before you even select a specific save game, Skyrim loads all the mods in the Data folder. If you are getting a CTD before selecting a save, there is an error in loading the mods. Kohlefalke is correct that it is extremely likely that the issue is a missing master. If you run BOSS, it should point out the issue. You can also check manually. Often times, the cause of this is uninstalling a mod but forgetting to uninstall a small patch mod that relies on that bigger mod as a master. For instance, you have mod A and mod B, and a patch that makes mod A and B work together. If you uninstall either A or B, you need to uninstall the patch. Edit: Salawow beat me to it.
  13. Did you install Skyrim from Steam or from somewhere else?
  14. Yeah, it's more a matter of what the scripts DO and how well they are written, which is unfortunately not an easy thing for people to assess. A mod could have a lot of really tiny scripts that are called dialogue fragments or quest fragments. The overhead on those is going to be minimal. If player head tracking isn't that important to you, that would be a good one to shut down. (Not because there is anything at all wrong with the mod--it's just that what is does requires constant probing, via scripts, of what npcs are closest to you.) You also might want to consider swapping Wet & Cold for the less resource-intensive mod Get Snowy.
  15. Hmm, at least now you have a clean CK install? Trying to find a bright side. ;)
  16. Make sure you don't have anything typed in the filter window. For example, if your NPCs name is Fred, don't type Fred in the filter and find him that way. Instead, go to Actor and just scroll until you find him. I'm not sure why this makes a difference, but it seems to.
  17. It's showing as blocked for me. Sounds like maybe the author temporarily didn't have it tagged correctly, but then fixed it.
  18. This is most often caused by too many hair, eye, etc mods. I don't know much about the issue since I don't use those, but I think there are some workarounds. Just google for Skyrim chargen memory problems. Or disable those mods temporarily to see if they are really the problem.
  19. I can't tell you what caused it, but it seems likely that your character's animation state got screwed up. Basically, the game thinks you are standing somewhere else. This is most often caused by animation mods, but it can be caused by any mod that uses debug.sendanimationevent() without appropriate safety checks (because this function overrides the normal safety checks, you have to do your own) and/or one of the setanimationvariable() functions.
  20. Ah, you're in good hands. Go here: http://www.evga.com/support/warranty/ You will need to have your original invoice. You don't need the box as the serial number is on the physical card itself. Just sign up, register your card, and then request an RMA. You can do it all online. Edit: And by "original invoice," I mean you can print out your invoice from Newegg, etc, and that counts.
  21. What brand is it? Some will cross-ship for a fee, I think. Also, the warranty period may be longer than ou think. It's not a 30-day thing. It's usually way longer.
  22. Chesko (author of Frostfall and other mods) just announced a rogue companion mod that will have a "regard" system. he specifically mentioned Bioware games as inspiration. Sounds awesome. The thread is at the Bethesda Skyrim forum under "Mod Talk."
  23. I think you need to consider RMAing your video card. Occasionally, even with great cards, one can have issues. I mentioned earlier in the thread that i have two 680s in sli and had to RMA one a while back. First video card I've had to RMA ever, and took me a long time to finally come to the conclusion it was the card. The thing with two cards is you can swap them out to see if one is causing the issues. Since they are supposed to be identical, you can isolate whether the problem is with your card versus the software or lther hardware. I noticed during all this that skyrim is especially sensitive. Most other programs ran fine. Borderlands 2 ran mostl fine with only very occasional CTDs. With skyrim, I would go about 30 minutes before seeing some purple textures and soon after that CTD. I did notice that certain texture mods, which I won't name because the problem was really with my card, caused me to CTD much, much faster than others. My setup is rock solid now, but I still avoid some of those mods.
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